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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Pyrolysis mass spectrometry is a discriminatory technique with potential for rapid characteriztion and classification of microorganisms. Pyrolysis of microorganisms yields a complex mixture of products that can be analysed quantitatively by mass spectrometry and the fingerprint results obtained can be analysed.Methods & Materials: Whole cell and outer membrane preparations of 42 strains of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia grown at 30° C and 37° C were studied.Results: The spectral results showed that the information that can be gained from visual inspection is limited, but the results represented as a dendrogram and grading diagram showed that outer membrane preparations were quite distinct from the whole organisms, and the organisms grown at 30° C were distinct from the organisms grown at 37° C.Discussion: Differences between chemical composition of the outer membrane and whole cells were qualitative and those of the strains grown at 30° C and 37° C were quantitative.

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Introduction: Aspiration pneumonia due to aerobic organisms is more common in the patients of severe head trauma, and is a major cause of mortality and morbidity in ICU patients.This is a survey of causative organisms and management of aspiration pneumonia in severe head injury. patients in ICU services of Rasht Poursina hospital, since march 1999 up to march 2000.Materials & Methods: In a cross-sectional study of 59 patients suffering from post -trnmatic aspiration pneumonia was carried out in ICU services of Rasht Poursina hospital since 1999 upto march 2000.Results: Klebsiella (37.29%) and pseudomonas (23.73%) were the most and enterobacter (6.78%) was the less common organisms. The most antibacterial drngs were Amikacin, 90% efficacy for klebsiella and 78.75% for pseudomonas and ciprofloxacin 100% efficacy for klebsilla and 70% for pseudomonas. Discussion: In the case of aspiration pneumonia due to gram negative organisms specially klebsiella and pseudomonas. The base of the treatment must be conducted with amikacin and ciprofloxacin and then continued with suitable antibacterial agents based on antibiogram.

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Introduction: Prostatic carcinom is the most prevalent malignancy in men, and 10% of m0l1alitiesdue to cancer. In Iran as a result of increasing life expectancy, its incidences risimg. There's increasing need for easy, economic and sensitive methods to diagnose prostatic cancer in early stage.Methods & Materials: In order to evaluate dignostic role of tPSA in benign and malignant prostatic lesion, 130 patients between 54-78 years old, presenting with ulinary obstructive symptoms, were selected serum level of PSA and prostatic needle biopsy carried out in all case. Morphologic features, BPH or carcinomca and grade of carcinoma according to Gleason system, were compared with serum tPSA level.Results: The results showed that 42.9% of cases were adenocarcinoma and 57.1ro of cases were BPH. The most prevalent histologic score was score 5 (36.7%). The average of tPSA in BPH groups was 28.617 with 91.728 standard deviation and in the most prevalent malignant scroe the avemge of tPSA was 118.218 with 385.186 standard deviation Consideling the cut off point 10 ng/ml sensivity of this test is 44.8% and its specifity is 69.80%. Positive and negative predictive value is 78.3% and 34/1%, respectively. The average tPSA differences in these two groups by nonparametral test (Mann-whitney) is meaning full (P value=0000203).Discussion: Incidence of BPH higher than adenocarcinoma and serum PSA in both is elevated and its elevation in adenocarcinoma is higher than BPH and this augmentation was heightening with increasing of histologic score. This test had a good sensitivity and specifity and aside TR and Tran rectal sonography can use this test from of a screening test in early diagnosis of prostatic cancer. As claimed by studies in order to increase specifity of tPSA, using the other methods like PSAD and % tPSA are helpful. The results from these two tests were the same %tPSA <25% and PSAD>0.078, 95% of prostatic cancers were detected in early stalfes.Owing to easy performance, unnecessary rectal sonography and its ability to predict tomur condition, regarding to biologic behavior and histologic score, %tPSA can be an auxiliary test besides tPSA.

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Introduction: The cancer of large intestine (colorectal) is disease .of industrial countries. The incidence of large intestine adenocarcinoma demonstrates the correlation between this disease and socioeconomic standards. The disease has high incidence in industrialized countries including western Europe, Scandinavia Canada and new Zealand and intermediate rate in Easterm Europe, Africa, Asia and south Ameriac. The incidence of colorectal cancer was in fifth level Among 10 common cancer raite in Iran in 1375 and commoner in compare with incidence of 1365.Methods & Materials: In this cross-sectional descriptive study, the patients data who were invoved by colorectal cancer collected during 1987-1996 at Emarn Hossein Hospital affiliated to the Shahid Beheshti University of Medical sciences. The data of 314. Patients were reviewed according to the sex, age, geographical distribution, occupation; ethological factors, staging, primary site, microscopic appearance and median disease free survival rate.Results: In this research 314 patients refered to this center between 1987-1996 who were 55.5% males and 44.5% females minimum age was 13 and maximum age was 84. The age dependent incidence increased from second to eignth decades. Male to female ratio was 1.24, M/F=1.24). The commonest presetting sign was rectorrhagia (47.15%). Rectum was the most common site was rectum (48.8%). In staging, Duke's C stage 43% and adenocarcinma 91.9% were the commonest according the stage end pathological features. In review of ethiologic factors of secondary prevention, tubolovillous polyps are commonest (2.8%). From 314 patients, 121 cases had recurrence in follows up (56% local and 43.8% Systemic. The median disease free surviral was 15.1 months and the Majority of recurrences had occurred in the first 2 year of follow up.Discussion: It is recommended to pay attention to these results in case of Colorectal cancers to expose the ethological and epidemiological causes of his disease in each commom population and in cases of recurrence.

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Introduction: Recent studies indicate that lack of Mothers knowledge and their pour practices with regard to child nutrition can be conserved of prominent causes of children malnutrition.Thus education mothers concerning nutritional requirements of children, make them possible to benefit a proper nutritional program.Method: To evaluate the KAP of Mothers Concerning Breastfeeding and use Beikost sectional bservational-in association with their social and economical status, a cross study was conducted. 400 Mothers with at least having one child aged 0-36 month old who referred to kermanshah Health Centers were selected. The KAP questionnaires were completed through interview and scores were rated as: optimum, relatively optimum and poor, provided those subjects to achieve 75-100%, 50-74% and less than 50% of scores respectively. Data were computerized and analyzed using one withney test, Spear Mann Correlation Coefficient-way analysis of variance, Mann and X2. Results: The results showed that 55.3% of subjects were in poor knowledge, 55.3% in poor attitude and 60.4% in poor practice category. While there was a significant positive association between family income and score of knowledge, a significant negative association was observed among age, family size, number of children, their order of birth and score of knowledge and attitude. A significant positive relationship was attained among age, income, order of birth and score of practice. Also statistically significant difference was determined among the level of education, status of occupation and knowledge and attitude scores (P< 0.05).Discussion: In general the study indicated that the status of knowledge, attitude and practice of mothers concerning Breastfeeding and use of Beikost was not in optimal condition. Continuous Nutrition Education program was strongly recommended.

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Introduction: Scorpion envenomation during the warm months of the year (May-October) is one of the main health hazards in the state of Khuzestan. Yearly a large number of patients come to pediatric center with the complain of being bitten by one of the many scorpions found in this state. Among these the most dangerous type is Hemiscorpius Lepturus (H.L.) which is responsible for 13% of stings.Our object was to have a retrospective study about the age, sex, dwelling place, their management & mortality rate of children bitten by scorpions at the same to find the measures for avoiding complications and reducing the mortality rate in the society.Methods & Materials: During the years 1994-1999 total number of 28296 patients attended the Abuzar pediatric clinic with the complain of scorpion sting. Among these patients 11318 were below the age of 15 years rest above that age who were referred to the other centers after being given primary aids.Results: Among these children 69% were girls and 31% boys, 61% were from villages and 39% from cities. The most common type of scorpion sting was from Mesubutus Eupeus 45%, And roctonus Crassicuda (H.C) %41 Hemiscorpius Lepturus 13% and 1% other types. Among 11318 patients under 15years of age 1316 (12%) were hospitalized among whom 62 children (47%) died due to scorpion envenomation. The most common complications were hemolysis, skin necrosis, severe anemia and shock due to C.N.S. and Cardio-respiratory complications. 90% of mortalities were due to H.L. and 10% due to A.C Inspite of all precautions 62 children died due to acute renal failure, C.N.S. and Respiratory Complications. Among these children only 2 died because of A.C. Discussion: The high percentage of stings by H.L; its complications and mortality rate instinct us to do all we can about the scorpions in future to help the people of the state.

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Introduction: Halothane is one of the inhalation anesthetic drugs which is commonly used for maintenance phase of anesthesia in Iran. It is used via repiratory tract and is excreted by two mechanisms. Firstly, it is excreted through respiratory tract without any changes. The second way is by the liver involvement that halothane changes to secondary active metabolites, which are more hepatotoxic.Materials & Methods: This quasi experimental study carried out on 50 patients who were randomly selected. These patients received prolonged anesthesia using halothane as a major anesthetic drug for maintenance phase. They were examined before and 24 hours after operation and their PT, PIT, AST and ALT were recorded.Results: The results showed that only the average of PT before and 24 hours after operation was significantly different (P<0.001). Discussion: The PT changes were directly related to the time of exposure with halothane, blood iransfusion during operation and also the patients' gender (young males). No significant relationship was observed with the concentration of halothane during operation.

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Introduction: Nutritional anemia in malnourished patients can be caused by different micronutrients such as copper and ceruloplasmin other than iron, folic acid and B12 deficiency.Copper deficiency mimics iron deficiency anemia while the iron reserves are normal, so we decided to study the copper and ceruloplasmin in malnourished patients and its relationship with their anemia.Materials & Methods: During 1.5 year children under 14 years old age is evaluated regarding malnutrition, and forty two patients who had some degrees of malnutrition were selected with Gomez method.These forty two patients were divided into three groups of mild, moderate and sever malnutrition and Hgb, Hct and RBC indices were measured and anemic patients were detected. Further assessment was done by measurement of iron, TIBC, transferin satruation, ferritin, copper and ceruloplasmin.Results: Oru study showed that 33 patient had anemia, eighteen patient had copper and ceruloplasmin deficiency and two patients had copper and ceruloplasmin deficiency anemia. There was relationship between copper deficiency and cemloplasmin level, so that copper deficiency in all patients was accompanied with low cemloplasmin level PV<0.05.Discussion: As malnutrition progress, nutritional deficiencies such as copper and other micronutrients has important role in further progression of the anemia in these patient.

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Introduction: Fertility health is an expanded spectrum of actions which is included from birth to menopause. Matuity health is one of the most important factors of fertility health his researches been done to determine the rate of knowledge, attitude and practice of high school girls to menstruation health in Urmia during 1999-2000.Materials & Methods: This descriptive-analytical study was concluded 20280 high school -girls, and 876 cases were selected as cluster-random samples. The data has been gathered and analyzed by pretest questionnaire regarding the characteristics of variables and research objects.Results: The results indicated that 56.4% of research units were at the first region and 43.6% in the second region of Education and Training Bureau.The majority of research units (40.8%) studied in natural sciences and (31.5%) were in the third educational level. 80% of girls had a monarch between the ages of 12-14. The majority of them (68.8%) had been received their information from their mothers and sisters for the first time. 64.1% of girls emphasised that there is a need for education and 47.1% mentioned that the best people for training were their parents. There was a significant relation between health information of menstruation and different region of education and training Bureau, bathing, mother's occupation and correct form of bathing.Discussion: Unfortunately, adolescents, especially girls of our society are deprived of receiving correct information and health knowledge about menstruation and they posed to get information from parents.Designing and peiforming of educational interventions. are suggested to promote awareness of mothers for submitting correct information to their girls.

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Introduction: The precise immune mechanism of leishmanasis has not been introduced, but TCD4+ lymphocytes have a main role in immune response of leishmaniasisMethods & Materials: In our research we obtain skin biopsies from twelve patients with dry type cutaneous, leishmaniasis After freezing, immuoperoxidase staining for immunophenotyping evalution (CD4, CD8, CD14 CD1a CD54, CD56 CD19, HLA-DR) and their cytokine seretions (IL4, IL10 IL12 INFy) from immune inflammatory cells was done. The patients classified based on histopathology classification by Dr. Azadeh into three groups:1- Acute 2- Non-heald chronic3- Lupoid recidivansResults: In this study we hypothesize that Th1 based on INFy and lL12 seretion and CD4+ marker is predominant in acute form. Th2 based on lL4 and lL10 Secretion and CD4+ marker is predominant in non-heald chronic lesion and Th1/Th2 imbalance pattern in lupoid recidivans.Discussion: We determine cytokine profile of the immune inflammatory cells and compare various kinds of cytokines released by them in these three groups of cutaneous leishmaniasis.

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Introduction: Omeprazole and Ranitidine are the two most widely recommended regimens for the treatment of Duodenal Ulcer (DU).However, no controlled studies with any number of cases and any other similar drugs are available for the reliable comparison of these two regimens in Iran. On the other hand, many factors can affect the treating procedure such as race, habits, culture and socioeconomic status. The aim of this controlled, randomized, prospective study was to compare the effect of these two regimens on duodenal ulcer healing and prevention of ulcer relapse over I-year follow up. Materials & Methods: Patients (n=69) with proven duodenal ulcer (DU) were randomized to one of the two following regimens: group A, Omeprazole 20 mg/day for 4 wks and group B, ranitidine 300 mg/day for 4 wks. Control endoscopies were performed at the end of second and fourth weeks of treating and when symptoms appeared, (up to 1 yr after treatment).Results: A total of 27 patients in group A and 29 patients in group 13 completed the study. 13 patients, 8 in group A and 5 in group B, did not completed the study and dropped out of it. But all patients tolerated the regimens very well. In subjects who completed the study the healing rate of DU in group A, both at the end of 2nd wk (85.2% compared with 48.3%, p=0.01) and at the end of 4th wk of treatment (100% compared with 75.9%, p= 0.02), were significantly higher than in group B. The symptomatic ulcer relapse during the 1-yr follow up in patients with initially healed ulcers (a total of 36 patients were followed up for 1-yr because of limited time) was 20% in group A and 12.5% in group B (p>0.5).Discussion: The 4-wk treatment with omeprazole seems to be more effective than ranitidine on duodenal ulcer healing. In this manner the 2-wk regimen with omeprazole had the same result and no side effect was found during treatment and follow-up periods. However, there was no significant difference in relapse rates among two groups that differs from the results of other studies.

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Swimming of tinagers, young's and even adults in rivers and nonsanitarian and nonstandard pools is one of the important health problem which results transmision and incidance of disease in swimmers. Besides dangers caused by over - mentioned disease, beauty of pools requires that the swimming pools must be healthy and contain lack of any pathogenic agents.Continuous flow pools are the most suitable pools for higenic purposes. The rate of residual chlorine in the pool water should not be less than 0.4 PPM and more than 1 PPM in all time. In this case PH is 7-7.5.If PH is 8-8.9, the rate of residual chlorine must be more than 1 PPM The criteria for the cleanliness of pool water are the same as drinking water. Therefore it is favorable to take two samples in a week when the input of pool is maximum and samples must be sent to the laboratory for all bacteriological and biochemical tests according to standard methods. In order to Judge about the real bacteriological quality of poor water it's better to add S2O3Na2 to the sample bottles. The temperature of water should not be more than 260C. The temperature of pool environment must be 2°C warmer than the water.In a case that alom Al2 (SO4)3 are used as coagulant, PH of water must always be more than 7.

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