Introduction: Hospital and Medical centers are the most important producers of hospital wastes. Their collection and disposal, and to centralization of diseases in these centers are very important Hospital solid wastes which are the most important source of spreading diseases must be collected and disposed properly, so that, it should not be put in danger the social health and the safety of the collection workers. The main objective of this research is to determine, the situation of collection and disposal of solid wastes in West Azarbyjan. Methods and Materials: In this research the method of study is descriptive, cross - section and observation. Collection of data have been carried out by; observation from hospitals, measuring if weight and volume of solid waste, completation of a check list and questionnaire which their validity and reliability had been identified. Collected data were analyzed by a computer SPSS package.Results: Finding showed that, the rate of solid wast per each bed was 0.95 kg per day and the ratio of infectious solid waste was 56% the mean and standard deviation weight and volume of infectious solid waste for a bed per day in province hospitals were respectively (0.53±0.18), kg and (0.53±2.8) litre.Discussion: The situation of collection and disposal of solid wastes in hospitals were not pleasant, and there were many problemes. It is recommended that more studies should be done in accordance with these problemes in this field, such as; lack of sources, knowledge of workers and the proper supervision.