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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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The purpose of this study was to identify the most important stakeholders in the Iranian Football Premier League clubs. The research method exploratory and in terms of data collection, it was descriptive and conducted mixe method. In the first stage, the elicitation of different types of stakeholders was done by examining theoretical foundations and key interviewees from football experts and stakeholders of the Iranian Football League were selected and then a questionnaire containing the first stage output was developed. The statistical population of the research was compiled by all the football experts and stakeholders of the Iranian Football League, which according to the size of the uncertain population, 190 persons were randomly selected as statistical sample. Validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by experts and its reliability was confirmed by exploratory factor analysis. Data analysis and stakeholder prioritization were performed using TOPSIS method. The results of the study showed that the main stakeholders of the Iranian Football Premier League clubs are coaches group, players, league organization, club board members, team executives, sponsors, radio and television, organizations and companies owned by the team and the Iranian Football Federation. The priorities of other groups were slight and small. Therefore, the results and findings of this research can be used as an applied model for developing appropriate strategies for stakeholders in order to provide their benefits, and this leads to the creation of a new knowledge for strategic decision makers to improve and excellence of football clubs.

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FAZEL H. | Aghakhanbabaei2 M.

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The purpose of this study was to designing communication model in emotional labor of coaches in Tehran University sport teams. The statistical method used in this study was descriptive correlation. The population and sample were coaches in Tehran University sport teams that were 289 persons. To collect the required data for the study demographic characteristics questionnaire, surface acting questionnaire, deep acting questionnaire, automatic regulation questionnaire, positive affectivity and negative affectivity questionnaire, emotional exhaustion questionnaire, emotional intelligence questionnaire, and job satisfaction questionnaire were used. It was confirmed that the model was correlated. Positive affectivity had significant negative effect on surface acting and had significant positive effect on deep acting. Negative affectivity had significant positive effect on surface acting and had significant negative effect on deep acting. Emotional intelligence had effect on emotional labor (surface acting, deep acting, and automatic regulation). Also, emotional labor had effect on emotional exhaustion. So, coaches in different situations emotional, can apply appropriate strategies emotional labor, and they created less emotional exhaustion, and will feel more job satisfaction.

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of spiritual intelligence on work ethics and general health of sport teachers. The present study was a field research using correlation test which has done on 123 Sport Teachers as coaches and supervisors of sport teams participated at the 32st national sport competition male students of primary schools. Spiritual Intelligence questionnaire which developed by Farhangi (2009), Work Ethics questionnaire which developed by Thomas and Batman (2004) and General Health questionnaire which developed by Goldberg (1979) were used. Analyses were conducted using K-S, Pearson Correlation Coefficient and Multiple Regression. There is a positive significant relation between spiritual intelligence and its components with work ethics. There is a positive significant relation between spiritual intelligence with general health and its components. Therefore, the results of present study showed that spiritual intelligence has positive effect on work ethics and increasing mental health that reveals the significance of promoting spiritual intelligence level of people. Since mental health of sport teachers is associated with the quality of their performance, healthy work environment with mental health condition is necessary for having better performance.

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Mohammadkazemi R. | RASEKH N.

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Today the long-term durability of a business depends on its ability to successfully introduce its new products to the market. In terms of purpose, this is an applied paper based on mixed (qualitative-quantitative) data collection method. In the first stage, in the first stage, the identified factors in previous papers were investigated and then the industry experts were consulted in order to identify more important factors. Then questions were examined by using Mo's (2010) success factors questionnaire (α =0. 803) in a sample including 98 individuals. Research data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics as well as conclusive ones such as confirmative factor analysis test, single-sample T and Friedman test with SPSS (18) and Smart PLS 3 software. Results showed that in terms of importance, the speed of return on investment and the identification of customer's needs are at the first and second positions, while the lack of marketprevailing competitors was the least important factor among the identified ones. For this reason, it is better according to the turbulent business environment to select projects that enter the market more rapidly with a faster return on investment. On the other hand, paying attention to customer's needs has always been important. This subject is undoubtedly true for sports print media too. For this reason, identification of customer's needs before acting to product development is the most important activity that should be done.

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This study aims at determining the Strategic position of the sport chancellor in Islamic Azad University. Statistical society for the study includes managers and executives of sport chancellor campaign in Azad University, physical education officials of the university in all provinces, and a number (46 people) of masters in sport management of the country. Since the statistical society of the study is limited, all the participants were purposefully chosen as the statistical sample of the study. Data collection was through documents, literature review, questionnaire, survey, and council meeting guidelines. Face validity was confirmed by experts for the final questionnaire SWOT, and reliability was calculated by Cronbach α and highly reliable as %91. Then, there are guidelines of 18 strengths, 16 weaknesses, 13 opportunities, and 17 threats through several meetings and a couple of analysis stages for ranking and confirmation. Finally, after analyzing these factors and creating evaluation matrix for internal and external factors, it was clarified that sport chancellor of Islamic Azad University who should use competitive guidelines is in Strategy situation ST. It implies that the internal strengths of this vice-presidency are strengths than its weaknesses, and concerning the external factors, it faces some threats. therefore, the aiming should be developmental and the strategies should be competitive ones. so that this unit can gain its predetermined goals.

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One of the organizational mistreatment in the area of organizational behavior is social abrasion due to the volume of referrals and engagement in sports organizations, can have many impacts. The purpose of this study was the effect of social abrasion on job well-being of football association staff with mediating role of interpersonal conflict. The methodology was descriptive survey. The population was all of football association staff comprising 145 in 1395. The sample was equal to population due to low size of population. In order to collect data three standard questionnaires was used, social abrasion by Duffy and colleagues (2002), staff conflict test by Dubrin (1985) and job well-being by Parker and Haiti (2011). Data analysis was performed with LISREL software. The results showed that, social abrasion has positive effects on interpersonal conflicts (0. 57), interpersonal conflict and social abrasion have negative effect on job well-being (-0. 48,-0. 42) and interpersonal conflict has a mediating role (-0. 27) in effect of social abrasion on job well-being. It is recommended that managers identify factors influencing the behavior of abrasion, and this behavior to identify and correct policies such as: To provide training and moral in the social abrasion, justice in making and implementing laws, strengthen the ethical climate of trust, according to personality traits and behavioral adopt to control this behavior and eliminate them.

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The aim of this study was to designing an intellectual competencies model for sports marketing managers of premier league football in Iran. This survey is exploratory and qualitative nature that is used the grounded theory method. Society research has been including CEOs and marketing managers of football clubs in the premier league football of Iran and members of marketing Committee of football federation and league Organization and sports management universities. For sampling were used targeted methods and snowball technique. To collect data used from the interview open questions. Then the data obtained from 17 interviews (from the 15th was achieved to the theoretical saturation) were analyzed. In the first phase 481 open codes were obtained. After extracting the same codes, 64 codes were determined. In the second was done stage axial coding in 12 groups of factors was including emotional intelligence, moral intelligence, communications intelligence, business intelligence, competitive intelligence, financial intelligence, strategic intelligence, business intelligence, operational intelligence, social intelligence, political intelligence and cultural intelligence. Axial codes in the selective coding Were to place in 4 groups of individual intelligence Competencies (emotional intelligence, moral intelligence, communications intelligence), environment intelligence competencies (social intelligence, political intelligence and Cultural Intelligence), management intelligence competencies (strategic intelligence, business intelligence, operational intelligence) and marketing intelligence competencies (business intelligence, competitive intelligence, financial intelligence). Finally, the research model was designed in pyramidal (four levels). The model presented in this study can be used to recommended command line method to identify intelligence competencies sports marketing manager football clubs.

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This study aimed to identify decision-making styles of sporting wears consumers’ . The qualitative study method by Grounded Theory approach was used. For this purpose, semi-structured and non-structured interviews had done by three groups of respondents, including marketing and sports marketing professionals, Producers-Distributors and customers of sporting wears (n=56). Purposeful and Snowball sampling continued until theoretical saturation. Data analyze was done using interpretive analysis methods through open, axial and selective coding techniques. Interpretive analysis led to the identification of 93 items that were pooled in 15 categories. The 15 categories were presented as a qualitative model for consumer decisions making styles. The model showed up while purchasing sport swear customers can follow styles such as; convenient access, qualityoriented, fashion-oriented, nationalism, searcher, respect oriented, diversityoriented, sensuality, luxury-oriented, hedonism, price sensitive, brand-oriented, confusion, and effectiveness. Some styles presented in this study correspond with previous studies in various fields. However, some of them such as effectiveness, sensuality and luxury-oriented rarely has been mentioned in previous studies. In general, consumers purchase decision making styles can be more extensive and more various than existing Consumer decision making styles.

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The purpose of this research is to study the impact of strategic entrepreneurship on achieving competitive advantage in sports boards of Khuzestan province. The research method is analytical. The population consisted of president and vice president of the board, executive committee, and elite athletes (n = 80). This research was carried out between 2015 and 2016. The analytical sample was for the total number. For discussing the validity and reliability and presenting a structural model, PLS algorithm is used. The results showed a competitive advantage, but it was positively affected by indirect effects such as 0. 06 percent entrepreneurial culture, and 0. 01 entrepreneurial leadership through strategic mediator's office. This is while changing competitive advantage does not have a positive effect on entrepreneurial mindset mediation. As a result, due to the lack of a direct impact on the competitive advantage of strategic entrepreneurship and its direct impact through strategic office sources it could be said that the entrepreneurial dimension itself does not create a competitive advantage, but sport boards could benefit through entrepreneurial leadership and creating an entrepreneurial culture when creativity and innovation has become the strategic resources.

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One of the most important factors affecting customers’ satisfaction is the quality of services provided by sports clubs. The purpose of this research was to identify the s to assess service quality and performance of women’ s health clubs in Mashhad using combined fuzzy AHP / QFD / BSC method. This study is a qualitative one and in terms of methodology, it is Grounded theory. Service quality measures and the performance of health clubs were identified by preliminary studies, interviews with managers and club officials, and final decision made by sports experts through coding, and after the final designing of the questionnaire, it was distributed between 13 sports experts. Then the collected data were analyzed using fuzzy AHP and the geometric mean in the framework of QFD method. The results showed that customer value strengthening standards and revenue-generating opportunities in financial perspective, offering special services for loyal customers, having modern attractive facilities from customer perspective, identifying strengths and weaknesses of the club and maintaining competency in educators from the perspective of internal processes, and ultimately strengthening management skills, coaches' competency assessment, and the quality of their functioning in growth and learning have the highest rating compared to other measures in women’ s health clubs.

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The purpose of this research is to study the impact of technology acceptance on the willingness to use SMS advertising considering the mediating role of attitude towards accepting the ads. This research is practical and on the basis of how to obtain the required data, the type of this study is descriptive and correlational. Population of this study was male and female customers of sports goods over 30 years in Tehran and available sample and the Cochran formula are used to obtain sample size. The standard questionnaire was used as the Data collection tool. Structural equation modeling has been used for data analysis. Results show that perceived usefulness and social impact has a significant impact on attitude towards acceptance of SMS advertising. Attitude also has a significant impact on acceptance of SMS advertising. Also, in the technology acceptance model, perceived ease of use has a significant impact on perceived usefulness, while it had no significant effect on attitude towards acceptance of SMS advertising. Perceived ease of use is important structures for sport in customers' attitudes towards the acceptance of SMS messages advertising. So, this study provides insight into the use of IT Sweeris SMS as an advertising medium available to marketers sporting goods through mobile phone with this.

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The purpose of present research was to investigate organizational resources and competitive advantage on the profitability in Iranian professional football clubs. The present research was descriptive-correlative done with mixed method. The research population included all of the football industry informant elite in both qualitative and quantitative method. Information saturation was used in the qualitative phase that information was saturated with 14 interviews. To this end, stratified purposeful sampling was used. Then, purposeful sampling was used for quantitative phase containing 100 football experts and university professors in sport management. The instrument used to collect data in quantitative phase was a structured questionnaire that its content validity was approved by eight sport management professors. Also, Cronbach's alpha and composite reliability were used to determine the reliability of variables that it was found that the data had good reliability. Content analysis was used to analyze the interviews with experts and structural equation model using Smart PLS was applied to evaluate the model. The results showed that in the format of research model, the organizational resources and competitive advantage had significant influence on the profitability of professional football clubs. Therefore, it can be inferred that the organizational resources and competitive advantage can greatly improve the profitability of professional football clubs in Iran. So, it is recommended that Iranian football clubs develop the status of the organizational resources and competitive advantage to reach profitability.

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