To determine the chemical composition and nutritional value of six dominant range plants species: Medicago sativa, Onobrychis sativa, Medicago polymorpha, Hordeum bulbosum, Poa bulbosa and Dactylis glomerata at three phonological stages (vegetative growth, early flowering,full flowering); the samples were collected in Yekkeh Cheanar area. The samples were dried under room condition and then calculated percentage of dry matter. Then samples were ground by Mullinex grounder and chemical analysis were done according to AOAC method. The results obtained from chemical analysis were analyzed by using factorial experiment at randomized complete block design. The results showed that Medicago polymorpha had a maximum crude protein; ash; total digestible nutrient, calcium, digestible energy ranged from, 15.5%-20.80%, 14.53%-17.67%, 60.32%-70.79%, 1.18%-1.32%, 2.39-3.02 Mcal/kg respectively; and a minimum crude fiber, ADF, NDF and gross energy ranged ITom15.67%-28%, 22.33%-31.33%, 31.66%-45.33%, 3.4-3.5 Mcal/kg respectively at the three phonological stages. The maximum crude fiber, acid detergent fiber, neutral detergent fiber, phosphor ranged ITom,32.66%-39.33%, 39.33%-50.67%, 54.66%-69.67%, 0.3%-0.36% respectively; and minimum crude protein, total digestible nutrient, digestible energy ranged from, 7.37%-13.54%, 38.08%-51.12%, 1.77-2.08 Mcal/kg respectivily at the three phonological stages related to Dactylis glomerata, Medicago sativa at the three phonological stages haf a maximum amount gross energy (3.95-4.28 Mcal/kg). Under the condition of this study the content of crude protein, ether extract, digestible dry matter, digestible energy and metabolizable energy decreased as the plants mature; but, at the other hand the content of crude fiber, ADF, NDF increased with the maturity.