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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: According to scientific evidence, a social media in education and research for postgraduate students seems necessary. Since college students and faculty members are considered as the online platforms clients, the current study aimed at qualitatively analyzing the viewpoints of students and Universities professors toward the application of the online social media to learning and education sciences in University.Methods: The current study was conducted using the qualitative content analysis methods. The participants were selected using the purposive sampling method (n = 24). Data were collected through semi-structured deep interviews, recorded on audiotapes, transcribed, and then, analyzed. MaxQdata software version 10, according to the qualitative content analysis developed by Granheim and Lundman, was used for data analysis.Results: Data analysis led to the extraction of 279 codes, 15 sub-codes, six Sub-Categories, and Two main categories. The main categories included the perceived advantages of social networks in education and learning process (Four Sub-Categories, perceived disadvantages of social networks in education and learning process (Two Sub-Categories).Conclusions: The use of virtual social networks in both education and learning process from the viewpoint of the teacher and student as the beneficiaries of this area is acceptable. Enriched web-based learning, despite the perceived obstacles and challenges, is suitable to facilitate, accelerate, and create creativity in the educational process.

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Introduction: Subjective well-being is of the important components of mental health and identifying the factors affecting it is of great importance. Hence, the current study aimed at predicting the subjective well-being of patients with cancer based on mindfulness and perceived self-efficacy.Methods: The current descriptive-correlational study was conducted on 150 hospitalized patients with cancer in Tabriz, Iran in 2016. The subjects were selected through the convenience sampling method. Data were collected using 3 valid and reliable scales of the Molavi subjective well-being, the Baer mindfulness, and the Schwarzer self-efficacy, and analyzed by Pearson correlation coefficient and regression analysis.Results: Findings showed a significant positive correlation between mindfulness and perceived self-efficacy, and subjective well-being (sig = 0.01). Regression analysis indicated mindfulness 17.20% and perceived self-efficacy 27.00% in the study subjects.Conclusions: Increased mindfulness and perceived self-efficacy can be used to enhance subjective well-being and improve life satisfaction in patients with cancer. Hence, it is suggested to contribute psychologists in the prevention and intervention programs in order to promote mental health and subjective well-being in patients with cancer to pay special attention to self-care.

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Introduction: Breast cancer is the most common cancer in females, which endangers various aspects of personal, mental, and sexual functioning as well as the quality of life in the patients. The current study aimed at evaluating the effect of stress management training on the reduction of anxiety and promotion of happiness and sexual intimacy in females with breast cancer.Methods: The current semi-experimental study with pretest post-test design and control group was conducted on females with breast cancer in Kermanshah in 2016. A total of 30 females was enrolled in 2 groups of intervention and control (n = 15) using the convenience sampling method. The intervention group received a 10-session stress management training program. The data collection tool was a questionnaire for happiness and sexual anxiety. Data were analyzed using covariance analysis with SPSS version 21.Results: The results of the study showed that stress management training could reduce awareness and promote happiness and sexuality in females with breast cancer.Conclusions: Based on the results of the current study, the stress management training was effective on the reduction of anxiety and increase of sexual integrity and happiness in females with breast cancer.

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Introduction: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is the most common illness causing neurological inabilities in young adults. The ability of the ill person to use coping skills is an important factor that could help reduce stress and manage the increasing challenges caused by this debilitating illness. The present study focused on comparing the amount of coping skills used by MS sufferers, who were or were not members of a peer support group.Methods: The method of the study was descriptive-analytical. The study was conducted at the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Zanjan City during year 2016. Simple random sampling without replacement was conducted on 30 MS sufferers, who were members and 90, who were not members of the peer support group. The data gathering tool included a demographic questionnaire and Jalowiec coping skills questionnaire. Fisher’s exact test and t-test were used to analyze the data. Results: Comparison of the amounts of coping skills used by member and non-member patients in the peer support group revealed that they differed insignificantly (0.735) in terms of excitementoriented skills, and significantly in terms of problem-oriented coping skills. Furthermore, the member patients used more problem-oriented coping skills than the non-member patients (0.009). Conclusions: Peer support has an increasing effect on the use of problem-oriented coping skills. Thus, it will be helpful to encourage patients to become a member of the peer support group.

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Introduction: Emotional stability is a personality trait that includes natural and constant domains of emotions found in individuals at different stages of life and in different environments. This study aimed at determining the relationship of emotional stability with job conscience and professional commitment.Methods: This study had a descriptive-analytical design. This study was conducted on 200 nurses of Kerman University of Medical Sciences through cluster random sampling. Data was gathered using a questionnaire, which included 4 parts: demographic data, Goldberg emotional stability questionnaire, Mac Cry Job conscience questionnaire, and Henning and Clikeman professional commitment questionnaire. Data were analyzed with the SPSS version 20 software using Pearson correlation test, independent T-test, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), and multiple linear regression.Results: The mean score of emotional stability, Job conscience, and professional commitment among nurses was 46.2 (±15.6), 44.4 (±14.3), and 49 (±14.4). Forty percent of nurses had high emotional stability. There was a statistically significant positive correlation between emotional stability with Job conscience (P<0.0001) and professional commitment (P<0.00001). There was also a statistically significant positive correlation between Job conscience and professional commitment (P<0.0001).Conclusions: According to the results of the present study, there was a positive correlation between emotional stability and job conscience, and professional commitment. Therefore, attention to emotional stability, training and planning for its growth, creating corporate profits, and improving professional commitment and job conscience is required.

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Introduction: Exercise activity is an effective treatment tool for the management of patients with type 2 diabetes. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of 8 weeks of combined and Sprint Interval Training (SIT) on serum apelin levels and insulin resistance in females with type 2 diabetes.Methods: Fifty-two overweight females with type 2 diabetes (aged 45 to 60 years old, BMI > 30) with HbA1C value of 6.5% were assessed for eligibility. Participants were assigned to the SIT group (n = 17), combined training group (n = 17), and control group (n = 18), according to HbA1c levels. The exercises included 12 weeks of combined training and SIT. To determine the differences between groups, a statistical analysis of covariance and a meaningful LSD test were used to determine the difference between the groups.Results: Difference was significant for fasting blood glucose in the SIT groups (P<0.001). Serum insulin levels showed significant increases in the SIT (P<0.001) and Com (P=0.001). Changes in apelin were not significantly different within SIT and combined training groups (P=0.13 and P=0.09, respectively). The data showed significant differences in insulin resistance index (HOMA-IR) in SIT (P<0.001) and Com (P=0.008). Furthermore, the ANCOVA test showed that there were no significant differences in fasting blood glucose concentrations (F=1.853, P=0.171) regarding apelin (F=0.511, P=0.12) yet, significant differences were seen between groups in insulin (F=3.622, P=0.036), and HOMA-IR (F=5.511, P=0.008).Conclusions: Exercise training, independent of mode of training, is an effective training method to improve glycemic control in females with type 2 diabetes.

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Introduction: The promotion of the health status of the elderly people as a vulnerable group is of great importance. Loneliness is one of the most common complaints of the elderly that can have serious outcomes over their mental health. The present study aimed at determining the effect of group reminiscence therapy on loneliness and spiritual well-being in the elderly residents of Kahrizak Nursing Home, Tehran, Iran.Methods: The present non-randomized, clinical trial was conducted on 83 elderly residents of Kahrizak Nursing Home who were eligible to participate in the current study in 2017. The subjects were non-randomly selected and divided into two groups of experimental and control. The control group received no intervention; while the experimental group underwent a 6-session reminiscence therapy according to the Watt and Cepplize protocol. The data collection tools were the demographic questionnaire and the Paloutzian and Ellison spiritual well-being scale, which the content validity and internal reliability of the later scale was confirmed in previous Iranian studies (Cronbach's alpha = 92%). The Russell loneliness questionnaire with the confirmed content validity and internal reliability (Cronbach's alpha = 78%) was also used. To analyze the data, descriptive statistics was used to measure central indices and process data scattering using the frequency distribution tables. Analytical statistics was used to test the hypothesis of the research with the help of independent t test, pairedsamples t test, Chi-square, the Fisher exact test, etc. Data were analyzed with SPSS version 24. Results: The results of the current study showed a significant statistical relationship in the demographic variables between the both groups, except for the variable of life situation of the spouse (P=0.385). The result of analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) showed that the variables of loneliness (P=0.335) and spiritual well-being (P=0.385) had significant effect on loneliness (P<0.001) before intervention, while spiritual well-being influenced the loneliness (P=0.054) after the intervention. Conclusions: The results of the current study showed a clear relationship between the effect of reminiscence therapy on loneliness and spiritual well-being in the elderly people. Based on the results of the current study, memory retrieval can be used as a simple, easy, inexpensive, and applicable therapeutic approach in all therapeutic programs and healthcare centers for the elderly people. This approach is welcomed by the elderly people as well as their families and the healthcare team members.

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Introduction: Resilience refers to the capability of returning to normal life from a sustained difficulty and the ability of self-repair, which despite being exposed to extreme stresses, leads to the success against events and accidents. The current study aimed at determining the resilience of family caregivers of patients with mental disorders.Methods: The current descriptive-analytical study was conducted on 220 individuals. The data collection tools were the forms and questionnaires of resilience developed by Kannor and Davidson. The obtained data were analyzed with SPSS version 16 using the Spearman correlation test, t test, and analysis of variance (ANOVA).Results: In the current study, the mean ± standard deviation (SD) of resilience of the family caregivers of patients with mental disorders was 16.38±69.93, while 51% of the participants had high resilience. There were no significant relationship between the resilience of caregivers and their demographic characteristics (age, gender, socioeconomic status, and level of education). Conclusions: The findings of the current study can help nurses and other healthcare providers to use the resilience or similar models for health promotion, capacity building, and sustainable recovery from the ongoing difficulties in order to repair themselves, and enhance the socioeconomic and welfare status, and promote the level of tolerance and education in the family caregivers of patients with mental disorders.

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Introduction: Self-efficacy is a psychological source in adapting to chronic diseases and plays a crucial role in how patients adapt to the challenges of cancer as a chronic disease. Promoting self-efficacy in patients with breast cancer leads to better Compatibility with the diagnosis and treatment of cancer, reducing cancer symptoms, improving mental image, and improving the communication of patients with therapeutic personnel. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of education and telephone counseling on the self-efficacy of women with breast cancer undergoing radiotherapy.Methods: In This Randomized Clinical Trial Study, 64 patients who were scheduled for the Breast Cancer Radiotherapy and Referring to Cancer Institute of Imam Khomeini, Tehran University Of Medical Sciences, were recruited using the convenience sampling method. Participants were randomly assigned into Two Groups of Test (N=32) And Control (N=32). Before The Start Of Radiotherapy, Chronic Disease Self-Efficacy Scale Was Completed By Research Samples In The Studied Groups. Patients' Self-Efficacy Was Evaluated Again 1 Month And 3 Months After Education and Telephone Counseling, And Data Were Analyzed Using SPSS-22 Software.Results: Before The Intervention, There Was No Significant Difference Between The Mean Score Of Self – Efficacy Of The Two Groups. However, 1 Month And 3 Month After The Beginning Of Intervention, The Mean Score Of Self-Efficacy In The Experimental Group Was Significantly Higher Than In The Control Group (P<0.001).Conclusions: According To The Results Of This Study, The Use Of Education And Telephone Counseling To Promote Self-Efficacy Of Women With Breast Cancer Under Radiotherapy Is Emphasized.

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Introduction: Skilled manpower education for the society is one of the main objectives of higher education in Iran. Nowadays, since unemployment is one of the biggest economic problems in Iran, higher education has a dual mission of employment and development of entrepreneurial talent. Furthermore, achievement motivation is significantly important as a success factor, especially in nursing students. Therefore, this study was conducted with the aim of determining the relationship between achievement motivation and entrepreneurial talent in nursing students of Gonabad University of Medical Sciences.Methods: This study was conducted by cross-sectional descriptive-analytical method. The statistical population included all 160 second to eighth semester nursing students, who were selected by the census method from Gonabad University of Medical Sciences. Inclusion criteria included studying at the time of the research and the students' willingness to participate in the study. The exclusion criterion was failure to complete the questionnaire. Data collection tools of this study included the demographic information questionnaire, entrepreneurial talent measurement questionnaire by Kordnaeij et al., and Hermans' achievement motivation questionnaire. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistic and Pearson’s test. Data analysis was done using the SPSS 20 software.Results: The status of entrepreneurial talent was weak in the majority of students (70%), and 93.1% of research units had high achievement motivation. According to the results of the Pearson test, there was a significant positive relationship between achievement motivation and entrepreneurial talent (P<0.001 and r=0.332).Conclusions: Students' weak entrepreneurial capacity indicates the necessity of planning and concentration on reinforcement of factors, which affect entrepreneurial capacity in curricula and educational assistance curricula.

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Introduction: Privacy is one of the basic human needs and one of the most important nursing concepts of care ethics. Several definitions have been proposed for privacy, since the cultural norms and values of each society and the specific position of each individual in the community are influential in defining and determining its scope. Therefore, in order to provide proper cultural care, it is important to examine the privacy of patients. This study aimed at investigating the viewpoints of hospitalized patients in regards to respecting privacy.Methods: The present study was carried out with the qualitative content analysis method on 20 patients hospitalized in internal and surgical wards of governmental hospitals of Tehran, during year 2017. Data collection was based on purposive sampling and using semi-structured individual interviews. In the interviews, hospitalized patients reported experiences with respect to their privacy during hospitalization. The interviews were recorded and handwritten and analyzed on the basis of qualitative content analysis.Results: The analysis of hospitalized patients' experiences with respect to privacy in the hospital resulted in the extraction of 5 categories and 10 subcategories. The privacy implications included the dynamics of privacy, physical privacy, information privacy, psycho-social privacy, and religious spirituality privacy.Conclusions: The findings of this study showed that privacy of hospitalized patients had different dimensions and care should be taken in all aspects. According to the findings of this study, it could be concluded that privacy policies should be provided according to the patient's perspective of the health care system.

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