This study was to investigate the present condition of the guiding system of the primary school teachers to introduce a general model. Out of 176 components extracted from the literature, 93 components (under 5 separate sections) were finally selected after administering an opinionnaire. The number of population was about 7051 primary school teachers in Kermanshah province out of whom 384 were selected using cluster random sampling. The validity of the questionnaire was evaluated through expert opinion and the reliability index was calculated 0.901. The data analysis was done through descriptive and inferential (factor analysis, single group t test). The followings are the results of the analysis: 1) Guiding system of the teachers indicates more successful results in the components of class management and school regulations than other components, while the result is medium in the component of evaluating learning and was not at all successful in the components like permanent improvement in instructional quality, professional commitment of the teachers, raising motivation in students, setting instructional and educational goals, and teacher evaluation. 2) The final model of the of the teachers’ guiding system is introduced which consists of five sections of philosophy and objectives, theoretical foundations, conceptual model, executing processes, and evaluation system. 3) The result of validating the questionnaire through expert opinion shows the proportion rate of 91.78% confirmation of the questionnaire. 4) “Guiding Manager” model has thirteen controlling functions of permanent improvement of the instructional quality, presentation of feedback to teachers, adaptation of the plans and procedures with cultural conditions, commitment toward teachers, students, parents, school, and education, teachers’ professional commitment, teachers’ participation in upgrading educational quality, providing the ground for research, motivating students and need identification, knowledge of the administrative regulations, setting instructional and educational goals, and teacher evaluation.