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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Nowadays about 226 millions of children are deprived of suitable growth rate around the world in which heritage plays no role, therefore, the present study was done to assess the relation between birth spacing and physical growth children under 5 years old.Methods and materials: In this descriptive - analytical study 540 healthy children under 5 years have been selected from clients of health care centers in karaj through categorized random sampling. Data analysis was based on one way analysis of variance, and Tuky test.Results: The findings showed that the average birth spacing was 34 months. A meaningful difference (P<0.05) was observed between physical growth (weight, lenght, head circumference) and birth spacing birth order, family size and mother's age.As, in most groups the maximum mean of physical growth was in 36-60 months birth spacing and birth orders of 3 and 4 and family size of 5 and 6 and significant and mothers of 25-29 years of age. Moreover, the results showed that there is a significant statistical difference between physical growth of the children and their mothers educational level, prenatal care during the pregnancy, kind of nutrition for babies and when to start supplemental nutrition (P< 0.05).Discussion: Generally we can conclude that pregnancy between 25-29 years old and birth spacing between 36-60 months and having suitable number of children (maximum number is four) will have the best effect on increasing the level of mothers and children's health.The findings of this study may help in educational planning to prevent population growth and improve the children's physical growth.

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Introduction: There are two main etiologic groups of coma: Metabolic and Organic. Recently, evaluation of cerebrospinal fluid's (CSF) creatine phosphokinase enzyme (CPK) is suggested for differentiation of organic and metabolic comas. Present study has been designed and conducted to determination and comparison of CPK level in CSF of patients with metabolic and organic coma.Materials & Methods: A total of 72 patients were studied in this case-control study (18 cases with proven organic coma, 14 cases with proven metabolic coma and 36 cases as control group). Creatine Phospho-kinase activity was estimated in CSF and the results were analyzed by SPSS software and parametric tests in three groups.Results: The mean CPK enzyme levels in CSF were 15.56 mu/ml in organic coma, 5.93 mu/ml in metabolic coma and 0.32 mu/ml in control group. There were significant differences in comparison of two types of coma with each other and with control group.The results indicate that CPK level in CSF increases in patients with coma but this elevation is more noticeable in organic coma than metabolic. Discussion: So, measurement of CSF-CPK level can help for differentiation of metabolic and organic coma in association with other clinical and paraclinical findings.

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Introduction: Aging is an interesting issue for many investigators because of increasing its proportion in the world in recent years. This Phenomenon is associated with many chronic diseases such as malnutrition and this study was carried cut assess nutritional status in elderly.Materials & Methods: 62 old male and female were selected from Khooban elderly institute in Tabriz and studied via weighing foods consumed and biochemical measurements including lipid profile, Uric acid and iron.Results: Results showed that the mean of energy, Vitamins C, B12>E and Zinc intake were lower than recommended values. The portions of Carbohydrate, Protein and fat in energy intake were 67%, 12% and 21%, respectively. Iron deficiency according to serum iron was found in 49% of subjects, where as hypertriglyceridemia and hypercholesterolemia were 43.6% and 54.5%, respectively. 44.8% and 22.2% of subjects were underweight and overweight respectively.Discussion: It is Concluded that nutritional Status of status of studied old people specially vitamins was undesirable and nutritional supports for these groups are required.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1979

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Introduction: Segmental fractures of tibia is a high energy trouma and many complications are to be excepted. Good results could be taken with minimal damage to blood supply of the segmented part.Materials & Methods: 19 patient were included in a prospective study. Fixation was done with Ao IM nailing and operative cast applied. Patients were studied for union, infection and compartment syndrome. Results: There was one compartment syndrome, two infection, two delayed union and two malunion. Except for malunion all of complications were in open fractures. There was no non uonion and infection in closed fractures.Discussion: Regarding to results and absence of non union in closed segmental tibial fractures, closed IM nailing is suggested for all closed segmental tibial fractures and most of open ones.

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Introduction: Today, senile population has increased so dectease of complication of aging is very important, existence from equilibrium and falling following it, can produce many problems. Action of quadriceps muscle in standing and walking is noticable therefore this research was done to survey the equilibrium time and it's correlation with strength of quadriceps muscle.Materials & Methods: This survey is retrospective research and 979 subjects (451 males, 528 females) was chosen by randomized sampling in shiraz aging 30 to 70 years old. equilibrium time was measured by opened and closed eye on left and right leg by use of chronometer and strength of quadriceps muscle was measured by use of dynamometer.Results: decrease of equilibrium time comparison with other researches is more and there is correlation between quadriceps muscle strength and equilibrium time P<0/05.Discussion: due to important action of quadriceps mascle in knee joint to stabilize and to maintain the joint in extended position and due to relation between strength of quadriceps muscle and equilibrnm time, we suggested to notice to strengthening of this muscle in population after age 30 years old to improve equilibrium and prevent complication of aging.

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Introduction: Several investigators have studied neurons C.N.S., ganglia and in the other parts of the body. Few studies have shown existence of scatter rare neurons in tongue. A taste bud, serous and mucous glands innervations has also been studied. However role of these neurons remains almost unclear and their biological functions are not well-known. In this investigation these scatter neurons were studied. Materials & Methods: Microscopic study of the tongue is not possible in living human so mice were used in this study. Paraffin blocks were serial sections and they were stained using H-E as well as Cluver-Barera staining procedures.Results: Neurons were mostly located in the root of the tongue, near the glands and also between the muscle fibers and blood vessels. All of these neurons, were solitary or a colony of two, three or more which were surrounded by satellite cells and a capsule of connective tissue. These neurons have been identified as miniganglionic cells.Discussion: these neurons are apparently part of parasympathetic system and related to gustatory sense and have efferent fibers to glands, muscles as well as blood vessels. Possibly these neurons are related to general sense such as pain and tactus.

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Introduction: Aluminium is an important voltage sensitive calcium channels blocker and enter the body from different sources. This ion interfere with biological function of Ca2+ ion. Because the arcuate nucleuse has beta-endorphin neuron which effect on pain control, this experiment was performed to study the effect of aluminium microinjection on male rat's pain threshold.Materials and method: The experiment performed on four group of male rats (n=36), that the actuate nucleus were bilateral cannulated by sterotaxic surgery. Test group received 100 nl ACSF containing 0.15 pmol aluminium in each side of the arcuate nucleus for 15 days. Two series of these animals after cannulation received the same volume of ACSF with pH =7.2 and 3.4. The shame control group did not received any agent after cannulation. At the end of experiment, animals pain threshold was measured by tail emmersion method. Statistic test was student t-test. The results are expressed as mean±SE and P<0.05 were significant.Results: Results showed that the pain threshold in that group received aluminum in arcuate nucleus (6.78±0.34 mse) decrease significantly compared with shame control pain threshold (8.61±0. mse) group (p<0.05).Conclusion: These result indicate that injection of aluminum in male rat's arcuate nucleus, can be affect on pain threshold. Further studies will probably show the exact mechanism of aluminum ion on pain threshold.

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Introduction: Hospital and Medical centers are the most important producers of hospital wastes. Their collection and disposal, and to centralization of diseases in these centers are very important Hospital solid wastes which are the most important source of spreading diseases must be collected and disposed properly, so that, it should not be put in danger the social health and the safety of the collection workers. The main objective of this research is to determine, the situation of collection and disposal of solid wastes in West Azarbyjan. Methods and Materials: In this research the method of study is descriptive, cross - section and observation. Collection of data have been carried out by; observation from hospitals, measuring if weight and volume of solid waste, completation of a check list and questionnaire which their validity and reliability had been identified. Collected data were analyzed by a computer SPSS package.Results: Finding showed that, the rate of solid wast per each bed was 0.95 kg per day and the ratio of infectious solid waste was 56% the mean and standard deviation weight and volume of infectious solid waste for a bed per day in province hospitals were respectively (0.53±0.18), kg and (0.53±2.8) litre.Discussion: The situation of collection and disposal of solid wastes in hospitals were not pleasant, and there were many problemes. It is recommended that more studies should be done in accordance with these problemes in this field, such as; lack of sources, knowledge of workers and the proper supervision.

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Introduction: Martin-Gruber anastomosis is a connection between median and ulnar nerves of forearm. Presence of this anastomosis causes difficulties and errors on electrodiagnostc studies. According to a simple method & evaluation of 100 cases incidence of this anastomosis was 38% in normal population.Methods and Materials: Electrodiagnostic study was done on 100 cases (24 females, 76 Males) with surface electrode stimulation of median & ulnar nerves of elebow (Rr & Lt) & recording of CMAP from recording needle inserted in Abd. digiti. Minimi muscle in hypothenar area.Results: Martin - Gruber anastomosis is present in 38% of normal population which is 50% unilateral & 50% bilateral. In unilateral cases anastomosis is present in RT side in 2/3 cases & in LT side in 1/3 of cases & there is no difference between males &females in these specificities.Discussion: Our suggestion is to check each cases with this simple method for presence of martin - Gruber anastomosis & prevention of errors& loss of pitfalls in electro diagnosis of upper Extremities.

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Introduction: The meralgia paresthetica syndrome is one of rare neuropatic disease which usually occur spontaneously and occasionally caused dy compressive process on lateral femoral cutaneous nerve. The most clinical features include sensory loss, numbness and dysesthesiaon anterolateral femoral cutaneous nerve as weal as pain sensation during walking. These symptoms and sings disappear during six months and seldom needs surgery.Methods and Materials: During two years ago, about 1550 patients Tran femoral coronary angiography were done in cardiologic centers afflicted to Isfahan Medical Sciences University. Among our subjects, 26 cases were evaluated with meralgia parenthetic syndrome diagnosis, but only 5 cases were confirmed this syndrome with Electromyography (EMG) and Nerve Conduction Velocity (NCV) study.Results: The five cases with definite diagnosis of meralgia paresthetica (4 male and 1 female) complete improvement have seen in all cases.Discussion: At this time the trasfemoral coronary angiography has increased day to day, for prevent complications such as meralgia paresthetica we suggested that changes the procedure of technic, observed the patient for appearance this syndrome for treated appropriately and more research and evolution should de done.

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In the last few years there has been considered progress in our understanding of mechanisms of action of the antituberculosis agents. There is good evidence that broad spectrum agents exert their antituberculosis activity by interaction with classical targets occurring in wide rang of organisms including Mycobacterium tuberculosis. On the other hand although the mode of actions of some of agents with antituberculosis activity spectrum is not fully understood. The recent re - emergence of tuberculosis as an important human pathogen has led to improved methods for exploring the structure, biochemistry and genetics of the Mycobacteria. These technical advances can now be used to gain a better understanding of molecular basis of drug action and resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

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