The purpose of this study was the review of the impact of the discipline based art education curriculum on art education of the primary school students. A quasi-experimental study using pretest and post-test with control group. Study population included 910 fifth grade students of elementary schools in Branch in the number of people in the academic year is 2010-2011. The sample consisted of two groups of 25 people was the experimental and control established through fifth grade elementary school classes to sampling Branch city, were selected randomly. Thesis titled t-test assessment tool developed by the researchers to measure the four components in the production of artistic education, criticism, art history and aesthetics were used. After verifying the validity, reliability, Cronbach's alpha, respectively artistic production by 0.81, art criticism 0.82, Art History 0.83, aesthetics 0.83 and 0.93 respectively in total.The descriptive statistics of frequency charts, mean and standard deviation and inferential statistics multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA) is used. Art education includes developing four production skills, criticism, art history, and beauty of the students are. The results of multivariate analysis of covariance showed that the post of artistic education students in the fields of production and art criticism in the two groups was not significant. So discipline-based art education curriculum in the field of art criticism does not impact on the artistic education students.While, the post of artistic education students in the fields of art history and aesthetics in the two groups was significant. The discipline-based art education curriculum in the field of art history and aesthetics on artistic education affects students.