Developing managers' influence in organizations success and the need to improve their performance necessitated designing manager' development systems, which, one of its solutions is to recognize and analyze their roles. From sociologists' point of view, role theory comes from comparing social life with the play; in another word, just as actors on the stage are expected to play their role well, the role is simply a behavior that is expected from people according to their position. Meanwhile the importance of ministers' roles isn't concealed to anyone. Ministers-at the top of politics and management-are managers of large organizations called ministries whose smallest decisions can have great effects; Therefore, lack of their role model, not only prevents them from optimal performance and puts them in a lot of ambiguities and conflicts, but also slows the progress of organizations; Therefore, this study addressed designing a role model for I. R. I. minister of Research, Science and Technology. For this purpose, 42 experts were interviewed and their ideas were analyzed by thematic analysis which resulted in 15 organizing themes and 5 general themes as follows: policy-making role, executive role, political role, public relations role, and international role.