Vegetation elements with similar ecological needs, constitute ecological groups in a natural ecosystem, In fact, through distinguishing different ecological groups, the differences among environmental variables in various sites can be realized, The aim of this research, done in Tehran University's educational- research forest located in Kheiroudkenar forest - Noshahr, was to explore ecological groups and their relationship with physiographical conditions. In order to determine plot (releve) area, minimal area method was employed. To study vegetation cover, 98 plots with 400 m2 area were collected according to Braun-Blanquet combinational method. After data collection, plant community was separated and classified using Two Way Indicator Species Analysis (TWINSPAN) and Deterended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) and differential species were indicated in each group. The results showed that the first ecological group, namely Ruscus hyrcanu was occurred in different kinds of physiographical conditioss, and second group including Asperula odorata, Viola odorata, Hypericum androsaemum, Dryoptris jilix-mass, in respect to ecological similarity with first group, was related to elevation property. The third group with Oplismenus undulat (folia, Cyclamen caucasicum, and the fourth group, including Mespilus germanica, Rumex sanguineus, Solanum kisereitzcki were mainly related to elevation property and were occurred in higher elevation than others. Also, in addition to physiographical conditions, soil characteristics should be considered as a main factor to separation of ecological groups.