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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Introduction: Positive psychology emphasizes recognizing emotion, controlling emotions, creating optimism, combating negative thoughts, and changing mental images. This study aimed toevaluate the effectiveness of positive psychology training on cognitive flexibility and psychological hardiness of nurses. Methods: The method of this research was quasi-experimental and pre-test-post-test with a control group. The statistical population of the present study consisted of all nurses of Imam Reza Hospital in Sirjan. The sample consisted of 40 people who were selected by convenience sampling method and were randomly divided into experimental and control groups and were assigned to the Dennis and Vanderwall (2010) Cognitive Flexibility Questionnaire and Kobasa (1979) Hardiness Psychological Questionnaire) responded before and after the intervention. The experimental group underwent 8 sessions of 90-minute (once a week) training in Positive Psychology by Seligman et al. (2005) and the control group did not receive any intervention. Subjects' scores were analyzed using an analysis of covariance. Results: Mean and standard deviation of cognitive flexibility in the pretest in the experimental and control groups were 82. 97± 5. 32 and 82. 46± 5. 16 and in the posttest were 94. 07± 5. 14 and 83. 19± 5. 89 (p <0. 05). Also, the mean and standard deviation in the psychological hardiness variable in the pretest in the experimental and control groups were 68. 73± 5. 56 and 68. 51± 5. 17 and in the post-test were 79. 13 ± 5. 93 and 68. 27± 5. 16. Therefore, the score obtained in the experimental group was significantly different compared to the control group (p <0. 05). Conclusions: Positive psychology training is effective in increasing cognitive flexibility and psychological toughness. Therefore, this type of training can be used to reduce nurses' problems.

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Introduction: Training experienced and qualified nursing staff to provide health care is an essential and evident issue that requires the improvement of education quality. Comparison of different education systems improves the content and quality of the curriculum. This study aimed to compare the undergraduate nursing education system in Iran and Rajiv Gandhi University in India. Methods: This descriptive-comparative study was conducted in 2020 to compare the undergraduate nursing curriculum in Iran and Rajiv Gandhi University of India. The Bready model was used to compare the two curricula. Results: Some salient features, including strengthening students' teamwork and self-directed learning skills and library work were evident in the curriculum of the Rajiv Gandhi University of India. Graduates in India are not allowed to work without an RN license; however, in Iran, they can start working after graduation. Conclusions: The nursing education system in Iran and the Rajiv Gandhi University of India bear much of a resemblance. It is recommended that in Iran, students' teamwork and self-directed learning skills be taken into close consideration, and a professional competency test of graduates be held before employment.

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Introduction: Patient and patient-centered safety in the health care system around the world is a matter of concern, which is considered a big and important challenge in the health system. Therefore, reducing harm and maintaining the safety of patients is one of the professional and ethical duties of all health service providers. This study aimed to evaluate the psychometrics of the Patient Safety and Professionalism Questionnaire in medical residents. Methods: The present study is a psychometric study. In order to localize the Patient Safety and Professionalism Questionnaire (MSSAPS) with 34 questions and 5 dimensions, the English version of the questionnaire was translated by forward-backward method and then its content and face validity were calculated and approved. To determine the validity of the structure by confirmatory factor analysis and reliability, this questionnaire was provided to 160 residency students at Yazd University of Medical Sciences and their opinions were collected and analyzed. SPSS. 21 and PLS (v3. 2. 8) software were used for data analysis. Results: In the content validity study, CVR = 0. 69 and CVI = 0. 84 were obtained. The internal consistency of the questionnaire was confirmed by calculating Cronbach's alpha coefficient (α = 0. 859) and a confirmatory factor analysis test was used to evaluate the dimensionality of five domains that the values of CFMIN / DF statistics were equal to 4. 96 and the values of CFI, GFI and RMSEA indices were 0. 91, 0. 92 and 0. 08, respectively. Conclusions: The translated version of the Patient Safety and Professional Questionnaire has acceptable reliability and validity.

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ZAREZADEH SOMAYEH | Barkhordari Sharifabad Maasoumeh | Salaree Mohammad Mehdi

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Introduction: Self-efficacy and general health are effective factors on nurses' performance and providing better care. Nursing leaders have a prominent role in creating a suitable work environment and conditions that can affect the self-efficacy and general health of nurses. One of the leadership approaches is Ethical leadership. The aim of this study was to determine the correlation between ethical leadership with self-efficacy and general health of nurses. Methods: This is a descriptive correlational study that was conducted in 2020. A total of 205 nurses working in Khatam Al-Anbia and Shahid Beheshti hospitals in Yazd/Iran were selected by census method. Data collection tools were demographic questionnaire, ethical leadership of Brown et al., Schwarzer & Jerusalem self-efficacy, and Goldberg general health. Data analysis was performed using descriptive and inferential statistics (Pearson correlation coefficient, ANOVA, and t-test) in SPSS 20. Results: The average ethical leadership, self-efficacy, and general health from the nurses' point of view were 33. 80 ± 7. 72, 30. 74 ± 4. 16, and 24. 02 ± 6. 68, respectively. Among the dimensions of general health, the highest mean was related to social dysfunction and the lowest mean was related to depression. Regarding the dimensions of ethical leadership, the average dimension of ethical person (59. 65 ± 19. 98) and ethical manager (59. 26 ± 21. 25) were almost the same. The results of Pearson test showed that there is a positive correlation between ethical leadership and its dimensions with nurses' self-efficacy and a negative correlation with general health disorder (P <0. 05). Conclusions: Increasing the level of ethical leadership in nursing managers improves the self-efficacy and general health of nurses. Therefore, a better understanding of the concepts of this leadership approach and its application by nursing managers, promotes the self-efficacy and general health of nurses and subsequently provides better care.

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Mahsa Khedmatizare | Roohangiz Norouzinia | Maryam Aghabarary | Harikandeie Seyede Soghra Taher

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Introduction: Nursing students, as individuals who interact directly with patients, need to have good communication skills, Because effective communication improves and enhances their clinical skills and is essential for successful patient care. The aim of this study was to determine the factors affecting the student-patient relationship from the viewpoints of nursing students of Alborz University of Medical Sciences in years of 2020. Methods: This is a descriptive cross-sectional study in which all 3rd to 8th semester nursing undergraduate students of Alborz University of Medical Sciences were enrolled by census method. Data collection tool was a two part electronic researcher made questionnaire included demographic information questionnaire and assessing the factors affecting the student-patient relationship. The collected data were analyzed by SPSS software version 26 and descriptive statistics. Results: 149 of undergraduate nursing students participated in this study. According to the findings, students identified professional factors with an average of 3/98± 0/65 as the most and individual factors with an average of 3/44± 0/55 as the least effective factors on their relationship with the patient. Conclusions: The results of this study showed that based on students' perspectives, professional, environmental, clinical, and educational factors are primarily important and then social and individual factors can affect the student-patient relationship. The officials of the educational and medical system, by eliminating the shortcomings that exist in this field, can improve the quality of students' education and also improve the quality and quantity of care services provided by students to help patients.

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Introduction: One of the problems that some children with behavioral problems experience is the inability to express empathy that which makesit necessary to provide psychological training to this group of people; this study aimed todetermine the effectiveness of Timothy Campbell-Comerford Twelve Social Skills Training on the empathy of sixth-gradeelementary school girls with behavioral problems. Methods: The statistical population of this experimental research included all sixth-grade girl in Tabriz in the academic year 2019-2020, that 30 students who received the diagnosis of behavioral problems by the cutoff score in the Conners Behavioral Problems Scale-Teacher and parent form were selected by multi-stage cluster and targeted sampling and they were randomly assigned to experimental and control groups (15 people in each group). All two groups completed the Davis Empathy Questionnaire (1983) and after completing 12 sessions of Campbell-Comerford'stwelve social skills training (two sessions a week for 7 weeks) in the experimental group, the Davis Empathy Questionnaire was completed in the groups. Data were analyzed using univariate and multivariate analysis of covariance in SPSS. 16 software. Results: Timothy Campbell-Comerford's twelve social skills training affects empathy and its subscales (empathetic attention, perspective, and personal confusion) of children with behavioral problems (p<0. 001). Conclusions: Due to the effect of Timothy Campbell-Comerford twelve social skills training on increasing empathy of children with behavioral problems; is recommended the use of this approach as an effective teaching method.

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Introduction: Comparative comparison of university educational programs, by identifying similarities and differences, offers new approaches to competition between universities and quality assurance. The aim of this study was to compare Australian and Iranian monks. Methods: The present descriptive study was performed in 2020 using the Brady comparative training model in the Hamadan university medical science. The latest educational program for the undergraduate course in nursing was received from the official website of the Ministry of Health and Medical Education of Iran and the website of Monash University in Australia. Data were analyzed using four-way adaptive training model in four stages: description, interpretation, proximity and comparison. Results: The results of this study indicate that the use of clinical proficiency tests as well as international clinical evaluation programs is one of the strengths of the Australian Curriculum. A review and comparison of expected job positions for nursing professionals shows that in Australia, in addition to employing nurses in hospitals, they have more specialized perspectives on employing nursing graduates, as well as social nursing such as school nurse, home care nurse or the clinical coordinator nurse has found her place. The establishment of human relations, health care units for the multicultural community, clinical analysis and reasoning is also evident in the Australian Nursing Education Program. Conclusions: Comparison of Iran-Australia Nursing Bachelor's Degree Program shows that the Australian Educational Curriculum has advantages over Iran. Vertical integration of knowledge and logical connection between the courses offered, placement of courses to empower students in the areas of creative and critical thinking, human relations, working in different communities, as well as conducting interviews to assess communication skills and interest levels of people before Entering nursing is one of the strengths of the Australian curriculum.

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Introduction: Due to the fact that incorrect physical postures of clinical workers during work are directly related to pain in various areas, including low back pain, therefore, it was necessary to design a valid and reliable questionnaire. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to design and psychoanalyze a questionnaire of knowledge, attitude and behavior of medical staff about low back pain. Methods: The present study is of psychometric type and was conducted in two parts of questionnaire design and its validity and reliability in 2020 in Lorestan province. In this study, the tool used was a questionnaire to assess knowledge, attitude and behavior, which was designed using scientific sources, studies and expert opinions. To evaluate the content validity, the content validity ratio and the content validity index were used using the opinions of 10 experts. Test-retest methods were used to evaluate the internal reliability and Cronbach's alpha was used to evaluate the external reliability. Results: The designed questionnaire contains 40 items that measure 16 items of knowledge domain, 10 items of attitude domain and 14 items of behavior domain, respectively. The content validity ratio and content validity index were determined to be 0. 95 and 0. 90, respectively. Also, Cronbach's alpha of the whole questionnaire was 0. 86 and the correlation coefficient between the items in the first and second series was reported to be 0. 94. Conclusions: The present study showed that the designed questionnaire has good validity and reliability and can be used to assess the knowledge, attitude and behavior of medical staff to prevent low back pain.

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