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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    25 (پیاپی 52)
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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    25 (پیاپی 52)
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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This study examines the educational foundations of pure life (hayat- e- tayebeh) in the national vision of change (the national curriculum document) with the critical standpoint of view about the qualitative research method. Due to the importance of the key word " hayat- e- tayebeh" in the national vision of change, the writer examines its educational foundations. The domain of examination includes the books, magazines, and the related published papers.Because of the vast number of the sources in the field, the writer uses both the primary sources including "Nemooneh" and "Almizan" interpretation and philosophy of Islamic education and the secondary sources which include published books as well as digital ones being accessible to the writer.Furthermore, the present study uses a series of cards designed by the writer to collect the information. The method of analysis includes content analysis, matching and theoretical inference.The findings show that among the five sections of philosophical foundations in the vision of change (national curriculum document), 28 cases, with respect to educational foundations of pure life, have been neglected.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1915

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The purpose of the present study is measuring the dominant curriculum orientation of the faculty members in University of Kurdistan. This study is practical, in terms of purpose, and is descriptive survey, in terms of data collection methods. The target population is consists of all Kurdistan University faculty members who were teaching in 2014-2015the academic year (N=320). That using Cochran's sample size formula, 200 people were selected as sample. Sampling was conducted using a stratified sampling approach. Data collection tools is Mahlios et al standard questionnaire (2004) which measures dominant orientation of faculty members. Validity of this questionnaire reviewed and approved according to curriculum field of faculty members and experts' opinion and its reliability reviewed and approved according to Cronbach's alpha coefficients (0.820). Data analysis has done using version 18 of SPSS and was conducted in two parts: descriptive and inferential. In descriptive statistics, frequency distribution tables, mean and in inferential section statistics Friedman test, multivariate, ANOVA and Tukey post hoc test was used. The results showed that the curriculum orientation of cognitive processes and then the curriculum orientation of academic rationalism was dominant facultymember’s dominant orientation. Also results also showed that there is relationship between the faculty member’s curriculum orientation and their expertise.

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View 1761

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The present study has been done with aim to conceptualization of workplace curriculum as a neglected or emerging discourse. The research method that used in this study was a one of the qualitative method as a descriptive Phenomenology study. Workplace curriculum is a phenomenon that dependent on context, content and organizational maturity. Workplace curriculum includes a set of topics that must was an interpretation and descripted in terms of different contexts. Because in the process of discourse production some of the discourses was a banned or suppressed and others are accepted.Difference in context, arena and certain discourses, would shaped, transformation and even metamorphosis in workplace curriculum discourses. What is evident in this process, is the existing of workplace curriculum as a neglected discourse that beyond any discourse, existing another discourse.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2060

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    25 (52)
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Hidden curriculum concerns implicit learnings and the factors affecting the emergence of the said learnings which students experience as a result of attending school. The essence of the present paper is the Meta-analysis review of those scientific-investigative articles carrying the title of hidden curriculum and which are products of Iranian researchers' endeavors within the last two decades (1991-2012).19 papers in this regard, made available through domestic and international data bases and profiled domestic magazines were included in this investigation for an examination of their full texts (no sampling applied). The present review study aims at determining the most important educational influences raised from hidden curricula and providing applicable solutions towards optimal employment of positive consequences and avoidance from negative ones. Findings indicate the dominance of negative consequences over positive educational outcomes in various dimensions of hidden curriculum (school structure, social context of educational system and teacher-student interaction) in Iranian schools. This implies the necessity of serious consideration of solutions presented herein in order to prevent the replacement of the opportunity raised by the hidden curriculum with the challenges resulted from it within the school.

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View 1508

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    25 (52)
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Goal of this research is examining the different kinds of interaction in the e-learning environment with learning quality in virtual campuses. This study is a descriptive-correlative one and is done through survey method. Statistical population of this research includes all of MA students of Tehran virtual campuses (2179), which 385 people are selected through simple random sampling and answer to the questionnaire. Findings of research were analyzed through descriptive and deductive statistic. Results of Pearson correlation test show that there is a meaningful and direct relation between different kinds of interaction (instructorstudent, student-student, student-content, instructor-instructor, instructor-content, content, content) and learning quality in virtual campuses.Also result of Friedman test that were used in order to categorize different kinds of interactions show that instructor-student interaction is the most important one and content-content interaction is the least one regarding its importance. So the more we increase and make powerful different kinds of interaction in the virtual campuses and universities, motivation and assurance of students will increase and lead to deep, meaningful and qualified learning.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 5130

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  • Issue: 

    25 (52)
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This study aim to identify barriers and difficulties in implementation of descriptive evaluation in special schools mentally retarded in Isfahan city in years 92-93. The method of this research was descriptive-survey. The population was, all teachers that employed in special schools mentally retarded, at the first grade to fifth, that was 108.The sample size by formula Cochran, was determined 90. The sampling method was random stratified. Collect data, a questionnaire. Validity is verified by specialists and experts in the field of exceptional education and reliability, based on alpha Korenbakh were obtained 0.97. Data analysis using software SPSS-19, was done two levels descriptive and inferential statistics (T-test, univariate and multivariate (ANOVA). The results showed that lack of in-service classes and workshops for special schools, lack editing books and tuition sources, time consuming to complete logs educational performance, the high psychological pressure governing the lives of parents and lack of workshop and laboratory facilities, of the most barriers and problems of the implementation descriptive evaluation in special schools mentally retarded. It is suggested to holding in-service educational and practical workshops for special schools mentally retarded.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2760

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    25 (52)
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the use of modern educational technologies and the quality of educational activities of teachers. This research was quantitative and in terms of applied and descriptive-survey method. The statistical population of this study was selected among all female high school graduates of Isfahan city, of which 252 were selected as random in the random sampling method. The data gathering tool was a questionnaire consisting of a researcher-made questionnaire whose content and content validity was verified by experts and their reliability was based on Cronbach's alpha of 87. To analyze the data, the descriptive and Inferential (frequency distribution table, central indexes and distributions of distribution, mean, standard deviation, Analysis of variance, Duncan test, etc.). The results showed that there is a significant relationship between the use of new educational technologies and the quality of educational activities of teachers. The quality of teaching Application of applied software in teaching with quality components is very high. It showed that the use of computer from computer has the most impact on the quality of teacher education and the use of software and the Internet in the next ranks.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 3701

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    25 (52)
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This study aimed to evaluation facilities and materials of workplace environment in vocational training high school. The research method in this study was the evaluation. The statistical population included all of vocational workplaces of the country in vocational training high schools of intellectual disabilities. The sampling methodology was multistage cluster and by way of appropriate assign in five selected provinces was observed workplaces. In order to collect data were used from observation check lists that was made in two sections of conditions and organization workplace environment and in seven filed of skills that have been established reliability and validity all of them. Observation of workplaces showed facilities and materials in workplaces of weaving carpet grow of apartment plants; art of living at home is relatively in desirable condition. Whereas workplaces of fabric sewing had desirable facilities, carpentry workplaces, Barry netted on wood and cucurbits were in undesirable level. Also, in Comparison between workplace facilities for the seven filed of skills it was revealed that fabric sewing workplace was better than Cucurbit plants and netted Berry workplaces. Carpentry workshops, Carpet weaving, grow of apartment plants and art of living at Home were in better condition than the lattice Barry wood workplaces.With regard to the findings, were presented recommendations for further planning in this area.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1051

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    25 (52)
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The purpose of this study was the review of the impact of the discipline based art education curriculum on art education of the primary school students. A quasi-experimental study using pretest and post-test with control group. Study population included 910 fifth grade students of elementary schools in Branch in the number of people in the academic year is 2010-2011. The sample consisted of two groups of 25 people was the experimental and control established through fifth grade elementary school classes to sampling Branch city, were selected randomly. Thesis titled t-test assessment tool developed by the researchers to measure the four components in the production of artistic education, criticism, art history and aesthetics were used. After verifying the validity, reliability, Cronbach's alpha, respectively artistic production by 0.81, art criticism 0.82, Art History 0.83, aesthetics 0.83 and 0.93 respectively in total.The descriptive statistics of frequency charts, mean and standard deviation and inferential statistics multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA) is used. Art education includes developing four production skills, criticism, art history, and beauty of the students are. The results of multivariate analysis of covariance showed that the post of artistic education students in the fields of production and art criticism in the two groups was not significant. So discipline-based art education curriculum in the field of art criticism does not impact on the artistic education students.While, the post of artistic education students in the fields of art history and aesthetics in the two groups was significant. The discipline-based art education curriculum in the field of art history and aesthetics on artistic education affects students.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 3376

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    25 (52)
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The main purpose of this research was to study the relationship between students' Individual Characteristics, Experienced Curriculum and their leadership Competencies development. Statistical population of this study included all students of bachelor degree at Shiraz University who were enrolled in 90-91. By cluster sampling method 256 persons were selected. The research instrument used to collect data in this study included researcher-made scale of experienced curriculum and growth leadership competencies questionnaire (Initial Leadership Assessment Questionnaire; St. Cloud University, 1996) which after measuring their validity and reliability distributed among sample and data analyzed with multiple regression. Result indicated that: There is significant relationship between average and major with leadership competencies development of students. There is significant relationship between sex, average, major and residence with their perception of experienced curriculum. The experienced curriculum has significant mediated role in relationship between the students' individual characteristic and their leadership competencies development.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 917

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    25 (52)
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This study aims to investigate and compare the effect of implementing the teaching model of partnership image concept and common method of teaching on learning and retention of environmental concepts and the amount of naturalism among students of elementary school fifth grade. The methodology of a survey was semi-experimental with pretest and posttest carried out for the control group. The population included elementary fifth-grade students in the city of Mahidasht, Kermanshah in the school year of 1391-92 and the sample included 38 persons in two classes and was chosen according to principle random assignment of subjects in groups. In both groups (treatment and control) the subjects witnessed the concept of human relation and the environment using the method of concept image based on based on partnership and common methods, respectively. To collect data, the teacher-made test of learning, retention and the scale of having relation with nature by Nesbit and et al (2009) were used. The validity was confirmed based on the idea of experts’ and the reliability was calculated according to a retesting method as well as correlation equal to 79%. The survey results showed that the learning and retention functionality of students taught with partnership image concept model were higher than other group and in terms of naturalism; the treatment subjects had the more positive viewpoint on nature than the control group.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1236

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Purpose of this investigation is identifying ““Success amount of training rules and skills of Islamic life (Dignity Project) for obtaining skill ability in solving problems among students of grade 5 in elementary school (case study: zone 6 of Tehran education) in viewpoint of teachers. ”Statistical population of this investigation are teachers of grade 5 in elementary school of zone 6 of Tehran, who have taught rules and skills of Islamic life (generosity plan) to 92 students in 2011-2012 educational year.Statistical sample of this investigation is based on Kokaran sampling as 63 people. They used questionnaire as a tool for collecting required data for this investigation. Descriptive research method is measurable kind. Data analysis was done in two descriptive and inferable levels. Results of data analysis showed that in viewpoint of teachers, student’s interest to learn solving problem skill is in high level. In addition, students have learnt how to know problem, data collecting skill, producing ability and creating various solutions and implementing these solutions by average. In addition, students have learnt in high level how to review various problems and choosing the best solution, ability of assessing various chosen solutions and solving problem jointly. Totally, results of this research showed that in viewpoint of teachers, the students who are in this study, are able to solve problem averagely.

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