According to available statistics, in 1335 the number of cities, urban centers are 119 While the city center has increased from 1390 to 1200. In other words, 19.6 per year in the number of cities were added to the 1.6 Or in any 18 days a month in the cities have been added the trend in recent 15 years has Acceleration more. added every nine days witnessed a number of cities are settle According to available statistics Khorramabad area and population has increased dramatically until 1390. In this period the City Area 14/8 times and its population 1/16 times increased Balance between the increase in the size and population of Khorramabad does not mean. Despite the increasing trend of development Aspral city and compression has been Control but according to historical documents, many gardens and pristine natural areas that have sity area in previous years In recent years, all were destroyed and built as a residential area, there is no trace of them Besides increasing population khoramAbad, particularly in the last 50 years, growing horizontally along the valley of Khorramabad River and invade tissues urban to farm land, gardens and a range of altitudes, especially in the North and North West and East of the city, and morphological heterogeneity and has created unusual. To study the development of distributed heterogeneous particular, this study is a descriptive - survey has been conducted. Based on the results of non-programmable scientific, economic situation of the city, citizens' attitudes toward government inefficiency Project monitoring and evaluation of the most diverse substrates face, deformity of body, deficiencies in infrastructure, declining quantity and quality of urban management services to the citizens and uneven distribution of the application of the most important challenges facing modern urban management, urban policy, including smart growth policies.