The spontaneous language sample forms an important part of the language evaluation protocol. Language samples give us some useful information about how children interact with others, and evaluation of speech performed regarding continuous speech sample. The purpose of this study is to compare of linguistic structures of Conversation (CV), Free play (FP), and Story Generation(SG) as Methods of Language Sample Elicitation. 30 semnanian 5-year-old boys, who have a normal development in language and speech, were selected among active kinder garden through the town by cluster sampling method. Their language samples elicited by these 3 language sample elicitation methods in 15 minutes. Linguistic structures of these language samples, with use of 3 quality evaluation methods of speech including 1. number of utterances, 2. mean length of the utterance(MLU), and 3. lexical variety, are assessed. Means of these structures are analyzed by dependent ANOVA. The result show no significant difference regarding number of elicited utterances among these 3 language sample methods. Story generation, in comparison of FP and CV, elicits more MLU, and conversation, in comparison of FP and SG, elicits more lexical variety. Therefore we can conclude that in clinical evaluation, when there is more MLU, we have to use story generation, and when there is more lexical variety, we have to use conversation method for elicitation.