The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of fig leaf extract on the activity of MMPs, in fibroblast (HEP2) cell culture. For this purpose, fig leaf extract was prepared in three forms: 1) aqueous, 2) hydro-alcoholic and 3) alcoholic extracts. Using a 24 wells cell culture plates, six wells of a plate were filled with 5ml aqueous extract, 10ml aqueous extract, 5ml hydro _ alcoholic extract, 10ml hydro_ alcoholic extract, 5ml alcoholic extract, and 1ml alcohlic extract, as test samples, respectively. For each test sample, it was considered a control well, with the same content as test, but without the extracts. Thereafter, the plates were incubated at 37° C and 5%CO2. The effects of different extracts, were investigated after 24, 48 and 72 hours, using an inverted microscope and determination of cell viability and cytotoxicity by trypan blue staining. and zymography test with gelatin for MMPs Activities.The result of the study were as follows: the alcoholic extract at a concentration of 5ml caused cell death after 24 h, and a concentration of 1ml of alcoholic extract, also led to cell death after 48 hours. Hydro_alcoholic extract caused cell death, at a concentration of 10ml, after 72 hours. In zymography test, it was observed the inhibitory effect of fig leaf extract on the MMPs activities, in all tested doses. However, there were seen enzyme activities in all control tests which showed the same molecular weight bands, 92KD, as was shown in standard marker and belonged to MMP9. The present study, confirmed the inhibitory effect of fig leaf extract on the activity of MMPs in cell cultures. It is recommended to continue this study with molecular methods besides zymography, and clinical observation, using the fig leaf extract and its inhibitory effects on the other kinds of MMPs, separately.