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Quran and Medicine

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Purpose: Investigation the causes of medical complaints and efforts to reduce it still further step towards the satisfaction of patients and medical staff. The aim of this study was to determine the causes and motivations of the complaint, the amount and type of malpractice done on the field of surgery and at the end provide solutions to reduce medical malpractice. Materials and Methods: This study was a prospective cross-sectional study. The complaint cases in surgery field which referred to the Legal Medicine Organization Commission over a period of 5 years from the beginning of 2017 to 2022 were evaluated. Sampling method was census. Refer to the archives office of the Commissioner of Legal Medicine Organization of Tehran, Records and information relevant to the complaint was gathered and extracted. The data collected were entered into SPSS software version 16 and analyzed using descriptive and analytical statistical tests. Findings: In the study period, 406 cases were included into the study, which 215 cases (53. 0%) were male. Mean age of patients was 43. 5±,17. 08 year. Mean age of physicians was 52. 73±,10. 17 year. 90. 9% of physicians were male and most of them were non-academic staff (64. 0%). In 365 cases (9/89%), cause of complaint was acting on the surgical procedure. In 284 cases (70%) cases of complaints made about a non-emergency procedure performed on patients. The most common complaints were generated in deceased patients (28/3%). Medical malpractice confirmed in 164 cases (40. 4%). Most of the designated malpractice was negligence with 80 cases (19. 7% of all cases and 48. 8% of malpractice cases), respectively. Average percentage of negligence assigned to physicians was 20. 73±, 20. 34% with a median of 10 percent. There was not significant correlation between the percentages of negligence or malpractice with age, sex, measures taken, the experience and expertise of the physician (p> 0. 05). Malpractice rate was significantly higher in non-emergency cases versus emergency (43. 3 vs 33. 6%) (p= 0. 04). However, there was no significant correlation between the percentage of negligence and malpractice with urgency of act and site of medical service (p>0. 05). Agreement rate between result of first commission and medical malpractice was 0. 84. There was no significant relationship between education level, occupation and age of patients with their re complaining. But sex was significantly associated with the original protest vote (51. 8% in women versus 42. 3% for men) (p=0. 04). Conclusion: Our results show high frequency of negligence assignment in surgeons. In addition perform appropriate educational training in the field of patient selection, good communication with patients can be more effective in reducing the burden of patient’, s complaints against this group and play important role in malpractice judgments issued against them.

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Quran and Medicine

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Purpose: The present study tries to investigate and analyze the issue of the consent of the doctor or the medical staff of the perpetrator of euthanasia in the payment of dowry with emphasis on verse 8 of Surah Ma'idah and jurisprudential evidences and laws of Iran, so that through these investigations the juridical and jurisprudential verdict of this The issue should be discussed. Materials and methods: This research was conducted with the method of library studies and in a descriptive-analytical way, which was obtained and analyzed by referring to Quranic, jurisprudential and legal texts. Findings: Euthanasia, which means "good death", is a condition in which the patient dies naturally and peacefully at his request. The question of the research is "Does the consent of the doctor or the medical staff of the perpetrator of euthanasia play a role in the payment of ransom or not? " The research hypothesis is that according to Article 384 of the Islamic Penal Code,If the deceased's parents want ransom, they do not have the right to collect ransom from him or his property without the consent of the murderer. The point to be considered in this legal article is that it has made the payment of ransom from the property of the victim to the victim subject to the consent of the victim. This legislative literature is taken from the point of view of some jurists. The researcher's hypothesis is that basically, the consent of the deceased has no place in this legal article and if the parents want ransom, then Jani must pay the ransom according to the number of victims. The present article, in a descriptive-analytical research, with a problem-centered view, criticizes the consent of Jani in this legal article and follows its jurisprudential foundations. According to the findings of the research, the consent of life in the mentioned article needs to be revised due to its incompatibility with jurisprudence. Conclusion: According to the verses of the Holy Qur'an and traditions such as the honorable verse "Adelwa howa aqrabu lilttaqwi" (Maidah: 8) which is a requirement of justice and an important principle of the Qur'an, and also considering the rights of parents, one should not consider the satisfaction of life as effective.

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Quran and Medicine

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The difference of belief or attitude in the basics and values can cause changes in the behavior of the medical staff and be effective in providing their healthcare services. In general, from the point of view of different schools, some characteristics and indicators are values and some are anti-values. According to the perspective of humanism, we see changes in these values and anti-values over time because it is the product of human thought and reason and has the ability to be deleted, modified or changed. From the point of view of Islam, in line with the system of human excellence and evolution, fixed value and anti-value indicators have been introduced and emphasis has been placed on the promotion of two types of material and spiritual values. The medical staff and people who deal with human life and soul need to have sufficient knowledge of these values so that they can preserve human honor and dignity in their profession and not violate it. Therefore, it is necessary to present a correct picture of the high value of a person and his high position in the religion of Islam, so that the staffs in charge of medical services can perform health activities in an optimal and appropriate manner and do not cause the slightest harm to the existence of a person and his dignity. In the examination of the teachings of Islam, it was found that three important values regarding the human position are significant, which have practical effects for the medical staffs: 1. The value of human life,2. The value of the human body,3. The value of human dignity.

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Quran and Medicine

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Purpose: Delaying the orders of religious leaders in holding the mourning for the martyrs of Karbala and announcing the precious rewards in weeping and crying over this great calamity, shows the fact that the continuation of mourning for Imam Hussain, peace be upon him, and his companions, has pursued a great goal. And it will have many effects. Participating in the mourning of Imam Hussain (peace be upon him) and crying over him, not only does not increase the depression and suffering of the mourners, but it is also a prelude to the improvement of their health and their growth and prosperity Materials and methods: The research of the present library aims to analyze the issue of positive correlation between the mourning of Imam Hussain and recovery by classifying the verses and traditions that have been expressed about ritual crying and its effect on health, in a descriptive-analytical way. Follow health in the teachings of Quran and Hadith. The method of collecting information is based on library expression and in interpretative and narrative sources. Findings: Research findings show the correlation and positive effect of ritual crying on mental health and physical health. Conclusion: Correctly understanding the concept of pilgrimage, mourning and crying, and establishing a link between the mourning of Imam Hussain (peace be upon him) and the meaning of life, will lead to the cognitive correction of the mourners, followed by the adjustment of their emotions and regulation of their behavior, and will provide the basis for achieving well-being and prosperity.

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Quran and Medicine

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This research has been conducted with the aim of describing and analyzing behavior therapy and modifying behavioral patterns and reducing school students' anxiety with two approaches of psychology and Islamic thought in accordance with holy hadiths and Quranic verses. In examining a large number of Islamic sources, including verses and traditions related to the subject, the findings of the research show that most of the verses of the Qur'an and hadiths are in line with psychological science in terms of concepts and themes. These hadiths mainly have moral, mystical and psychological themes that encourage their audience to behave well and acquire virtues and avoid vices in order to achieve selfawareness and discover inner and natural talents that lead to reducing stress, worry and strengthening positive thinking in a person., they call The following article, considering the importance of the subject, the important role and place of verses and hadiths, in Islamic societies, especially among education instructors, and on the other hand, the impact of schools on the formation of students' personalities and the use of new methods, tries to follow the example of Desirable and accepted behavioral characteristics of psychology and religious teachings, try to improve and strengthen the ideal behavior of students by reducing stress, anxiety and achieving selfconfidence in them.

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Mohammad Alinejad Omran Ruhollah | KHOROUSHI ABDOLAZIM | DEHGHANI FARZAD


Quran and Medicine

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Purpose: The family is a social and sacred entity in Islam. The concept of creation and family is intertwined in the Holy Quran. Complete material and spiritual growth and attainment of the status of a perfect human being depends on the family and its educational and religious components. As two main elements, couples play a significant role in various aspects of health, especially the spiritual dimension of the family. Couples who have built their relationships based on the Qur'an have ensured the health of the family. The present study seeks to answer the following questions,What are the Quranic and legal principles of a couple's relationship? And what effect does the couple's relationship have on the spiritual health of the family based on these principles? Materials and Methods: The present research has been done by library-citation method and analysis in the form of qualitative (descriptive-analytical) content analysis. Findings: The Qur'an, while emphasizing the formation of the family, lays the foundations of the couple's relationship under its components,Achieving peace, mercy and affection, romantic relationship, meeting each other's needs, proper companionship in matters such as cooperation and cooperation, avoiding violence, desirable sexual relations and loyalty, and all these foundations have a direct effect on strengthening and developing spiritual health. Conclusion: Applying Quranic principles in couples' relationships strengthens the individual health of couples and families to achieve the "good life" of the Qur'an, and good life is the same as achieving complete health with the rule and focus of spiritual health, and if couples to spiritual health As a result, the family will also achieve this dimension, and in this case, the Islamic society will move towards this dimension of health.

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Quran and Medicine

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Purpose: The properties of date have been proven to be a nutrient. Iran is also one of the largest producers of this fruit and is considered in terms of the quality of dates worldwide. In addition, by studying the interpretations of the Holy Quran and hadiths, exceptional properties and characteristics of dates are obtained that increase the importance of consuming this food. One of the most critical issues women face worldwide is proper nutrition during pregnancy to get through the various stages of pregnancy in the best way and regain their lost energy as soon as possible after childbirth. the present review study was conducted to investigate the effect of date fruits and seeds on the stages of delivery and pregnancy outcomes from the medical, the Holy Quran and hadiths point of view. Materials and Methods: This study was a review study that necessary information gathered from various Quranic sources, interpretations of the Holy Quran and hadiths, as well as databases such as PubMed, Web of Science, Embase, Google, S, Pubmed, Scopus, Google Scholar, and based on the keywords wet, date fruit, date seed, pregnancy, childbirth, and Quran, were extracted by 2022,The information was then categorized, summarized and analyzed. Findings: this study showed that consumption of date fruits and seeds could have a positive effect on various stages of pregnancy, such as lowering gestational blood pressure and preventing gestational diabetes. Consumption of dates in different stages of labor also has products such as improving bishop scores and dilating the cervix at the time of admission, inducing spontaneous labor, reducing the need to generate and stimulate childbirth, and reducing the length of different stages of labor. In addition, dates are good for postpartum healing, wound healing, and recovery of lost energy. Therefore, the findings of this study confirm the scientific miracle of the Holy Quran and the authenticity of the hadiths in terms of the effect of date consumption on pregnant women. Conclusion: Consumption of date fruits and seeds can positively affect different stages of pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum recovery.

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Quran and Medicine

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One of the most important issues of the Holy Quran and the heavenly religions is the issue of "faith", around which many questions have been formed among Muslims since the early centuries. Faith is the most basic element of religion or religiosity. The history of theology shows that the entry of the first Muslim sects and sects in this debate was not based on theological motivations, but for the purpose of practical positions, that is, their basic concern revolved around the relationship between faith and action. The orientation to the origin of the world and the inner pull towards the truth on which the world rests, along with the desire for immortality and happiness, have been two sacred and lasting human concerns, The divine and monotheistic religions, which are well aware of the truth of man and his unique characteristics and existential spheres, introduce the only unique way to answer these two human needs as "faith". The concept of the truth of faith constitutes the most basic issue of a religion, so that all the basic theoretical and practical principles of every religion, including principles and branches, are based on faith and righteous action. In other words, the foundation of the worldview of every believer towards this world and the other world is based on this issue. In this sense, the importance of this matter is such that without considering it, understanding the truth of religion is impossible and impossible. Since the discussion of faith has many unknown angles, the authors of this study, using a descriptive-analytical method, aim to address the importance of faith in the Holy Qur'an and Shi'a theology and examine its relationship with righteous deeds, because faith has a special place in the Qur'an. It is, in such a way that the message of revelation has made it the center of all values and says: "By the age, without a doubt, man is at a great loss, except those who believed and did righteous deeds and advised each other to the truth and enjoined patience.

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Quran and Medicine

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Purpose: Spiritual intelligence and spiritual health make people make more efforts to find solutions and self-dynamism, and on the other hand, universities of medical sciences need to improve job performance,therefore, the current research was conducted to investigate the relationship between spiritual intelligence and mental health by improving the job performance of Langeroud University of Medical Sciences employees. Materials and methods: This study was conducted in terms of a descriptive correlational method. The statistical population included all the employees of the Faculty of Nursing, Midwifery, and Paramedicine of Langeroud city, numbering 144 people, and 105 people were selected by simple random sampling method using Morgan's Kargesi table. To collect data, King's spiritual intelligence (2008), Polotzin and Ellison's (1982) spiritual health, and Patterson's (1970) occupational performance questionnaires were used. Pearson's correlation coefficient and regression analysis using SPSS version 24 software were used for data analysis. Findings: The results showed that there is a significant relationship between spiritual intelligence and spiritual health and improving the job performance of employees, so that by improving one unit of the variables of spiritual intelligence and spiritual health, the deviation of job performance increases by 0. 300 and 0. 476 units, respectively. Conclusion: In general, according to the results, it can be said that examining the spiritual intelligence and spiritual health of employees and related factors can increase the scope for attention and participation and optimal performance of employees in organizations.

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Quran and Medicine

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The crime of abortion is one of the crimes specific to women.which is one of the consequences of reproduction and fertility in human societies,the topics related to which are as old as the history of human civilization.The present study aims to investigate the attitude of Islam towards this phenomenon in a descriptive manner and using the method of documentary and library study from the point of view of the type of punishment for the murderer of a fetus with a soul.The punishment for the intentional abortion of a fetus with a soul,from the point of view of the majority of Sunni jurists and famous contemporary Shia jurists,is the impermissibility of retribution in the intentional killing of the fetus,but the expressions of some jurists in this field are not without ambiguity,which causes conflicting opinions in this field.has been.

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Quran and Medicine

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Today, the tremendous progress in reproductive technologies in recent years has revealed a window of hope for infertile couples, because the desire to have a child is a universal desire and becoming a parent is one of the most important stages of a person's life. One of the new medical phenomena used in the treatment of infertility is the use of a surrogate uterus. The contract of using a woman's womb is a contract by which a woman agrees to carry the embryo resulting from the egg and sperm of a couple and deliver it to them after giving birth. Studies show that choosing a familiar surrogate, such as relatives, friends or close ones, provides the context to reduce or eliminate the problems caused by the operation of surrogacy. In this contract, the parties form the marriage, on the one hand, the infertile husband and wife, and on the other hand, the mother who accepts the fetus, ((surrogate mother)). According to the principle of relativity of contracts, the effects of the surrogate mother contract should be limited to the contractors themselves (husband and wife of the applicant and surrogate mother). The condition of contractual liability is that there is a valid contract between the victim and the cause of the loss and the loss is due to breach of contractual obligations. Today, the opinions of contemporary Imamiyya jurists are different about the validity of this contract, and some jurists consider the use of another woman's womb as permissible for reproduction, while others consider this action to be haram and the contract invalid. The views of Iranian lawyers are also different in this matter, some lawyers consider this contract to be valid and valid, while others consider it invalid due to the conflict with public order. For the validity of the womb contract, it is an alternative to refer to Article 10 of the Civil Code (principle of the sovereignty of the will of the parties and freedom of contracts) and the general rules of the contract are not sufficient in terms of correctness. Because all the effects of the contract cannot be determined based on the will of the parties, and some of them are coercive effects, and the most important effect is kinship and descent resulting from the contract. It seems that possible complications and consequences can be prevented by passing laws and forming special committees to investigate cases of infertility treatment with surrogacy.

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Quran and Medicine

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Purpose: The purpose of the current research was to determine and present some educational requirements based on the concept of moderation in Quranic teachings, depending on the health of the individual and society. Materials and Methods: Descriptive-analytical method using library resources with a phishing tool. Findings: It shows that moderation is one of the fundamental concepts in Quranic teachings and although this word itself is not used in the Holy Quran, it is expressed in other concepts and by using these concepts it is possible to present some Educational requirements have been met. Conclusion: The results show that according to the concept of moderation in Quranic teachings, educational requirements can be presented in the fields of ontology, epistemology, anthropology and values.

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Quran and Medicine

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In this article, the art of impersonation as an educational method has been studied, assuming that the ultimate goal of religious education is to be close to God. Analytical research method is an inference of qualitative research methods. In the explanation of nearness to God as the ultimate goal of education, it is possible to get close to God, to surrender and be ascribed to God's attributes and beauties. The higher the quality and quantity of this attribution, the greater the closeness has been achieved. In this process, God and his attributes are placed in front of us like a guiding light, but the idea of God as an absolute and infinite existence in the limited human mind is accompanied by difficulties, which is caused by the difficulty and even refusal to adapt the absolute to the limited, so We want this process of getting close to God to be done by taking help from limited beings (man) who are adorned with absolute (divine) attributes as much as possible. The way that God himself has implemented in the Quran. This is a path that can be argued on, and there is no escape. In addition to that, the natural human structure is also suitable for this purpose and makes possible the foundation for the realization and taking steps in this process. With these attributes, it is possible to find some of God's attributes in all the members of the society in proportion, and put them to the test of others, and only describes the unpleasant attributes and do not give an example for it. A problem that, on the one hand (getting lost at the time), fosters self-confidence and dignity, and on the other hand preserves the dignity of human beings (wrongdoers), which left the possibility of return and hope.

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Quran and Medicine

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Purpose: Health tourism (medical tourism) as a growing industry in the world and the natural and medical attractions of a region has attracted wide attention. Due to its natural and historical potentials in the region, Iran has become an important destination for health tourism. In this regard, legal issues related to health tourism in Iran have unique challenges that require detailed investigation and appropriate legal solutions. In the verses of the Holy Qur'an, the emphasis on preserving and maintaining human health is considered as a high and obligatory value. Tourism is also considered as an important factor affecting people's health. Materials and methods: This research aims to analyze the legal issues of health tourism in Iran in detail, to examine the strengths and weaknesses of existing laws in the field of health tourism, rights and economic obligations related to providing medical services to tourists, protecting the privacy of patients. And it deals with ethical issues in interference with the natural needs of tourism and other current issues. Findings: This research identifies the weak and strong points of existing laws in Iran and provides legal proposals to improve and optimize the legal environment in the field of health tourism. Therefore, it is emphasized that in order to attract health tourists and develop this industry in Iran, the necessary measures in related laws and regulations should be carried out. Conclusion: Considering the capabilities and rich resources in the field of health and treatment in Iran, this country has a good ability to become an outstanding destination in health tourism, but this requires more coordination between medical centers, government departments and legal institutions.

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Quran and Medicine

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Purpose: The present study tries to study and analyze the medical rights of children in conflicts from the perspective of Quran, jurisprudence and international law in order to clarify this issue through these studies of legal and jurisprudential rulings. Materials and Methods: This research has been carried out by the method of library studies and in a descriptive-analytical manner, which has been obtained and analyzed by referring to Quranic, narrative, legal and jurisprudential texts. Findings: Children and adolescents are usually very vulnerable in wars and conflicts and will suffer the most physical and mental injuries. Killings and disabilities, violence and sexual misconduct, attacks on hospitals and schools, and denial of humanitarian assistance are some of these injuries. The problem becomes more apparent when wars and conflicts are dragged into cities and neighborhoods. From the Islamic point of view, these children have immunity. In this regard, the rules of humanitarian law and on the other hand, the standards of human rights have paid special attention to children and, if possible, have extended their umbrella of protection over this vulnerable group. The present study, with a descriptive-comparative analytical method, has comparatively studied the medical rights of children in Islam and international conflicts. The results show that, despite the existence of numerous rules and norms regarding the observance of children's medical rights in war and the existence of international organizations in this field such as UNICEF, the International Committee of the Red Cross and other organizations, among the declared rules and norms and There is a huge difference between the conventions passed and the real lives of child victims of war. Also, Islamic jurisprudence in the post-infallible periods, whether Sunni or Shiite jurisprudence, has always tried to institutionalize the rights of civilians in war, especially children, to the extent that they have always emphasized on not attacking children, providing them with a livelihood. Conclusion: Based on the general Quranic verses and rules and legal and jurisprudential principles and rules, it can be said that children's medical rights are: protecting their lives and health, providing proper food and medicine, having a doctor and health centers and hospitals, maintaining Dignity of children, avoidance of any discrimination including ethnic, cultural, religious, disease and gender. These rights are legitimate and reasonable by observing the physical, psychological, spiritual and social needs, which are reflected in the standards and rules and regulations of treatment, and medical teams are responsible and obliged to implement and comply with it.

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Quran and Medicine

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The purpose of this research was the effectiveness of emotionoriented therapy on attachment patterns, communication patterns and lifestyle of incompatible couples referring to counseling centers. In terms of its nature, this research is part of applied research, and in terms of implementation, it is part of semi-experimental research, with a pre-test and post-test design with a control group. The statistical population in this research included all couples with incompatible spouses who referred to counseling centers (Behesht Counseling Center) in Isfahan city in 1401. From among the statistical population, 45 people were selected using available and targeted sampling and were selected in two experimental and control groups (a group of 15 people in the experimental group and a group of 15 people in the control group). The questionnaires used in this research were Hazen and Shaver's (1987) attachment, Christensen and Sulawi's (1984) communication patterns, and Miller Smith's (2003) lifestyle. The results using the statistical method of covariance analysis showed that with the pre-test control of the significance levels of all tests, they indicate that between couples with incompatible spouses of the test groups and evidence of the variables of attachment patterns (secure, insecure avoidant and insecure ambivalent), communication pattern (mutual constructive), communication pattern (expectation/withdrawal), communication pattern (avoidance) and lifestyle, a significant difference is observed, the effect or difference is equal to 0. 48, which is related to the effect of emotional therapy.

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Quran and Medicine

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Purpose: The purpose of the current research was to examine the nonfinancial rights of couples in Islamic jurisprudence, verses of the Quran. One of the rights of couples is their non-financial rights towards each other. Therefore, the Islamic legal system has special foundations regarding the rights and relationships governing couples. So that some of the rights and duties are more suitable for men and some of them for women, and the basis of drafting the rights between couples is based on the inherent differences between the two sexes. Materials and Methods: In this research, a descriptive analytical method with a documentary approach has been used. Findings: The non-financial rights and duties of spouses from the perspective of jurisprudence and Islamic law include three common categories, specific to the wife and specific to the husband. The jurists and intellectuals were also not affected by the prevailing customs and attitudes of the people of their time. Conclusion: In examining the non-financial rights of spouses, the issue of headship of the family and determining its limits and explaining the effects of the headship of the husband on the wife is also a very important issue that by using the basic principles and rules of jurisprudence and numerous verses and traditions, these limits and limits and Also, the existence or lack of influence of this headship on the woman's place of residence, citizenship, and family name has been well clarified. Socializing well, managing according to the interests of the family, avoiding self-opinion and coercion are among the principles that limit the right of a man to be the head of a family.

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The current research was conducted with the aim of identifying the dimensions, components and epistemological indicators of the game with an emphasis on philosophy for children. The mentioned research is practical in terms of purpose and qualitative in terms of data. In terms of implementation, the research method was using the foundation data method. Participants in the research include document analysis and interviews with academic experts. In this research, a non-random purposeful sampling method was used to determine the samples, and 10 people were considered as the sample size using the principle of saturation. The assessment tool of the current research consisted of two parts: library (including books, authoritative scientific databases and university theses) and field (semi-structured interviews). The method of data analysis was theoretical coding derived from the method of data theorizing based on Nizamand, which was analyzed using MAXQDA software. The results of the analysis showed that the dimensions, components and epistemological indicators of the game with an emphasis on philosophy for children include individual epistemology (growth, thinking and problem solving), social epistemology (identification, reflection and skill), They were educational epistemology (educational, policy-based, religious and moral).

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Purpose: Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a widespread disorder that causes a lot of suffering for both the affected person and those around him. The aim of the present study was to compare dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) on rumination and guilt in individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Materials and Methods: The current research was a semi-experimental design with experimental and control groups. The statistical population of the research consisted of those who referred to Artiman Psychological Center in Mashhad in 2022, who received the diagnosis of obsessivecompulsive disorder. The research sample included 45 people who were purposefully selected and randomly divided into three groups: dialectical behavior therapy (n=15), cognitive behavioral therapy (n=15) and control group (n=15). The tools used include structured clinical interview to diagnose obsessive-compulsive disorder, Ruminative Responses Scale (RSS) questionnaire, and Kugler and Jones guilt questionnaire. The intervention was held as a group during 11 weekly sessions for 90 minutes. Results: The results of data analysis showed that both dialectical behavior therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy reduced guilt feelings (p < 0. 001) and rumination (p < 0. 001). The results of comparing the effectiveness of two treatments showed that cognitive behavioral therapy is more effective than dialectical behavior therapy (p < 0. 001). Conclusion: These results indicate the use of cognitive behavioral therapy and dialectical behavior therapy in working with patients with obsessivecompulsive disorder, and both treatments are promising as evidence-based interventions for working with people suffering from obsessivecompulsive disorder.

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The objective of this research study is to investigate the level of serotonin in the blood of people before and after a period of exposure to a yellow environment with yellow lighting to help improve their mild depression, emphasizing the last sentence of verse 69 of Surah Al-Baqarah. The current research project is a semi-experimental applied method. The statistical population in this research included 20 students of Kazeroon Azad University. Pearson's correlation coefficient and regression analysis were performed using SPSS software version 24 for data analysis, and for the normality of the data and comparing the averages in different stages, one-way ANOVA was performed. A confidence limit of 95% was considered in all tests. The findings of the study show that exposure to a yellow environment with yellow lighting increases the level of the serotonin neurotransmitter molecule. Finally, we came to the conclusion that there is a significant relationship between looking at yellow color and being under yellow light and the level of serotonin. Therefore, looking at yellow color and being under yellow light increases the level of serotonin and thus increases happiness in humans. This is in perfect agreement with the theme of verse 69 of Surah Al-Baqarah, which emphasizes the joyful nature of the yellow color.

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The present study was conducted with the aim of determining the training of perceptual skills and attention skills to reduce attention disorders in students with attention deficit. The studied population consists of all the students of the first secondary schools of public schools for boys in the 2nd education region of Tehran. The sampling method of the present study was the staged cluster sampling method. The current sample size was selected based on previous researches. In the present study, the perceptual skills and attention skills training package and the attention skills questionnaire were used. The results showed that the post-test scores of attention skills in the experimental and control groups were significantly different after removing the effect of the pre-test scores and the effect of the training Perceptual skills and attention skills increased attention skills. Other results showed that the difference in the adjusted averages of the attention skills of the two experimental and control groups in the post-test was statistically significant. Naij showed that there was no significant difference between teaching perceptual skills and attention skills in reducing attention disorders in students with attention deficit. Teaching perceptual skills and attention skills helps students to adjust their attention and perception and increase their perception and visual and auditory accuracy in subjects.

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