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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Background & Objective: Medical graduates must acquire the necessary competencies to address the needs of the community during their studies. This requires the evaluation, modification, and quality improvement of the curriculum. The present study aimed to develop a valid and reliable instrument for the evaluation of the curriculum of clinical medicine in terms of social accountability. Materials and Methods: This combined study was conducted in three stages at Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Iran in 2015. In the first stage, qualitative content analysis and features of the curriculum of clinical medicine were determined based on the social accountability approach. In the second stage, the dimensions and items of the instrument were codified using the results of the qualitative stage of the study and by reviewing credible manuscripts relevant to the research subject. In the third stage, the face validity, content validity, and reliability of the instrument were assessed. Results: In the first stage of the study, features of the curriculum of clinical medicine were determined based on social accountability. In the second stage, the initial instrument was developed with 4 dimensions and 55 items. In the third stage, the instrument was validated with 40 items. The effects score of the items was <1. 5, and the CVR and CVI of each item were <0. 59 and <0. 79, respectively. In addition, the reliability of the instrument was confirmed at the Cronbach’ s alpha of 0. 97. Conclusion: The evaluation instrument was developed with 4 dimensions and 40 items, which had good content validity, face validity, and reliability. Therefore, the instrument could be used for the evaluation of the curriculum of clinical medicine in terms of social accountability.

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Background and Objective: One of the goals of clinical education is providing students with sufficient opportunity to develop the necessary professional competences, which requires constant assessment of the existing situation, recognition of strengths and correction of weaknesses. This study aimed to evaluate and identify the individual and professional features effective in clinical education in the field of speech therapy. Materials and Methods: This study, based on the paradigm of qualitative content analysis, was conducted on 13 students, 6 instructors and 6 speech therapists, who were selected through purposive sampling. Data were collected using in-depth and semi-structured interviews and group discussions. In addition, data analysis was carried out applying the Colaizzi's method. Results: Individual and professional features of individuals involved in clinical practice were recognized as factors affecting the quality of clinical education in speech therapy. Leaning motivation and background knowledge were recognized as effective features related to students, whereas feedback provision and clinical experience were identified for clinical instructors. Moreover, accountability of clients was an effective factor in this regard. Conclusion: According to the results of the study, individual and professional features can affect the quality of clinical education in speech therapy. Mostly, the role of clinical instructors was emphasized by interviewees, who recognized the motivation, experience and knowledge of clinical instructors as the important factors for successful clinical education.

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Background and Objective: Little attention has been paid to psychiatric disorder stigma and its impact on the selection of occupation of nurses in mental health centers during the mental internship courses, despite its importance in following up and treatment of this type of diseases. This study aimed to determine the effect of psychology internship on the stigma of psychiatric disorders in nursing students. Materials and Methods: This post-event study had one group and a pretest-posttest design. In total, 93 undergraduate nursing students at the fourth semesters of study, who were passing their psychology internship 1 course in Ebn'e Sina hospital in Mashhad, Iran. Subjects were selected through random cluster and quota sampling methods. Data collection tool was the opening minds stigma scale for health care providers (OMS-HC) by Kassam, filled at 3 different times, including before, on the last day, and 1 month after the psychology internship. Data analysis was performed using repeated measures ANOVA. Results: In this study, a significant difference was observed in changes among the periods of before (58. 0± 6. 5), on the last day (55. 9± 5. 4) and one month after (54. 3± 5. 6) the psychology internship in terms of the total stigma score (P<0. 001). Conclusion: According to the results of the study, psychology internship had positive impacts on reduced psychiatric disorder stigma in nursing students.

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Background and Objective: The study aimed to determine the intrinsic motivation of undergraduate nursing students based on their perceived motivational climate. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional research was conducted on 165 students, who were selected through simple random sampling. Data collection tools were standard intrinsic motivation and perceived motivational climate (consisting of perceived mastery and performance climates) questionnaires. Moreover, data analysis was performed in SPSS using Pearson’ s correlation coefficient, analysis of variance, and linear regression. Results: In this research, a significant and positive relationship was observed between intrinsic motivation and perceived mastery and motivational climates (P<0. 01). In addition, a significant and positive correlation was found among the perceived mastery, performance and motivational climates (P<0. 01). Results of the linear regression demonstrated that the perceived mastery and motivational climates predicted the intrinsic motivation of students while the perceived performance climate failed to do so. Conclusion: According to the results of the study, it seems that improvement and modification of the perceived mastery and motivational climates in learning environments can increase intrinsic motivation for learning in students.

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Background & Objective: Recognition and elimination of weaknesses in the internship courses of health service management are essential to improving their quality and efficacy. The present study aimed to evaluate the viewpoints of health service management students toward the challenges in the design and implementation of internship courses at the Faculty of Management and Information in Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Iran. Materials and Methods: This qualitative research was conducted on the health service management students at the Faculty of Management and Information in Tabriz University of Medical Sciences in 2014. Data were collected via focused group discussions attended by 8-10 individuals per session. Data analysis was performed using content analysis. Results: Challenges in internships 1-4 for bachelor’ s degree students were assessed in three areas, including the problems relating to instructors, internship courses, and cartable from the perspective of the students. In total, 8 main themes and 30 subthemes were extracted in each area. Conclusion: According to the results, the internship curricula of health service management students should be completely modified to eliminate the weaknesses. These changes must include the correction of the course design and syllabi and essential revision of the cartable based on the latest information on health systems and labor market needs.

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Background & Objective: Considering the significant importance of academic achievement of medical students in the improvement of society health, this study aimed to evaluate academic motivation and its relationship with academic achievement. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional research was conducted on junior students in fields of medicine, dentistry and pharmacy of Zanjan University of Medical Sciences, Zanjan, Iran in 2016. Subjects were selected through convenience sampling and filled Herman’ s motivation questionnaire. Data analysis was performed in SPSS using Pearson’ s correlation coefficient and t-test (P<0. 05). Results: In this research, 85% of the students were within the age range of 24-26. In total, 53. 1% of students were male and 46. 9% of them were female. In terms of marital status, 85% and 15% of the participants were single and married, respectively. Moreover, 74. 1% of the students had a quota and 25. 9% had no quota. Furthermore, 52. 4% were living in dormitories and 47. 6% were residing in other places. After the evaluation of the medicine, pharmacy, and dentistry students, their academic motivation score was 2. 83, 2. 87, and 2. 86, respectively. According to the results, students residing in places other than dormitories had a higher motivation level, compared to those living in dormitories. Moreover, a significant relationship was observed between motivation and score of basic science GPA. Conclusion: Given the fact that only living in dormitories reduced motivation in students, it is recommended that counseling meetings be held to familiarize students with this type of life and facilities in dormitories be improved to increase the motivation of students residing in dormitories.

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Background & Objective: Previous research suggests that the type and amount of the activities of faculty members vary depending on the nature of various disciplines. The present study aimed to evaluate and compare the viewpoints of faculty members regarding the share of scholarship functions in different disciplines. Materials and Methods: This descriptive survey was conducted in 2014. Sample population consisted of 1, 200 faculty members at Shiraz University of Medical Sciences and Shiraz University, Iran. Based on Morgan’ s table, 300 members were selected as the research units, and 265 questionnaires were completed. Data were collected using a researcher-made questionnaire with 37 items, which were scored based on a Likert scale. Content validity and face validity of the questionnaires were assessed by five experts, and the reliability was confirmed at the Cronbach’ s alpha of 0. 91. Data analysis was performed using ANOVA. Results: In all disciplines, research had the highest share, and commitment in research (engagement with the community) had the lowest share. Share of research in the disciplines of engineering, basic sciences, and basic medical sciences was higher comparatively (P<0. 05). In addition, the optimal status profile in the disciplines of engineering, pure basic sciences, and basic medical sciences had more significant associations, with an inclination toward scholarships. On the other hand, the profile of humanities, paraclinical sciences, and clinical medicine were more inclined toward education. Conclusion: According to the results, share of the scholarships varied depending on the nature of the disciplines, which should be taken into account in the regulations and modifications of the evaluation systems for faculty members.

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زمینه و هدف: آموزش بالینی فرآیندی است که در آن فراگیران به تدریج با انجام کارهای عملی به کسب مهارت پرداخته و با استفاده از تجربیات اساتید، خود را برای انجام درمان بیماران آماده می­ کنند. هدف از این مطالعه مقایسه­ ی وضعیت آموزش بالینی با وضعیت مطلوب از دیدگاه فراگیران و اساتید می­ باشد. روش بررسی: در این مطالعه توصیفی-مقطعی کلیه ­ ی فراگیران در نیمه ­ ی دوم سال تحصیلی91-90 در گروه­ های ماژور مورد بررسی قرار گرفتند. تعداد پاسخ دهندگان، کارورز (57) کارآموز (62) دستیار (62) و اساتید (36) نفر بود. ابزار سنجش پرسشنامه­ ای پژوهش ساخته که حاوی ده حیطه ­ ی آموزشی بود. روایی محتوای آن مورد تایید صاحب نظران قرار گرفت وپایایی آن با آلفای کرونباخ 85/0 تایید گردید. یافته ­ ها: نتایج نشان داد که بیشترین امتیاز را کارآموزان به گزارش صبحگاهی؛ کارورزان به پرونده نویسی وگزارش صبحگاهی؛ دستیاران به مجله خوانی و پرونده نویسی؛ واساتید به مجله خوانی وگزارش صبحگاهی دادند. در آزمونt مستقل از دیدگاه کارآموزان و کارورزان بین میانگین نظرات گروه ­ های داخلی و اطفال و گروه­ های جراحی و زنان تفاوت معنی­ داری مشاهده نگردید (05/0

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