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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


Criteria of Effective Teaching and Its Application in the Educational Process: Views of Faculty members and Students




 Introduction: Teaching as a main activates of instruction and successful doing of them is required attention to it creations’ . The purpose of this study was to determine the criteria of Effective teaching and its application in the educational process of University of Tabriz from the viewpoints of Faculty members and students. Methods: This mixed method research (qualitative-quantitative) was conducted on a population including all of the undergraduate and graduate students and faculty members of Tabriz University. In quantitative part, sampling method was stright random. Using Morgan table, 375 students and 145 faculty members were selected as samples. In the qualitative part, sampling of faculty members and students in the interview continued until data saturation, and 14 faculty members and 30 students were selected through convenience sampling. Descriptive and inferential statistics (one-sample t-test) in the quantitative part, and Smith method in the qualitative part were used for data analysis. Results: In the qualitative part, the participants reported course design and development, implementation and presentation of course, human relations and personal characteristics, and evaluation as the criteria of Effective teaching. In the quantitative part, from the viewpoints of faculty members and students respectively, the components: course design and development (3. 3± 66. 35, 4. 2± 51. 98), implementation and presentation of course (3. 5± 58. 14, 3. 7± 38. 38), human relations and personal characteristics (3. 3± 92. 48, 3. 4± 35. 58), and evaluation (3. 2± 15. 69, 2. 4± 25. 54) could be applied as the criteria of Effective teaching in the educational process. Conclusion: Application of these criteria for Effective teaching in University of Tabriz can contribute to the promotion of the educational process.


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    APA: Copy

    Tahmasebzadeh sheikhlar, Davood, FATHIAZAR, ESKANDAR, JAFARIAN, VAHIDEH, Hamrahzadeh, Melika, & Zilabi, Ghasem. (2018). Criteria of Effective Teaching and Its Application in the Educational Process: Views of Faculty members and Students. IRANIAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL EDUCATION, 18(81 ), 257-268. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/398312/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Tahmasebzadeh sheikhlar Davood, FATHIAZAR ESKANDAR, JAFARIAN VAHIDEH, Hamrahzadeh Melika, Zilabi Ghasem. Criteria of Effective Teaching and Its Application in the Educational Process: Views of Faculty members and Students. IRANIAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL EDUCATION[Internet]. 2018;18(81 ):257-268. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/398312/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Davood Tahmasebzadeh sheikhlar, ESKANDAR FATHIAZAR, VAHIDEH JAFARIAN, Melika Hamrahzadeh, and Ghasem Zilabi, “Criteria of Effective Teaching and Its Application in the Educational Process: Views of Faculty members and Students,” IRANIAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL EDUCATION, vol. 18, no. 81 , pp. 257–268, 2018, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/398312/en

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