Introduction: Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) is one of the evaluation methods which has been widely used in medical and paramedical majors in the recent years. Since various studies have provided varying results about the effects of this method, there is still a question that how does the evaluation of nursing students using the OSCE method would influence their learning, satisfaction and test anxiety? Therefore, the current study aimed to review the literature and examine the effects of the OSCE method on the learning, satisfaction and test anxiety of nursing students. Methods: This systematic review was conducted by searching through Google scholar, SID, Iranmedex, PubMed, and ERIC databases. Articles published from 2008 to 2017 were searched using the key terms “ nursing students, assessment, evaluation, OSCE test, OSCE evaluation, learning, test stress, test anxiety and test satisfaction” . Based on the inclusion criteria, 15 articles were finally selected out of 110 publications found. Results: The results were categorized in three categories namely “ the effect of OSCE on the students’ satisfaction with the exam” , “ the OSCE as an anxiety-inducing method compared to traditional methods” , and “ the effect of OSCE on the nursing students’ learning” . The results indicated that due to the procedure of implementation, OSCE satisfies the students and thereby, will enhance their learning. However, results about the anxiety-inducing nature of the OSCE are conflicting. Conclusion: It is possible to perform accurate OSCE evaluations by meticulously designing the stations, appropriately preparing the students and faculty members during the academic semesters, providing an appropriate environment and all the necessary facilities and human resources, and allocating adequate time to the exams.