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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The aim of this research was to predict of happiness based on self-esteem and parenting styles in university students. In this purpose 350 students of Allameh Tabatabaee University were selected by random cluster sampling method. The instruments of this research were Rosenberg Self- esteem Questionnaire, Buri's Parenting Authority Questionnaire (maternal form) and Oxford Happiness scale. In order to determine and analyze relationship between variables and to predict the changes of happiness the correlation and step by step regression analysis methods were used. The results demonstrated that there is a significant relationship between authoritative parenting style with self-esteem and happiness. A significant negative relationship was found between authoritarian style and happiness. Also any significant difference wasn't observed in happiness scores between girls and boys. It was unmasked that self-esteem and authoritative parenting style have ordinally utmost contribution in explaining of happiness. Generally the results show that self-esteem and the kind of parenting style which parents apply have the essential role in happiness.

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The focus of this study is "the evaluation of the impact of applying Merrill instructional design model on learning rate and retention in high school first-grade biology lesson. statistical group comprised all of the mail first-grade high school students in mahallat. to choose the sample the multi-stage clustering, considering class as sampling unit, was used. the total number of students were 57 who were attending two classes with capacities of 28 students. After the experiment the researcher executed learning pre-tests (researcher-built) for the two groups based on similar conditions. the researcher applied experimental viability randomly for in of the two classes and for the control group the traditional way (current teaching) was used. After a 6-week period of the implementation of designed program, learning test, was implemented for both of the classes and after 21 days, retention test (researcher-built) was held within the same condition for both of the groups. to analyze data obtained in this research descriptive statistical methods (average, variance, median, maximum, minimum) and inference statistics (T-test for two independent groups) with SPSS software was used. data analysis showed that the use of Merrill instructional design model for learning rate and retention of biology with 95% confidence is significant within groups.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2353

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Formative and traditional evaluation might have different effect on educational and emotional domain in measuring student performance. The aim of the present research is the study of the effects of the evaluation types on academic achievement and test anxiety in the students of second grade of primary school. In this research we examined 108 students (boys and girls) of second grade of primary school in Tehran city. The students were selected by stratified random sampling method from four regions of Tehran department of education. Research tools in this research were one questionnaire and two Persian and Mathematical tests. The results showed that there is difference between students in academic achievement and test anxiety with considering evaluation type. In fact results showed that students evaluated with descriptive evaluation had upper scores in academic achievement and fewer scores in test anxiety. According to results, sex showed interaction with anxiety, and females with were characterized by higher scores on test anxiety. These findings are consistent with the view that descriptive evaluation is associated with high school performance and low test anxiety.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 5898

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The spontaneous language sample forms an important part of the language evaluation protocol. Language samples give us some useful information about how children interact with others, and evaluation of speech performed regarding continuous speech sample. The purpose of this study is to compare of linguistic structures of Conversation (CV), Free play (FP), and Story Generation(SG) as Methods of Language Sample Elicitation. 30 semnanian 5-year-old boys, who have a normal development in language and speech, were selected among active kinder garden through the town by cluster sampling method. Their language samples elicited by these 3 language sample elicitation methods in 15 minutes. Linguistic structures of these language samples, with use of 3 quality evaluation methods of speech including 1. number of utterances, 2. mean length of the utterance(MLU), and 3. lexical variety, are assessed. Means of these structures are analyzed by dependent ANOVA. The result show no significant difference regarding number of elicited utterances among these 3 language sample methods. Story generation, in comparison of FP and CV, elicits more MLU, and conversation, in comparison of FP and SG, elicits more lexical variety. Therefore we can conclude that in clinical evaluation, when there is more MLU, we have to use story generation, and when there is more lexical variety, we have to use conversation method for elicitation.

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This research is based on Spititzer's (1995,1996) theory and aims to explore the relationships between related factors among psychological functions of the school organization with its psychological empowerments. 250 principals of Tehran High schools (girls and boys) were selected randomly. The measurement tool consisted of two questionnaires: the first one for measuring psychological empowerment (Spititzer, 1995), and the second for gauging psychological functions of the school. The findings of this research were obtained by utilizing structural equations analysis. The results obtained indicate that: the suggested model possesses the required fitness such that goodness of fit indicators depict relatively good fitness between the model and the observable data. The findings show that, in spite of moderator variable's impact in providing better conditions for the model, empowerment as an independent variable has direct relationship with psychological functions. Therefore psychological empowerment has an effective role in explication of psychological functions variance. Identification of psychological functions as a construct with four different indicators (participative climate, change and innovation, teamwork and commitment) was one of the other important findings of recent research. So one can conclude that psychological functions is a multidimensional concept.

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Approaches, models, and methods of teaching, among other factors, are important factors in any educational system. Teaching is an endeavor that is at the crossroads of all the activities in the classroom, and is the most important activity enacted by teachers that prepares the context for student learning. Teaching is the process of facilitating student learning. There are different methods for teaching different kinds of contents. Kinds of content refer to the kind of knowledge that comprises it. According to the information processing psychologists there are three different kinds of knowledge, declarative knowledge, procedural knowledge, and images. Procedural knowledge has three kinds, pattern recognition, action sequence, and heuristic procedures. Teaching procedural knowledge requires special steps that is different for steps necessary for teaching declarative knowledge. Recognizing the kind of knowledge that one intends to teach is therefore essential for a successful teaching. A model for teaching different kinds of procedural knowledge in presented in this article.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 5891

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The present study was aimed to investigate if academic self-efficacy can be predicted by social anxiety and classroom psychosocial climate in junior high school students. The sample was 550 (250 female and 3oo male) students who were selected via random cluster sampling in Jiroft. In order to gather the needed information, Academic Self- efficacy Questionnaire, Social Anxiety Scale for Adolescents and My class Inventory were used. Multiple regression (enter method) was used for analyzing the data. Results indicated that the Competition as a component of classroom psychosocial climate was negative predictor for academic self-efficacy and also Friction was positive predictor for Context in academic self- efficacy, but Cohesion cannot predict the dimensions of academic self-efficacy. Also findings indicated that the dimensions of social anxiety cannot predict the academic self-efficacy, but among the dimensions of social anxiety, social avoidance and distress-new can negatively predict the context as a component in academic self- efficacy. Finally, it revealed that talent can be predicted by social avoidance and distress-general dimensions. It can be concluded that classroom psychosocial climate and its components are stronger predictors for academic self- efficacy than social anxiety and its dimensions.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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