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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Introduction: proficiency in English as a global language and as a means to achieve new scientific information on a range of scientific, research and culture is necessary. The present study aims to investigate the effect of self-regular skill training on academic achievement motivation and academic performance of nursing students in English course at Jondi- shapour University of Medical Sciences.Method: In this semi-experimental research, pretest- posttest design with control group used. Statistical population was all of nursing students at Jondi- shapour university that 84 assigned randomly in two experimental and control groups. The experimental group received five training sessions on self- regulation. The effectiveness of this training evaluated through academic achievement motivation ISM of Mclnerney & Sinclair and Test of English. Data collected by Pretest and Post-test analyzed by using co- variance analysis through SPSS.Results: Based on results, there is no significant differences between average scores of experimental and control in pre- test but the post-test average scores (after intervention) showed significant differences in the experimental group (P=0.009). Conclusion: self- regulation skills training has positive effect so that increase achievement motivation of the students in learning English.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Continuing education is a process that promotes the ability of the medical community and lifelong learning. Due to fact that, the existence of suitable platform as one of the main factors in effectiveness of continuing education, a thorough knowledge of faculty members’ experiences participating in continuing education programs enable us to identify the needs and influential factors in promoting and performing continuous education programs at the university. This qualitative research has been done to explain faculty members’ experiences about participating in Continuing Education Programs at Guilan university of Medical Sciences in 2017-2016.Methods: This is a qualitative study (content analysis). The research population was faculty member of Guilan University of Medical Sciences with a history of participating in at least three continuing education programs that selected through targeted sampling. Data were collected through semi- structured individual interviews. A qualitative content analysis method was used to analyze the data. The strength, accuracy and accuracy of the research were studied using Guba & Lincoln criteria.Results: Based on findings, the three main themes and Nine sub-themes were: "continuous strategic education" (learning commitment, effective self- assessment, exchange of ideas/ "push for coercion of education" (the vacuum of inner thriller, the challenges of work, company only for obtaining a certificate/ “Shaky background)"poor teaching, planning malfunction, inefficient evaluation.Conclusion: results show that, faculty members’ experiences of participating in continuing education programs including both effective and inefficient experiences so apply proper and efficient planning in order to creating more motivation is necessary.

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Introduction: Virtual education is an electronic teaching method that provides learners with access to education in every situation. This study examines the possibility, facilitators and barriers of utilizing virtual education in Guilan University of Medical Sciences from the viewpoints of faculty members, Information Technology staff and basic Medical Sciences students.Methods: This is a descriptive-survey research that was conducted on 582 including 350 faculty, 12 IT staff and 220 medical sciences students from January 2017 to August in 2017. The instrument was a researcher-made questionnaire of 40 items that its validity was confirmed through face and content validity and realiability by chronbakh- alpha .Data were analyzed by descriptive criteria, Onesample t-test (t-level = 2.5 according to the Likert Scale 4 scores) through SPSS.Results: The mean of status variables and the application of virtual education training system was 3.30±0.529 (t= 8.78) and the mean of the applied fields was 3.28 ± 0.505 (t = 8.53), the average facilitators of the possibility Establishment was 3.34 ± 0.504 (t = 10. 38), the mean of the barriers and limiting factors were 3.35 ± 0.501(t = 10.76),The mean of the variables of the virtual education system was calculated to be 3.32 ± 0.439 (t = 11. 15) (p = 0.001 All cases).Conclusion: The status of the possibility of using the virtual education system in terms of conditions and capability, applied fields, facilitating factors is in the optimum level and limiting factors in Guilan University of Medical Sciences is higher than the average level.

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Introduction: Multi-lecturer course is one of the common teaching methods in Medical Sciences. The implementation of this method has always proponents and opponents. The present study aimed to assess the view point of the students of Babol University of Medical Sciences about multilecturer courses.Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study was performed in 2013. The study population was the students of B.S. and M.S. of Babol University of Medical Sciences that experienced at least one multi-lecturer course. Sampling was done in simple method and among those who interested in participating in this research. The data were collected via a data collection form designed by the researchers, including 20 questions. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistic and analytical statistics such as independent t-test and one-way ANOVA through SPSS.Results: Of one hundred and eighty students participated in the research, Sixty two percent were female and 65 percent were the students of B.S. Around eighty four percent of the students experienced a multi-lecture course in the current semester and 93.3 percent had experienced the course in the previous semesters. Approximately half of the students (51.1%) stated that multilecturer courses were undesirable. The following main reasons were mentioned: the lecturers did not follow the sequence of curriculum content, in addition, there were an excessive increase of the volumes of the materials and also repeated materials were presented by the lecturers. More than half of the students (58.9%) preferred not to select multi-lecturer courses if given the chance.Conclusion: In accordance with the reluctance of most of the students to pass multi-lecturer courses, it is recommended not to use this method. Furthermore, on the condition that it is inevitable, the lecturers should follow the curriculum in order not to presenting repeated materials and avoid the unnecessary course content.

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Introduction: Achieving to desired and final result in curriculum requiring observing principles and standards. This study with the aim of designing a tool to assess medical students' clinical competency in pediatric section of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences in 2012- 2013 was done. Methods: This cross- sectional study was done in two phases. In the first phase, pediatric clerkship educational minimums in Medicine from logbook and with a survey of 15 pediatric faculties educational council of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences by census was designed as checklist. In second phase this checklist was provided to 27 faculty members of Pediatrics department (from three universities) and were questioned standard clinical exposures in these educational minimums of them. The average opinions of the professors were calculated.Results: Clinical educational rotations in 10 groups, including neonates, infectious, Gastrointestinal, Nephrology, respiratory, Hematology, emergency, Pediatrics General, Endocrinology and Pediatrics outpatient clinic and 63 educationa minimum and standard clinical exposures rates for these educational minimums were designed as checklist. The face and content validity of the checklist was confirmed by the faculty members of the pediatric ward and its reliability was calculated using Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.82 through SPSS.Conclusion: Considering the large amount of knowledge in Medicine and the necessity of learning the skills or knowledge as content selection criterion in curriculum, it is necessary to be considered these principles in designing core curriculum for improving individuals' performance to future job tasks and community needs.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: technology developed rapidly during the past decade and using these technologies increased in higher education more than before. Many studies in the field of electronic education has been done in recent years in Iran but e- learning assessment and its programs was neglected. This study was done with the aim of determining students’ views about using first principles of instruction in two electronic and traditional education methods.Methods: This is a quasi- experimental study which was done in 2016. Statistical population was all nusrsing students at Shahid Beheshti nursing and midwifery school in Guilan University of Medical Sciences during their 3rd semester of bachelor degree which studying adult nursing in 2015- 2016. Among them 41 students were selected through censes Sampling method. “Teaching and learning quality” assessment tool was used For exploration of first principle of instruction (demonstration, application, duties, activation, unity). For comparison of first principles of instruction, paired T test and Wilcoxon test were used and data were anlayzed using SPSS.Results: Mean and standard deviation of The first principal of instruction in traditional education group was 3.70±0.24 and in electronic education group was 3.49±0.25 which was statistically ignificant difference based on paired T test analysis (p=0.001). Mean and standard deviation of The demonstration principal in electronic education group was 3.49±0.29 and in traditional education group was 3.69±0.40, The application principal in electronic education group was 3.31±0.52 and in traditional education group was 3.76±0.59, activation principal in electronic education group was 3.35±0.36 and in traditional education group was 3.70±0.34 which was statisticaly significant difference between 2 groups based on wilcoxon analysis (p<0.05).Conclusion: it seems that traditional education method is superior to electronic education method in terms of first principles of instruction implementation.

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Introduction: Research means trying to obtain realities and in this regards, educational research environment refers to facilities and educational factors to create scientific- research motivation in person. Research in medical science universities is important because it is used to identifying and resolving educational, research, health problems and eliminating health- related problems. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the relationship between educational- research environment and research interest in graduated students of Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences.Methods: This cross- sectional descriptive- analytic study carried out on 101 graduate students through census sampling. Demographic data, students' perceptions of the educational- research environment and interest in the research were collected by a three- part questionnaire including 49 questions. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation), and analytical statistics (Pearson correlation coefficient, independent t- test, Tukey test and ANOVA) through SPSS.Results: results show that there is a significant positive correlation between educational- research environment and interest to the research (r= 0.40, p≤0.03). There is also a significant negative correlation between age and interest in the research (P≤0.001, r =-0.38). A significant difference was found between the educational environment and the college of education (P= 0.006).Conclusion: There was a positive and significant correlation between educational- research environment and research interest in Masters' students of Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences. So deputies of education as well as research and technology should considered the result of this research and by doing proper intervention try to promote the level of educational- research services of students.

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Introduction: Blended learning refers to an educational approach in which combination of two, face to face and web- based learning presented. This study aimed to investigate the effect of the blended learning (web-based and traditional) on learning, motivation and interest to anatomy course in medical students of Azad University in 1395-1396.Methods: In this quasi-experimental study with a pretest – posttest that was conducted on 120 anesthesia students in Azad university, they were selected through census sampling method and divided into experimental and control groups. Experimental group (n=60) receive combination method (face to face & web-based learning) and for control group (n=60) traditional method was used. For evaluating students performance in anatomy course a researcher- made questionnaire, also Hermans achievement motivation questionnaire (1977) and Gholami interest questionnaire (1393) were used. validity and reliability of questionnaires were confirmed by content validity and Kuder- Richardson 0.78,0.890.79 respectively. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics (co-variance analysis, kolmogorov- smirnov test) through SPSS.Results: findings showed the effect of combined- learning on academic achievement and achievement motivation in anatomy course at meaningful level (0.01). With respect to the motivational factors, combined teaching has maximum impact or long resistance (3.38) in pre- test and post- test of experimental group and has no effect on three components of time perception (0.63), foresight (0.77) and attention (0.5) to the eligibility criteria of love.Conclusions: Medical science teachers and education planners with regard to the importance of learning various skills, apply e- learning in training increase personal motivation and interest in learning.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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