During the 30 past years using from climate information has increased in agricultural section. Although meteorology information has an important effect on agricultural production and reducing risks but the efforts to communicate this information to farmers will need to address this information are effective in different stages of agricultural production.The purpose of this study was to appoint the effectiveness of meteorology information from farmer,s viewpoint in Golestan province. The methodological approach was a descriptive and survey type.The target population in the study consisted total farmers in Golestan province, Iran (N=130000). By using multistage cluster and simple random sampling techniques 322 farmers were chosen. Data were collected through a questionnaire and were analyzed using SPSS, V.11. Content and face validity of the instrument were obtained by the faculty members of agricultural extension and meteorology specialist. The reliability analysis was conducted with completing 30 questionnaires and Cronbach, s alpha value was 0/80. The results obtained from analytic statistics indicated that there are significant and positive relationships between independent variables named rate of wheat production(95%) and charachteristics of meteorology information named correctness, completeness, reliable, opportuneness, careful, easy to understand, answer to farmer needs, attractiveness, utilizable for all farmers, increasing of previous knowledge of farmer, applicable, usefulness, applicable by farm possibilities, observability of result utilization, creditable, farmer desire for reliance to information and farmer desire for decision making based on information(99%) and dependent variable namely viewpoint of farmers about effectiveness of meteorology information. Optimizing use of agrometeorology information, it is necessary for meteorologist and extension worker to pay attention to effectiveness of meteorology information in different stages of agricultural production.