Since the consumers' nostalgic behaviors can bring about a real understanding and recognition of consumer's behavior and meeting consumer demands the best possible way, the effect of nostalgic behavior on consumer behavior has critical role in actual purchase. In the present study, we first examined and identified the hofsted index and social factors and considered the following components for each: cultural and social factors included; (hofsted index) materialism, individualism, collectivism, masculinity, power distance, uncertainly avoidance and family structure, reference groups. Then, the effect of these factors on nostalgic behaviors examined. Later on, the effect of nostalgic behavior on brand heritage, brand attitudes investigated. Then the effect of nostalgic behavior, brand heritage, brand attitudes on purchase intention (PI) were investigated and finally, the effect of PI on actual purchases measured. The methodology of had two stages: stage one was examined using exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and the second stage using structural equations (SE). The analytical results showed power distance, individualism, reference groups are significantly related Nostalgia behavior but materialism, collectivism, uncertainly avoidance, masculinity, family structure is not significantly related nostalgia behaviors. Nostalgia behavior, brand attitudes affect purchase intention, but brand heritage is not significantly related purchase intentions. Finally purchase intentions are significantly related purchase behavior.