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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (مسلسل 44)
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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (مسلسل 44)
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    2 (مسلسل 44)
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    2 (44)
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Aims: Various factors can affect the resistance and durability of permethrin molecules on the impregnated fabrics. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of environmental factors such as weathering, rinsing and aging on endurance and persistency of permethrin residues in the fibers of clothes in military uniforms. Methods: This survey is an experimental study. In this study, common Iranian military and police uniforms’ clothes were impregnated by concentrated emulsion of permethrin insecticide, at 125 mg/ cm2 using a dipping method. Then, the influence of environmental factors such as weathering, rinsing, and aging on the persistency of impregnated clothes were analyzed. The amount of permethrin residue was determined by High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography (HPTLC) technique. Results: Without considering the uniforms, on average, 89.7±2 mg/cm2 of the permethrin equivalent to 71.7% remained after 12 weeks of permanent, day and night weathering. After rinsing of impregnated uniforms with permethrin for 12.5 hour in water, only 93.5±2.7 mg/cm2 of permethrin, equivalent to 75%, remained in fabrics. Keeping the impregnated clothes for 6 months away from the influence of environmental factors in darkness, and laboratory condition in package form, did not significantly reduces the amount of permethrin. Conclusion: The environmental agents such as wind and weathering, raining and chemical reactions which happen gradually and with the passage of time, all have a moderate and little effect and cannot considerably affect the reduction of the efficiency of impregnated uniforms.

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View 1182

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Aims: Efficient human resource, due to its value is a matter of concern of reliable organizations and institutions, and recruitment of human resource requires competent leaders and the use of effective leadership styles, in order to enhance the organizational commitment and creating a desirable organizational culture. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between leadership style and organizational culture and commitment. Methods: The present study is a cross-sectional one and was conducted by correlation method on 237 employees of a military force using random sampling method. The leadership style was analyzed based on multi-factorial leadership questionnaire (MLQ), organizational culture based on the Queen & Garrett model and organizational commitment based on the Meyer & Allen model. Data were analyzed using the SPSS 11 software and one-way ANOVA test and Pearson correlation coefficient. Results: From the staffs’ point of view, the leadership style used by the commanders was interactive or exchange style. The dominant organizational culture was rational culture. The highest mean score of organizational commitment was attributed to obligating commitment. There was significant and positive relationship between the exchange and change-inducing leadership style and organizational culture and commitment. There was a significant and inverse relationship between the laissez-faire leadership style (free) and organizational culture and commitment. Conclusion: Leadership style used in military forces is associated with organizational culture and commitment of forces that can be direct or inverse.

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View 2825

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    2 (44)
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Aims: Education entails the familiarity with professional duties that should perform practically. The major part of staff’s learning includes acquiring information, skills and new ideas in the relevant job. This study was conducted to compare the nurses’ clinical skills, after conventional and distance training. Methods: In a semi experimental survey, 60 nurses were selected from one of the hospitals in Tehran in 1386 using the goal-oriented method. After two methods of training, i.e., conventional (lecture) and distance (multimedia CD) methods for evaluation and comparison of nurses' clinical skills the Objective Structured Clinical Exam has been used. After the preparation and validation of evaluating check lists, Objective Structured Clinical Exam stations were designed and then the practical skills of two groups were compared. Data were analyzed using SPSS 15 software, descriptive statistics and independent T-test. Results: No significant difference was observed among the nurses' clinical skills mean scores in training with lecture and multimedia CD (p>0.05). Conclusion: Two methods of training, i.e., lecture and multimedia CD have the same effect in improvement of nurses' clinical skills and Objective Structured Clinical Exam is an effective method in nurses' clinical skills evaluation.

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View 2665

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    2 (44)
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Aims: One of the main research references in universities is thesis. Conducting the research in different majors of medicine promote the medical sciences and better conducting of student thesises according to the given standards is of considerable importance. The aim of the study was to assess students' theses and medical assisstance in terms of the observing the manuscriptical principles. Methods: Through a cross-sectional analytical study from 2000 to 2006, 318 theses were selected and examined using census method. At first a data collection containing required variables for scoring (0-100) was prepared. Different parts of all theses including the title, introduction, material and method, result, conclusion, discussion, index, writing principles, Persian & English abstract and references, were analyzed and scored. All checklists were filled by researcher qualitatively. Results: The highest score was for the section of result with the mean of 97.4 and the lowest score was for English abstracts with the mean of 74.1%. 106 theses had published articles. The highest rate of coversion of thesis to article was related to neurosurgery department (66.7%). The difference of the coversion of thesis to article was significant in both basic science and clinical group (p=0.03). The theses which had higher mean scores were more resulted in published articles (p=0.02). Gyneacology–Obstetric department with the mean of 96.2±2.9 had the highest score and the microbiology department had the lowest score 81±5.3. Conclusion: The major problem of theses is the abstract and methodology sections. It seems necessary to check the theses constantly and to hold regular research and article workshops; also the regular evaluation of theses and improvement of thesis preparing process are essential.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1432

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    2 (44)
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Aims: The continuous use of hand over the head causes the pressure and load in the long run and disposes the s houlder impingement syndrome. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of selected treatment methods in terms of the difference in improvement rate and duration of treatment on shoulder impingement syndrome of volleyball players and to provide an effective treatment protocol. Methods: In this study 60 Volleyball players suffering from shoulder impingement syndrome, were selected and divided into four groups including physical therapy (17), massage therapy (15), mechanotherapy (14) and compound group (14). For continuing the treatment programs outside the clinic, the housing program and immune recommendations in work and sport environment were used. MRI or Magnetic resonance imaging, Special Clinical Tests, and the rotator cuff muscles EMG were used for evaluation of the 4 research programs. The correlated T-test was used for evaluation of programs in pretest and posttest, and the ANOVA test and the Turkey’s post hoc test were used for determining a significant distance between groups in a level of p<0.05. Results: Compound program had more significant results. In none of physical domains of AB, FL, EX and IR the significant difference between the 4 physical therapy, massage therapy, mechanotherapy and compound program was observed, but compound program in ER movement was significantly more effective (p<0.011). Supraspinatus muscle in compound program, then in physical therapy had the lower reaction time comparing to the other groups (p<0.037). Teres minor was evicted from the measuring system due to its higher depth and lower performance among the rotator cuff muscles. Conclusion: Compound therapeutic program had the better therapeutic effects on the increasing of physical range of rotator cuff muscles especially the Supraspinatus muscle.

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View 1426

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    2 (44)
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Aims: This study was conducted to assess the prevalence rate and causes of physical injuries among trainee personnel during the physical fitness practices course. Methods: In this retrospective-descriptive study, 5559 formal personnel who were trained in the three educational garrisons during the last three educational years (September 2005 to September 2007) were selected by census method and were analyzed as the sample of this study. Using a researcher-made questionnaire from the present records and documents based on diseases classification system, the data were collected, codified and finally analyzed by SPSS 15 software. Results: Most of injuries were musculoskeletal injuries (96.2%) and the most common type of injuries was superficial injuries (42.1%). The most often injured body area was the ankle and foot area (27.6%). Most injuries had been happened in sport hall (23.8%). The prevalence rate of given injuries during military training were the first (4.9%), second (2.5%) and third (3.2%) years. the most common causes of injury during the military training were slipping or falling during training activities (33.5%). Conclusion: Musculoskeletal injuries were the major cause of referring to clinic and the most prevalence type of physical injuries in military personnel during the military trainings. Prevention is considered as the first step toward reducing the traumatic events.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1248

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    2 (44)
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Aims: The concept of organizational citizenship behavior and its associated factors, despite the highly importance, especially in the military hospitals, have received a little attention. This research was conducted to analyze the most important organizational factors that can direct behaviors, attitudes and interactions of nurses in order to promote organizational citizenship behavior in a military hospital. Methods: This is an applicable and descriptive study of correlation type, based on the structural equation model. Among from 504 nurses of a military hospital, 140 nurses were selected through a systematic random sampling. Questionnaires of Constant Beugre's for organizational justice, Potter’s for organizational commitment, Scott’s for organizational trust, Hackman & Oldham’s for job satisfaction and finally, Organ’s for the organizational citizenship behavior were used. Regarding the normality of the data, for data analysis the SPSS16 software was used. Results: From two paths of job satisfaction and organizational trust, only job satisfaction path was completely confirmed in the influence of various organizational trust on the organizational citizenship behavior (P<0.05). Conclusion: Organizational justice (especially distributional justice) and organizational trust should be supported and reinforced in military hospitals. To improve the organizational trust condition, it is recommended that the necessary efforts for more employees’ support and participation in the organizational decision makings and affaires be done, and also periodical meetings be held for creating harmony and agreement among managers and nurses. Also, Individual’s material and spiritual needs should be more satisfied by means of planning and measures after diagnosing discriminative perception factors, in order to strengthen the distributive justice’s perception.

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View 2474

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    2 (44)
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Aims: The patients’ viewpoint is as important as that of managers and planners of health system in promoting the quality of treatment services. The present study was conducted to investigate hospitalized patients’ satisfaction from the hospital services in 6 military hospitals located in different parts of the country. Methods: In this descriptive cross-sectional study, 696 hospitalized patients were selected from 6 military hospitals located in different parts of country (116 patients from each hospital), using random sampling method from July to September 2001. After the release, a checklist containing personal demographic information and a questionnaire determining the patients’ satisfaction level from hospital services were completed for all patients. Answers were designed in Likert 5-point scale of “completely dissatisfied” (1 point) to “completely satisfied” (5points). At the final analysis, the point 3 and the lower were considered as dissatisfaction and more than 3 as satisfaction from services. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and chi square test. Results: 684 patients (98.2%) of referred patients were satisfied with the hospital services. Patients’ satisfaction from hospital services had statistically significant difference in different parts (p=0.013). The most number of “dissatisfied” and “completely dissatisfied” were related to welfare facilities and the least number was related to medical services. Conclusion: Bedridden patients have a desirable satisfaction from military hospitals’ services. Managers need to pay special attention to the reform of administrative processes and development of insurance services beside the acceptable medical and nursing services.

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    2 (44)
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Aims: This study was conducted in order to determine the key factors in selecting an appropriate location for war field health care center and selecting the most proper location for building a desert hospital. Methods: The study is of mathematical modeling type. Brain storming, multi-voting and nominal group techniques were used for extracting key factors and Analytic Hierarchy Process technique was used for selecting the most appropriate location in the case scenario. 15 health authorities, commanders and deputies who had a crucial role during Holly Defense in managing the war health center, were selected as the expert group. Results: The most influential factors and their relative values from experts’ view were the possibility of performing insider/enemy operations (stability of battlefield), number of possible injured and wounded people in area, land status and the geography of region, condition of roads and connecting passageway and finally desert hospital distance from frontlines of battlefield. By placing these weights in decision making model and with the hierarchical analysis for the given scenario and completing the model using responders, the location B was selected as the best point for construction of desert hospital. Conclusion: Regarding the logical stability in thinking analysis model, one can make coherent integrated relations between subjects and different phenomena and ultimately making decision that would follow the most benefits.

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    2 (44)
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Aims: The aim of this study was to examine the effect of physical activity with NBC protective clothing and military work clothes on physiological strain index (PSI). Methods: The sample of this semi experimental study was consisted of thirty healthy male students or soldiers who were 18-25 years old. Their general health status had been assessed and they completed the informed consent form. They did physical activity according to Bruce protocol on treadmill with the use of random allocation for the priority of the use of coatings. Hemodynamic variables were measured and recorded before, after and five minutes after physical activity. After the end of physical activity, physiological stress index was calculated using heart rate and body core temperature rate. Data were analyzed using SPSS 11.5 software and repeated measure ANOVA and paired T tests. Results: PSI (Physiologic Strain Index) for volunteers who were used chemical protective clothing and military work clothing was 5.3±1.4 and 2.32±0.42, respectively (p<0.001). Homodynamic parameters demonstrated statistically significant difference after physical activity in two types of coverage (p<0.001). Amounts of physical activity time and distance were better in subjects who were used military work clothes than protective clothing (p<0.001). Conclusion: NBC protective clothing can cause more physiologic strain, more limitation in performance and early exhaustion than the military work clothes. Using NBC protective clothing causes the increase of body core temperature, decrease of individual’s tolerance time and heat strain.

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