In this experiment, effect of different dosage of eCG on reproductive parameters such as, response to estrus, estrous duration, interval to estrus after CIDRs removal, conception percent, parturition percent, conception duration and litter size of Rayini goat in nonbreeding season were investigated.Administration of dosages 0, 200, 300, 400, 500 IU resulting to 100% response to estrus in all of groups and interval to estrus after CIDRs removal were 20.11, 19.30, 22.30, 21.98, 21.33 hours respectively. Estrous Duration were 19.11, 20.43, 18.80, 18.02, 18.64 hour respectively. Conception percent 60, 68, 74, 83, 87 and parturition percent 93, 93, 88, 85, 86 were observed. None of above parameters had significant difference (P>0.05). Conception duration was 149.38, 149.13, 149.52, 148.31, 147.64 and litter size was 1.31, 1.35, 1.29, 1.91, 2.09 respectively. Conception duration and litter size were similar between 400 IU group with 500 IU group and control group with 200, 300 IU received groups, but conception duration of 500 IU received group with control, 200 and 300 IU groups indicated significant difference (P<0.05). Litter size of 400 IU received group and 500 IU were statistically different from control, and 200, 300 IU received groups (P<0.05). This experiment showed that, increase in litter size by administration 500 IU eCG and below this dose would be able to improve reproductive parameters of Rayini goat.