The purpose of this study was to predict meta-emotion based on school climate, values related to study and family function in high school students. The research method was correlational type and the population of study was all Shiraz second high school students in 2016-2017 academic years. The sampling method was cluster sampling, and 380 students (190 boys and 190 girls) were selected. The instruments of this study were school climate, family function, values related to study and met-emotion questionnaires. The results of Pearson correlation coefficient showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between the school climate and Values related to study with Meta-Emotion, but there was not any relationship between the general score of family performance with Meta-Emotion. The results of Simultaneous multiple regression analysis showed that in the school climate, the positive relationship between teacher and student and emotional support; in values related to study, Personal and social values and in family function, Problem solving and cooperation positively and significantly could predict met-emotion. Based on the results, could conclude that the school climate, values related to study and family function are able to predict meta-emotion.