The major purpose of the research was to study the impact of assessment methods on the class atmosphere, affective factors, and students' creativity in elementary schools.480 students (240 from classes with descriptive assessment and 240 from the classes with traditional assessment) were selected through Morgan's method of random sampling (Morgan, 1970) from third-grade students in Chahar Mahal Bakhtiari Province. The research tools were Classroom Life Measure (Johnson & Johnson, 1983), Quality of School Life questionnaire (Ainley & Bourke, 1992), and the pictorial test of creative thinking (Form B). The findings indicated that there was a meaningful difference between the students with descriptive assessment and those with traditional assessment regarding the variables of classroom atmosphere (cooperative learning, individualistic learning, competitive learning, fair scoring, school alienation, class cooperation, and social support), students' affective factors (general satisfaction from school, negative affection, their relation with teacher, social cooperation, opportunity, success, and events) and also students' creativity scores.