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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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The present study is aimed towards identification the indices of desirable teaching and learning methods in regard with the Humanity Courses for universities and the extent to which these indices are attention. In the present study, exploratory mixed-methods research was used. In the quantitative section, a case study method and in the quantitative section, a descriptive-survey method was employed. For the qualitative section, we underwent quasi-structured interviews with 20 distinguished and qualified experts and faculty members of universities having their expertise in Teaching and Learning methods. Also, 360 of the students of universities comprised the quantitative statistical population. This number of participants was selected using multistage cluster sampling method. The research data were collected in a quantitative part through a researcher-made questionnaire extracted from the qualitative section. To examine the reliability of interview questions and questionnaires, we recruited formal and content reliability. And, we used Cronbach's alpha coefficients to evaluate the validity of our questionnaires. We also employed the Structural and interpretative methods in the qualitative section and descriptive and inferential statistics in the quantitative section to wage on analyzing the data. The results indicated that the interviewees outlined fourteen indices as the salient indices of Teaching and Learning methods and it can be argued that the recognized indices can be recruited to evaluation and revise the Teaching and Learning methods of courses in different majors of the humanities. The quantitative findings also indicated that the range and degree of attention and corresponding to the indices of teaching and learning methods seem to be less than desirable. Therefore, it necessarily requires far more significant attention.

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Entering educational centers is an important event in the life of every child that most times it is necessary for the person to adapt to the resulting changes and related requirements. During the transition from home to school, the child on the one hand strives to meet greater independence and autonomy and must adapt to new friends, tasks, tasks, and roles. Adaptation refers to the experience of students with special problems in the educational environment and the coping methods they used to intervene with stress because children's moods are strongly associated with important variables such as academic performance, social development, and their behavioral adaptation, Therefore, understanding the mood characteristics of children in childhood is of particular importance. Children who have difficulty adapting to the structure of the school environment, when they first enter the social or school environment, often face difficulties in school that affect their individual and social moods and behaviors. Therefore, creating a positive mood path in the early years of childhood, especially at school age, is very important. One factor that can affect the adaptation and help them grow is moral intelligence. Moral intelligence determines the moral trajectory of the individual in life and education and prevents the occurrence of delinquent and illegal acts and leads to the observance of ethics in decisions. Moral intelligence is considered a turning point for all intelligence and, in fact, vital intelligence for all human beings. Therefore, the present study investigated the effect of teaching moral intelligence through storytelling on the academic, social, and emotional adjustment of students. The method of the present study was quasi-experimental with pretest and post-test design with a control group. The statistical population included all sixth-grade male students in District 4 of Ahvaz in the academic year 2017-17. To determine the sample suitable for psychoeducational interventions, 20 people were considered for each group and a multi-stage cluster sampling method was used. In the first stage, one district was selected from the four education districts of Ahvaz, and in the next stage, one school was selected from the schools of the selected district. Finally, two classes from the mentioned school were selected as the last sample. And witnesses were assigned that the number of each class was 20. To conduct the research, first, the necessary coordination was done with education in Ahvaz, and by referring to primary schools and selecting a statistical sample and identifying the two experimental and control groups, educational, social, and emotional adjustment questionnaires were administered as a pre-test for both groups. The experimental group then underwent a moral intelligence training program in a storytelling way and the control group did not receive any intervention. One week after the intervention process, academic, social, and emotional adjustment questionnaires were administered again for both experimental and control groups as a post-test. Inclusion criteria included: having informed consent to participate in the study. Exclusion criteria included: unwillingness to continue cooperation. In order to comply with the ethical principles, all participants completed the questionnaires with informed consent, and it was also ensured that the information obtained from the questionnaires would remain confidential. Data collection tools were Baker and Cyriac educational adjustment questionnaires, Bell social adjustment and emotional adjustment of Rabio et al., Which had appropriate validity and reliability. The obtained data were analyzed by descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistics (multivariate analysis of covariance) by SPSS software version 22. Prior to data analysis, they reviewed to make sure that the data met the underlying assumptions of covariance analysis. Assuming that the level of significance of the relationship between pretest and post-test for academic adjustment was equal to r = 0. 68, social the adjustment was equal to r = 0. 53 and emotional adjustment was equal to r = 0. 71. According to the got data, the assumption of linearity is established for the research variables. With multiple non-alignment, the correlation between academic, social, and emotional adjustment pretests in the range between 0. 7 and 0. 23 was obtained (p <0. 005), so we can say that the assumption of non-all Multiple lines between auxiliary variables (covariates) are observed. Results of multivariate analysis of covariance on subjects in experimental and control groups in the post-test stage show that there is a significant difference between the experimental and control groups in terms of dependent variables in at least one of them, at the level of P 000. 001. To find out the difference, they performed an analysis of covariance in MANCOVA text. Results of analysis of covariance in MANCOVA text on academic, social and emotional adjustment scores of experimental and control groups in the post-test stage show there is a significant difference between the subjects of the experimental and control groups in the dependent variables so that teaching moral intelligence through storytelling has been able to significantly increase academic, social, and emotional adjustment. (p <0. 001) The experimental group was more effective than the control group in the post-test stage. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of teaching moral intelligence through storytelling on students' academic, social, and emotional adjustment. As the results showed, teaching moral intelligence through storytelling was able to significantly differentiate between the level of academic, social, and emotional adjustment of students in the pretest and post-test. This finding was consistent with the results of earlier research (Holder & Klassen, 2010; Salley, Miller & Bell, 2013). In explaining these findings, it can say that children with adaptation problems, especially in interpersonal issues; they deprived of having a proper behavior pattern and correct moral standards and could not learn the right way and conscience in interacting with others. Having strong moral convictions enables people to do the right thing, to keep their actions consistent with their values and beliefs, to do well, which paves the way for an academic adjustment.

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With the advent of e-learning, various studies have emphasized that the role and characteristics of an e-learning teacher are very different from the role and characteristics of a traditional class teacher. As a result, many studies have been done to identify and explain the effective characteristics of the teacher in the effectiveness of e-learning. Most of the studies that were reviewed by the authors, have examined and studied one or more factors related to the teacher that have been effective in the effectiveness of e-learning. Since the approach of these studies were quantitative methods and the researchers used questionnaire tools to collect data, as a result, a limited number of influential factors were examined and explained. Only, examining one or more influential factors related to the teacher in the effectiveness of e-learning causes that the synergistic effects of these factors on each other are ignored. Because many of these factors interact with each other and influence on each other. While, studies with a qualitative approach also identify factors that are synergistic with each other and certainly the number of these factors is more than the factors identified in the quantitative approach. Also, the identified factors will be studied and explained according to the context and conditions in Iranian universities. As a result, a deep study of the subject will be done. For this reason, the present study identifies the influential factors of the teacher in e-learning according to the experience of expert instructors in e-learning courses. Therefore, the main question of this study is: what are the influential factors related to the teacher in the effectiveness of e-learning? The present research paradigm is interpretive. The approach of this study is qualitative and its strategy is phenomenology. Faculty members and instructors of e-learning courses in educational sciences and educational psychology in public universities in Tehran, formed the community of this study. Using criterion-based purposeful sampling method, 12 people were selected as the research sample and data were collected through semi-structured interviews until the researcher achieved theoretical saturation, and in the twelfth interview, theoretical saturation was achieved. They have been experts in the field of e-learning and have done a lot of research in this field. Also, their field of study have been education or educational psychology, that is, they have specialized in the field of andragogy and pedagogy. Also, the questions designed based on STAR and 5W1H techniques. In addition to these questions, complementary questions were also asked to clarify the answers in order to gain a deep understanding of them. Data obtained from the interview were analyzed by qualitative content analysis method in three stages of code, subcategory and category. The interviews were first implemented and then reviewed to identify and codify the meaning units to answer the main research question. In the next step, the codes that were semantically close together were merged and as a result, the sub-categories were formed. In the last stage, the sub-categories that were semantically close to each other were merged and the categories were formed. In order to ensure the validity of the findings, the member checking method was used, that is, the coding process was reviewed by a subject expert and a specialist in qualitative research. Of course, it should also be noted that the coding process by the researchers has been a long and precise process with a lot of reflection. Also, early conclusions were avoided. In the same process, codes, sub-categories and categories were modified and revised. By performing the above steps, 8 sub-categories and 4 categories were identified. The categories identified in this study are: “ Facilitate the learning process” ; “ Prepare strategies to motivate and interest the learner” ; “ Teacher’ s knowledge” and “ Psychological characteristics of the teacher” . And the subcategories in this study include the following: “ Facilitate the active participation of learners in the learning process” ; “ Facilitate interaction between learners” ; “ Perform activities and skills to increase student’ s sense of presence in the teaching process” ; “ Active response before, during and after e-learning class” ; “ Teacher’ s technological knowledge” ; “ Teacher’ s subject knowledge” ; “ Teacher’ s attitude towards the effectiveness of e-learning” ; “ Teacher’ s interest and enthusiasm towards technology and teaching through it” . A significant point that can be deduced from these results is the synergistic interaction of these factors on each other. This synergy can be expressed as follows, the teacher’ s positive attitude towards the effectiveness of e-learning affects the interest and enthusiasm of the teacher to use these technologies in the process of teaching and learning. Because if someone believes in the efficiency and effectiveness of something, this belief and attitude will certainly be shown in her/his feelings and interests, and consequently in her/his external behavior. Therefore, the teacher’ s external behavior leads to the role of facilitator in the learning process, i. e. facilitating the participation of the learners and facilitating interaction between the learners. Also, the teacher adopts strategies to increase the learner’ s sense of presence and focus in the e-learning class. As a result, the teacher is available to solve the learner’ s problems and answer his or her questions and follow up to solve the learner’ s problems. Certainly, subject knowledge and technological knowledge are the necessary requirements for a teacher to enter these courses. If the teacher does not have subject knowledge, she/he cannot teach the specified content. If she/he does not know how to work with technology, she/he cannot enter the e-learning class. Therefore, it is necessary that instructors who are selected to teach in e-learning courses in universities need to be trained about the advantages and disadvantages of these courses in order to become familiar with their capabilities and efficiency. As a result, they begin to teach in these courses with a positive attitude and vision. Also, they become familiar with the tasks and strategies that should be done in these courses, as a result, use them in their teaching process in order to provide the necessary conditions for achieving the desired results and the effectiveness of these courses as much as possible. As a result, it is suggested that managers and planners of e-learning courses at universities should consider these factors when choosing instructors for their e-learning courses.

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The aim of this study is to identify and summarize teaching methods in the education process is according to the Holy Quran. The Holy Quran has always been an important source of research for Islamic scholars throughout the history of Islamic science and civilization, and through this, numerous sciences and disciplines have been established and developed over time. It is also the most important criterion for measuring and judging scholars who have reached the Islamic community through translation or otherwise. This divine book can direct humanity at any time to direct humanity and provide humanitarian guidance to all classes of human society at any age. Therefore, in order to heal all the threats that threaten his human and spiritual life, man must resort to the Qur'an in order to fulfill his lofty goals and great ideas. It is to think, so that in this heavenly book it is thought of as wise. Another divine educational tradition in this book is that it guides mankind to the prosperity of his life by showing him the way. According to Allama Tabatabai (RA) (1984), "It is necessary for God to determine the direct intention of his servants in order to lead them to happiness and salvation. " It is guidance and education, it has ordered many methods for human education. From the method of inner transformation through the giving of insight and inviting faith and the method of apparent change to create the inner transformation to the method of debate and sermon and the practical and spoken method, has been emphasized in the noble Quran. Considering that education has contributed to the destiny of society and at all stages of its development, and has always expanded itself, as well as carrying and carrying the noblest human aspirations and an unbreakable link with the greatest victories of the great societies of human history. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the appropriate method with the help of the Holy Qur'an in order to achieve the desired goals in the course of the given circumstances. Choosing the right teaching methods allows teachers to choose a framework that fosters student interest, challenges intellectual processes, and creates a space where they are cautious, rather than spending class time recalling and remembering them. And passivity replaces active thinking and dialogue. It can be said that teaching is an activity that is at the focal point of all the educational elements as the driving force of the formal learning process. And there are dozens of ways to do it. Undoubtedly, this matter has been adhered to by the highest authority in the teaching of the Holy Qur'an and used in the highest ways for this purpose. And the science's job is to help the learner get to the simple to complex layers of science. On the other hand, given the changes in the world, the education system needs to extricate itself from static methods and adapt to environmental changes in order to sustain itself and remain dynamic in such conditions. Give. If the education system, regardless of the environmental conditions, wants to use certain methods forever, it has prepared itself for its own destruction. Therefore, the Qur'an, which has been bestowed upon God by man for education, contains various methods of education used for the flourishing of the human nature, for the Quran is the language of nature and of the human heart. He speaks and wants to transform her from within. To this end, it has used a variety of cognitive, emotional, and behavioral methods that can be subdivided into cognitive, emotional, and behavioral methods. In the process of educational activities, teachers and school principals are key elements in the transformation of the workforce. Therefore, they must be efficient and effective. Trainers are efficient and effective educators who are familiar with theories, principles, principles and methods of education and provide an environment with artistic and contingent insights that, instead of imparting information and imposing thought, a sense of security, competence, Enhance self-control and self-development in learners so that they can be the architects of their own education. However, many accepted teaching practices are influenced by past teaching methods based on traditional viewpoints, which essentially teach the practice of 'expressing' and presenting facts and information to learners. They are considered. But traditional education as a separate, independent curriculum cannot meet the needs of education in the 21st century. Given the importance of Quranic teachings in reaching humanity for the ultimate goal of creation and life of the Tayyeb, the Qur'an has been expressed as one of the first and most important values of education in the education system of the Islamic Republic of Iran. As stated in the document on the fundamental evolution of education, in relation to education and its most important educational purpose: "The most important educational goal of an Islamic society is to adhere to the ethical and humane virtues and virtues of the Qur'an. " Methodology: This research is of descriptive-inferential type and the necessary information has been extracted by referring to the available and valid books and sources that contain the desired materials related to the subject. In this study, the main source is the Holy Quran and other books, including interpretations related to the Quran, were considered secondary sources. In the present study, statistical tests are not used, the method of data analysis was mainly based on citation or argument. Data collection was done by taking notes from the verses of the Holy Quran and translating verses, commentary books, books on Islamic education and textbooks, and teaching methods and educational articles prepared in this field, and then based on the questions raised in the research has been identified and classified. Conclusion: The research results indicated that the methods of thinking, questioning and answering, discussion, role-playing, memorization, scientific rotation and group research, drama, laboratory, as well as the use of proverbs and similes, storytelling, reminders and sermons, and Preaching and warning are among the methods and techniques used in the Holy Qur'an that among them, question and answer methods, discussion, use of proverbs and similes, and storytelling have been emphasized more than other methods.

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Teachers need a variety of knowledge and competencies to teach mathematics well, and examining teachers' status of these skills and competencies can be a good area of research. One of the competencies needed by teachers is the competence of designing mathematical tasks. Mathematics task plays a key role in students' mathematics learning, and " what students learn is largely defined by the tasks they are given. " There are various definitions of mathematics task in research literature. Watson and Sullivan (2008) define mathematics task as information that serves as the prompt for student work, presented to them as questions, situations, and instructions that are both the starting point and context for their learning. Various classifications for mathematics tasks have been presented so far. One of them is the classification of tasks according to the type of their function in the teaching process. In this type of classification, tasks are classified to 1-Warm up task; 2-learning task; 3-review task; 4-Practice task; 5. Assessment tasks. Assessment tasks are tasks that teachers use to evaluate students' performance, and because of the role and importance of assessment in the mathematics teaching and learning process, can play an important role in teaching and learning process. With considering the importance of the ability to design task, one of the appropriate situations that can study teachers' ability in this case by that, is the mathematical problem posing situation. Silver (1994) defines the mathematical problem posing as producing of a new problem from a situation or experience, new formulating of problems. Stoyanova and Ellerton (1996) classified problem-posing situations according to their structure into three categories: 1) free; 2) semi-structured; and 3) structured. A review of research literature revealed that one of areas deceived by researchers is examining relationship between teachers' task design ability and teacher' problem posing ability, and evaluating teachers' task design ability using problem posing situations. Accordingly, the present study aimed to investigate task design ability of new elementary Mathematics books’ provincial instructors based on problem posing situations about addition and subtraction operations. The reason for this study of the two operations of addition and subtraction is the role and importance of these two operations in individuals' mathematical learning. Addition and subtraction is the foundation of school mathematics and has an impact on mathematical content across different grades. A descriptive survey method was used to conduct this study. The statistical population of the study consisted of the new elementary Mathematics books’ provincial instructors. 151 of whom participated in one of State Mathematics Supply Courses New Mathematics Textbooks for Elementary School were selected by convenience sampling. To collect the data. A researcher-made test was used in which their' assessment task design ability for two addition and subtraction operations was evaluated through the free problem posing situation. The posed problems by the participants were analyzed on two basis: 1) addition and subtraction and 2) task design. For the analysis of problems based on addition and subtraction operation axis, closed-ended symbolic problems were analyzed using Van de Walle et al. (2016) model and closed-ended verbal problems were analyzed using Riley et al. (1983) model. To analyze problems based on task design axis, symbolic problems analyzed regarding their open-ended and closed-ended responses and verbal issues analyzed based on 1-open-ended and closed-ended questions, 2-Shao (2018) model and 3-Shimizu et al. (2010) model. The results of the posed problems based on the addition and subtraction operations axis showed the problems that the teachers posed symbolically were more limited to the two forms of "unknown result (addition)" and "unknown result (subtraction)" and the problems presented in others formats were low (less than 10% each). The analysis of the verbal problems revealed that the problems were mostly in two modes of change and composition and percentage of problems in comparison form was very low (7%). It was also found that the verbal problems wasn’ t not in the form of "Compare 6". The problems analysis base on the task design axis also revealed that very few of the posed problems (4% symbolic and almost 0% of verbal ones) were open-ended and most of them were closed-ended. The results of the verbal problems analysis revealed that although most of them had real-life contexts (89%) but there was no task designed to engage students in solving practical problems. The results also revealed that among the designed tasks, there was no task that was completely "authentic", "rich" and "complex", and although most of them involved students at the “ application” level, they were tasks that link them With real life and application limited to mentioning an object or an event from the real world and not really contextual. On this basis, it can be concluded that most of them were low-level tasks. Given the impact of mathematics textbooks’ content on teachers' task design ability, it is suggested to improve the mathematics textbooks design capability so that the content of them can be modified to have necessary diversity generally in all topics and specifically in both addition and subtraction operations. Another suggestion is enhancing teachers' task design ability, provide appropriate instructional content on mathematics tasks, and conduct empowerment courses and workshops based in these content. This study was conducted using convenient sampling method, so the results cannot be generalized to the statistical population. Accordingly, it is recommended that a similar study be conducted with appropriate sampling methods that can be generalized to the whole population. Another limitation of this study was that teachers were asked to design tasks for assessment. This can lead to limiting them in design of diverse tasks with regard to teachers' perception of assessment as final assessment. Accordingly, different studies are suggested to investigate ability of teachers to design task based on different tasks in mathematics teaching process.

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تدریس پژوهی

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هدف: هدف از این مطالعه مقایسه اثربخشی روش های تدریس بارش مغزی و حل مساله بر تعامل معلم و دانش آموز است. روش: این تحقیق از نوع تحقیقات کاربردی و از روش تحقیق شبه آزمایشی استفاده شده است، طرح تحقیق شامل پیش آزمون و پس آزمون با گروه های آزمایش 1 و 2 است. جامعه این پژوهش از کلیه دانش آموزان پسر پایه نهم شهرستان قدس که در سال تحصیلی 98-1397 مشغول به تحصیل بودند. با استفاده از روش تصادفی خوشه ای دو مرحله ای دو کلاس به عنوان نمونه آماری انتخاب و به طور تصادفی یکی از کلاس ها در معرض متغیر مستقل روش تدریس بارش مغزی و کلاس دیگر در معرض متغیر مستقل روش تدریس حل مساله قرار داده شدند، ابتدا پیش آزمون تعامل معلم و دانش آموز از دو گروه گرفته شد و بعد از اجرای دوره در نیمسال دوم از هر دو گروه پس آزمون به عمل آمد. داده های حاصل، با استفاده آزمون تحلیل واریانس چند متغیری (MANOVA) برای نمرات اختلافی مورد تحلیل قرار گرفت. نتایج: یافته ای پژوهش نشان داد که علی رغم آنکه هر دو روش بر متغیر وابسته تاثیر مثبت داشته اند، روش تدریس بارش مغزی در مقایسه با روش حل مساله اثربخشی بیشتری بر خرده مقیاس های رهبری، رفتار کمک کننده، درک کردن و مسئولیت پذیری داشته است.

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Aim: This research was done with the aim of examining the effect of model-based teaching on postgraduate students' expected and actual academic performance and their evaluations of lesson lecturer. Method: This is a semi-experimental research with pretest-posttest design and control group. The research population was all postgraduate students of faculty of Psychology and Education at Allameh Tabataba'i University, in 2018-19 first semester. Among the statistical population, at first four classes were randomly selected. Then, 40 eligible subjects who had lowest score in their actual academic performance were selected using purposive sampling method and randomly assigned into two groups (20 experimental and 20 control groups). Both experimental and control groups answered to actual performance questions and completed expected performance and evaluation of lesson lecturer checklists in pretest and posttest stages. The experimental group was taught based on 2D Model of Effective College Teaching (Lowman, 1995) for 12 sessions, 90 minutes each session. Whereas, the control group was taught by traditional teaching (without any explicit teaching model). The collected data were analyzed using covariance analysis in SPSS-20 version. The significant level for all testing was considered. /05. Findings: The findings showed that the model-based teaching increased the actual performance score.

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هدف: پژوهش حاضر مقایسه اثربخشی روش آموزش کلاس معکوس وروش سخنرانی براشتیاق تحصیلی دانشجومعلمان دختر دانشگاه فرهنگیان انجام شد. روش: در راستای هدف پژوهشی و در قالب طرح آزمایشی بین گروهی، از جامعه دانشجویان دختردانشگاه فرهنگیان استان آذربایجان شرقی درسال تحصیلی 1397-98است تعداد 60نفر دانشجودر 2 گروه 30 نفره به روش نمونه گیری خوشه ای یک مرحله ای انتخاب شدند. یک از گروه هابا روش کلاس معکوس و گروه د یگر به روش سخنرانی تحت آموزش قرار گرفتند. برای جمع آوری داده هااز پرسشنامه اشتیاق تحصیلی Fredricks وهمکاران استفاده شد. تحلیل داده ها با استفاده از تحلیل کوواریانس تک متغیره انجام پذیرفت. نتایج: نتایج نشان دادکه روش کلاس معکوس نسبت به روش سخنرانی دربهبوداشتیاق تحصیلی دانشجویان اثربخش تراست. نتایج نشان داد که تمام فعالیت های موجود در کلاس معکوس حول درگیری فعالانه فراگیران با مطالب آموزشی و تکالیف یادگیری دور می زنند. بنابراین با فعال شدن فراگیران آن ها می توانند افکار و اعمال خود را طوری هدایت کنند که بر انگیزه و اشتیاق تحصیلی و درنهایت بر یادگیری شان اثربخشی بیشتری داشته باشد.

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The aim of this study was to investigate the role of faculty members' performance quality in self-directed learning mediated by research self-efficacy in graduate students of Bu Ali Sina University. method of this research is quantitative, descriptive and correlational studies. The statistical population included graduate students of Bu Ali Sina University in the number of 4000 people. The statistical sample of the study was 366 people who were selected using Krejcie and Morgan table and simple random sampling method. Research data collection instrument included three standard quality performance questionnaires of Tagomeri and Bishap (2011) faculty members, Holden et al. (1998) research self-efficacy, and Fischer and King (2001) self-directed learning. To determine the face and content validity of the questionnaires from the point of view experts and for construct validity, confirmatory factor analysis was used. Cronbach's alpha test was used to determine the reliability of the instrument. . Cronbach's alpha coefficient of questionnaires was respectively. /89, . /90 and. /77 obtained. Research data were collected by Pearson correlation coefficient and confirmatory factor analysis and path analysis. The results showed that the variable of faculty members 'performance quality has a direct positive effect (0. 51), indirect positive effect (0. 30) and a positive and significant total effect (0. 81) on students' self-directed learning variable. Research self-efficacy has a positive direct effect (0. 55) on the self-directed learning variable at the level of 0. 01. Also, the variables of quality of faculty members 'performance and students' research self-efficacy explain 62% of the variance of the self-directed learning variable

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Objective: Exam anxiety is a response to the conditions related to the evaluation of students 'performance and students' experiences in this field are of great importance. The purpose of this study was to analyze the students' lived experiences of the phenomenon of test anxiety. Methods: The research method was based on a qualitative approach and phenomenological method. The statistical population of the study included undergraduate students in the fields of educational sciences of Shahid Madani University of Azerbaijan in the academic year 2018-2019. Nine students were selected for interview through purposive sampling. Semi-organized interviews were used to collect data and continued until the data were saturated. After recording the interview, their text was prepared and the main and sub-topics were extracted. Goba and Lincoln validity were used for data validation and Colaizzi method was used for data analysis. Findings: After thematic extraction and their classification, the findings are divided into three main categories; Causing factors, consequences and ways of reduction and sixteen sub-categories were classified. Sub-themes of creating factors include: teacher, parents, time management, fear of negative evaluation of others, perfectionism, traditional evaluation system, task importance; Sub-themes of the outcomes included: academic failure, procrastination, inefficiency, increased appetite, physiological problems, and sub-themes of ways of reduction including communication with God, touch therapy, setting dominance goals, and having positive thoughts from the students' descriptions. Conclusion: According to the results of learning aid in students for effective management of test anxiety is a major challenge and requires group effort in all stages of education.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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