Nowadays use of natural antimicrobial compounds such as herbal powders and extracts in food storage is important; therefore, in this study, the antimicrobial effects of plant powder Kelussia Odoratissima Mozaff in at the levels of 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3 on preventing the growth of mold, yeast and coliforms; as well as the, overall acceptability, pH and acidity of Borujerd domestic cheese samples during the cold storage were studied. For this purpose, raw sheep's milk was heated to a temperature of 35-37oC, and fungal rennet was added at a rate of0.06%. plants powders studied, after blanching with steam, was added with fungal rennet to milk. After clotting for one hour at room temperature, curds were poured in to a clean cloth to squeeze. After 12hours, the curds were sectioned and transferred to12% salt water, and were stored at 4oC during 60 days. The findings showed that with increasing the percentage of Kelussia Odoratissima Mozaff powder in cheese samples, the number of coliform and mold and yeast, titratable acidity and overall acceptability significantly decreased (p <0.05); and pH significantly increased (p <0.05). Finally, the sample containing 0.1% Kelussia Odoratissima Mozaff had more utility in sensory properties than the others that containing it.