Background and objective: Educational needs assessment is the first step in planning faculty development programs which, in turn, promotes the quality of education. The current study aimed at determining and prioritizing educational needs of faculty members in Ilam University of Medical Sciences.Materials and Method: In a descriptive study, deputy for education, Education affairs, Research, CME, and EDC managers along with 20 concerned faculty members and 28 students were interviewed first. Second, all the faculty members were given a researcher-made questionnaire (r=0.85) containing 47 questions in six main domains. Based on Kaufman's 3D need assessment model, all domains were developed and by Strauss and Corbin 3-stage method details were extracted. Data analysis was conducted by descriptive methods; namely the frequencies, the mean, the standard deviation, and the T test.Results: In teaching-learning domain, the most important educational need was recent teaching methods, while the least important went for journal club. In assessment domain, the most important one was student assessment method, while OSCE was the least. In research domain, the most important priority belonged to paper writing in English, while the least was ethics in research. From ITC domain view points, ITC Skills and applying computer in education were the most and the least priorities respectively. Similarly, in general skills domain teacher-student communication skills were the most important topic; however, professionalism was the least one. Finally, from the English language point of view, English writing/communication was the most important topic, while special scientific texts translation was the least important.Conclusion: All studied topics were considered as educational needs by participants; however, out of all six domains, English language and educational assessment were the first and the last priorities respectively.