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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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This study aimed to investigate the relationship between teachers' emotional intelligence fit model and students' creativity with the mediation role of students' thinking style through a correlational methodology. For the statistical population, 10th and 11th grade female students living in Qom in the academic year of 2018-2019 were selected. The sample included 415 students and Art and Composition teachers (approximately 28 teachers ) who were selected by multistage cluster random sampling. Bar-on Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (for teachers) and Sternberg's thinking style, and Torrance's creativity questionnaires (for students) were used as research tools. Findings of the structural equations indicated that the model fitted well with the research data (X2 / df = 0. 438, RMSEA = 0. 0001, CFI = 1, IFI = 1, GFI = 0. 99, NFI = 0. 99). The findings of path analysis indicated that emotional intelligence on thinking style had direct effect. Thus, thinking style had direct effect on creativity. The mediating role of thinking style on students' creativity was confirmed. The findings probably inferred the concept that teachers 'emotional intelligence and student`s thinking style are of overriding importance in fostering students' creativity. It is recommended that the model shoud be examined in different cultures.

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of creativity skill training on increasing creativity, critical thinking, and social skills in female elementary Sixth Grade StudentsinTehran (2018-2019). A experimental design with pretest-posttest and control group was conducted in a sample of 40 students using a simple random sampling method. Before training creativity skills, both groups in the pretest responded to three questionnaires: Abedi's creativity (1994), tendency to predictive thinking of Rickets (2003) and social skills of Indarbitzens and Foster (1992). The results of Multivariate covariance analysis (MANCOVA) showed that training creativity skills increased the creativity of students (p <0. 05), but did not show any significant effects on critical thinking and social skills of students in experimental group(p >0. 05). The results indicate that creativity skills training improved creativity in the study group, but improving critical thinking and social skills requires the use of more and more specialized training, also, given that in the present study more than 40 samples and used in a short period of time, so generalization of the results of the present study should be done with caution.

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The aim of this study was to create a cognitive fault in the philosophy program for children in the form of exploratory loop. Its effect on reducing OCD symptoms in children 8 to 11 with OSD symptoms was implemented in Yazd province. In this research, 10 stories with the characteristics of Fabak stories have been made and used in the philosophy program for children. The present research project was one of the quasi-experimental projects with the experimental group and the control and evaluation group as a pre-test, intervention and post-test, and the OBQ-CV observational opinion questionnaire was used. The research data were analyzed using SPSS-16 software. The inferential statistics index, including the covariance test, was used to examine the difference between the pre-test and post-test scores and the control group and the results showed The rate of obsessive-compulsive beliefs in the post-test group of the experimental group has decreased significantly compared to the control group (p <0. 01). Also, the mean of overestimation of risk, perfectionism, extreme responsibility and over-emphasis on thoughts after treatment had a significant decrease (p <0. 01). As a result, the positive effectiveness of the philosophy program for children with the aim of creating a cognitive fault was confirmed.

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The purpose of this research was to investigate the Effect of "Philosophy for Children" Education on Resiliency of Elementary Students. This experimental study was carried out in a semi-experimental and control and experimental group. To this end, a sample of 30 students from 10 and 11 years old in Baneh was selected. They were randomly assigned into two groups of 15 individuals. The training was conducted for the experimental group in 16 sessions per hour, but the control group continued to work without training. The training was conducted using the Lippman philosophy for children Program through the formation of a research community using 12 stories. The research tool was Conner and Davidson's sustainability scale. Data were analyzed using covariance analysis. the results of the data analysis indicated that the teaching of philosophy for children had a significant effect on resiliency and its components, and increased the number of students in the 10 and 11 years old.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This research is concerned with the concept of childhood based on the social constructionism and what it has for philosophy for children program (p4c). The philosophical method was applied. Social constructivism views childhood as a sociocultural construct, and not a natural phenomenon. According to this perspective childhood is intrinsically valuable and children are seen as social agents, experts, and thinkers. The social constructivism considers child's thinking independent of adults and of social nature. The constructed concept of childhood is based on multiple discourses of post-modernism, femanism, post-structionism, post-colonialism, and new socialogy of childhood. The fowlloing are some doctrines of social constructionism of childhood to teach children thinking: Cultural and social contexts are important in teaching children thinking, Collective thinking is highlighted. In this regard, the emphasis is on interactive relationships, Interactive learning, friendships and children's play games. The role of informal institutions alongside the formal institution of education becomes increasingly important in the development of child thinking.

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The main aim of current research was to evaluate the effectiveness of Teaching Philosophy for Children to improving emotional self-regulation in the labor children. The research method was semi-experimental and its design was pretest-posttest with control group. Its statistical population were included all of 7 to 8-year-old labor children from Tehran in the 2017-2018, which Child’ s Mehr Institution selected as a convenience sample and the labor children (N = 36) of this institution randomly assigned to two experimental and control groups. The experimental group were trained for 12 sessions of 1 hour under the Teaching Philosophy for Children program. The Hafmann & Kashdan’ s Affective Styles Inventory was used to gather the data and the index the Cronbach's alpha to compute the Concealing, Adjusting, and Tolerating was used. This indicated that respectively 0. 70, 0. 75, and 0. 50 high reliability. The research data was analyzed with Multivariate Covariance Analysis. The results revealed that due to teaching philosophy for children the concealing of labor children was decreased and their adjusting, and tolerating was increased.

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Farshid Nik Farzaneh

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Painting is a language in which children express their feelings and thoughts. The images created in children's drawing and illustrations often come from creative thinking and specific subjectivity. In this research, the features of creative thinking in children’ s paintings from 3 to 5 years old have been studied. The method of this research is "descriptive-analytical". The population of the study is kindergartens in Tehran and a sample of 100 children from 10 kindergartens in different districts of Tehran. The results of the research indicate that children tend to express their thoughts and feelings through painting and they innovatively use the colors, lines and shapes in order to transfer their thoughts rather than being truly faithful to the real world. The lack of separation between humans and animals, adding specific features to some animals, the special Perspective, the impacts of comics and animations, are some of the most important characteristics of children's paintings.

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Play is an important educational tool which gives children the opportunity to develop invaluable mental, physical, effective and social capacities. Through play, children are better able to think creatively and to develop the social– emotional skills. The present study conducted to sort and classify the different types of play which are practically used by preschool teachers. Data collected using a survey method and through a structured interview survey from seventeen preschool teachers working in Malayer city's centers. To analyze data, through a thematic analysis technique, all participants answer first labeled with a set of preliminary codes. The codes were next collated and then categorized into a group of broader concepts. The results revealed that preschool teachers were using twenty plays in their classrooms and these plays were categorized into three main categories including active physically plays, creative plays and watching plays. Accordingly, it was common parallel or Group use of plays in these centers.

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of moral values teaching (through storytelling and animation) on the development of social skills of pre-school children. The research method was "quasi-experimental" – factorial design. The statistical population of this study included all pre-school children of area two of Yazd in 2015, based on the sampling, 102 pre-school children were selected and divided in to five groups. Finally, by random selection, four groups (two boys and two girls groups) were selected as the experimental group (storytelling, cartoon) and one group as control group. Moral values were taught to experimental groups in 10 sessions of 30 minutes through storytelling or animation. Social Skills Questionnaire (Weert, 1984) completed by parents and educator`s before and after of treatment. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistics (MANCOVA test and covariance analysis). The results of the MANCOVA test in the parents’ group showed that moral values teaching through cartoon and storytelling significantly (p

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Mahmoudi Sirous

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The aim of this study was to investigate the efficacy of Implementing of the Philosophy for Children on Students' Intellectual Skills by using meta-analysis method based on the Hunter and Schmidt approach. Twenty seven studies which were accepted methodologically were included in the meta-analysis. The checklist of meta-analysis with 1485 participants were used. The results indicated that the effect size of the Implementing of the Philosophy for Children on Students' Intellectual Skills was 0. 57 (p

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