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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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The purpose of the present study was to investigate the relationship between dimensions of metacognition beliefs and mathematics anxiety among gifted high-school students. To this end, 183 high school students (96boys, 87girls) were selected purposive sampling method as gifted by Otis Intelligence Test (students with IQ above 120) and participated in this study. Math Anxiety Scale and Metacognitive Beliefs Questionnaire, were used as measurement instruments. Their validity of these instruments revealed through factor analysis and reliability with Cronbach's alpha coefficient were obtained. The results showed acceptable internal consistency of these instruments. Analysis of the data by calculating the Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis was performed. Results showed significant correlations between metacognition dimensions and mathematical anxiety dimensions. Multiple regression analysis revealed that the negative beliefs about worry concerning uncontrollability and danger predicted of mathematics course anxiety, mathematics test anxiety, worriness about mathematics, and cognitive confidence predicted of mathematics course anxiety and cognitive self-consciousness predicted of negative affect about mathematics. The most powerful predictor of math anxiety among gifted students was negative beliefs about thoughts concerning uncontrollability and danger. Also based on the results, gender was predictors of mathematics test anxiety. In general, this study showed that by increasing the negative metacognitive beliefs, math anxiety increases. Implicitly by The above findings change in the assessment and negative beliefs gifted students and provide alternative strategies to deal with negative beliefs.

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    1 (27)
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Objective One of the theories that motivation into a multi-objective model considers, Mayer's theory of personal investment. This theory is a useful framework for evaluating multi-dimensional and hierarchical nature of goal provides the motivation. The aim of this study is to investigate a multi-dimensional and hierarchical structure of achievement goal orientation. Methods The population consisted of all high school students in Shiraz who were enrolled in school year 91-90. The sample of 850 students (420 boys, 415 girls) was selected using random sampling. All participants completed questionnaires of school motivation. First-order and higher-order models were tested using confirmatory factor analysis. Finding Confirmatory factor analysis results indicated that the data with a model of eight first-order factors with four second-order factors are a better fit. Reliability analysis using Cronbach's alpha showed that seven factor, task, effort, competition, social power, social concern, praise have an internal consistency. First-order correlation range was 0. 26 (Homework-social power and social concerns-praise) to 0. 62 (task-effort). Conclusion The findings of the study provide a strong theoretical structure and a tool for future research in school motivation. Theoretical and practical implications of the findings were discussed.

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    1 (پیاپی 27)
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اجتناب ناپذیری شکل گیری سریع دانشگاه های نسل سوم (نوآور و کارآفرین) زمینه ساز پژوهش در جهت شناخت عوامل و شاخص های دانشگاه فوق، شده است. پژوهش در راستای مفاهیم جدید راه یافته به ادبیات دانشگاهی ازجمله؛ جهانی و بین المللی شدن آموزش، تجاری سازی ایده های دانشگاهی و مشارکت دانشگاه ها در اشتغال دانش آموختگان، مترصد ارائه مدلی برای سنجش آمادگی موسسه های آموزش عالی برای تبدیل شدن به دانشگاه نسل سوم، بوده است. براساس چارچوب مفهومی مستخرج از ادبیات نظری و با بهره گیری از پرسشنامه، دیدگاه اعضای هیات علمی گردآوری شد. حسب آزمون های آماری، کفایت نمونه جهت انجام تحلیل عاملی مورد تائید قرار گرفت. تحلیل عاملی اکتشافی نشان داد؛ مقدار ارزش ویژه برای عامل اول 34. 416، عامل دوم 6. 203، عامل سوم 5. 247، عامل چهارم 2. 802، عامل پنجم 2. 067، عامل ششم 1. 830، عامل هفتم 1. 522 و عامل هشتم 1. 400 بوده است. در مجموع کل واریانس تبیین شده عوامل 70. 692 درصد از واریانس 76 گویه را تبیین نمود. نتایج به دست آمده در خصوص وضعیت آمادگی مطالعه مورد، برای تبدیل شدن به دانشگاه نسل سوم، نشان داد؛ در شاخص های اهداف و رسالت، مدیریت و رهبری، ویژگی های کارآفرینی اساتید، ویژگی های کارآفرینی کارکنان و دانشجویان وضعیت مطلوب است و در خصوص شاخص های واحدهای داخلی و ساختار، ارتباط با صنایع، تجاری سازی و بین المللی شدن آموزش، تلاش مضاعف ضروری است.

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    1 (27)
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The current research was aimed mainly at constructing and validating the teachers’ professional competence evaluation instrument through descriptive correlational research method. The statistical population consisted of all primary school teachers employed by the city of Kerman’ s board of education in the year 2015 – 2016. Participants of the study included 300 teachers selected via cluster sampling. The instrument of evaluating the teachers’ professional competence was constructed with 60 items based on the theoretical framework and the literature review. Initially, the fundamental factors of the instrument were recognized through exploratory factor analysis, then by means of confirmatory factor analysis, factor structure of the instrument was confirmed. The ultimate instrument had 30 items including three factors of programming for teaching, professional ethics and responsibility, and resource management. The Cronbach’ s alpha coefficient for fundamental factors were measured as 0. 86, 0. 92 and 0. 90, respectively. The item and composite reliability characteristics also showed the appropriate reliability of the instrument. In addition to exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, the convergent and discriminant validities’ results showed the instrument to have sufficiently good validity. Finally, it is suggested that this instrument could be used to evaluate the teachers’ professional competence.

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    1 (27)
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This study examined the effectiveness of guidance teachers on students’ achievement among Shahed and Isargar guidance school student in scatter plot in West Azerbaijan province in. This research method is causal-comparative. The study population consisted of all 270 Shahed and Isargar students in scatter plot in West Azerbaijan province and all 305 Shahed and Isargar students studying in guidance schools in the province and 540 non-Shahed and Isargar students of normal schools. The sample volume is 30 people per group. It should be noted that Cluster and simple random sampling methods have been used in this study according to the terms of population. To unify statistical samples (Students of scatter plot) and control groups (non-Shahed students and students studying in Shahed schools), Raven IQ test is used. In addition, economic class was considered in random their assignment. Standardized tests of academic achievement education have been used as data collection toll in this study. Information collected in this research were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics such as T test and correlation coefficient. The findings showed that student achievement at regular schools is significantly higher than Shahed students in the scatter plot. Also there is no significant differences between student achievement in scatter plot in Arabic, math, science and English. There is no significant difference between the grades of Arabic, science and English of male and female students in scatter plot, but academic performance of female students in mathematics was higher than male.

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    1 (27)
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The present paper aims to investigate the amount of attention paid to the basic components of citizenship education in social studies textbooks in elementary schools. It adopts an applied approach with a descriptive research method and content analysis. The population consists of four elementary schools social studies textbook in 2017-2018 academic year. With regard to the nature of the subject of the study and limitations of the population, no statistical sampling was carried out and all the population was considered as a sample. The measurement tools were content analysis log. The results have been studied using descriptive statistics and Shannon entropy analysis. The major findings of this study suggest that: 1. after reviewing the documents related to citizenship education, five basic components, i. e. active participation, accountability and commitment, criticize and criticism, law-abiding, and patriotism has been recognized. 2. the basic component of citizenship education are considered a total of 298 times, 82, 55, 89, 72 time being observed in the textbooks of the third, fourth, fifth and sixth grades, respectively. 3. Among the investigated components, accountability and commitment with information load of 0. 992 and significance coefficient of 0. 21 and patriotism with information load of 0. 908 and significance coefficient of 19. 2 received the most and the least attention, respectively.

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Fazalizadeh Reza | Bagherzadeh Khodashahri Foroogh

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    1 (27)
  • Pages: 

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This article introduces the educational approach is based on critical theory. This study has sought to rely on the views of Paulo Freire and Henry Giroux and artistic elements and components of curriculum, teaching-learning extraction, analyzed, and compared to. In this paper we critically examine and compare the philosophical foundations of education, educational goals, method of education, the role of teachers and students, Education, Educational Evaluation and Paulo Freire and Henry Giroux view has been. Based on qualitative research method-is adaptive. Educational implications of the similarities and differences between critical education and Paulo Freire and Henry Giroux been mentioned, and they are listed at the end of each review. consolidation of hidden curriculum is dominated training teachers as intellectuals are transformational. Concepts of freedom, criticism, transformation, enlightenment, reason and act based speculative theory of the forms. Education as critical thinkers and Paulo Freire and Henry Giroux analyzes presented in terms of educational institutions and settings, and control theory such as education, critical awareness, reproduction theory, resistance theory, education, border, hidden curriculum and training have devised liberation in contemporary educational discourse are abundant

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    1 (27)
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The purpose of this study is to study the teachings of the transcendental paradigm in the process of teaching-learning and its critique. In order to achieve the purpose of the research, three methods of conceptual, inference and critical analysis have been used to analyze and critique the foreman paradigm. Findings of the research indicate that meta-text instead of oral text emphasizes written text and, as a new paradigm, acquires diverse experiences, the possibility of exchanging ideas and discussing various teaching methods in education. . . . . can have a facilitating role This paradigm in the field of knowledge learning and development has implications such as passing the traditional epistemic system in the learning-learning process, encouraging the learner to construct meaning through dialectical dialogue, the conceptual representation of the learner, access and better information retrieval in learning, the production of boundaries New to Knowledge, Opportunities for Explore-Based Learning, Changes in Classroom Space But in this paradigm, there are also challenges that can be addressed, including deconstruction in the learning-learning process, the passage from reading to writing, relativism, pluralism, and the uncertainty in the field of educational research

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