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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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تعیین شرایط بهینه در هر فرآیندی از اتلاف وقت و انرژی جلوگیری کرده و موجب افزایش بهره وری آن می گردد. امروزه بدلیل مزایای فراوان محصولات سویا سعی می گردد روش اولیه تولید فرآورده های سویا از نظر طعم و بازدهی تولید، بهبود یابد. در این بررسی با استفاده از روش آماری تاگوچی تولید توفو از نظر وزن و طعم بهینه سازی گردید. فاکتورهای انتخاب شده نوع و مقدار ماده منعقدکننده، مقدار آب مصرفی در تولید شیر سویا و دمای انعقاد بودند. نتایج نشان داد مهمترین فاکتور در میزان بازدهی تولید و طعم توفو مقدار آب مصرفی است. بهترین بازدهی تولید مربوط به منعقدکنندهMgCl2  با 143 گرم توفو به ازای 100 گرم سویا بود و بهترین طعم مربوط به منعقدکننده MgCl2 با امتیاز 3, 7 از 5 امتیاز در روش هدونیک بود.

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Soft green hull (endocarp), branche, leave, remaining kernell and wood shell are by - products of the fresh pistachio processing industry. The most major waste of pistachio processing is green hull (more than 60 percent). Pistachio green hull is also a promising source of protein, fat, mineral salts and vitamins and is one of the richest source of antioxidant and phenolic compound. In this research, the effect of different levels of pistachio green hull (40 to 60 percent) and pectin (0 to 0.4 percent) on the chemical properties (brix, pH, acidity, total soluble solid and total pectin) sensory characteristics (color, consistency, taste, firmness, adhesiveness, spreadability, overal acceptability) and image parameters (intensity, hue and saturation) of pistachio green hull marmalade investigated. The results of chemical and sensory properties showed that increasing the pistachio green hull caused increase in acidity and firmness, while decreased color, consistency, spreadability and overal acceptability (P<0.05). The increase of pectin led to increase of firmness (P<0.05). Increasing the percent of pistachio green hull and pectin on other characteristics were not significant (P>0.05). Results of  image processing showed that increasing the percent of pistachio green hull and pectin on color indexes were not significant (P>0.05).

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In this research, heat stability of the oils from the current canola cultivars in Iran (Okapi, Hyola 401, Zarfam, and Talayeh) was compared in terms of the resistance to the conjugated diene hydroperoxides production during the heating process at 180°C. The stability test results were analyzed based on the polyene index, peroxide value, acid value, and total tocopherol and phenolic compounds. The highest original conjugated diene value (CDV) belonged to the oils from the Zarfam (8.18) and Okapi (7.73) cultivars in Khorasan Razavi province and the Hyola cultivar (7.78) in Golestan province, and the lowest ones belonged to the oils from the Zarfam (5.38) and Talayeh (5.85) cultivars in Tehran and Fars provinces, respectively. The CDVs exponentially increased during the heating process. The oil from the Okapi cultivar totally had the highest heat resistance to the conjugated diene hydroperoxides production.After 4 h of the heating process, the CDV of the oil from the Zarfam-Khorasan Razavi cultivar varied more severely, but finally at the end of the heating process, showed a similar status to the oil from the Okapi cultivar. Heat stability of the oil from the Zarfam-Tehran cultivar was relatively lower than that of the Zarfam-Khorasan Razavi cultivar. The oil from the Hyola-Golestan cultivar had a moderate heat stability among the canola oils studied, and then the oil from the Hyola-Mazandaran cultivar. After 4 h of the heating process, the oil from the Talayeh-Fars cultivar had a similar quality to the oil from the Zarfam-Khorasan Razavi cultivar but its quality decreased more severely than that of the other non- Talayeh cultivars at the end of the heating process. Finally, the oil from the Talayeh-Khorasan Razavi cultivar had the lowest heat stability after 8 h of the heating process. Assuming the same original quality for the canola oils studied, heat stability was in the order of the Zarfam-Khorasan Razavi>Okapi- Khorasan Razavi>Hyola-Golestan>Zarfam-Tehran>Hyola-Mazandaran>Talayeh-Fars=Talayeh- Khorasan Razavi.

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In the present Study, oil from three major canola varieties grown in Golestan province namely Hyolla 401, Hyolla 420 and RGS003, have been extracted and stored for four months in dark at room temperature. Oil samples were tested every week for, free fatty acid, acid value, peroxide value, anisidine value, totex value and rancimat test. The results showed  that in all three varieties, free fatty acids, acid value, peroxide value, anisidine value and totex value were increased significantly during storage (a=0.05). Most changes in free fatty acids, acid value, peroxide value, anisidine value and totex value were observed in Hyolla 420 variety and the least were founded in RGS003 variety. The results of rancimat test showed significant decrease in canola oil stability during storage in all three varieties. The highest oil stability was observed in Hayolla 420 variety. Hyolla 420 variety had the highest level of iron that led to significant decrease in its stability. Chlorophyll is one of the most important factors in oil stability that act as antioxidant in dark condition. The lowest level of chlorophyll were determined in Hyolla4 20 variety that  was in accordance with its low stability.

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A split - split plot design was used to evaluate the effects of different storage conditions on qualitative & quantitative characteristics of Iranian onion cultivars. Storage conditions (10oC, 50-60%RH and 4oC, 65-75%RH), cultivars (Azarshahr - Red, Neishabor-Red, Kashan - White and Isfahan - White) and storage time (0, 1, 2, 3 months) were assigned to main plot, sub plot and sub sub plot, respectively. Different characteristics such as, water loss, dry matter, firmness, changes in colour, total soluble solids and pyruvic acid (pungency index) were evaluated monthly, during storage. Results were analyzed using SAS software. LSD test was used for multiple comparisons of the mean values.Results revealed that stored onion at different storage conditions had significant differences in firmness, colour indices, weight loss, sprouting, spoilage and pungency. At different storage time, onions showed significant differences in above characteristics. Kashan - White, Neishabor - Red and Isfahan - White demonstrated higher firmness. Onion stored in conventional storage showed higher weight loss, sprouting and spoilage as compared with the onions in cold storage.

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Today polymeric materials dueto suitable strength against mechanical impacts and also economical benefit as compaired with other packaging materials has been specific situation in more industries, also at present use of such material day to day are developing. One of the impacts which occur dueto use of plastics material on the society and environment, is non decomposition of them, that cause to appear environmental problems.One of the this investigation targets is access to economical method to recycling of plastics packging material to produce best worthy material than traditional recycling methods . In this study to manufacturing samples , we use PET & PE & PP and PS packaging material from one of mass production plastics industries, after grinding , with mesh size 1 to 5 mm and also 6 to 20 mm with equally 25 wt . % . and also use polyester fiber with 2.5 wt.% and polyvinyl acetate was used as the composite binder added with 20 wt.% , for preparing final mixture , mentioned materials in three times separately in three stage mixed and was moulded in three series mould of 1/1 ratio: diameter / length of cylinders . After preparing of samples , samples tested with INSTRON - 6027 Type instrument with 20 mm / Min speed of pressing plate. The result of determination of compressive strength of samples has shown that 1 to 5 mm particle mesh size indicated that the mean of variation of sample length due to compress at5,10,15,20,25,30,35and40 mm was, with arrangements 761,1524,2254,3265,4719,6924,10352 and 15827 N. Also the result of determination of compressive strength of samples has shown that 6 to 20 mm particle mesh size indicated that the mean of variation of sample length due to compress at 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 mm was, with arrangements 160, 270, 407, 603, 927, 1575, 3233, and 8777 N, has needed load force for compression. Also as compared the mean of compressive force load samples with 1 to 5 mm mesh size has needed more compressive load / N with arrangement of 81.9 , 81.3, 77.3 and 44.5 % as compared with samples that manufacture with 6 to 20 mm mesh size particle. Also results of t-test for compairing means showned that mean difference with a=0.05 for samples that made with particle size 1 to 5 mm and 6 to 20 mm / mesh size variation in two groups samples length and needed compressive load was significant.

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Several attempts have been made to decrease the meat products calorie by replacing fat with non - meat ingredients, such as olive oil, cotton seed, soy proteins and vegetable oils. Melon seed is a common tropical oil seed, has been valued for its good quality oil with high unsaturated fatty acid & low cholestrol and protein with good functional properties content. Its functional properties therefore merit research for developing low - fat meat product for human consumption rather than using it to formulate animal diets. A study was conducted in which melon seed meal (MSM) was replaced instead of fat at levels of 0, 3, 5, 7, % in four batchs of hamburger and 0,3% of sausage. Result known MSM increased both of the ash and protein contents but decreased (meaningful) the fat and moisture content. The highest fat content (13.6%) was obtained for control batch while the lowest content (12.4 %) was recorded for batch 5%. (p<0.05) Also MSM improved overall acceptability of the finished hamburgers and panelists accepted its.Otherwise, all of the chemical properties of sausage containing 3% MSM (meaningful) were greater than the control.While also were in standard range and melon seed meal cases sensory properties unacceptable, either overall acceptability was valuated very bad (p<0.05).

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In this study, effects of different concentrations salt solution were analyzed on the changing of chemical contents and yield of salted carp during different stages of processing. For this purpose, samples of common carp Cyprinus carpio was salted in three brine concentrations (10%, 15% and 20%) and fish to brine ratio (1:1/6) and so brine concentration 20 % and fish to brine ratio (1:1), which was followed by dry salting and storage. Higher weight yield, protein and moisture and lower fat and salt were obtained by using lower salt concentration (%10-15%) than by using higher brine solution (20%) (P<0/05). Maximum and minimum of weight was found in 10% concentration brining stage and in 20% concentration (1:1/6) storage stage. Higher salt was in storage stage therefore lower moisture content and yield was seen in storage stage in four brine solutions. The protein of fillet increased during salting process (P<0/05) which protein content did not showed difference in dry salting and storage. Maximum fat content concluded in 15 and 20 percent salt solution.  Although Salt had a highly significant decreasing effect on the pH during processing, pH content increased during carp storage (P<0/05).

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In the present work, survival of two most important commercial strains of probiotic bacteria, i.e.,  Lactobacillus acidophilus (La5) and Bifidobacterium lactis (Bb12), during production and cold storage of Iranian Doogh, containing Ziziphora extract was studied. The bacteria inoculated into three types of Doohg, a plain sample as the control one, and two samples containing 1% and 2% Ziziphora extract. Survival of probiotic bacteria, pH, acidity and organoleptic characteristics of bio - Doogh were examined during a nine - week cold storage time (4oC). Our results revealed that the population of viable B. lactis reduced by 2.5 log cfu/ml, while L. acidophilus count reduced to zero after eight weeks at 4oC. The pH and acidity of bio - Doogh were not changed significantly (p>0.05) during cold storage period. Also, the organoleptic characteristics of the studied samples changed significantly (p<0.05). Bio - Doogh with Ziziphora extract had higher flavor scores than bio - Doogh without Ziziphora extract.

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In this study, several physical and mechanical properties of Quercus were evaluated as a function of variety. The physical properties of nuts such as dimensional characteristics (length, width and thickness), unit mass and geometrical properties (the geometric mean diameter, volume, surface area and projected area), solid density, bulk density, 1000 seeds mass and porosity differed significantly. To assess mechanical properties samples were loaded between two parallel plates to determine the specific deformation, rupture force and rupture energy and toughness in the rate of loading (31, 54, 75, 200 and 300 mm/min), in the vertical loading side (in the side of diameter) and result showed that amount of rupture force increased with boosting loading rate. In addition concerning statistical analysis on the date integration of variety and loading rate had significant effect (P<0.01) on all mechanical properties. The highest static coefficients of friction were a achieved on rubber surface and the least for aluminum surface.

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In recent years, extensive research in the production of impermeable packaging materials has been conducted with the aim of overcoming the limitation in the use of PVC and EVOV. One of the suitable candidates for this purpose is the use of nano particles in packaging films. These materials besides producing suitable relative impermeability, improve processibility and other properties while increasing the durability of food products. In this research, the effect of seven types of nanofilms containing silver and clay structures on permeability to water vapor and oxygen in comparison with control film (no nano particles) was investigated and the data were statistically analyzed. Results showed that the use of silver and clay nano particles reduces water vapor and oxygen permeability of films. In silver nanofilms, most reduction of permeability was obtained with the 2 percent silver nanofilm (S2) while in composite films, the 3 percent clay nanofilm (SC3) gave the best results. water vapor permeability showed a 3.1 to 4.9 times reduction compared to the control. The effect of film type on water vapor permeability was significant at the 0.05 level. Oxygen permeability was reduced by indirect method 1.7 to 4.9 times which is a considerable improvement over the regular film and is promising for the packaging industry. The effect of film type on oxygen permeability (indirect method) was significant at the 0.001 level. Oxygen permeability in the direct method showed a 1.75 to 3.8 reduction compared to the control (regular film) which was significant at the 0.01 level. In conclusion, nanofilm with 2 percent silver content (S2) exhibiting least amount of water vapor and oxygen permeability is the best film for packaging.

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