Objective(s): considering the verbal limitation in individuals and the lack of awareness of their emotions and their actions, their psychological assessment has been limited. There is an urgent need to identify and apply diagnostic tools that can assess the emotions and cognitive skills. Therefore, the aim of the current research was to investigate reliability, validity of the Silver Drawing Test (SDT) among students.Methods: A sample of 500 students was selected through multistage stratified random sampling in Shiraz, Iran. Students completed the Silver Drawing Test (SDT), the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales, the State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory-2, the Cattell's Culture Fair Intelligence test (scale3) and the Abedi Creativity Test. Data were analyzed using spearman correlation coefficient, kappa agreement coefficient, Cronbach's alpha and independent t-test.Results: Cronbach's alpha was 0.92 and 0.64 for emotional and cognitive scales respectively, and it was 0.83, 0.81 and 0.78 for predictive drawing test, drawing from imagination task and drawing from observation task, respectively. Depression Anxiety Stress Scales, the State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory-2, the Cattell's Culture Fair Intelligence test (scale3) and the Abedi Creativity Test. were used for evaluating the convergent validity.Conclusion: The study findings showed that the Silver Drawing Test has acceptable reliability for utilizing in psychological research and clinical diagnosis.