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Remobilization of reserves from stem during maturity is important in formation of grain yield of wheat under drought stress in terminal season. A field research was carried out at two sites: Ilam and Bushehr provinces during 2013-14 growing season. In these experiments conducted in completely randomized block with three replications, effects of three main factors including two concentration levels of chlormequat chloride (CCC) (0, 2. 5 g per liter), application of Zinc sulfate (Zn) at the three rates of 0, 25 and 50 kg per hectare and Nitroxin (Nit), as bio-fertilizer, (inoculated and non-inoculated seed) to investigate on morpho-physiological traits of bread wheat cultivar of Kohdasht. Results showed that CCC spraying significantly decreased plant height and amount of remobilized stem reserves. CCC application increased spike number per plant, grain number per spikeand grain yield by about 14. 6%, 13. 6% and 28. 5%, respectively. Seed inoculation with Nitroxin increased plant height, amount of remobilized dry matter (ARDM), andremobilization efficiency (REE). The highest amounts of ARDM (64. 8 g. m-2), remobilization efficiency (REE) (32. 1%) and contribution of stem reserves to grain yield production (REP) (50. 8%) were obtained from plants of Nit-inoculated seeds applied with 50 kg per hectare of zinc sulfate and with no CCC application. CCC spraying at the concentration level of 2. 5 g per liter, application of 50 kg of Zn per hectare and inoculating seed with Nit treatment had the highest grain yield (171g m-2). Generally, it seems CCC, Zn and Nit were effectiveness in improvement and increasing grain yield of wheat under dry land farming.

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In order to evaluate the effect of irrigation and use of organic fertilizers and agronomic and physiological traits millet varieties (split-split plot) in a randomized complete block design with three replications Damghan in 2012-2013. Millet cultivars (Bastan and Pishahang) were the main factor, no irrigation stress (stages of BBCH55 and BBCH65 and control) were the sub factor and fertilizer level (no fertilizer, farmyard manure 100% and compost 100%) was the sub-sub factor. The results showed that the greatest amount of soluble sugars was 13. 62% under the three factor effect of cultivar, no irrigation and fertilizing in Pishahang cultivars with control fertilizing rate and no irrigation at BBCH55 stage. The highest amount of fiber under the three factor effect was 55. 44% in Bastan cultivar with farmyard manure 100% and control. The highest protein percentage was in the interaction between cultivar and no irrigation in Pishahang cultivar and no irrigation at BBCH65 stage. Maximum percentage of ash was 8. 1648% in Bastan cultivar. The highest dry matter production was 54. 14% in the interaction between cultivar and no irrigation in Pishahang cultivar and no irrigation at control stage. According to the results, we can say that both Bastan and Pishahang cultivars have good forage yield and considering their short growing period, they can be used as second crops for forage production. Moreover, severe stress reduces the forage yield and production efficiency. In addition, adding farmyard manure and compost significantly increases the yield in these forage plants.

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In order to evaluate the effect of irrigation regimes and superabsorbent polymer (SAP) on amount of antioxidant enzymes, leaf relative water content and relationships between them with relative permeability of cell membranes in sorghum, the experiment was conducted in Dashtak region of Zahedan during 2013 and 2014 seasons. The experimental design was a split plot with two factors including four irrigation regimes )40, 60, 80 and 100% crop evapotranspiration( as main plots, four amounts of SAP )0, 75, 150 and 225 kg ha-1( as subplots in a completely randomized block design with three replications. The results indicated that the effect of irrigation regimes, SAP levels and interaction effects of two factors were significant. The regression models estimated for superoxide dismutase, ascorbate peroxidase, glutathione peroxidase, catalase and RPCM showed that showed that by increasing the amount of irrigation and SAP, the traits were decreased. In addition, by decreasing in leaf relative water content, the antioxidant enzymes and relative permeability of cell membranes increased. The experiment findings indicate that at the application 75 kg ha-1 SAP and supplying 80% of sorghum water requirement, the relative permeability of cell membranes was 59. 83, that was similar to 100% irrigation along with the application 150 and 225 kg ha-1 SAP.

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The present research plane to assessment effect of manganese sulfate fertilizer on malon di aldehid, yield and yield components of canola hybrid hyloa 401 under non irrigation at 2012-2013 seasonal year in Research farm of Islamic azad university of ahvaz were conducted. Research based experiment split plot at randomized completely block design with four replication were carried out. Water deficient stress in three level include full irrigation, non irrigation at starting pod formation and non irrigation at stating seed filling belonged to main factor and application of manganese sulfate in four level include non use of fertilization, apply 10, 20 and 30 kg. ha-1 were belonged to sub factors. Result showed effect of different level of irrigation, manganese sulfate fertilization and interaction effect of them on all measured traits at 1 probability level were significant. According mean comparison maximum seed yield (3. 50 t. ha-1), biologic yield (1035. 99 g. m-2), Harvest index (33. 76%), number of pod per plant (144. 05), number of seed per pod (19. 42) and seed weight (4. 80 gr) were belonged to treatment use of 30 kg. ha-1 manganese sulfate at full irrigation. In other hand maximum malon di aldehid (18. 58 nm. mg-1) belonged to treatment of non irrigation at starting pod formation.

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In order to investigate the effect of seed priming with growth regulators on yield and yield components of red bean lines this research was conducted as spilt factorial in RCBD design with three replications. The treatment consists of three levels of irrigation (after evaporation of 60-55, 85-80 and 115-110 mm) two lines of red beans ( KS31169, D81083) and seed priming including salicylic acid and naphthalene acetic acid at four levels (P0: control, distilled water; P1: 0. 5 m mol L-1 NAA; P2: 0. 7 m mol L-1 SA; P3: combination of SA and NAA at rates of 0. 5 and 0. 7 m mol L-1). The results showed that the simple effects and the interactive effects of genotype × seed priming with on all the studied traits were significant except for the harvest index and pod length. Maximum 100-seed weight of (44 g) and biological yield of (14715. 88 kg h-1 ) were achieved in the KS31169 line through the use of (NAA), under irrigation after 80-85 mm evaporation. The seed yield of (3454. 16 kg h-1) were observed through the use of (NAA) and (SA) pretreatments for drought stress treatment. The results of stepwise regression of yield and the related traits 88 % of grain yield changes was explained by biological yield, grain yield, harvest index, number of seeds per pod and seed weight. Generally, it can be concluded that seed pretreatment can help improve and develop the yield under drought stress, directly and indirectly by affecting the morphological and physiological properties of plants.

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In order to determine the effect of different irrigation managements on rice growth indices, an experiment was done in factorial based on randomized complete block design in Rice Research Institute of Iran, Deputy of Mazandaran, Amol during 2011. Treatments were different irrigation managements including Alternate Wet and Drying (AWD), Semi-Dry Cultivation (SDC), combining Shallow water depth with Wetting and Drying (SWD) and Traditional Irrigation (TI) and two contrast cultivars of Tarom and Fajr as native and improved cultivars, respectively. Growth indices were fitted using measuring the dry weight and leaf area over seven sampling times during rice growing stages. The results showed that IT (with an average of 7694 kg) had the highest paddy yield followed by AWD (with an average of 7056 kg), SDC (with an average of 6856/8 kg) and SWD (with an average of 6358/7 kg). Leaf area index in Tarom cultivar varied from 2. 99 in the combining Shallow water depth with wetting and drying to 4. 6 in alternate wet and drying regimes. By contrast, LAI in Fajr cultivar ranged from 4. 1 in the alternate wet and drying to 5. 6 in traditional irrigation regimes. In conclusion, the maximum leaf area index, net assimilation rate in Tarom and Fajr cultivars to AWD and SDC irrigation managements could be introduced.

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An experiment was conducted in order to screening salt tolerance in alfalfa (Medicago sativa) ecotypes on the ion levels (Na+, Cl-) and nutrient contents (N, P, K) in University Putra Malaysia during 2008-2010. Five Iranian alfalfa ecotypes including Rehnani, Gharghologh, Shorkut, Bami and Nik-Shahri were evaluated for their response to salt stress in a split plot trial, where five ecotypes were as main plots and levels of salinity including 2, 6, 12, and 18 dS/m were as subplots. To assess of ion levels and nutrient contents the samples from shoots were obtained at each stage of salinity including 6, 12 and 18 dS/m. The results showed that the nutrients content and ion levels were affected by salt concentration and there were varying responses between ecotypes. Salt stress affected the concentration of Na+, Cl-, N, K+ but the concentration of P was not significantly affected by salinity levels. In terms of Na+, Cl-, N and K+ concentrations in shoot the ecotypes were significantly different, vice versa phosphorus concentration in shoot among the ecotypes was not significantly different. It is concluded that ecotype number 2 (Gharghologh) identified as the most tolerant ecotype because of minimum accumulation of Na+ and Cland maximum absorption of nutrients in its shoots.

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Salinity stress is most important factor limiting crops growth and production in worldwide. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of four water salinity levels (1. 15, 4, 7 and 10 dS. m-1) on some traits of phonology, morphology, yield and yield components of four canola (Brassica napus L. ) cultivars (Hyola 4815, 308 and 401 and RGS 003) under application of 10 Ton. ha-1 vermicompost in 2014-15 in Gorgan region, Iran. The experiment was conducted as factorial arranged in randomized complete blocks design with three replications. The results showed that the all traits, except days to seed emergence and pod length were significantly affected by cultivar. The Hyola 4815 cultivar had the lowest total plant height, height of first pod and branch from ground, stem diameter and seeds per pod with a significant difference with other cultivars. The lowest number of branches and highest days to flowering and maturity and stem diameter were obtained from RGS cultivar with a significant difference with the other cultivars. The Hyola 308 and 4815 cultivars with the highest number of pods per plant were significantly different with Hyola 401 and RGS cultivars. The highest 1000-seed weight was found in Hyola 4815 and 401 with a significant difference with the other cultivars. Hyola 308 and 401 cultivars had the highest seed yield and their differences were significant with RGS cultivar. However, seed yield differences of these three cultivars were not significant with Hyola 4815 cultivar. Salinity significantly decreased the number of days to maturity (2. 6 days) and 1000-seed weight. Increased salinity from 1. 15 to 7 dS. m-1 significantly increased pods per plant (22%) and seed yield (30%), but they decreased when salinity increased to 10 dS. m-1, although this reduction was not significant. The results showed that Hyola 401 had a comparative advantage in almost all traits.

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It is important to select high yielding and nutritious varieties for potato cultivation. Therefore, an experiment was conducted as randomized complete blocks design (RCBD), with three replications with 15 potato cultivars and 5 potato genotypes (Sprite, Savalan, Satina, Banba, Buren, Sinja, Ausonia, Kosima, Kondor, Fiannee, Granula, Agria, Agta, Miriam, Morene, 397082-2. 397097-2, 396124, 39704515, 396156-5) in Research Farm of University of Mohaghegh Ardabili in 2011. Results showed that plant height, number of tubers, tuber yield, protein yield and yields of lysine and methionine amino acids of genotypes and cultivars were significant at 1% probability level. Savalan cultivar and 396124 and 39704515 genotypes produced highest tubers yield. Protein yield in cultivars, Cosima, Fiannee, Moran and 397082-2 genotype, and the yield of Lysine amino acid in 397082-2 genotype and the yield of Methionine amino acid in Cosima cultivar were the highest. Cluster analysis of genotypes and cultivars in regard to protein, tuber, Lysine and Methionine amino acids yield classified them into three groups. In this classification, most cultivars and genotypes have a long growth period, also had higher average quantitative and qualitative characteristics optimal. Overall Savalan, Cosima, Fiannee, Moran, Ausonia cultivars and 397097-2 and 39704515 genotypes were selected as superior varieties for production in this area and similar climate conditions.

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In order to study the effect of different amounts of sulfur fertilizer in the presence or absence of Thiobacillus thiooxidans bacteria (biosulfur) on qualitative traits and nutrients concentration in Potato cv. Agria, a factorial experiment was conducted based on randomized complete blocks design with three replications in research farm of the faculty of agricultural sciences, university of Mohaghegh Ardabili, during growing season of 2011-2012. The experimental factors contain sulfur fertilizer in four levels 0, 200, 300 and 400 kg ha-1 and biosulfur as biofertilizer in two levels control (without application) and using Thiobacillus. The results showed that the effect of sulfur fertilizer on the starch, dry matter and nitrate of tuber, also Thiobacillus, sulfur fertilizer and their interaction on the tuber yield, number of tuber per plant, potassium and phosphorus content of tubers and the soil pH were significant. The highest amount of tuber yield, number of tuber per plant and phosphorus and potassium content of tubers was obtained by application of 400 kg ha-1 Sulfur and terms of using Thiobacillus bacteria. The application of sulfur fertilizer and biosulfur was reduced soil pH, so that the highest rate of soil pH was observed in terms without application of sulfur and Thiobacillus bacteria. The highest starch and dry matter content of tubers was resulted by using 400 kg ha-1 of Sulfur. Generally the application of 400 kg ha-1 sulfur with Thiobacillus bacteria recommended to increase the quantity and quality of potato in a calcareous soils.

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In Orzoiyeh region, water deficit is the most important environmental stress limiting plant growth and production. Summer corn planting in this region is associated with high consumption of water, so in order to use of the rains in winter and spring, winter corn cultivation is important to increase corn production and reduce pressure on water resources. A field experiment was conducted over two years 2010-2011 in Orzoiyeh Research Station to determine the most suitable of planting date and hybrid for winter cultivation of corn. This study was conducted as a split-plot in randomized complete block design with four replications. Main plots were planting date with four levels ( 3 February, 17 February, 2 March, 18 March) and sub plots were four different corn hybrids (TWC 600, TWC 647, SC 704, SC 720). Results showed that there weren’ t any significant difference between planting dates for grain yield and yield components, but planting in 18 March had the highest plant height and ear diameter. Between corn hybrids, SC 720 produced highest grain yield (10. 48 t ha-1). Grain yield in SC720 hybrid was 2. 02 t ha-1 higher than control (SC 704). C720 hybrid had the highest amounts of ear diameter and number row per ear than others. Based on these results, can be concluded that in Orzoiyeh region, cultivation of corn in the range of 3 February to 18 March is possible, but 18 march is the best planting date. As well as SC 720 as a new hybrid can be introduced in this region.

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In order to evaluate row spacing effects on quantitative and qualitqtive yield of some bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. ) varieties with different growth habits, a field experiment carried out in 2013-14 growing season as split plot arrangement based on complete block design with three replications in Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center of Guilan Province (Talesh), Iran. Row spacing including of 40, 50, 60, 70 centimeter and five bean varieties including of Sadri, Goli, Akhtar, Pak, Dorsa along with local Pach bean colony as check were randomized in main plots and sub plots, respectively. The greatest seed yield obtained in local Pach bean colony with determinate habit as affected by 50 and 60 centimeter row distances. But, had not significan difeference with Pak variety. The highest pod number per plant and the greatest seed number per plant were shown as affected by the interaction effect between 40 centimeter × Pak variety. The highest harvest index belonged to the interaction effects berween 50 centimeter × local Pach bean colony. In this experiment, the greatest seed protein content obtained as affected by the interaction effects between 40 centimeter × Goli variety. On the basis of this research results, it seems that by decreasing of planting row distances, seed yield is reducted in baens varieties due to radiation deficit within plant canopy, decrement of plant photosynthesis and insufficient allocation of assimilates to bean seeds.

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In forage production systems, operations such as harvesting time is very important for suitable forage production and if it is not accomplished on time, reduction of forage yield is not avoidable. In order to study the effect of cultivar and different harvests on forage yield and protein content of alfalfa cultivars, an experiment was conducted as split plot arranged in randomized complete blocks design with four replications at Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Center of Yazd in 2013-14. The treatments included six different cultivars (Mecasersa, Santetic, Yazdi, Bami, Nikshahri and Baghdadi) and seven harvesting times. The results showed that effect of cultivar and harvests was significant on all traits. Misasirsa, Yazdi, Bami and Santetic cultivars had the highest fresh forage (17. 29, 17. 02, 17. 37 and 18. 27 t/ha) and dry (4. 47, 4. 7, 4. 56 and 4. 59 t/ha), yields, respectively. Among the different cultivars and harvests, Nikshahri and Yazdi had the highest leaf stem ratio (1. 16 and 1. 18, respectively), and first harvest had the highest (2. 0) leaf stem ratio. Among the cultivars, the percentage of dry matter of Nikshahri cultivar was higher (%27. 8) than other cultivars. First and third harvest had the highest dry matter percentage (30. 5 and 29. 99, respectively). Among the harvests, first one had the highest dry forage yield (6. 55 t/ha). Protein percentage of Mecersrsa cultivar was higher (21. 98) than other cultivars. First and third harvests had the highest protein percentage (%22. 81 and 21. 98, respectively). Generally, Yazdi cultivar had the highest leaf stem ratio (2. 68), dry matter percentage (34. 68) and dry forage yield (8. 03 t/ha) at first harvest, and had the highest of all traits at other harvests and therefore can be the most suitable for Yazd region.

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Optimum plant nutrition has an important role in improving its growth and yield and increasing the inputs use efficiency. The current study was performed with the aim of evaluating the effect of various fertilizer sources, including biofertilizer containing the Rhizobium meliloti, sea weed extract, fertilizer containing micronutrients and urea on growth and yield of alfalfa during 2015 at Varamin complex of agriculture and animal husbandry as factorial experiment in the form of complete randomized design with three replications. Results showed that foliar application of urea and soil application of biofertilizer did not have a significant effect on growth and yield of alfalfa. Whereas, foliar application of sea weed extract and multimill fertilizer (containing micronutrients) resulted in increasing the hay yield of alfalfa by 12. 7 and 24. 7%, respectively. Furthermore, foliar application of micronutrient had a greater effect on hay yield of alfalfa than the sea weed extract, as the yield increment resulted from foliar application of micronutrient was 12 percent more than that obtained from foliar application of sea weed extract. Therefore, results of this study showed that foliar application of sea weed extract and fertilizer containing micronutrients can increase the yield and inputs use efficiency of alfalfa through improving its growth parameters and production of higher dry matter per unit of inputs used by plant.

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Zalghi z. | Saeedipor s.

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In order to study the efficiency of Atlantis dual purpose herbicide (Mezosulfuron+ Iodosulfuron) and its mix with some herbicides for weeds control of wheat, an experiment has been conducted in completely randomized blocks design with 7 treatments and 4 repetitions in Dezfoul region in 2011-2012. Treatments included post-emergence application of Atlantis herbicide with two doses of 1 and 1. 5 L. ha-1, the mix of Atlantis herbicide with the dose of 1. 5 L. ha-1 + Bromicide MA with two doses of 0. 5 and 1 L. ha-1, the mix of Atlantis herbicides with the dose of 1. 5 L. ha-1 + Duplosan Super with two doses of 1 and 2 L. ha-1, and weedy treatment as control. The results indicated that the blend of Atlantis with the dose of 1. 5 L+ Duplosan Super with the dose of 2 L was the best opting for controlling broad leaves weed like ivy and clover, and displayed a significant difference with other treatments. After that, mix of Atlantis with the dose of 1. 5 L. ha-1+Bromicide MA with the dose of 1 L. ha-1had the highest extent of control. Atlantis with the dose of 1. 5 L. ha-1 statistically was the best treatment to control narrow leaves weed. The highest performance of grain yield that is, 6075. 3 kg. ha-1 obtained from blending Atlantis with the dose of 1. 5 L. ha-1 + Duplosan Super with the dose of 2 L. ha-1. On the basis of our results in the absence of broadleaved weeds mixing Atlantis with the dose of 1. 5 L. ha-1+ Duplosan Super with the dose of 2 L. ha-1 recommended, and at the dominance of narrow-leaf weeds application of Atlantis with the dose of 1. 5 L. ha-1 recommended.

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Grass is considered as one of the most important covering plants in designing green spaces. We aimed to assess the growth retarding effects of Paclobutrazol on several physiological characteristics of Bermuda grass under dry stress in the form of a randomized factorial design study with three repetitions. The treatments in this study were paclobutrazol at concentrations of 0, 25, 50, and 75 mg/l and drought stress at four levels (irrigation based on 100, 80, 60, and 40% of the field’ s capacity). We found that grass under severe drought stress conditions (40% FC) and were treated with concentrations of 50 and 75 mg/l Paclobutrazol had the highest amount of proline. Grass under moderate drought stress (60% FC) and was treated with Paclobutrazol 50 mg/l had the highest amount of soluble carbohydrates. When using 75 mg/l Paclobutrazol resulted in increased chlorophyll in Bermuda grass. Grass that was irrigated under normal conditions (100% FC) and was treated with different concentrations of paclobutrazol had the highest relative water content. The highest ion leakage was seen in grass under severe drought stress (40% FC) and 0 mg Paclobutrazol. In conclusion, we suggest the use of 50 mg/l Paclobutrazol in order to reduced water consumption or enhancing the growth of grass under drought stress.

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In order to evaluate the effect of micronutrients of iron, zinc and manganese on characteristics of borage, an experiment conducted in the base of randomized complete block design with three replications at University of Zanjan in 2015. Treatments were levels of 0 (control), 3 and 6 per thousand of micronutrients of Fe, Zn and Mn with total of 15 treatments. Foliar micronutrients applied in both stem elongation and flowering stages. Results showed that Highest 1000-seed weight and Seed yield obtained in combination of 3 g/lit iron and zinc (Fe1+Zn1) treatment and the highest number of inflorescences were in treatment of zinc and manganese at 3 g/lit (Zn1+Mn1). Foliar application of iron, zinc and manganese (Fe1+Zn1+Mn1) 3 g/lit, showed the greatest effects on the content of chlorophyll and anthocyanin. Combination of iron and manganese at 6 g/lit (Fe2+Mn2) had the greatest impact on seed oil content and foliar application of iron plus manganese 3 g/lit (Fe1+Mn1) had the greatest impact on the level of Peroxidase. In conclusion, the results showed that the application of micronutrients of iron, zinc and manganese had significant effects on indices such as: Seed yield, Oil percentage, 1000-seed weight, chlorophyll and anthocyanin content.

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In order to study the effects of environmental factors on quantity and quality yield of Thymus daenensis in habitat and field conditions, an experiment was conducted as a randomized complete blocks design with 3 replications in Fozveh and Ghahiz stations of Agricultural and Natural Research Center of Esfahan. The plant aerial parts were harvested at 50% of flowering stage in the field and habitat. Place had significant effect on all evaluated traits with the exception of 1, 8 cineole and essential oil percentage. The highest dry yield, essential oil yield and Thymol yield (2323. 3, 62. 4 and 53. 3 kg/ha, respectively) observed in Fozveh station with a significant difference by another places. The major components of oil were consisted of P-cymene, 1, 8-cineole, δ-terpinene, Borneole, Carvacrol and Thymol. The highest amount of Thymol and carvacrol were observed in Fozveh and Ghahiz stations, respectively. Oil percentage ranged from 2. 9-3. 02%. Dry yield and oil yield reduction were observed with increasing altitude. Also Carvacrol increased by increasing of soil potassium but decreased by increase in soil salinity. Based on the results, different soil and climate conditions, especially altitude, were affected thyme dry yield and oil components and caused economic or non-economic production.

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In order to investigate on the interaction between sucrose, honey and citric acid on postharvest life of cut Alstroemeria, a factorial experiment based on RCD carried out with 3 replications with 15 treatments. The treatments included of 5 levels of sugar (control, 2 and 4% sucrose, 2 and 4% honey) and citric acid in 3 levels (0, 200 and 400 mg L-1). Honey 2% in 400 mg L-1 citric acid in most traits had better than other treatments and maximum vase life (18. 7 days) achieved compared to control (9. 84 days). The lowest bacterial solution (3. 66 Log 10 CFU ml-1) and lowest MDA (11. 30 nmol g-1 FW) were observed in flowers treated with honey 2% in 400 mg L-1 citric acid. Control with 48. 72 nl l-1h-1 g-1 F. W. had maximum ethylene, and the 200 and 400 mg L-1 citric acid in without sugar, sucrose 4% in 400 mg L-1 citric acid and honey 4% in without citric acid had lowest ethylene production between treatments, respectively. The results showed that the use of honey (2%) and citric acid (400 mg L-1) reduced the bacterial solution, malondialdehyde and ethylene and delays wilting flowers. So cut flowers treated with these compounds is recommended to maintain vase life of cut alstroemeria.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Flower buds and fruit abscission, production of blankness, non-split and deformed nuts are the most important physiological disorder in pistachio trees. The importance of plant growth regulators in alleviation of these disorders has been proved. In this project the effects of epibrassinolid on alleviation of some of these problems in “ Ahmad-Aghai” cultivar has been studied. The experiment was performed as factorial based on completely randomized design with 3 replicates in a commercial orchard at Rafsanjan (Kerman Province). The treatments consist of 0 (control), 0. 5 and 1 (mg ml-1) epibrassinolid treatment in two stages (before and after full bloom). 0. 5 (mg ml-1) epibrassinolid decreased the bud and fruit abscission while increased the fresh and dry weight and yield of branches. Epibrassinolid in the first stage decreased the blank fruit production and increased the split fruits. Epibrassinolid treatment obviously decreased the amount of ethylene in fruits while it had no significant effect on morphological characteristics. 0. 5 mg ml-1 epibrassinolid was the best concentration and the first stage (a week before full bloom) was the best time for treatment in Ahmad-Aghai cultivar trees.

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Determination of nutritional value of rangeland species is one of the fundamental factors for evaluation of grazing capacity and management of rangelands. This research was performed to determine the nutritional values of Halocnemum strobilaceum and Halostachys caspica and study the effects of different phenological stages (vegetative, flowering, seeding) on the chemical composition in these species during 2015 in north-western rangelands of Golestan province. Plant sampling was completely randomized and nutritional values indicators including crude protein (CP), acid detergent fiber (ADF), neutral detergent fiber(NDF), dry digestible matter (DMD), ash, Ether Extract, metabolic energy (ME), dry matter intake(DMI), relative feed value(RFV) and mineral elements (sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, copper, zinc, iron and manganese) were measured. To analyze of data after analysis of variance, Duncan's multiple range test were used to compare the mean of studied indices for each species and t-test was used to compare the two species at different phenological stage and mineral elements with their critical levels. The results showed that crude protein, ADF, NDF, DMD, ash, EE, ME, DMI, RFV, sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, copper, zinc, iron and manganese were different significantly in different phenological stages (p<0. 05). With the growth progress, ADF and NDF increased but crude protein, DMD, DMI, ME and RFV decreased significantly in both species (P<0. 05). Results showed that H. caspica had better quality than H. Strobilaceum (RFV: H. caspica> H. strobilaceum). The content of sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, copper, iron, manganese measured at different growth stages, were more than critical level for ruminants.; however, the content of phosphorus and zinc were less than critical level. Generally, mineral elements of two species are provided all elements livestock needs, except zinc and phosphorus.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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