Background: Happiness is a concept that has become important in recent years, due to itsimportant role in mental health. Therefore, the present study was conducted to determine therelationship between personality characteristics, emotional intelligence, attachment style andvoluntary activities with the level of happiness among employed women. Materials and Methods: The research method is descriptive-correlational. The statisticalpopulation consisted of 12373 women employed in Lorestan's departments and organizations, fromwhich 400 people were selected, based on the Cochran's formula by Multi-stage cluster sampling. Data was collected through Neo Characteristic Scale, Shering Emotional Intelligence, Collins &Read Attachment Inventory, Voluntary Activities Questionnaire and Oxford HappinessQuestionnaire, and was analyzed using Pearson correlation and stepwise regression analysis. Results: The results showed that there is a significant relationship between personalitycharacteristics, emotional intelligence and voluntary activities with happiness (P<0. 001), andamong the components of attachment style, only the component of anxiety has a negative andsignificant correlation with happiness (r=-0. 20). The results of regression analysis indicated thatself-motivation variables (from emotional intelligence components), extroversion and voluntaryactivities with positive beta coefficient and neuroticism with negative beta coefficient can predicthappiness (P<0. 001). Conclusion: Based on the results, it is suggested that managers of employment organizations holdfield workshops focusing on the education of emotional intelligence, sporting activities, recreation, and holding happy communities (concerts, comedy programs, etc. ) in order to promote happinessand that they pay attention to the central role of attachment and personality traits in happiness.