Auxins have been used by many propagators to increase the rooting in carnation cuttings. However, so far the effects of auxins on flowering of treated cuttings are not reported. This research was conducted in a commercial carnation greenhouse in Shahriar located in Tehran province from 1997 to 1998. The cuttings for this research were prepared from two cultivars of carnations, namely 'Giamaica' a standard carnation and 'Boriel' a miniature carnation. After selection of suitable mother plants, 8-10 cm lateral shoots formed at nodes were cut for preparing cuttings. In this research, two auxins, indolebutyric acid (IBA) at concentrations of 0, 50, 100, and 200 mg 1-1 and naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) at concentrations of 0, 25, 50 and 100 mg 1-1and also the combinations of all concentrations of these two auxins were used. The cuttings were treated with auxin solutions for 10 min and immediately transferred to rooting medium. The rooting medium consisted of a mixture of equal proportion of sand and the ash of rice waste. This mixture is extensively used in the commercial greenhouses for carnation production. Treatment was evaluated in a completely randomized design with a factorial arrangement with three replications. Means were compared using Duncan's new multiple range test (DNMRT). Each replication consisted of 4 cuttings of which 2 cuttings were used for rooting and 2 cuttings for flowering data. The results showed that the used rooting medium was very suitable for rooting of the carnation cuttings. The different levels of two auxins and their combinations had no significant effect on rooting percentage at 5% level of probability when compared to control. While the number of roots were severely affected by auxin treatments. The highest number of roots was obtained at 50 mg 1-1 NAA and 100 mg 1-1 IBA (21.77 and 22.23 roots per plant, respectively). The best effect of different levels of auxins on root length was obtained at 100 mg 1-1 NAA (7.49 cm) and 100 mg 1-1 IBA (7.28 cm). Application of NAA and IBA increased dry and fresh weight of roots. The highest fresh weight was obtained at 50 mg 1-1 NAA (0.189 g) and 200 mg 1-1 IBA (0.184 g) and the differences were significant at 5% level of probability when compared to control. The highest root dry weights were obtained at 50 mg 1-1 NAA (0.028 g) and 200 mg 1-1 IBA (0.028 g). Treating carnation cuttings with IBA and NAA had a considerable effect on days to flowering, flower number, plant height and cut flower weight. IBA at 200 mg 1-1 decreased the days to flowering to 195.7 days compared to control which were 208.3 days and also was significant at 5% level of probability. Auxin treatments also affected flower number and the highest number of flower (17.3) was obtained at 200 mg 1-1 which was significantly different from control. Furthermore, the highest plant height (74.90 cm) was observed at 200 mg1-1 IBA which was significant compared to control at 5% level of probability. The highest flower weight was obtained at 100 mg 1-1 NAA and 200 mg 1-1IBA (34.98 and 36.79 g, respectively) and significantly differed at 5% level of probability compared to control. However, the effect of cultivars on some characters such as rooting percent, rooting length, dry and fresh weights of roots were not significant, but some other characters such as root number, days to flowering, flower number, plant height, flower diameter and the weight of cut flowers were affected by cultivar.