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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Innovation, entrepreneurship, job creation and applying them in private sports clubs are unavoidable issues among people. In such a condition, pay attention to entrepreneurship restrictive factors as well as human and behavioral factors of private sports clubs are absolutely significant, So that by eliminating or reducing the human resource and behavioral factors, the performance of sports clubs could be improved. In modern world, those clubs are more successful that involved in job creation and entrepreneurship. The purpose of this research is to study and analyze the behavioral and human resources restrictive factors in employment and entrepreneurship of Iran sport scopes. This field study is based on the interview with the well-known managers of private sector in Iran sports scopes due to gather their experiences. What can be concluded from the present research is mentioned as follow: Iranian society’ s attitudes and behavioral components in dependence on the government body and high demands from government; distrust of human resources to private sector, on one hand and excessive and beneficial of private sector on the other; government failure in implementation of Article 44 for transferring affairs to private sector; general belief of Iranian society to do affairs individually; rejection of sport community to entrance the capable and experienced people in management and financial affairs with no sport background; fluctuation of security issues and investment security and its effect on the tendency to perform affairs in the short term and quick impact projects; desire of managers to short-term profits; legislation and legal barriers to lead private sectors to quick financial incomes; high and formal control of managers.

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purpose of this study was to design a social capital communication model and productivity of the Ministry of Sports and Youth. . The statistical population of the study included all 850 high-level, middle and senior managers, responsible experts, experts and experts working in the Ministry of Sports and Youth (Staff Division). According to the Morgan table, 265 people were randomly selected as sample. Social capital and productivity questionnaires were used to achieve the research objectives. Validity of both questionnaires was confirmed by 15 experts and their reliability was calculated in a pilot test with 30 subjects with Cronbach's alpha of 0. 82 (social capital questionnaire) and 0. 87 (productivity questionnaire). In order to analyze the collected data, descriptive and inferential statistical methods such as Kolmogorov-Smirnov, T single-sample, confirmatory factor analysis, Pearson correlation coefficient, path analysis and to determine the causal relationship between variables using structural equation modeling method SPSS and AMOS software were used. The results of this study showed that social capital affects the productivity of managers of the Ministry of Sports and Youth. Also, in the relationship between social capital and productivity, the dimension of assistance, evaluation, clarity, motivation, credibility, environment, and ability are the most effective.

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The purpose of this study was to identify the demographic factors affecting the deviant behaviors of players of Iranian Football Premier League, which was done using qualitative method in 2017 & 2018. The statistical population of the study consisted of directors of football clubs (18 persons) and heads of soccer board (7 persons) in the Iranian Premier League in the Sixteenth and seventeenth seasons, as well as football experts and university professors related to the subject. Using a targeted snowball sampling method, 23 individuals were selected as statistical sample. The method of data collection in the first stage was a library study and in the second stage qualitative interviews. To interpret the data obtained from qualitative interviews, for data analysis the Grounded Theory method was used. Twenty-five interviews resulted in theoretical saturation stage. The results of the qualitative interviews showed that the demographic factors affecting these behaviors include the general concepts of education, age, marital status, social status, sport background and social attitude. Therefore, considering the effective role of the abovementioned factors, it is suggested that managers and planners of the field of professional sport take into account the differences between their players in their guidance and leadership.

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This study aims to identify the effectiveness of Brain Gym in reducing concentration attention defect and increasing academic self-efficacy and academic performance in university students. Method: this study is a quasi-experimental study involved two groups of fifteen students that were allocated into Brain Gym intervention and control group. The Brain Gym intervention group performed Brain Gym exercise on a daily basis for eight weeks. They were allocated with 30 – minutes Brain training game for each person in a group during free time at university. Data for the attention, academic self-efficacy and academic performance that were collected during pre and post – test using three instruments: 1) Owen and Freeman college Academic self-efficacy test, Sevari and Oraki concentration, and academic performance test. Measurements were assessed before intervention and end of intervention Results: the finding of the study show a significant increment of attention and concentration among participants in the intervention group, the finding also shows a significant increment for academic performance and academic self-efficacy in the intervention group. Conclusion: this study provides alternative to university students and psychologists to provide appropriate concentration and attention stimulus that could fulfill the needs of university students in university and at home.

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The purpose of this research was to investigate the relationship between organizational justice and job engagement with organizational performance of sport coaches. This is a descriptive-correlational study that was conducted through a survey method. The statistical population of the study consisted of all active sport coaches in Arak sport boards (704 coaches) which 254 of them were selected as samples by stratified random sampling. The research data were collected through questionnaires of organizational justice by Niehoff and Moorman (1993), job engagement by Salanova and Schaufeli (2001) and organizational performance by Hersey and Goldsmith (1980). Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and one sample t test and regression tests in SPSS version 22. The results showed that there were relationship between organizational justice and job engagement (r= 0. 16), between job engagement and organizational performance (r= 0. 13) and between organizational justice and organizational performance (r= 0. 58) of sport coaches of sport boards in Arak (P ≥ 5/50(. But, only organizational justice could predict the organizational performance. In the other hand, organizational justice can improve organizational performance. Hence, it is suggested that the responsible officials should pay more attention to organizational justice, so that increases the organizational performance of sport coaches.

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The aim of present study was to investigate the pattern of influential factors on outsourcing of sporting facilities in Tehran municipality. In order to, 385 experts and experts in the field of outsourcing, private sector investors and managers of Tehran municipal sports complex were selected by simple random method and based on Cochran formula. The research instruments were Freziani et al 42 questions (1394), a researcher – made questionnaire by Khedri et al (1394) and a 39-item questionnaire for Val and Peru, completed by participants. Regression finding indicate that there is a meaningful relationship between administrative corruption and outsourcing of sporting facilities (β =0/897), between political behaviors and outsourcing of sporting facilities in Tehran municipality (β =0/764) and between administrative corruption and political behaviors (β =0/736). According to non-standardized regression coefficients, 1/119 and 1/219 units of change in the outsourcing of sporting facilities in Tehran municipality can be made for a unit of change in administrative corruption and political behaviors respectively.

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    1 (21)
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This study aimed to investigate the relationship between intra-organizational factors (culture, technology and structure) with psychological empowerment of physical education professors of Zanjan university. The research method was descriptive correlational. The statistical population consisted of physical education professors with more than three years of teaching experience at universities in Zanjan (N= 61). The sample size was considered to be equal to population. The research tools included demographic questionnaire, organizational culture, technology, organizational structure and psychological empowerment. Content validity of questionnaires was verified by seven professors and convergent and divergent validity and combined reliability was verified by PLS software. The findings showed that there was a significant correlation between organizational culture and psychological empowerment (t-value= 4. 393; path coefficient= 0. 242), technology and psychological empowerment (t-value= 6. 149; path coefficient= 0. 433), organizational structure and psychological empowerment (t-value= 5. 598; path coefficient= 0. 389), organizational culture and organizational structure (t-value= 6. 273; path coefficient= 0. 505) and technology and organizational structure (t-value= 5. 804; path coefficient= 0. 485). The general goodness of fit index of GOF model was 0. 673 and was at high level. Universities can increase the psychological empowerment of instructors by developing an existing organizational culture, providing infrastructure and technological processes and enhancing the level of organizational structure.

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    1 (21)
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The aim of this study was to determine the role of social responsibility on the team's performance of Persepolis Club by mediating the satisfaction of the fans. The research method is descriptive and type of correlation with structural equation approach. The statistical population of all fans of Persepolis Club and sample size was 395 according to Morgan table. For collecting research data was used from a questionnaire Galbraith's (2010) social responsibility, Oliver's (1993) satisfaction, and a questionnaire from Glenn (2003), Hosseini (1395), Cooper and Suter (2011) were used to measure team performance. The content validity and formality of the questionnaires were confirmed by 10 sports management professors, structural validity through convergent and divergent validity and reliability using Cronbach's alpha and combined reliability. To analyze the data, descriptive and inferential statistics were used with structural equation modeling (SEM) approach. The results were analyzed using SPSS 22 and Smart PLS 3 software. Findings from the research report the direct and positive effects of social responsibility on team performance and fans' satisfaction, as well as the direct and positive effects of satisfaction on team performance. In addition, the minor role of mediator of satisfaction in relation to social responsibility and team performance was confirmed. It is suggested that the Persepolis club, by carrying out activities such as respecting the rules and regulations of FIFA, adhering to ethics and promoting them, contracting with strong sponsors and contributing to charitable activities, will strengthen each of the dimensions of responsibility Social (legal, ethical, economic and humanitarian) and increase the satisfaction of the fans, and ultimately promote the club's team performance from the point of view of the fans.

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    1 (21)
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The purpose of this study was to test the relationship between perceived organizational bullying and burnout with the role of mediator of freedom of expression in the staff of the Ministry of Sports and Youth. The research method was descriptive-correlational. The statistical population of the study was all staff of the Ministry of Sports and Youth at 800 people. 243 people were selected randomly as a sample. Measurement tool was Maslow Professional Burnout Questionnaire (1981), Spillage and Holt Organizational Bullying (2001), and Amrollahi and Associates Freedom of Speech (1396). The face and content validity of the questionnaires was confirmed by 11 experts and the confirmatory factor analysis was used to confirm the validity of their constructs. The reliability of the questionnaires was also determined by a pilot study on 30 members of the community and by Cronbach's alpha coefficient. Kolmogrov-Smirnov tests, one-sample t-test using Spss V23 and structural equation modeling using Amos version 23. The results of the research showed a positive and significant correlation between perceived organizational bullying and burnout (r = 0. 57) and a reverse and significant relationship between perceived organizational bullying and expression (r =-0. 42), and between freedom of speech and There is a burnout (r =-0. 34) (Sig = 0. 01). The results also showed that the variable of freedom of expression in the relationship between perceived organizational bullying and burnout has a significant mediator role. Attention to factors causing organizational bullying and freedom of expression can be effective in reducing the burnout of the staff of the Ministry of Sports and Youth.

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The goal of the this study is investigation of high-performance work systems effect on job satisfaction and organizational commitment according to the mediating role of person-organization fit sport and youth organizations of western provinces. The current study is descriptive-scrolling in strategic studies domain and is practical in purpose. The statistical population of this research is consisted of all managers, deputies and experts (314 people) of sport and youth organizations in the west of Iran in 1397, which among them 175 people were selected using the Simple random sampling method & Morgan table. Data collection tools were: Chin Jootsay’ s standard questionnaire for high-performance work systems (2006), Chatman’ s person-organization fir questionnaire (2011), Minnesota job satisfaction questionnaire, Mayer and Allen’ s organizational commitment questionnaire (1997). Data analysis was performed with Spss software and structural equations model. The results of structural equations showed that, high performance work systems have intense impacts on person-organization fit, personal and organizational fits have effective impacts on organizational attitudes, high performance work systems can have positive and significant effect on organizational attitudes and also the mediating effect of person-organization fit in relationships of HPWS parameters and job satisfaction and organization commitment was confirmed. According to the conclusive results of the current study it can be stated that applying the important factors of high performance work systems and considering the important fits of staffs and organizations in sport and youth organizations will drive them closer to the organizational goals and increase job commitment and satisfaction.

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