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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: The Bethesda classification system for reporting of pap smear have been adopted in worldwide scientific centers since 1991 and yielding accurate results. To get information on the implementation of basics of TBS in the reported pap smears in the pap smear units of West Azarbyjan, present study has been conducted upon 605 reported pap smears (including 5% of the pap smears reported during the summer months of year 1380).Materials & Methods: Cross - sectional, retrospective and analytical method has been implemented throughout this study. Determining 5% for per unit, the intended smears have been selected by systemic random sampling and been reported again in the basics of TBS. The degree of implementation of the basics of TBS in previous reports has been evaluated. Considering the mean differences between the gained data, the Pvalue has been evaluated statistically. P<0.05 points to the presence of a meaning ful-relationship. Results: The results indicated that the degree of implementation of TBS basics in 'specimen adequacy report' in private and state units was 16% and 28% (P>0.05) respectively and for the 'gerneral categorization report' was 41% and 32% (P>0.05) respectively and so for the whole samples it was 38% and 32% respectively. The satisfactory, satisfactory but limited and unsatisfactory smears were 48.6%, 46.8% and 4.7% respectively. Also 20 cases of squamous cell abnormalities with previous negative report (false negative) composed of 2 cases of carcinoma insitu (confirmed by cervical biopsy) one case of LSIN and rest ASCUS was seen. Discussion: The present public system due to inappropriate implementation of the basics of the Bethesda system lakes the foundamentals necessary for screening of cervical malignancy. To accelerate the quality of pap smear, it is necessary to implement the basics of TBS and check the results.

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Introduction: Cyclosporin A is one the immunosuppresive drugs which is applied to decrease the rejection rate of graft after surgical operations, and has numerous side effects.Materials & Methods: In this study, the effect of cyclosporin A on mammary glands of rats was studied. Cyclosporin A was added daily on 12.5g of their feed at dose rate of 20mg/kg body weight for a period of 45 days for 12 experimental rats. Twelve control rats were given only the commercial feed. At end of the experiment, the animals were euthanised and autopsy was performed. Results: No gross or microscopic changes seen in the mammary tissues of control rats. In the experimental animals 3 cases showed gross masses in the mammary glands which histological studied. There was hyperplasia of the epithelium in mammary ducts with increase fibrous tissue around them. Discussion: This study may bring to light the hyperplastic effect of cyclosporine A on mammary gland of rats.

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View 784

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Introduction: Toxoplasmosis is a zoonosis caused by Toxoplasma gondii, an obligate intracellular parasite. It's primary host are cats and in man infection occurs mainly by ingestion of raw or underdone meat and vegetables. The most significant infections in humans are congenital and during first semester of pregnancy cause abortion. Immunologic methods are the most common way to establish the diagnosis. The aim of this study was to determine the incidence of IgG and IgM anti-toxoplasma antibodies in women at the age of marriage in Urmia city.Material and Methods: Serum of 300 women at the age of marriage at No.9 health centre were studied and anti-toxoplasma IgG and IgM antibodies were determined by ELISA and IFA techniques. Results: Anti-toxoplasma IgG antibodies were found positive in 98 (32.8%) and 11 samples (3.7%) equivocal results. Anti-toxoplasma IgM found positive in 12 (4%), and negative in 286 (96%), no equivocal result was obtained for IgM. The speciemens were examined by IFA techniques, the IgG titre in 65 samples was 1/400, 13 samples 1/800, 12 samples 1/600, 4 samples 1/3200 and 4 samples showed negative results. Discussion: The positive results were indicated that toxoplasmosis still can cause problem specially in pregnant women. There were not statistical significant difference between those from rural and urban areas. As a result the control of disease in both areas is recommended.

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Introduction: Indoor public swimming pools have many lovings in all seasons. The water in swimming pools can be a good carrier for transmission of fungal, parasitical, and bacterial diseases.Materials and Methods: In this study parasitic and fungal contaminations of four covered active swimming pools in URMIA city within one year in four seasons were evaluated. Samples were collected by a handle plastic pump. All samples were collected within 2 hours and sent them to laboratory from the parasitic contamination point of view, 8 sample of 200 ml and 8 samples of 1000 ml in each month were collected from the surface and deep parts of pools. The related examinations were achieved by the Membrane filter and sedimentation, leeds ΙΙΙ Method. For the qssessing of fungal contamination, 8 samples of 200 ml in a sterilized bottle were collected every month from swimming pool, then the method of filtration and cultivation samples were used. In addition to the above information, some parameters such as; temperature, Residual chlorine, PH, Turbidity and the number of swimmers were studied. Results: The results of this research indicated that, the average temperature, PH, residual chlorine and turbidity of water were respectively; 29.9co, 0.6, ppm, and 0.8 NTU The most comman fungi recovered were as follows; candida (22.9%) Rhizopus (4.16%), Aspergillus (56.25%). Parasitic examinations showed that among the colleted samples; 47 Parasitic contamination cases were identified and the most of them were; Entamoeba-coli 13 cases (27.6%), Hymenolepis-nana 1 case (2.2%), Oxyur2 cases (4.2%) and finally 31 cases (65.9%) larva from the family of Rhabditida and Nematodes. Discussion: With respect to above results which obtain in this research, we can justify that, all swimming pools can be contaminated by types of fulgus and parasitics. For the prevention from fungal contamination of swimming pools, bathing of feet and washing of body with soap can be useful before entrance to swimmil1g.However, attention to the standard of chlorine residual as well as personal and environmental health can be effective in the reduction swimmings of contamination.

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View 1439

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Introduction: Hypertrophy of the adenoid is a relatively common problem in children that can obstruct upper airway and decrease arterial oxygen pressure and there fore. Causes the risk of obstructive sleep apnea and cardiopulmonary complications.Material and Methods: In 188 patients with symptoms of upper airway obstruction, oxygen saturation was measured using pulse oxymetry, preoperatively. SaO2 was again measured one month after adenoidectomy in those children with preoperative SaO2 less than 95%, using the pulse oximeter.Results: From 188 patients, 102 of them had preoperative SaO2 less than 95% (89-94%). 87 patients of them had postoperative follow up and their SaO2 was above 95% in all of them in two patients (P<0.001).Discussion: Arterial oxygen saturation increase was seen after adenoidectomy. And it seems that SaO2 measurement can be used as a safe and simple way to for assessing the severity of upper airway obstruction in children with adenoid hypeltrophy and also to the result of the operation effects on it.

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Introduction: Cutaneous leishmaniasis is one of the endemic disease in Iran and in this country Isfahan province is a hyperendemic region of the disease. The disease is distributed in many of townships and villages of north and eastern north of the city for the reason that the optimal treatment for cutaneous leishmaniasis is unknown and response to therapy has been varied according to the species of Leishmania and type of the used drugs the present study was designed. Method: Cure effects of a drug film with a base of ethylene cellulose and hydroxy propyl methyl cellulose (HPMC) contaning paromomycin 18% and gentamicin 0.5% was evaluated in 158 patients infected by cutaneous leishmaniasis which their illness was proved by direct smear examination and culture. The study was a randomized single-blind placebo controlled. Each patient was under medical and lab examination in the treatment days, every 4 days for 28 days, and followed up at the days of 58 and 88 after the end of treatment. Results: Results of the study showed that utilization of this new physical form of the drug in a mentioned period of time caused significant cure effects in test group; so that 86% of cases in test group were cured at the end of the treatment but in placebo group only 13.3% of patients were cured dW1ngthis time (P<0.00001). Discussion: The new drug films were safe and were tolerated by patients. In general and because of good characters of the drug films they can be used as a suitable way for treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis. Revision of the production procedures in relation to the drug film bases and complementary expeJimentsfor improving the release of choice drug from the drug base was suggested.

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Introduction: Splenomegaly is one of the common and important clinical findings in some of the diseases, careful history, physical examination and necessary laboratory tests can lead to underlying causes of splenomegaly but in some cases further investigations including marrow aspiration is necessary. This study was done in this respect. Materials & Methods: During one year from July 1999 children who were admitted in Tabriz pediatric medical center with splenomegaly were studied prospectively. In this study 71 patients had clinical and sonographic splenomegaly with or without hepatomegaly. Possible laboratory tests and imaging studies were done for diagnosis of these patients but in cases of failure, marrow aspiration was done. Results: 19 patients were diagnosed by laboratory assessment. In rest of cases marrow aspiration was performed, which led to final diagnosis in 38 patients but if was not helpful in remaining cases. The results indicated that when either high ESR, cytopenia or both were present marrow aspiration was necessary to establish the diagnosis. In this study leukmeia was the most common cause of splenomegaly while visceral leishmaniasis was 2nd in frequenty. Discussion: This study shows that dications for bone marrow aspiration in splenomegaly includes decrease in at least two element of blood cells which has sensitivity of 91.8% and specificity of 73.3% (p<0.001) and high ESR with bicytopenia has sensitivity of 95.6% and specificity of 44.8% (p<0.001).

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Background and objectives: The infections resulting from Salmonella typhi and non typhi Salmonella are still of special significance in many parts of the world especially in developing countries. Different types of Salmonella have increasingly become resistant to the common antibiotics used in therapy. Our main objective was to study of antibiotic resistance Pattern of isolated Salmonella strains from treatment centers in Iran and other countries, so that effective measures could be taken in the treatment of Salmonella infections. Methods: One hundred Salmonella strains isolated from different clinical samples including faces, blood or CSF, bile, vamil and urine were studied. The clinical samples were cultured in the selective and differential media. Using biochemical tests, the strains were identified and the Salmonella antiserum (bioMerieux) was used. Sensitivity tests of the isolated strains were carried out using the disc-agar diffusion method. Finding: Of 100 strains 63% were isolated from blood, 26% from stool, 1%from CSF, 2% from bile, 7% from vomit. The isolated organisms were identified using biochemical and serologic tests and were arranged in the order of frequency of occurrence as: 40% strains Salmonella enteritidis, followed by Salmonalla typhi 23%, S typhimurium 19% and others. All of the tested strains, were sensitive to amikacin and ceftazidim, 98% of them were sensitive to Nalidixic acid, which were the highest percentages of sensitivity. Only 5% of strains were sensitive to streptomycin. Conclusion: The Prevalent Salmonella strains isolated in this study belonged to S enteritids, S typhi with pronounced presence of non typhi groups. All of the tested strains, 100% of them were sensitive to amikacin and ceftazidim. The comparison of these results with obtained results from similar studies in Iran and other countries shows that aminoglycosides, third generation cephalosprins and quinolones are at present the most promising drugs for the treatment of infections by Salmonella.

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Introduction: To determine age-specific rubella seroprevalence in the 0 to 45 years-old unvaccinated population in Urmia, Iran and also to propose a vaccination strategy against rubella. Materials & Methods: A total of 1600 unvaccinated persons 0 to 45 years old were selected for the study with cluster sampling. Sera from 758 females and 781 males were tested for rubella IgG antibody using enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELIZA) technique. "Rubella seropositivity" was defined as Serum rubella IgG antibody level> or = 13 IU/ml. Results: Of the 1539 cases, 61.5% were seprositive. Due to mathernal derived antibodies, 93.3% of the newborns were seropositive. This figure decreased with time until it became zero in children aged 10 months, then from years 4, increased with age gradually until it peaked at 92.8% in the age group of 30-34 years. Then the seropositivity decteased 88.9% in the age group of >35 years. Of women in the reproductive age groups (15-45 years old), 89.2% were seropositive. Discussion: Because a substantial proportion of women in their childbearing years are susceptible to rubella, immunization efforts should be directed at infants and / or prepubertal children.

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Kawasaki disease is an acute febrile vasculitis of childhood. The cause of the illness remains unknown but clinical and epidemiologic feature strongly support an infectious origin. Kawasaki disease causes a severe vasculitis of all blood vessel with preditection for the coronary arteries. Hair loss as a feature of disease has not been reported in medical literature. The patient was a 26 months old boy with high grade fever for 12 days, oral lesion, skin rash, bilateral conjunctivitis, arthralgia and otalgia who was admitted with impression of kawasaki in pediatric ward of Yasuj Emam sajjad hospital. Sedimentaion rate above 100 and platelet counte above 1000000 was reported. Hair loss was started acutely and insidiously in scalp area since first day of admission. All signs of kawasaki and hair loss disappeared with starting of IV immunoglobolin.

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