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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Two hundred and sixty-six pationts under 14 years of age with signs and symptoms of potential central nervous system infection were evaluated from September 23, 1994 to September 22, 1995. These patints visited Bahrami, Emam Hossein, Shohada, Mofeed, Tehran children, Ali Asghar, Emam Khomeini, and Takhty hospitals. The majority of children had a relatively brief and mild illness characterized by a constellation of features previously described with central nervous system infection; fever, headache, vomiting, nausea, muscular spasm and neck rigidity. One distinct and another infrequently reported feature of viral aseptic meningitis is hypoglycorrhachia and CSF pleocytosis. Questionnaries were completed with patient’s documents, and CSF specimens of these were transferred to Pasteur Institute in order to isolate viruses. Specimens were cultured on HeLa and GMK2 cell lines and virus idendification was done by LBM pooled antisera. Enteroviruses were isolated from CSF in 15% of patients with aseptic meningitis and all isolates were typed as coxsackie virus types B5 (95%) and B4 (5%). The highest incidence of enteroviral meningitis (42.5%) was in children under 12 months of age, and the highest rate of this were 50% in summer (p<0.001). Our study indicates enteroviruses are important causative agent of asepticmeningitis among children in Tehran.

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The sesame oil is effective on the decrease of cholesterol and has been shown this oil doesn’t make disorder in the cardvoasclar system too. Since, the effects of sesame oil on spatial learning have been investigated.In this study, N-MARI aged rats were used, in four group as a control group was fed with an ordinary diet and other groups were fed with adiet containing sesame oil (10%) for two three and four weeks than Rats were traind for a spatial learning task using.T- Maze. All rats were traind for Subsequently 9 days based on standard.Results show that an increase of spatial learning in rats were fed with sesame oil 10% (P<0/001) four week, but nor for two and three week.The sesame oil consist of unsaturated fattyacid that can decrease cholesterol and also have 1% of phosphatidyle choline (lecithin) so, It seems that sesame oil have a modelatory role in spatial learning in rats. Probably, this related change of activity in cholinergic system because lecithin is precursor of acetylcholine.

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Production of enzymes is a well studied subject however, simuitaneous optimization of production two or more enzymes and trying to develop a single condition for their optimum production, is not well documented in the literatures. For simuitaneous optimization of production two enzymes (amylase and pectinase) that have economical importance, PTCC 5164 as a fungi producer source of these enzymes and statistical Taguchi method were used. Enzymes activities were determined by DNS method.In the preliminary tests, maximum production of pectinase and amylase was determined, citrus pectin and corn starch flour as a subststrate respectively .Media with mixed carbon sources, containing different ratios of wheat bran, citrus pectin and corn starch flour were designed and the best condition for highest amount of production of these enzymes was detected. As a result, after performing the Taguchi method, an increase of 190.53 and 222.5 in the amount of produced amylase and pectinase was showed, respectively. As the next step, a combinatory optimum point, which was an arithmetic average point of the previous points, was chosen, in which in relation to the initial conditions, the production of the mentioned enzymes was increased 196.22 and 220, respectively. As a result, statistical methods indicate suitability in microbiological and biotechnological processes optimizations because a few experiments that can find useful results.

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In the present investigation the glandular trichomes on the vegetative and reproductive organs of Satureja khuzistanica were studied using light microscopy, scanning and transmission electron microscopy to determine their structure, ultra structure, morphology, anatomy and development.The results revealed that there was one type protective trichome and four types of glandular trichomes include peltate, Short- stalked capitate, long- stalked capitate and conoidal trichome were found on the epiderm surface of vegetative and reproductive organs of Satureja khuzistanica.Non- glandular trichome are uniseriate, multicellular and consisting of 3 to 5 cells. Peltate trichomes in Satureja khuzistanica are two type (I, II). Type I was found on the epiderm surface of vegetative organs and type II was found on the epiderm surface of reproductive organs. Peltate trichomes consisted of basal cell, a short stalk cell (type I) or a stalk with 6 to 8 voluminous and longthy cell (type II) and a round, broad head of six to eight secretory cell arranged in a circle. Capitate trichome in Satureja khuzistanica, can be divided into two type according to the dimensions of the stalk and morphology of glandular head. Short- stalked Capitate trichomes have one basal cell, a short stalk cell with thick cutinized lateral walls and a unicellular ovoid to globoid head. Long- stalked Capitate trichomes possess one basal cell, a long two to three-celled stalk of variable length and a unicellular bulb-shaped head. Conoidal trichome consist of basal cells, a unicellular narrow stalk and a unicellular voluminous glandular head. The ultrastructure of the secretory cells of glandular trichome was charecterized by a thin wall, large and central nucleus, rich in cytoplasm contain numerous dark staining organelles and secreted substance and symplastic connection with uppermost stalk cells.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The genus of Stachys L. comprises more than 270 species and is justifiably considered as one of the largest genera of the Labiatae. The air-dried epigeous parts of Stachys lavandulifolia in flowering stage were subjected to hydrodistillation method (in a yield 0.8% W/W). Identification of essential oil costitiuents was made by GC and GC/MS. The antibacterial tests were carried out by drilling well and measuring diameter of inhibition zone. The results showed that a large proportion of the oil was composed of monoterpene compounds. 14 components were identified, accounting for 90.96% of total oil. The major components were a-Pinene (16.3%), Myrcene (20.9%) and a-Terpinene (20%). The results of the antibacterial activity showed that the oil was active against Staphylococcus epidermidis, salemonella typhi and E. col i(diameter of growth inhibition zones: 29, 31 and 25mm, respectively), while it has lower. The least antimicrobial affects of studied essential oils was observed against Haemophilus influenzae and Bacillus cereus with diameter of inhibition zone (7, 9 mm respectively).

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The essential Oils obtained from Satureja khuzistanica Jamzad (Lamiaceae) harvested in lorestan province at three ontogenical stages (before, during and after flowering) were evaluated for their Chemical Composition. The aerial parts were subjected to hydrodistillation for 5h using a Clevenger apparatus, giving yellow oil. Analysis of the volatile compounds was carried out on a GC/MS system. To quantitate the in vitro antimicrobial activity, minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) were determined. The results of this investigation showed that the highest amount of essential oil was observed before flowering stage and lowest amount was observed after flowering stage. The essential oils from S. khuzistanica contained carvacrol as the major costituent in all oil samples at three ontogenical stages. Highest variability was observed in before flowering stage and lowest variability was observed in after flowering. Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of the essential oil against the five bacterial strains include Staphylococcus.aureus 6538p MIC=0.2 ml/ml), S.epidermidis 12228CIP (MIC=0.2ml/ml), S.typhi ATCC27853 (MIC=0.4 ml/ml), E.coli 35218BBL (MIC=0.4ml/ml), P.aeroginosa 27853ATCC (MIC=2ml/ml) and one fungal strain include C.albicans 10231 BBL (MIC=0.1ml/ml) were determined.

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The objective of this study was determining the effect of soil fertilization on yield of medicinal plants. This study was carried out in autumn (2003) and spring (2004) in research field of Azad University, Share-e-Rey. The target plant was Cuminum cyminum.Used treatments were different ratio of purified chemical fertilizers as combination of N.P.K which is common in cropping systems with muck. Control were not received any fertilizer. Treatment were: 1-a1: N: 40 kg _ P: 32kg _ K: 40 /ha + 15 muck /ha, 2- a2: N: 80 kg _ P: 64 kg _ K: 80 kg /ha without muck and 3- a3: N: 40kg _ P: 32kg _ K: 40kg/ha + 25muck /ha. v1, v2 and v3 show the varieties of Khorasan, Kerman and Isfahan, respectively.Results showed that v1 had the best yield. The highest yield of seed was seen in treatment of a1 in v1 seeds. Plant height, (leaf area) canopy, number of minor and major umbel and number of flowers were estimated because of their importance in yield of plant. In addition the yield of seed/ha and weight of 1000 grains were measured. Experiment was carried out in randomized complete block design with three replications. Statistical data were analyzed by LSD test.

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Iran is the biggest producer and exporter of important fruit, pomegranate .The consumption of pomegranate as a source of carbohydrates, vitamins, and specially antioxidant compounds is increased progressively in the recent years. It is considered as a natural preservative because of its innate tannin. The improper storekeeping and offering are two important problems for Iran’s pomegranate. The physical and chemical conditions as well as its variety are significant determinants on the preservation of its valuable ingredients at the storekeeping period. The recent studies have shown the effectiveness of calcium chloride on the preservation of quantity and quality of some fruits such as apple at the springhouse.In this survey to study the effects of the physical and chemical treatments in the storekeeping period on the morphological changes, weight loss and antioxidant properties of pomegranate, we considered Malass Saveh variety which has the most culture in the area. The samples were selected from Saveh farms and randomly divided into control and treatment samples and temperature. The treatment samples were exposed to physical (4, 18, 22 centigrade) and chemical (%4, %6 calcium chloride) conditions by the specialists of Saveh’s research center of pomegranate. Some of them, on their calyx, are covered by the sterilized cotton that impregnated with calcium chloride solution as well as washing with the same solutions. The duration of each treatment was 2 and 3 months. The anticarcinogenic effects of pomegranate juice were confirmed via the S9 technique. The morphological characteristics and weight changes of all fruits were assessed and compared weekly. The anticarcinogenic properties of fruit juice were analyzed through Salmonella typhimurium TA100 and microsome according to Ames test after sucking of squeezed fruits through by sterilized syringe. The results have shown that the preservation of fruits in the 4 degree along with %4 calcium chloride is better than other treatments for preservation of morphology and weight of fruits. At all, the samples that washed with %4 and %6 calcium chloride solutions were more preserved than control samples, but their antioxidant properties and percent of mutation prevention reduced. In addition, S9 increased the percent of mutation prevention, so the pomegranate is represented as an anticarcinogenic fruit.

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