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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Objective: The aim of this study was to Analysis of Factors Affecting the international sports seats by the representatives of Iran. Methodology: The statistical population of this study included all of the faculty members, administrators, athletes and representatives of the sports seats in the context of international seats, had the necessary knowledge and experience(n=495). In the qualitative phase, 25 individuals were selected purposefully and in quantitative phase, a sample of 220 people was chosen based on Morgan table. The instrument was a 55-item structured questionnaire to achieve the objectives of the study. The validity of the content and formal questionnaire was confirmed by 20 experts of sports management and its structural validity was confirmed by confirmatory factor analysis. Its reliability was studied in a pilot study with 30 subjects and calculated as 0/83. For data analysis the descriptive statistic and inferential statistics methods including KMO, Bartlett exploratory factor analysis with orthogonal rotation and Friedman by application of AMOS software SPSS software were used. Results: The Research results showed that there are 6 factors in order of priority such as social and cultural factors, administrative, communicative, economical, professional and occupational, political as effective components contained within international sport seats are involved. Conclusion: It is suggested that organizations and senior executives of sport use all these effective and fundamental factors for gaining international seats and work to preserve and strengthen these factors, and by establishing a long-term plan, the acquisition of international sport seats as one Consider important strategies in sport.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    4 (16)
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Objective: Today, in order to survive in the sport markets, need to be dynamic. Sport marketing science provides a good foundation for proper marketing methods. The aim of this study is codify the wrestling federation marketing strategies based on SWOT analysis. Methodology: The method of this research is descriptive-survey. Based on the objective, it is applicable. Total of 73 people, including the boss, vice chairmen, committee officials, referees, and coaches of the national wrestling federation (33 people) were selected as the sample. Among the experts in the field of strategic marketing and sport marketing (40 people) were selected randomly and voluntarily. In the present research, a researcher-made questionnaire was used to study the internal and external factors of the federation's marketing strategic plan, which included 77 questions (11 strengths, 25 weaknesses, 19 opportunities, and 22 threats). The validity of the questionnaire was verified by 19 experts in this field and the reliability of the questionnaires was 0. 89 by Cronbach's alpha coefficient. The swot process was used to determine the status of the organization and ranking the factors of strategic planning for Iran wrestling federation, Friedman test has been implemented. Results: According to internal, external, and strategic SWOT analysis, the findings of the research showed that the federation's marketing position is at WT rank with maintaining the current status. According to the results of the SWOT analysis matrix, it is better to use a defensive and stabilizing strategies to manage the Wrestling Federation's marketing domain. Conclusion: Therefore, codify of macro-management policies in order to make the sport more profitable, attention to the revenues from sustainable development, using the concept of outsourcing and securing the investment platform are among the most important strategies proposed in this research.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    4 (16)
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Objective: The purpose of present study was designing the revenue model for iranian professional football clubs. Methodology: The method of this study was exploratory mixed. The population of qualitative and quantitative research in this study were all of the football industry elite. Sampling in qualitative part of this study was targeted stratified and in quantitative part was targeted. The instrument used to collect data in this study was a researcher made questionnaire. Content analysis was used to analyze interviews with experts and structural equation model to evaluate the model. All the present data analysis with using SPSS version 22 and software PLS was performed. Results: The results showed that commercial, fans, media, advertising, match day revenue, others and financial sponsors with path coefficients: 0. 352, 0. 189, 0. 178, 0. 169, 0. 146, 0. 138 and 0. 137 could be the most important sources of revenue for iranian football clubs. Conclusion: Clubs can use new marketing techniques and various sources of revenue, such as: commercial, fans, media rights, advertising, match day revenue, financial sponsors and other resources, to meet the financial needs, develop clubs and have strong presence in the domestic and international arena.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    4 (16)
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Objective: nowadays, future study has been developed as a distinctive vision analytical tool. This tool, consider the possible future of different disciplines, thus help decision-making processes at different levels. Purpose of this study was identified of current achievements of sport management reviews, factors that affect future of this field and present appropriate tactics for an ideal future. Methodology: This study was quantitative and qualitative. Method of data collection includes library research and the Delphi method. 11 professors of sports management with a futuristic vision formed the panel members. According to experts, 16 aspect of current state of sport management identified. Results: Research showed that the difference between importance and success in all 16 aspects of sport management studies was evaluated little success and the amount of high importance and there was significant difference found between success and their importance. Conclusion: The 11 areas which affect future of sport management were achieved and to achieve the ideal future was introduced 12 Tactics.

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    4 (16)
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Objective: The research purpose was to identifying the effective context conditions of strategic entrepreneurship deployment in sports business. Methodology: It was a qualitative research (grounded theory). Data collection was done through interview and research background. The population included the members (with expertise in entrepreneurship and business management) of entrepreneurship management faculties and physical education and sport sciences faculties associated with state universities, selected members and instructors of job creation and entrepreneurship in ministry of sport and youth, and selected local sport entrepreneurs. The sampling was theoretical and the underlying factors affecting the establishment of strategic entrepreneurship in sports businesses was defined followed by 21 interviews. Data analysis was conducted through three coding levels of open, axial, and selective. Results: Six indexes were identified as following: government support policies, legal factors, education system, culture factors, commercial policies, and governance factors. Conclusion: To flourish sports business, contexts conditions are required to realize innovations and create competitive advantages. In line with this, governments can play vital roles as facilitator in regulatory, normative, and cognitive approaches and make environment conditions possible for the business owners to deploy strategic entrepreneurship.

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    4 (16)
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Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluation of factors affecting on acceptance of products endorsing athletes from customers' perspective. Methodology: This is an applied descriptive study. The population of the study included all the sports store customers in Tabriz city. In this study a total of 350 questionnaires were distributed and finally 334 questionnaires were collected. For data collection athlete endorser effectiveness scale was applied. The face validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by 15 professors of sport management. The internal consistency of the questionnaire was determined with Cronbach's alpha coefficient (0. 92). The hypotheses were examined by the structural equation modeling method using Smart PLS 3. 00 software. Results: The results indicated that respectively athlete expertise, athlete trustworthiness, athlete attractiveness, athlete likability, athlete similarity and athlete familiarity has a significant and positive impact in accepting the famous athletes in advertising from the customers' perspective. Moreover, results indicated that 93% of criterion variables (acceptance athlete) were explained by the Predictor variables. Conclusion: Therefore, it is concluded that the familiarity of the athletes, athletes' attractiveness, athletes' expertise, athletes' similarity, lovable character and reliability of the athletes should be taken into account by the sports marketing companies in selecting athletes as endorsers.

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    4 (16)
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Objective: The aim of this study was provide the elements are redirected to football clubs on the basis of brand equity from the customer perspective (CBBE). Methodology: This study applied a statistical correlation-descriptive population consisted of all mangers, the club staff, players and fans and customers’ four sports and cultural club Sepahan, ZobAhan, Gitipas and Reef. Sample size was determined using Cochran formula 384 the samples were random. Instrument components are based on customer-based brand equity Claire (2001) consists of 71 questions. The validity by two professors of sport management and reliability was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha coefficient (0. 92) respectively. The findings for statistical analysis SPSS software and LISREL software was used to model. Results: Six of brand salience, brand performance, brand imagery, judgments about brand, brand perceptions and brand conformity as presented in predicting brand equity from the customer perspective. Conclusion: In general research indicate that among the six operating components are the building blocks of conformity with commitment has the greatest impact and the quality of imaging components are operating judge had minimal impact on brand equity from the customer perspective.

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    4 (16)
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Objective: The present study intended to strategically assess the football of Guilan province based on SWOT analysis and also to plan a suitable strategy. Methodology: This research is descriptive-analytical and functional. The statistical population of study included all Guilan province football experts, and the sample was selected out of managers, experts of organizations, schools' and universities' sport educators, and veteran players and coaches (n=50). The authors have developed a questionnaire, as an instrument, based on exploratory study and rewriting similar foundations and studies. Validity of this instrument was confirmed by experts (content validity). The reliability of the instrument was also proved as suitable (=α 0. 95). To analyze the data and the suitable strategies, Friedman test, Weighting Method, and external and internal factors evaluation matrix were utilized. Results: Desirability of information technology, undesirability of the quality of football pitch, policy of privatization of clubs, and tendency of people toward inactive life style were identified respectively as the most important strong point, weak point, opportunity, and threat. According to internal factors matrix (2. 38) and external factors matrix (2. 49), the strategic condition of Guilan province football is in WT region. Discussion: According to results of SWOT analysis matrix, it is necessary to employ Stability Strategy or Defensive Strategy in managing football development in Guilan province.

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    4 (16)
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Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect customer knowledge management and perceived value on customer loyalty in sports clubs of the city of Mashhad. Methodology: This study was a descriptive survey. The study population consisted of persons who exercised in sports clubs in Mashhad. Cluster sampling method was used and data were collected from various clubs in 13 districts in city of Mashhad (N=382). The research instrument was a questionnaire consisting of three parts related to knowledge management, perceived value and loyalty. Validity and reliability of the questionnaire were reviewed and approved before use. Confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling with LISREL software were used respectively to evaluate the construct validity and to present the research model. Results: The results of the research model showed that goodness-of-fit of models to data is good. Overall, the results showed that knowledge for the customer with coefficient effect of 0. 59 and social value with coefficient effect of 0. 42 have had the most effect on athletes' perceived value and perceived value with coefficient effect of 0. 90 had a significant effect on customer loyalty in sports clubs. Conclusion: In a general conclusion of the study results, it can be claimed that the application of knowledge management and its components in sports clubs is a very important factor and thus must be taken into account. Reinforcing this concept may pave the way for enhancing athletes' perceived value and also their senses of loyalty.

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    4 (16)
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Objective: The purpose of present study was investigation of effectiveness of human brand of Ali Daei and Hossein Rezazadeh in Ardebil province. Methodology: Statistical Community of study included all entire of coaches, athletes, and referees that had sport insurance in Ardabil Province (N=25000), and statistical sample based on Morgan table were considered 375 person randomly. Data were collected with sport human brand researcher made questionnaire that evaluates amount of effectiveness of of human brand of Ali Daei and Hossein Rezazadeh with 25 questions and 5 subscales include cultural, social, economical, political, and sport domains. Internal consistency of questionnaire were analysed with alpha cronbach 0. 88. Data were analysed with one sample kolmogorov smirnov, Wilcoxon, and Friedman tests in significant lower than 0. 05. Results: Results showed that there were significant differences between dimensions of effectiveness of Ali Daei human brand, and they were respectively included sport, cultural, social, political and economical effectiveness. Also results showed that there were significant differences between dimensions of effectiveness of Hossein Rezazadeh human brand, and they were respectively included sport, cultural, political, economical, social, and effectiveness Finaly results showed that Ali Daei were more effectiveness than Hossein Rezazasdeh in whole dimensions of brand effectiveness. Conclusion: In whole results supported the notion that Ali Daei and Hossein Rezazadeh were more effective in sport and cultural dimension, and Ali Daei human brand was better.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    4 (16)
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Objective: The purpose of this study was to test a research model by adapting technology acceptance model, trust, perceived enjoyment, and satisfaction to understand why and how sport consumers purchase sport products online. Methodology: To achieve the purpose of the study, an online survey was conducted with a total of undergraduate and graduate students from universities in the Iran. according to Morgan for unlimited community 390 questionnaires were collected. In this study was used a demographic questionnaire, questionnaire ease, usefulness and reliability Geffen (2003), Understanding the pleasure of Fagan (2008), attitude, intention to buy Yoo (2014) and satisfaction of buying Anderson (2003). validity was obtained. the reliability of the questionnaire was 0. 94. Results: The results of Smart PLS showed the usefulness, ease, confidence and fun affected on online shopping. The findings provide evidence that trust was most influential as a motivator for using the Internet for purchasing sport products. However perceived ease of use, did not influence attitude of sport products. Conclusion: therefore online stores manager not only sell product but also they should strive to maintain integrity, providing quality products and the best service, constant and loyal customer find and at least have a good sales promotions.

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