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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Background: The main purpose of criminal law must be to secure the basic human rights or fundamental rights of individuals. But the matter is the relationship between morality and human rights. For the purpose of the science of morality is to bring humanity to the highest degree of humanity, and the purpose of law is to achieve relative justice and to restore order in society. Equity is also a means of assigning justice and tailoring its rules to specific cases. Thus, justice and equity are closely intertwined. Ethics and law are two sciences with two distinct goals, and some jurists believe that any confusion between ethics and law should be avoided. Therefore, this article examines the relationship between morality and fundamental rights. Conclusion: One of the positive steps that current judicial procedures can take to bring about justice for individuals is that it is true that morality should be avoided in any way. Obedience leads to the intellectual disengagement of lawyers and the departure from the goal of justice, and the excessive inclusion of ethics in the world of law causes the judge's personal emotions to replace legal principles. On the other hand, the main purpose of criminal law should be to safeguard human rights and maintain a moral framework. By enacting explicit, clear and understandable laws for all, the legislator will consolidate the principles of sound criminal policy and prevent violations of these rights.

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Background: Advocacy is one of the most important institutions that can play a constructive role in the process of achieving justice. The presence of a lawyer in judicial trials will greatly facilitate the discovery of the truth and the prevention of encroachments and violations of citizens' rights. The necessity and importance of the right of defense have made it possible for advanced legal and judicial systems to view it as an important part of a fair trial to provide the necessary background for lawyers to perform their missions at all stages of the proceedings. Therefore, the presence of defense counsel during the proceedings is one of the most important and basic rights of the defendants and, in this respect, is particularly important in criminal matters. Therefore, the present study has attempted to examine the legal and ethical foundations of lawyer involvement in the judicial process. Conclusion: The presence of a lawyer in the criminal justice process is justified on a legal and ethical basis. The legal basis of the right to choose a lawyer in the criminal procedure process has justice based and utility approaches. In the (justice-based approach), the participation of the lawyer guarantees the defendant's fair trial and fair trial. But under the (utilitarian approach), the participation of the lawyer in order to prevent the diversion of justice, to prevent the arbitrariness of those involved in the criminal justice system, to speed up the process of justice and to secure legitimate liberties, can be justified. But the ethical principles of the right to choose a lawyer in the criminal proceedings; In order to prevent delays in the proceedings, non-discrimination between designated attorneys and reciprocal and subjugation attorneys, the statement of facts to the client while justifying the subject matter and the secrecy of the client's statements can be justified.

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زمینه: اصلی ترین هدف قوانین جزایی باید تامین حقوق اساسی انسانها یا همان حقوق بنیادین افراد باشد. اما انچه که مهم است رابطه اخلاق با حقوق افراد است. زیرا که هدف علم اخلاق رساندن انسان به اعلی درجه انسانیت است و هدف حقوق تحقق عدالت نسبی و برقراری نظم اجتماع است. انصاف نیز وسیله تخصیص عدالت و متناسب کردن قواعد آن در موارد خاص است. بنابراین عدالت و انصاف دارای تعامل تنگاتنگ با یکدیگر هستند. اخلاق و حقوق، دو علم با دو هدف مجزا هستند و به نظر برخی حقوقدانان باید از هرگونه اختلاط بین اخلاق و حقوق پرهیز نمود. از همین رو در این مقاله به بررسی رابطه اخلاق و حقوق بنیادین افراد پرداخته شده است. نتیجه گیری: یکی از گام های مثبتی که رویه قضایی کنونی در جهت حقوق افراد می تواند به سمت عدالت بردارد این است که، در دخالت اخلاق در حقوق باید از هرگونه افراط و تفریط دوری جست. تفریط (تفکیک حقوق و اخلاق) به تحجر فکری حقوق دانان و دور شدن از هدف عدالت می انجامد و افراط در وارد کردن اخلاق در عالم حقوق، سبب می گردد عواطف شخصی دادرس جایگزین اصول حقوقی گردد. از طرفی هم اصلی ترین هدف قوانین جزایی باید تامین حقوق اساسی انسانها و حفظ چهار چوب اخلاقی باشد. قانونگذار از طریق وضع قوانین صریح، روشن و قابل فهم برای همگان، مبانی اتخاذ یک سیاست کیفری اصولی را قوام بخشد و مانع از نقض این حقوق شود.

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Background: The presence of women in society can be considered as an important social category according to their inherent and acquired competencies and abilities. One of the necessities that has been considered in today's society is the need for women to be present in some jobs and special social responsibilities, and this necessity for attending to provide services to people in society is quite obvious and obvious. Islam has also confirmed the presence of women in society based on many documents. The issue discussed in this article is whether women, given their acquired and innate abilities and competencies, can play a role in important political and social positions? Conclusion: Knowing that maintaining and strengthening the foundation of the family is one of the most important pillars of Islam, certainly the social presence of women should not disrupt this important matter. Accordingly, the present study examines the views of the religion of Islam on the social presence of women based on their innate and acquired abilities and capabilities. Now that the necessity of a woman's presence in society is completely logical and inevitable. Another question arises that what should be the quality of his presence and the criteria and conditions of his role-playing in society according to religious orders and moral requirements? In order to answer the questions mentioned in the present study, which has been done in a descriptive-analytical method and using library sources and texts, it has been concluded that women's social participation in the form of employment is allowed from the Islamic point of view. Needs and requirements related to it should also be considered. On the other hand, the indecent employment of women in today's society faces many moral challenges, including "injustice", "sexual abuse and harassment against women", "unwillingness to have children" and "separation and divorce".

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Background: Designing a comprehensive model for verified relationships based on the actual tested data can help to better understand and explain the factors affecting research misconduct. The purpose of this study is to validate the model for factors affecting research misconduct in Iranian medical research. Method: This is a descriptive correlational study. The statistical population consisted of research and executive directors, members and experts of research ethics committees, research experts, medical journals editors, faculty members, students in medical science universities, centers and the Ministry of Health and Medical Education of Iran. Using convenience sampling, 264 people answered the questionnaires developed from the research model. Data were analyzed by the Structural Equation Modeling method and AMOS software. Results: The results of the Measurement Model showed that the thirteen-factor structure of this model has an acceptable fit in terms of goodness-of-fit indices. The results of all indicators related to the Structural Equation Analysis showed that the model has good fit. Of 22 theoretical relationships between the factors affecting research misconduct, 14 relationships were confirmed. Conclusion: The proposed model is fit for explaining the relationships between the factors affecting research misconduct and can observe the interplay between existing factors and activities at macro, meso and micro levels of research systems.

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Background: Nowadays, several factors are involved in the way organizations operate; therefore, identifying and using these factors plays a crucial role in the survival of organizations. The purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of reputational capital and ethical atmosphere of the organization on the relationship between organizational DNA and organizational performance. Method: The present research is an applied descriptive-correlation study. For this purpose, the required data from a sample of 320 employees of the Melli Bank Branches in Mashhad city were collected. Data gathering is applied via using standard questionnaires include Victor and Coleman’ s ethical atmosphere, reputational capital of Fombrun & Van Rail, Organizational Performance of Hersey & Goldsmith, and made-researcher questionnaire organizational DNA. The validity of questionnaires based on content validity method and reliability of the questionnaires based on Cronbach's alpha method are assessed. Finally, a structural equation modeling is adopted to examine the relations between considered variables via using statistical analysis software, namely SMART PLS. Results: The results show that the size of the effect of organizational DNA on the performance of the organization at a significant level of 95%, is 626, which plays a significant role in the organization's performance, and prominent capital also mediates this relationship. Also, the organization's ethical climate modifies the relationship between organizational DNA and organizational performance in the branches of the National Bank. Conclusion: Organizational DNA transfers part of its impact on the organization's performance through the mediating variable of fame capital. Therefore, by eliminating this variable from the conceptual model of the research, Organizational DNA's effect on the performance decreases significantly. Also, the existence of a strong ethical atmosphere in the organization has a significant effect on the performance of the National Bank branches at the Mashhad Metropolitan Area.

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Background: Gratitude as a moral virtue not only plays a very important role in mental health of humans, but also appreciates the repetition, abundance and continuity of their desirable behaviors, and it gives meaning to social life and human society. The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of mediator of academic stress and academic self-efficacy in the relationship between personality traits and gratitude. Method: The research, application and method of collecting and analyzing its data are descriptive and correlational. The research community is the second-grade secondary school students of Yazd, of which 474 students (186 boys and 288 girls) were selected by cluster random sampling method. The questionnaire was filled out by a multi-component gratitude scale, a short form of a five-factor questionnaire, a questionnaire of academic stress and an academic self-efficacy questionnaire. Data were analyzed using structural equation modeling. Results: The results showed that among the personality traits, consistency, extroversion and openness to experience directly and task-oriented, openness to experience and psychosocialism indirectly and with mediating stress academic and academic self-efficacy can anticipate gratitude. Conclusion: The result is that personality traits can reduce the academic stress of individuals and low-stressed individuals in coping with the problems of self-efficacy. In such a situation, students are on the path to becoming more exalted.

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Background: Having trust to brand and costumers’ loyalty and costumers’ unwillingness for changing brand are necessary for achievement of each organization in today’ s variable and dynamic conditions. Mentioned organization which is one high tech industry with advanced products is not exceptional of this rule. On the other hands morality variables could have a significant role in accessing to this purpose. Principally, the main aim of fulfilling this research is to investigate the simultaneous relationship of trust to brand and morality variables of employees and oral advertisement and brand changing willingness. Method: This research, has been fulfilled in government organization with complex technology and product in Tehran metropolis. This research has from purpose and nature aspect could be considered as applied research and descriptive-scrolling research, respectively. Statistical society for evaluating morality variables of employees and other variables including all employees of studied organization and all costumers, respectively. A sample of 268 members of employees and costumers has been randomly selected for this test. Collection tools of data is questionnaire which its validation and reliability has been confirmed. Consequently, structure equation has been modeled using Lisrel software. Results: The result of research indicated that capability of brand confidence has positive relationship on morality leadership, morality atmosphere and morality philosophy of employees. Although, morality leadership and morality atmosphere have positive relationship on oral advertisement. Conclusion: Loyal customers and costumers who are unwillingness for changing brand of mentioned organization should have especial concentration on capability of brand confidence and its employee’ s morality variables.

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Background: The period of recession is also referred to as the period of recession and crisis and can affect culture and ethics. The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of various factors on consumer ethical purchasing decisions in a recession. Method: The present study was conducted in combination (qualitative and quantitative). In the qualitative part, the data method was the foundation. The community of experts included university professors specializing in business and management and experimental elites in the pasta industry, 20 of whom were selected by snowball sampling method until saturation. The interview tools were semi-structured and the data were analyzed by coding method. The quantitative part was the descriptive-correlation method. The population of pasta consumers in Iran was 384 people who were selected by available means. The questionnaire was designed (from the results of the qualitative section) and the data were analyzed by structural equations. Results: The results showed that among the five identified factors, causal and interfering factors have the most role in the ethical decision of consumers to buy in a recession. Among the underlying factors are security, prudence and budget; Among the causal factors of the family, the personality of the individual and the perspective and attitude of the individual; Among the intervening factors, sanctions, political factors and war; Among the strategies, saving, buying low-risk goods and prioritizing purchases, and among the consequences, warehousing, unemployment and changing consumer behavior are of the highest importance in the ethical decision of consumers to buy in a recession. Conclusion: Undoubtedly, with the eradication of poverty and if the sanctions are lifted and the government sets the right policies for the economy and supports firms and ethical organizations, consumers will be more inclined to buy They will be morally committed.

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Background: Ethical decision making in NGOs has a positive impact on the economy, industry and society. This research aims to explain the native model of moral decision-making in NGOs. Method: The present research method is applied in a quantitative cross-sectional study for the purpose of applied research, in terms of exploratory (qualitative and quantitative) data, and in terms of the nature of the qualitative aspect of the data of the Foundation. The statistical population is the qualitative section of human resource managers and experts who were identified by targeted sampling method. In the small part, 306 employees of Saman were selected by census method. In the qualitative section, data was analyzed by open, axial and selective coding. In the quantitative section, descriptive statistics such as descriptive tables, statistical characteristics, charts and factor analysis were used. Results: The results indicate that the process of moral decision-making in non-governmental organizations in the underlying circumstances influences interpersonal factors, context, organizational factors, in interventional situations, transactional and religious factors in interactions and actions of individuals. The results of the confirmatory factor analysis indicated good fit of the model and the veracity of the design of the relationship. Conclusion: The findings indicated that the dimensions identified for the model of ethical decision making are dimensions such as religious, individual-personality, interpersonal, organizational and transorganization. In the quantitative section, the AGFA, GFI, RMSEA and Khidou indicators also indicate that the dimensions identified support a concept called moral decision.

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Background: The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between ethics strategy in social media marketing and consumer behavior and to analyze the mediating role of brand equity in the dermatocosmetic industry. Method: The leading research was applied with a descriptive-survey approach and based on the correlation method. The statistical population included consumers of dermocosmetic industry products in Tehran who were members of online social media and 400 of them were selected by available random sampling method and participated in the research as a statistical sample. The research data collection tool was a researcher-made questionnaire. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential methods (structural equations) and SPSS and LISREL software. Results: Data analysis showed that ethics in social media marketing has a positive and significant relationship with brand equity and consumer behavior. Also, the brand equity alone has a positive and significant relationship with consumer behavior. Conclusion: The results showed that in the dermocosmetic industry, companies' adherence to ethical approaches in social media marketing can have many positive consequences for them and positively increase brand equity and thus affect consumer behavior.

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Background: Managing merely by relying on legal mechanisms and by itself can not enhance the organization's required behaviors, therefore, teamwork engagement and organizational support for organizational ethics and professional ethics have contributed to their work by promoting teamwork they give. Thus, the present research was conducted to analyze the relationship between the performance of working teams on organizational citizenship behavior with the mediating role of professional ethics. Method: The research method is descriptive-correlation. The statistical population consisted of 600 employees of government departments and organizations in Ilam city, 234 of them were selected as random sampling. Data gathering tools consisted of three questionnaires. After obtaining confidence in content validity, their reliability coefficients were calculated. Data were analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics using SPSS and Lisrel software. Results: The results of this study showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between the performance of working groups and behavioral organizational citizenship (with a coefficient of 0. 32). This is while professional ethics in the above relationship have a mediating role (with a coefficient of 0. 44). Conclusion: The work of a team of people in a team is developed in a manner that a culture based on mutual trust, mutual respect, and commitment to the goals of the organization promotes and promotes professional behaviors in the way of performance and organizational effectiveness.

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Background: The purpose of this research is to design and validate the model of ethical development of faculty members at Farhangian University. Method: The present study is an applied and exploratory mixed method. The statistical population in the qualitative section includes 12 specialists based on semi-structured interviews, through targeted sampling and based on systematic coding method and in the quantitative section a sample of 260 faculty members at the Farhangian University was selected through multistage cluster random sampling. The research instrument consisted of two researcher-made questionnaires based on the hierarchical analysis and paired comparisons. The statistical tests used included confirmatory factor analysis, single sample t and hierarchical analysis. Results: Findings from the qualitative section include the categories of human interactions, personality traits, seriousness in work, observance of rules and recognition of learners, the validity of the conceptual model was confirmed by goodness of fit. Also, the level of ethical education of faculty members in terms of human interaction, personality traits and compliance with rules at the desired level and serious of the work and knowledge of learners were at a relatively good level. Another finding is that the components of ethical development are important in terms of human interaction, perseverance and seriousness, personality traits, recognition of learners, and compliance with rules. Conclusion: According to the statistical results, the design and validation of the ethical development model of the professors of the University of Farhangian has been obtained and the present status ethical development and the importance degree of its components have been identified.

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Background: Ensuring ethical behaviors such as honesty in speech and the intent of people in the real world of communities are measurable. The purpose of this research is to find a way to measure the reliability and the difference between users and virtual and social networks. Methodology: This research method is applied-descriptive in survey type. Its statistical society were active users in mobile-based social networks associated with Tehran Stock Exchange which was 150 members that selected with available sampling method. Data were gathered by questionnaire. Structural Equation Method (SEM) was used for hypothesis analysis with Smart PLS software. Results: The findings of the research show that the relationship between program reputation and social rewards, popularity with concern about privacy, the process of experience with social rewards and social rewards are meaningful in speech, but the relationship between application compatibility with social rewards, self-esteem with privacy concerns, flow of experience with privacy concerns, financial rewards with self-disclosure honesty, financial rewards with honesty in speech and social rewards with a desire for honesty in speech are not meaningful. Conclusion: The needs and ethical values of users on social networks should be carefully considered and social network providers should consider different social rewards. Also, the variables of self-esteem, user privacy and self-disclosure honesty on social networks, are the most important variables that need more attention.

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Background: The present study aimed to investigate the relationship between professional ethics and organizational agility by mediating information literacy among employees of Urmia University and sought to determine whether professional ethics had a meaningful relationship with organizational agility and information literacy? Method: This study is applied descriptive-correlation research. The population of this research includes 630 employees of Urmia University, that 230 persons of them were selected through random sampling. The data were gathered by using three standard questionnaires of professional ethics, information literacy and organizational agility. Data were analyzed by factorial analysis and path analysis. Results: Findings of the research showed that professional ethics can explain organizational agility changes and information literacy by 40% and 82%. and58% of the organizational agility changes describes information literacy. Professional ethics can explain the agility of an organization through the role of mediator of information literacy by 43%. Conclusions: According to the statistical results, all the assumptions of the research were confirmed and this result was obtained Professional ethics has a significant relationship with organizational agility and information literacy and the information literacy between the relationship between professional ethics and organizational agility has a mediating role.

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dashtlaali Zahra

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Background: Undoubtedly, human beings have different moral characteristics in terms of individual values ​ ​ that shape their behavior. So that the ethical or non-ethical behavior of individuals can lead to positive and negative consequences at the organizational level. The main purpose of this article is to identify the impact of moral potency on the green behavior of employees in the organization. Method: The research method was descriptive survey. The statistical population is all managers and employees to the Red Crescent of Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province, consisting of 160 people and due to the limited statistical population, the counting method has been used. A questionnaire was used to collect information. The reliability of the questionnaire was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha method. Data were analyzed by using Friedman ranking test through SPSS 22 and Smart PLS 2. 0 software. Results: Findings indicate that ethical power with components of ethical ownership, ethical efficiency and ethical courage has a positive and significant effect on employees' green behavior with components of sustainable action, avoidance of harm, care, influence on others and initiative. The ranking results also show that with a 95% probability, there is a significant difference in the priority of the components of moral power. Conclusion: Ethical strength is an important and influential factor in the green behavior of employees. Ethical strength is an important and influential factor in the green behavior of employees. The following is suggested to develop the morale of employees; Holding ethical discourse sessions to learn about ethical problems, using ethical reasoning training techniques through case analysis, applying a reward system to encourage employees to engage in ethical behaviors such as responsibility, and employee participation in the organization's future goals.

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Background: Ethics is a social rather than an individual phenomenon. The science of sociology, and ethics in the media and its role from the beginning of its formation have been considered two distinct roles for them: Creating social awareness in the community and a profitable and profitable business activity, which can be used as a competitive advantage in the development, growth and self-sufficiency of the media be role-playing because the media to survive needs to make mone. Present study was conducted with the aim of examining ethical capital as a reinforcement of the conceptual model of media economics was implemented. Method: This research is a qualitative study that uses of grounded theory. Participants included media professionals in the country, who were counted through chain sampling 20 people were selected as key informants. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews. The validity and reliability of the data were obtained from the two methods of reviewing participants and re-coding by experts. Data were analyzed by open, axial and selective coding, 51 open code 16 concepts and 5 categories were counted. Results: Major and core categories in the form of multiple dimensions of causal conditions including (central ethics, social capital, social, social responsibility axial (new technology, content creation, axial economics), contextual conditions (cultural factors, environmental factors, strategic orientation, resource management), intervening conditions (politicization, mismanagement) and consequences (globalization and modeling) to a higher abstract level. It was upgraded and finally the paradigm model of the research was presented Conclusion: The results show that today the importance and attention to ethical concepts as a capital It has expanded in all areas, especially the media which is considered as the most important component in development. Therefore, news agencies rely on ethical capital can succeed in formulating and implementing the optimal model of media economy and in business and media commercialization

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Background: Studies show that ethical behavior has great importance in the performance of organization members. So, the purpose of this study is to constructing and validating an instrument for measuring employee's ethical behavior. Method: This is a field study and has a practical goal. The statistical population included 633 people working in Sports and Youth Offices in Great Khorasan. Proportionate stratified sampling was used to select 450 of the employees as the statistical sample. Steps for making questionnaire were taken by the use of required statistical methods. Besides descriptive statistics for example mean and standard deviation, inferential statistics like exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis were used. Results: Based on the results, ethical behavior questionnaire was made. It is a 39-item questionnaire divided into three factors including individual, group and organizational factors. Individual factor includes three sub-factors (locus of control, self-esteem, religious beliefs and conscience); Group factor includes two sub-factors (clients and colleagues); and finally organizational factor includes three sub-factors (organizational culture, organizational commitment, codes of ethics). Conclusion: This questionnaire is capable of measuring employees’ ethical behavior. Therefore, it is suggested that managers of organizations consider the factors of this questionnaire to improve employee's ethical behavior at work.

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Background: Ethical personalization of advertising is the development of personal communication with a specific consumer based on the ethical preferences of the target consumer. The present study aims to design an online shopping model on social media using the ethical personalization of advertising. Method: The present study is qualitative and exploratory-developmental. The statistical population of this research is academic experts, marketing experts and social network managers. Using purposive sampling method (judgment and snowball), 20 people were selected. The research tool was a researcher-made questionnaire. Data analysis was performed using Delphi technique in four stages and in order to reach consensus among members, Kendall coordination coefficient was used. Results: Based on the research findings, the factors of appropriateness, content and time of advertisements are the main factors for the predictor variable of ethical personalization of advertisements and the factors of awareness, credibility, creativity, entertainment and social value are the determinants of the variable. The mediator of advertising value and factors of concentration, time and deception were determined as influential factors for the mediating variable of psychological experience and cognitive, emotional and product trust factors. Conclusion: In this study, the main factors and variables of the model are extracted and after performing Delphi technique and the results of a four-stage survey of panel experts, finally 19 effective components in designing online shopping model through ethical personalization of advertising in the form of a conceptual model was identified.

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Background: The purpose of this study was to investigate the prediction of moral judgment and ethical behavior in female students of ordinary and gifted schools in Gachsaran city based on personal-familial values ​ ​ and moral meta-cognition. Method: The research method is descriptive-correlational and in terms of purpose is applied research. The statistical population of this study included all high school students in Gachsaran city. 200 students were selected by multi-stage cluster sampling method. The data collection tool was moral knowledge meta-cognitive knowledge questionnaire, moral reasoning, ethical behavior and personal values ​ ​ (family-job). In order to analyze the data, descriptive statistics and inferential statistics (Pearson correlation coefficient, multiple regression coefficients and multiple regression analysis) were used. Results: The findings showed that predictive variables (moral meta-cognitive knowledge and personal-family values), with the exception of job values, created a meaningful model for predicting students' moral reasoning. However, business values ​ ​ did not predict moral judgment. But predictive variables (meta-cognitive knowledge and personal-familial values) have created a meaningful model for predicting students' ethical behavior (P≤ 0. 001. ( Conclusion: Findings indicate that taking into account the need of society for learning and observing judgment and ethical behavior, attention to the knowledge of meta-cognition and personal-family values ​ ​ can be effective in this regard

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Background: Moral sensitivity is the first component of doing an ethical action. In fact, moral behavior of people in the context of social communications generally underlies in the realm of moral sensitivity. This research examines the predictors of moral sensitivity in teachers. Method: This research was a descriptive-correlational study in the population of elementary school teachers in Sanandaj city. The sample consisted of 285 people (206 women and 79 men) selected by stratified-stratified sampling. Data were collected using a questionnaire in three dimensions: moral sensitivity, psychological well-being and meaning of life. Data analysis was performed using multivariate regression tests. Results: The findings showed that variables of meaning of life and psychological well-being could predict moral sensitivity. Among components of the meaning of life and psychological well-being, the components of meaning search, self-acceptance, independence and environmental mastery have a significant relationship with moral sensitivity. Environmental mastery had the highest predictive power and the component of independence was the weakest predictor. Conclusion: In the process of selection and recruitment of teachers, the variables of psychological well-being and meaning of life and moral sensitivity should be considered, also in in-service training courses these variables should be strengthened and developed.

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Background: One of the important tasks of schools is encouraging young people to participate and cooperate in all matters. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between the school environment and moral intelligence with student achievement from perspective of physical education teachers. Methods: This is correlation-descriptive research. Population of this study includes all students in Gilangharb city, of which 110 participants were selected through multi-stage cluster sampling method. Data were gathered through educational self regulation questionnaire by Ryan and Connell. Results: The results showed that there is a relationship between self-regulation and its dimensions with students' academic achievement. There is also a significant relationship between moral intelligence and students' academic achievement. (P<0. 05). Conclusion: Teachers can play an effective role in their academic achievement by creating an atmosphere full of cooperation and assistance among students.

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Background: Moral Identity as a path to moral action has been addressed in social psychological theories. Therefore, the aim of this research is qualitative study of how moral identity is formed in high school students of Isfahan city. Method: The present research has been conducted via qualitative method. The members of field of research were the high school students of Isfahan city who were selected by purposive based sampling until theoretical saturation. Data were gathered by semi-structured interviews and the obtained data were analyzed by thematic analysis. Results: After the process of coding the data, 5 main themes and 13 subthemes were extracted. Main themes are as follows: family, school, religion, objective cultural capital and political-economical-social macro level. Conclusion: With regard to the results of research, forming moral identity in high school students is influenced by a set of contexts which are situated in micro, meso and macro levels. Therefore, for improving and reinforcing the moral identity of students it is suggested that transferring of moral meanings be reviewed. Moreover, moral actions of parents, teachers, religious leaders and government officials are very important.

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Background: Emotional fatigue in organizations where physical safety is at risk, is a threat to standard and uniform operations. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of ethical leadership on emotional fatigue by considering personality variables. Method: The research method is applied in terms of purpose and in terms of method is descriptive-correlation. Population of the study includes personnel of the Fire and Safety Services Organization of the municipalities of Hamadan province that were 400 people, that 240 people were selected as the sample size by relative stratification method based on Krejcie and Morgan. The data collection tool was a questionnaire. In order to analyze the findings, the path analysis model was used and for the analysis of the mediating variable, the Sobel test was used. Results: The results of path analysis model showed that moral leadership and personality traits have a direct and indirect negative effect on emotional fatigue. Ethical emotion and tolerance of ambiguity also play the role of mediator variable in the relationship between other variables. Conclusion: By promoting concepts such as moral emotions, conscientiousness and the power of tolerating ambiguity, it is possible to create stronger moral environments that to be a prerequisite and supporter of moral behavior, and strengthen and maintain ethics in the organization and thereby reduced emotional fatigue.

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Background: Today, empowerment as one of the main concerns of any organization has an effective impact in enhancing the skills of the individuals in solving the administrative problems they face. In the meantime, observing ethical values in the face of these problems is also important for the survival of organizations. Therefore, better identification and understanding of factors related to managerial empowerment will play an important role in organizational success. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of moral metacognition on the empowerment of financial managers. Method: This is an applied descriptive-correlational study and its statistical population consists of financial managers of companies listed on the stock exchange, from which 100 people were selected by random sampling. Standard questionnaires were used to measure the research variables and finally multivariate regression method was used to analyze the collected data using SPSS statistical software. Results: The Findings show that moral metacognition has a positive and significant relationship with empowerment of financial managers. On the other hand, the effect of work experience on managers' empowerment is also positive and significant. Conclusion: Taking these results in to consideration, it can be said that having moral metacognition and work experience is especially important to increase the empowerment of financial managers.

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Background: Adjusting human resources in any organization is associated with creating problems for its employees. The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between human resource adjustment and some ethical, individual and organizational components in Islamic Azad University (Case study of Mazandaran province). Method: The present study is applied descriptive-corelation research and was conducted in a mixed (qualitative-quantitative) form. In the qualitative stage, the statistical population included experts and thinkers of Mazandaran Azad University, 35 of whom were selected by purposeful method. The research tool in this section was interview and Delphi technique was the method of analysis. In the quantitative stage of the statistical population, including 1778 employees of all units of Mazandaran Azad University in 2017, 313 employees were selected as the sample by non-probability sampling method. The research tool was a researcher-made questionnaire. In order to investigate the conceptual model of the research, the structural equation model (SEM) was used and SPSS 20 software was used. Results: The findings showed the relationship between manpower adjustment with 31 components that could be classified into 4 main indicators, which in the quantitative part of the results indicated the significance of the final research model. Conclusion: Based on the research results, it was found that manpower adjustment is related to the four main indicators of ethics, individual-organizational, feasibility and legal.

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