Globalization and the pace of technological improvements are making rapid changes in the markets. To be successful in challenging markets of the future, timely and conscious reactions are required. Nonetheless, most companies prefer to allocate their capitals to activities other than marketing. Information systems are used limitedly for this purpose compared with what happens in this regard for other purposes and even when these systems are developed, they lack sufficient effectiveness.And also past studies have always been more focused on systems design and development than on systems effectiveness and efficiency. Hence, this study assesses the degree of matching exists among marketing support systems and problem solving modes because this is a factor that has a great share in increasing systems effectiveness.In this research, some of the marketing systems used by auto parts manufacturers are studied through questionnaires and on the basis of the study findings, reasoning method was proved to be the one that is most useful for solving marketing problems and was backed more by used systems. And also, the matching among problem solving modes and support systems was revealed to be 0.38.Hence, marketing systems used by parts manufacturers are intensively inconsistent with problem solving modes and this inconsistency will sure decrease the effectiveness of these systems in the long run. So, it seems that attention should be paid to the degree of matching exists between support system and problem solving modes and this should be taken into account at the time of designing such systems.