In this paper, we tried to develop a model based on some factors that affect 3-6 years old children’s creativity and some characters of architecture systems. Based on the ideas of this model, kindergartens can be made as places that fosters young childrens' motivation, curiosity, imagination and creativity. The research method was survey. The sample consisted of 219 teachers of kindergartens who were selected using random cluster sampling. In order to gather the teachers' attitudes, a researcher-made test was used as there was no related standard test. After examining the validity and reliability of the test, the data was analyzed using descriptive- inferential statistics and the influential factors was extracted using factor analysis method. Also, the linear model was designed based on the analyses.Then, the relationship between factors and the degree of their influence on each other was obtained using path analysis and the model was revised. The findings showed that "The stimulating characteristics of natural environment" has positive and significant impact on the three factors of "curiosity", "playing" and "imagination". Also, "The flexibility of functions" has positive and significant impact on "curiosity" and "imagination" of young children. The findings has implications for architectural ideas such as changablity of spaces and its components, composition of open and closed spaces, changability, variability and reconstructing the natural stimulating elements like light, water, plants of kindergarten setting. Using such ideas, we could design kindergartens in a way that foster the motivation and creativity of young children.