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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1198

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Higher education has a basic and pivotal role in development of communities and coordination between different dimensions of community. Faculty members and human resources are the most important sources of a university. The university personnel and faculty members attempt to improve education system. The aim of this study was to recognize and collect the criteria for a desirable teacher from nursing students' point of view. METHODS: This study was performed on all nursing students of Babol and Ramsar nursing faculties of Babol University of medical sciences, Iran. The data collection tool was a self administered questionnaire. At first, top students of different semesters in the groups of 6-8 persons were interviewed during meetings. Brainstorm technique used to gather the students' opinion about ideal university teacher. Then their opinions were categorized and set priorities and finally have been put in Likert scale form. Reexamination method and faculty members view were used to determine the reliability and validity of the questionnaire. FINDINGS: Of 250 questionnaires which were distributed, 234 were returned. Criteria like; to be on time (65.4%), appropriate manner of teacher in the class (67.7%), to be experienced and skillful (76.5%), to be up-to-date (65.1%), flexibility in the class (75.1%) and appropriate educational devices (60.4%) are important criteria for desirable teacher.CONCLUSION: According to the results of this study, personal criteria like communication methods, appropriate manner of teacher in the class, teaching rules, lesson plan, experience, and to be up-to-date make a teacher to be capable. So a checklist of these criteria should be provided and be used as a self assessment tool for the teacher to improve their education.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: The lesson plan is written description of education process in which is shown what, when, where and with which method should be learned and how students will be assessed. The aim of this study was to evaluate the lesson plans of faculty members of medical and dental schools of Babol University of medical sciences, Babol, Iran.METHODS: In this cross sectional study, lesson plan of all faculty members of medical school (clinical and basic sciences) and dental school who participated in workshop of principles of writing lesson plan was assessed. In initial assessment of lesson plans, existing problems noted and explained to authors in individual meetings. Studied items included specifying the instructor's name, lesson name, using educational devices and etc. Score for specified and non specified items was one and zero, respectively. Then groups were compared with each other.FINDINGS: In this study, 100% of faculty members of basic sciences, 91.3 % of faculty members of clinical sciences and 100% of dental school faculty members use the lecture as a teaching method. Power point and video projector are the most common educational aid devices which used by 75% of faculty members of basic sciences, 57.1 % of faculty members of clinical sciences and 100% of faculty members of dental school. Formative examinations (quiz, midterm test and etc) were used to evaluate students by 58.3 % of faculty members of basic sciences, 14.2 % of faculty members of clinical sciences and 0% of faculty members of dental school.CONCLUSION: The results of this study show that most faculty members do not use formative examinations to evaluate the students and they do not prepare a written lesson plan. More planning is necessary to resolve the problem in order to faculty members are required to have written lesson plan as routine work.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1386

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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Doctors' communication abilities are associated with outcomes of medical care such as satisfaction and compliance. Two styles of practice are observed: patient- centered and doctor- centered. We designed this investigation to compare the opinions of patients and clinical faculty members of Babol University of medical sciences on patient-centeredness in doctor-patient relationship. METHODS: This cross sectional study was performed in the teaching hospitals of Babol University of Medical Sciences, Babol, Iran in academic year of 2008-2009. We selected randomly 72 patients and 72 clinical faculty members. Our survey utilized PPOS (Patient-Practitioner Orientation Scale), a validated instrument with total score ranging from patient-centered (6 scores) to doctor-centered (1 score).FINDINGS: Mean caring score of faculty members was 3.72±0.48, sharing was 3.10±0.62 and total was 3.41±0.49. Mean caring score of patients was 3.87±0.53, sharing was 3.45±0.94 and total was 3.66±0.57. Faculty members and patients showed significant differences in sharing (p=0.006) and total scores (p=0.008) but not in caring (p=0.068).CONCLUSION: Totally, patients were more patient centered. Our data suggest that staff development programs should be organized for clinical faculty members to achieve social needs for change in doctor-patient relationship.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1327

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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Medical education has been shifted from the theoretical classes and hospital wards to the outpatient clinics and ambulatory settings. Regarding the existing problems in this type of education, this study was done to investigate teaching-learning process in educational ambulatory settings of medical school in Isfahan University of medical sciences, Iran.METHODS: This cross-sectional study with random cluster sampling was conducted on 45 teachers of Isfahan University of medical sciences within 2007-2008. The data related to teachers' skills in domains of pre teaching, within teaching and post teaching were collected by a researcher made check list (yes/no questions) with confirmed validity and reliability.FINDINGS: The findings revealed those teachers' skills in pre teaching, some post teaching (finalizing the educational material and giving feed back to learners) and within teaching (making relation between past and newly learned materials) domains were weak. Meanwhile, their skill in items such as physical exam and interviewing the patients (eye contact, respecting privacy and appropriate cover of the patients) were excellent.CONCLUSION: The findings showed that teachers were weak in some teaching skills such as pre teaching, post teaching and within teaching. So, holding related educational programs seems necessary to enhance teachers' knowledge and function in teaching domains.

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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Continuing dental education program is recognized as a necessary measure for promoting and maintaining the level of knowledge and skill of dental graduates. The aim of this study was to determine the opinions of general dental practitioners and faculty members view about different aspects of these programs. METHODS: This qualitative study used focus groups of 35 general dentists (in seven groups) and 27 members of the dentistry faculty (in ten groups). After transcription of the entire discussions, content analysis was done by coding and categorizing the data. FINDINGS: The total codes extracted from faculty members were 44 and for general dentists were 43 codes so divided in three categories. There were 9 common codes between two groups after assessment of the contents. CONCLUSION: General dentist’s needs including operative dentistry, root canal therapy and dental prosthesis should be considered in planning of these programs for quality improvement and increasing the efficacy and effectiveness of them.

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View 677

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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Considering the role of universities in specialist training, evaluation of education status and awareness of the weak and strong points in educational process, design and implementation of appropriate programs is necessary. The aim of this study was to evaluate the changing trends in educational status during ten years and the affecting factors in progress and decline of education. METHODS: In this cross sectional study, educational files of students who entered the University in the 1994- 2003 academic year were reviewed. Demographic data, educational fields, high school diploma grade, number of credits taken each semester, average and current status of graduate students from on progress or educational dropout points were assessed.FINDINGS: Total 772 students included 251 boys and 521 girls, in medicine 295 and nursing 477 were evaluated. Average score of high school diploma, gender and educational semester average influence on educational status. The students with higher mean grade of high school diploma had better education status. And female students had better education score than male during this period. Mean grade in the successful students was17.6±1.7 and mean grade in probation students was 13.5±8 (p=0.02). During the 10 years, according to mean of grade-point average of students in various terms, educational quality showed some changes. In some years, students show a great promotion academic achievement and in contrast we can observe students drop out in other years. However, these changes were not a particular trend.CONCLUSION: According to the results of this study, educational status of high school students has a significant role on educational status during university. So the average grade of high school students should be considered in criteria for student admission to university.

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View 1269

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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Continuous evaluation of students’ educational status is one of the most important essentials in improving the quality of educational system in universities. This study was performed to assess the educational status of dental students at clinical courses in Babol University of medical sciences attended during 1998-2002. METHODS: This cross sectional study was accomplished on 103 dental students of Babol University of medical sciences attended during 1998-2002 and passed all course in this faculty. Data included demographic, theoretical, clinical and total score, mean of basic sciences course and score of basic sciences exam were gathered from the archive of the university and analyzed.FINDINGS: Mean score of theoretical (p=0.04), clinical (p=0.026) and total (p=0.013) scores was significant between different admissions. The mean score of dental material (p=0.000), periodontology (p=0.002), orthodontics (p=0.000), partial prosthodontics (p=0.016), endodontics (p=0.000), oral medicine (p=0.000), oral surgery (p=0.000), operative dentistry (p=0.005) and community dentistry (p=0.000) were statistically significant.CONCLUSION: According to the results of this study, educational status of dental students had an improving process from 1998 to 2002. Further studies are recommended to determine the causes of changes in this process that can be used to improve the educational status of students.

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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: The significance of the occupation of medical doctors has given great importance to the methods used in medical education of training. The opinions of graduated students of medical science is fruitful in disclosing whether the clinical trainings are effective for medical services or not and to discover what its possible shortcomings are. Therefore the following study was performed to determine the opinions of graduated students of medicine on the amount of compatibility existing between the programs of clinical education and their occupation needs.METHODS: The cross-sectional study was done on 200 graduated students of general medicine from the year 1997 and after, in Kerman University of medical sciences, Kerman, Iran. The research was held by the use of a questionnaire which had 2 parts. The first was a demographic data gathering and the second included 25 questions on technical and communication skills. After collecting the data, graduated students were required to utter the quality of the trainings and the trainer in both sections of the questionnaire. The answers were rated as sufficient, almost sufficient and not sufficient.FINDINGS: The results revealed that 69% of the students believed the technical skill trainings were almost sufficient in relative to their occupation needs. Self training was the most to gain significance for being an effective procedure in training among 10 out of the 15 technical skills (92%). For two of the communication skills 72% of the students claimed the given trainings to be satisfying and as for 8 other skills, 70% of the graduated students believed the trainings were almost sufficient. For 8 skills of the total communication skills the trainers had the most influence. For 2 remaining skills the percentage of the effectiveness of self trains was higher than of that of the trainer and personal trainings.CONCLUSION: The data conveyed that the existing adjustment between clinical training programs and the occupational needs of the graduated students is not completely adequate and satisfying. Thus the need for elevating the quality of clinical trainings is emphasized to increase the effectiveness of educational and training programs for the future occupation of medical students.

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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: One of the most important needs of patients is acquiring skills and attitude toward the disease and special care and it is unfortunate that many patients are not educated enough. The aim of this study was to identify the potential implementation barriers in the patient training program from the point of view of nurses and nurse managers of the hospitals affiliated to Babol University of medical sciences, Babol, Iran. METHODS: This cross sectional study was done on 150 nurses and nurse managers in the hospitals affiliated to Babol medical university from December 2008 to February 2009. Data were collected by a questionnaire including personal specifications and barriers to patients training and then statistical analyses were performed. FINDINGS: The most important barriers to the patient training program are as follows: lack of proportionality between the number of patients and number of nurses (77.3%), time pressure and excessive workload (65.8%), lack of attention and adequate support from the managers (60.7%). Meanwhile regarding to time pressure and excessive workload (p=0.008) and lack of proper environment and educational equipment in the hospital (p=0.002), nurse managers agreed with them more than nurses but about other training barriers, there was not difference between the opinions of nurses and nurse managers.CONCLUSION: According to the results of this study, the most important training barriers to patient were lack of proportionality between the number of patients and number of nurses, time pressure and excessive workload and lack of suitable educational environment in the hospitals, so proper planning should be considered and implemented by responsible persons.

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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Active participation of educational groups in final exam analysis has an important effect on the improvement of the question quality. This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of this self assessment on the quality of examination questions in the faculty of dentistry of Babol medical university, Babol, Iran. METHODS: This cross sectional study was performed on 22 faculty members of dentistry faculty who attended workshop on question evaluation. They are required to evaluate the exam questions before and after each examination. Exam questions of second half of academic years of 2006-2007 and 2008-2009 which used as pre-and post test respectively were evaluated and compared.FINDINGS: In this study 367 questions as pretest and 284 questions as post tests were evaluated. The average score for the faculty members (number of mistakes to number of questions) was 0.29±0.23 in pretest (ranging 0-0.87) and 0.18±0.14 in post tests (ranging 0-0.5). In evaluating taxonomy grade, 94% of questions of the year 2007 had taxonomy 1, 5.7% had taxonomy 2 and 0.27% had taxonomy 3. In the year 2009, 95.4% of the questions had taxonomy 1 and the others had taxonomy 2.CONCLUSION: The results of this study showed that assessment of the questions prior to the exam by educational groups will lead to an increase in examination quality.

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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Quality development of education is necessary. Student centered methods, motivated students' curiosity before class are effective in remembrance most important of subject that are teached. The most important purpose of this study was to survey the advantage and disadvantage of prelab form from opinion of students in practical chemistry lesson.METHODS: This research is the cross-sectional study. The society of research was 79 students of pharmacy faculty of Kerman medical university. These students passed chemistry lab course by PBL modification method with using prelab form. Tool of this work was questionnaire that included 19 questions with five degree Likert scale (19-95). Reliability of questionnaire conformed by clear-sighted opinions and its permissibility was determined with a-Cronbach test. The data was analyzed and evaluated.FINDINGS: Concerning of advantages and disadvantages of this method 65.8% of students notified that this form persuaded student to study before lab. 74.6% of students believed that perceptions became easier. 69.6% of respondents said the rate of experience increased and 78.5% of them believed that become ready for questioning and reforming of problems were the advantages of using this form. 65.8% of them said that error in experience results reduced. 58.2% of students believed, that the one of faults of this method was wasting of time and 55.7% of them said another fault is causing stress and 75.9% said there are not enough references, 62% think the time is more important than advantage of this form. The mean of all numbers was 59.20±11.72 that the maximum mean for entrance 2005 was 65.1±8.29. The females agree more than males that this form is beneficial (p<0.001).CONCLUSION: As the results of this study show, the prelab form causes the students to be persuaded and perceptions become easier so it is suggested to use this method in practical educational programs.

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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Educational dropout is one of the problems of educational system. The educational drop-out prevention and its complications require recognition of the probability risk factors. So, this study is carried out in order to assess the indexes of educational drop-out and its related factors in alumni of paramedical faculty of Kashan medical University, Iran.METHODS: This cross-sectional study was performed on the entire alumni from 1990-2003 (n=1439). The questionnaire including probability related factors and the indexes of educational drop-out (probation, unacceptable total average, lesson repeating, major changing, withdrawing, ejection from university, education leaving and delay in graduating) was used. FINDINGS: Prevalence of probation, unacceptable total average and delay in graduating were 9.2% (n=133), 14.5 % (n=209), and 14.1% (n=203), respectively. The utmost probation frequency was related to first and then second semester. Delay duration was only one semester in 152 (10.56%). 413 (28.7%) had repeated lesson that 227 (15.8%) had repeated only one lesson. Prevalence of major changing, withdrawing, ejection from university and education leaving were 2% (n=29), 0.9% (n=13), 0.4% (n=6), and 0.6% (n=9), respectively. There was an association between demographic data, prior educational status, and admission criteria with academic drop-out. CONCLUSION: With attention to the considerable prevalence of educational drop-out and its risk factors, diagnosing and supporting of the vulnerable students is a must.

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View 1855

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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Drop out of nursing students is a very important problem in the educational system. It is not only a personal problem but also causes social, mental and family problems. This study was done to investigate the causes of student drop out in Hazrat Zeinab nursing and midwifery faculty of Amol, Iran. METHODS: This cross-sectional study was done on 100 students of semester 3 -8 of Amol nursing and midwifery faculty. Students were divided into 2 groups; the ones who had dropped out (the average of their passed credits was less than 16) and the ones who had not dropped out (the average of their passed credits was more than 16). Data was gathered by questionnaire including demographic characteristics and questions related to the factors affecting student drop out. Then the factors affecting student drop out were evaluated.FINDINGS: The average grade of the diploma was 16.87±1.6 and the average of the passed credits was 15.99 ± 1.2. There was a significant difference between two groups of students according to marital status (p<0.000) accommodation situation (p =0.009), acceptance quota (p=0.01), interest in the course (p<0.000) and the educational consultation (p= 0.02). There was the greatest relationship between the diploma average and the dropping out (p<0.000). CONCLUSION: According to the results of this study, numerous factors such as marriage and acceptance quota can affect the student dropout. Drop out prevention and hazardous consequences of dropping out require careful recognition of these factors and effective planning.

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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Nursing education consists of theoretical and clinical training. Clinical training is important in nursing curriculum and the most problems of students in clinical training, especially after graduation is when they are faced with the first clinical experience in new situation that have not already dealt with it. One of the ways that students become more familiar with such experiences is to use clinical nurses in their training. So the aim of this study was to determine the nursing students and graduates point of view about clinical training by nursing teachers and clinical nurses with use of social learning theory.METHODS: This cross sectional study was performed on 110 third and fourth year students in Rasht nursing and midwifery school and graduate nurses who worked in hospitals of Guilan University of Medical Sciences. Sampling method was census. Demographic characteristics and evaluation of nursing students and graduates point of view in three domains: academic progress, personality development and social support were gathered by questionnaire and assessed.FINDINGS: Results showed that in academic achievement domain, 59 nursing students (53.6%) opposed and 6 graduates (65.3%) agreed, in personality development domain, 58 students (52.7%) and 57 graduates (60%) agreed and in social support domain both 80 students (72.7%) and 55 graduates (57.9%) agreed with the role of clinical nurses along with nursing faculty members for clinical training. CONCLUSION: The results of this study showed that the nurses can be trained to be more efficient under the supervision of nursing instructors and clinical nursing experience, along with theoretical knowledge and practical skills already acquired.

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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Communication skills (verbal and non verbal) are one of the importantce factors for effective teaching. In this study we decided to determine the correlation between communication skills and educational performance of Jahrom medical teachers from students’ viewpoint.METHODS: This cross sectional study was performed on 181 medical and nursing students of Jahrom university of medical sciences and their point of view about 30 teachers were gathered. In this study two different questionnaires were designed to measure the communication skills and educational performance of paramedical sciences and nursing teachers. The first questionnaire was used to measure teachers’ communication skills and the second one was used for their educational performance. Validity of the questionnaires approved by getting experts’ opinion and reliability was determined by split half method in a pilot study. After classified information, the result of teacher evaluation by students compared with mean scores of teacher communication skills. Every faculty member achieving more than two-thirds of score in each questionnaire would be considered as a desirable education performance and communication skills.FINDINGS: From all, 151 (83.5%) of students were female and 30 (16.5%) of students were male. In whole, from students’ viewpoint 78 % of teachers have good communication skills and 22% of them have not these skills well. Educational performance of 83.3% of teachers was desirable and 16.7% of teachers haven’t good educational performance. Correlation coefficient between educational performance and communication skills was 0.84% (p<0.001).CONCLUSION: According to obtained results and positive correlation between educational performance and communication skills, inclusion of communication skills training courses in teachers’ educational program is necessary.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Writing down medical records of patients in hospital helps physicians to diagnose the patients' disease and leads to establish medical care and treatment according to medical records. Incomplete recording of data in patients' files leads to complicated problems in medical, legal and economic fields. The goal of this study was to assess the quality of medical records written by pediatric residents, interns and medical students to improve the quality of them. METHODS: In this cross sectional study, the records of patients hospitalized in Amirkola pediatric hospital were studied during 2005-2006. The files were randomly selected and the history, physical examination, progress note, record summaries and final diagnosis were assessed. All items were scored in data collection form and according to the scoring the assessment was categorized in 3 level (good, moderate, weak). Finally, data was analyzed and assessed.FINDINGS: In this study, 730 files were assessed. The quality of writing history by residents, interns and medical students was moderate, moderate and weak, respectively (p=0.000). Quality of writing progress note was weak in three groups (p=0.000). Quality of writing physical examination was moderate in residents, moderate in interns and weak in students (p=0.000). Record summaries was good in residents and interns (p=0.009) and total quality was moderate in residents and interns (p=0.000).CONCLUSION: This findings show that the quality of writing down medical records in residents and interns is moderate. Medical students were weak in all parts of our study. Training medical students in writing medical records seems to be necessary.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Testing is one of the most important parts of teaching and presenting learning techniques to university students in all languages especially English language that is used for measuring learners’ capabilities and academic progress. This article is dealing with multiple-choice items tests that are the best type of objective test used for preventing tedium and guess in answering and also easiness in correcting the answer sheets. Since designing good test or rational distracter items is very difficult and choosing non rational distracter items is an unfavorable and nonstandard act, ability and competence of the language teacher is very essential. Therefore, the quality of multiple–choice items needs the necessity of (why and valuation of what subject) in addition to knowledge, adequate experience in teaching, accuracy and attention focus, faculty and regarding testing rules for the question maker. The problems that English language teachers face are as following: lack of necessary educational periods for preparing multiple choice items questions and not having access to reliable scientific sources in Persian language in order to acquire the necessary information. Directions to preparing multiple choice items in English language test includes explanations about the main points in designing and preparing questions of the four basic skills of language (listening, speaking, reading and writing).

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Lack of mental health will prevent the progress and promotion of people and their responsibilities that due to educational drop out. Since educational drop out is one of the most important problems in the universities, so the present study was conducted to determine the association between mental health and other related factors with educational success.METHODS: This cross sectional study was performed in the 3rd semester of 2008 on 304 medical and non-medical students of Arak with two-stage sampling method. Students were divided into two groups of successful students with average grade above 15 and unsuccessful students with average grade below 15. Data was gathered with GHQ-28 questionnaire in four areas; physical health, anxiety, social practice and depression. Total score of each participant varied from 0-84. Demographic data was collected by the questionnaire and then analyzed.FINDINGS: The mean score of general health of participants in the study was equal to 26.46±11.43. The results showed that a significant correlation between general health, physical health and depression scores with educational success (p<0.05) but there wasn’t any significant correlation between anxiety and social practice scores with educational success.CONCLUSION: The results of this study show that physical, mental and general health is effective on educational success, so the family, university and community should provide the comprehensive polices for the promotion of these factors.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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