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Geopolitical and geostrategic position in the Persian Gulf region has high visibility. Iran as an important country in the region, geographically and culturally in their evolutionary history has been effecting the region and the particular geopolitical situation. Among the measures taken by Iran in the Persian Gulf region necessities of the main actors responsible for them: world energy supply infrastructure and economic cooperation, security cooperation and the International Union of multilateralism at the regional level to ensure fair participation in the decision-making without the direct participation of Iran in the region has become a serious challenge. Without the participation of Iran in the Persian Gulf due to lack of opposition against extra-regional forces in the Persian Gulf to the nature of the industrial world will lose control and complete colonization will be possible. So establishing the identity and nature of Iran's Persian Gulf geopolitical region and its surrounding lands, it seems necessary. Iran as a regional power to establish the convergence to the importance of relations with members of the region to be able to eventually raise the height of the convergence in the region. Research that is fundamental and descriptive methods and data were collected through library and computer is done, attempts to show the role of Iran in the Persian Gulf is geopolitical.

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At the end of the 20th century, the trend towards waste management was the turning point of industrial and technological development programs in most countries of the world. The aim of the present research is to provide an intelligent model for waste management in the city of Tehran. The method used in this research is the neural network technique, based on which it is possible to predict waste production in different areas of Tehran. The research method of the current research is descriptive and analytical, and the area under study is Tehran city, and the analysis method is the neural network technique. A neural network with a single hidden layer was used to predict the residual. The sigmoid tangent activation function is used for the hidden layers of the network. Finally, it was concluded that the neural network method for predicting the waste of Tehran city is more efficient compared to other methods including the quantum method in some areas, and at the end practical suggestions were presented.

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. This research was conducted with the aim of analyzing the social vulnerability of the Karaj district in the descriptive analytical method using the VIKOR model. In this research, sampling of seven neighborhoods of Karaj from the old texture of Karaj was selected on the basis of a detailed design. Based on the Cochran formula, the population size of the sample was determined. Accordingly, in this research, while measuring social vulnerability in targeted areas, firstly, identifying and defining operational indicators that affect the vulnerability of urban neighborhoods. Subsequently, using the survey method and the questionnaire, the required information was collected and then, by using the VIKOR method, the target areas were prioritized and finally analyzed using non-parametric statistics. Accordingly, in this study, while measuring social vulnerability in the results of the research, it showed that the time and place in the area of social vulnerability is very low and the area of Turkabad is in the range of medium vulnerability and the social vulnerability of Sheikh Saadi and Karaj is very high. And Isfahani and Qalamstan neighborhoods with QI = 0 and QI = 883 respectively are close to the ideal model of the VIKOR model, are less vulnerable to social vulnerability indicators. The variables of human and social capacities predict 0.37 the rate of social vulnerability in the studied areas. Therefore, in all targeted neighborhoods, the mentioned indices (P

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In this study, the matrix triple Internal Factors, External factors & combinatorial, each aspect of the model is assessed and measured. According to the matrix product strategies in the four conditions (WT, SO, WO and ST) determine, and formed Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM), Attractiveness of various strategies are determined, and then they will be prioritized. This is an applied research and developmental. For evaluating and assigning weights to the variables, a questionnaire was designed and the group was targeted. Study Examples was randomly selected and the Cochrane formula is used to determine the number of Examples.The findings obtained from the Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM) showed that Among the strategies developed based on SWOT, commercial and economic development strategies and development of tourism infrastructure (ST4) and coastline improvement based on international standards (ST5) having the highest score (2.15 and 1.98, respectively) had the highest interest, and Exhibiting and festivals of different strategies at different levels (ST9) with a score of 1.92 is the least attractive. showed that the strategies developed strategies, focusing on the needs and strategies to achieve the main precondition for development, Spread roads, rail network (ST7) and emphasize the main advantages of the introduction of boundary conditions (ST1) having the highest score (2.3 and 1.66, respectively) had the highest interest, and strategy coordination among executive agencies (ST4) with a score of 0.81 is the least attractive.

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Taghizadeh Joorshari Mohamadreza | Delafrooz Narges | Shabgu Monsef Mahmoud | Bagher salimi Saeed

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Tourists' perception of the personality characteristics of a destination is one of the most important factors that influence their choice of destination. But despite the importance of this issue, identifying the personality traits of the country's tourism destinations and creating a unique identity for them has rarely been the focus of tourism studies. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to identify the most important personality traits of Guilan province as one of the most popular tourism destinations in the country, using qualitative research and content analysis method. In the first part, through conducting semi-structured interviews with 11 experts in the fields of tourism and marketing and analyzing the content of interview data and encoding them, 55 personality traits were identified and then 65 personality traits from the most researches done for tourism purposes were also added to these. After removing duplicates or unrelated, the list consisting of 102 personality traits was set. Then in the second part of the study, this comprehensive collection of personality traits was provided to another group of tourism, marketing, and psychology experts to select the closest personality traits to describe the province. At this point, those features that earned score 4 and above remained on the list and the rest of the list was removed. At the end of this stage, 16 personality traits remained in the list for describing the Guilan province as a tourist destination, classified according to the similarities and relationships between these features, in three dimensions: unique, warm, and stylish.

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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the land use changes in Pirbazar village during the last two decades. The research method is based on applied purpose and on the basis of descriptive-analytical nature and has been studied in both library and field methods. In library studies section of agricultural census information of Pirbazar district was obtained from functions of central part of Rasht city from provincial planning and budget organization. For the purpose of research, questionnaires were collected from local managers of Pirbazar district and analyzed by SPSS software. it placed. The sampling method in the present study was all census and sample size was 18 people. Landsat 7 and 8 satellite imagery data for 2000, 2010, 2017 were also used in GIS software. According to the findings,1127 hectares of agricultural land have been changed in Pirbazar district. Therefore, correlation coefficients of distance and accessibility to the city are higher and rural integration and integration (r = 0/69, P = 0.000) can be the most important. An influential factor was the pattern of land use changes in Pirbazar village. Also the results of satellite images of the last two decades showed that residential-commercial-industrial land use has changed by %7/15 and wasteland by %9/9 Land use decreased by %6/4 and land use by %9/20 reduction in area.

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In this study, in order to determine the drought trend and calculate the reliable precipitation in Khuzestan, the data of annual precipitation of 11 stations in the province during the period of 25 years (2017-1993) was selected. In the next step, SPSS software was used to determine the statistical characteristics of precipitation stations (mean, geometric mean, standard deviation, coefficient of drought and drought variation of triple indices (DRI, PNPI, ZSIAP) for all stations. Then, based on the rainfall thresholds, the yearly, dry, normal, and wetting periods of the stations were calculated for each of the indices. The results showed that, comparing the corresponding computational values of the mentioned indices, the standardized precipitation index (ZSIAP) was more appropriately identified with greater reliability and reliability. Studies have revealed that, since 2007 and the entry into the final decade of the statistical period, not only the severity and frequency of droughts has increased, but also the multiplicity and diversity of drought stations have increased, so that most stations, especially the southwest, have more droughts have experienced. Drought regression using the Man-Kendall test showed that during the study period, Bostan, Behbahan, Shooshtar and Dezful stations have not been trendy. Omidieh, Izeh, Masjed Soleiman, Mahshahr, Abadan, Ramhormoz, Ahwaz have had a negative trend - the severity of droughts in these areas has increased.

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The vitality, physical excitement, and activity in a city context occurs when the original inhabitants of that context, together with private investors, are interested in the presence, life and activity of the subject, and it is worth considering for themselves; therefore, any intervention In urban context, such as upgrading, rehabilitation, reconstruction and rehabilitation, it is effective when it comes to maximizing the participation of people living together with investors and, if this partnership is social, its impact will double, so to realize this, Factors influencing social participation must be recognized. This research will exploit the content and argumentative content analysis methods first and then the components that affect social participation in urban regeneration are extracted. Then, using the spss software and factor analysis, the components affecting The four categories will be divided into a range of factors (from internal factors to external factors), and, moreover, the types of factors will determine the way social participation in regenation be. The social factor has the highest frequencywith 32%, after that, the cultural factoris 26% and the physical factors had14% highest frequency.

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Safari Ali Akbari Masoud

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Rural tourism is one of the most important forms of tourism, especially in developing countries and It should be considered as a potentially important tool for economic and social development. Therefore, tourism can be effective in developing some indicators. Social capital indicators are a clear sample of this subject. The purpose of this study is to examine the role of tourism in improving the social capital indicators of rural settlements. The research method is descriptive-analytical and based on field studies using a questionnaire tool. The research method is descriptive-analytical and based on field studies using a questionnaire tool. The sample size of 384 people was calculated and questionable at the level of three villages of tourism destination of Paveh County (villages of Hajij, Khanqah and Shamshir). The results showed that tourism has contributed to the improvement of social capital and Indicators are at a significant level below 0.05. The average of total indicators (3.68) indicates the extent of this effect. The only indicator of formation of associations and support institutions with an average of 2.55, has taken a very small role in tourism. Anova's test showed that there is a difference between villages in terms of social capital indicators according to the role of tourism. The largest difference is in the village of Swords with an average of 3.60. The average index of people's tend to enter the tourist is equal to 3.89, which reflects the positive attitude of the people towards tourists.

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In the present century, the development and advancement of science in various fields on the basis of extensive communications is under way, advancement that is actually based on responding to 21st century human needs. With the approach of integrating the use of information technology with urban living as well as the challenges such as population growth, urbanization and level of needs, overuse of resources and economic crises, various ideas have been put forward to solve these problems by using smart technology. It is likely that the smartening of an urban community will have a significant impact on the quality of life of citizens, according to which scholars have introduced the term intelligent life. According to the searches, different dimensions and indicators in the field of smart living and its quality assessment have been presented. In this study, at the first step we want to determine the dimensions and indicators of smart city and smart living by analyzing valid research. In the next step we want to determine the importance of dimensions and indicators based on pairwise comparison according to the experts. For this purpose, we used AHP analysis in software Expert Choice. Analyzes show that the development of the use of smart technologies in information and communication technology in the metropolis of Tehran, respectively, in the areas of health, security and safety, education and culture, housing and buildings, respectively, have the greatest impact on creating a smart urban living and improve the quality of life.

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Nowadays , numerous challenges have emerged cause of increasing expansion of urbanization. Accordingly, global focus has shifted towards the comprehensive development of cities, and also improvement of countries. One of the most important urban development’s approaches is to focus on the smallest unit, in fact the neighborhoods within the framework of neighborhood planning , with an emphasis on enhancing the quality of life and providing an appropriate context for the formation of community spaces in order to be aware of the requirements and coordinate the projects are presented with the necessity of the local community. Women, as the most influential social groups, play a key role in development of countries. Therefore, the present study seeks to explore the role of women in the local community for the development of the neighborhood. This research is a developmental research with a mixed approach (qualitative and quantitative). Initially, in the form of an open questionnaire, in-depth interviews were conducted with experts to identify the dimensions, components and indicators of the research and were analyzed by Maxqda12 software. Next, the newborn model was entered into Smart pls software for analysis. It was a little bit. The results show that women in the local community play a moderating role in development, which in turn accelerates neighborhood development. Also, factors of political and institutional structures, women's right to the city, education and awareness and finally cultural beliefs and attitudes are the most important factors affecting the role of women in the development of Tarasht neighborhood.

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In the city of Shiraz, there has been a lot of research on the historical pattern, but the key point has been the lack of strategic and clear vision for the continuation of historical pattern sustainable regeneration. Accordingly, in this paper, using the SWOT Strategic Technique, it has been attempted to answer the key question that considering the weaknesses, strengths, opportunities, and threats of Shiraz historical pattern, what is the most appropriate strategy to regenerate this pattern? Strategic Quantitative Matrix (QSPM) was used to prioritize strategies. This research is applied research in terms of purpose and its methodology is descriptive-analytic. Documentary surveys, as well as field studies of questionnaires and interviews with relevant experts, were used to collect the required data. The findings show that the status of Shiraz's historical pattern is in a competitive state among the four aggressive, defensive, conservative and competitive states of the SWOT model, which means, strategies must be formulated to avoid the upcoming threats through the strengths. Therefore,the competitive strategy is a suggested strategy for regenerating the historical pattern of Shiraz. In addition, in the prioritization using Quantitative Planning Matrix (QSPM), among the formulated strategies, the highest attractiveness was related to “paying more attention to the functional values of the pattern as an important part of the main city center of Shiraz and strengthening the buildings against natural disasters” and “Promoting the Role of Historic-Cultural and Religious Valuable Elements and Transparency and Sustainability of Urban Management Policies and Programs and reconstruction of the Region”

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The city of Zahedan, due to its first urban location, national and regional location, and economic and political performance, has caused migration and population concentration. It can be seen in the expansion of suburban areas, the unbalanced distribution of facilities, the emergence of environmental problems and citizens' dissatisfaction, and finally, the reduction of quality of life. The purpose of this article is to evaluate and analyze the components of quality of life in urban areas of Zahedan. The nature of the research is applied and in terms of descriptive-analytical method, the data are collected by documentary and survey methods. The statistical population included 592968 citizens of Zahedan who were randomly analyzed using Cochran's formula of 400 people. The research tool is a questionnaire whose reliability has been obtained by completing the 30 questionnaire and Cronbach's alpha coefficient (above 0.7). The collected data were analyzed in SPSS software and to compare and measure economic, social, physical and environmental variables, one-sample t-test, one-way analysis of variance (Anova) and post hoc and interest tests. Taking the Tukey method was used. The mean of quality of life variable in general was 2.48. Based on the results, it was found that the quality of life in the five districts of Zahedan is in an unfavorable situation. In this regard, region one was in a better situation than other regions and region four had the lowest level of quality of life in the five regions studied.

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One of the main issues regarding the design of low-income housing complexes is that there is no comprehensive model that can be used to reduce social harm in these complexes. In this regard, in this article, the main purpose of social pathology of low-income residential complexes is based on the physical characteristics of architecture. This article was descriptive-analytical according to the nature and type of research which is developmental-applied and the method of doing it. It was noteworthy that questionnaires and interviews were used as the main tools for data collection. In this dissertation, the questionnaires were distributed and completed by the statistical community through random sampling. The statistical population was the residents of low-income residential complexes in the new city of Sadra, which was equivalent to 35,318 people. Also, Amos statistical analysis software using structural equation modeling was used to analyze the data. The results indicated that furniture and infrastructure, functional system, access, light and lighting, activity-user system and spatial physicality have the greatest impact on social harm, respectively, and this effect on the components of social harm for security 1. 01 and for social relations, cognition and participation of residents is calculated 0.66.

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Due to population growth and increasing migration to larger cities, uncontrollable development of urban areas, creation of new settlements, declining levels of human welfare and the emergence of many urban problems, especially in developing countries, the need to develop an optimal model of urban development plans and change It is felt from a static and traditional approach to a flexible, participatory, strategic and strategic approach. Therefore, in this research, following the feasibility study of strategic-structural plans in guiding the development of the middle city of Marand, it is felt. Theoretical data by documentary method and experimental data by field and questionnaire method were prepared from 383 citizens by Cochran sampling. In data processing and measuring the intensity of variables, SPS and LISREL software and one-sample test have been used. The general results of the research indicate the unfavorable situation of Marand city in four indicators of urban development strategy. Banking, competitiveness and competitiveness of the city with averages of 2.38 and 2.12 are in a more favorable situation, respectively, and indicators of good urban governance and viability with an average of 1.71 and 1.72 are in a very unfavorable situation. It is clear that the balanced distribution of the urban center and the balanced system of the urban hierarchy went away, and also before the development of the middle city of Marand, unresolved urban barriers and constraints must be overcome so that the city does not face problems after development. Obtained reasonable from residential spaces.

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In the world, due to the process of industrialization, cities faced a new wave of migration, which has caused changes in various structures of the city, including economic, social, cultural and physical spatial structure. The structure of cities after a huge migration, They have undergone many changes and the diversity of demographic ethnicity in cities has caused heterogeneity in the structure of cities; Therefore, in order to study the structure of cities, especially the physical spatial structure, natural and human barriers should be examined, as well as the relationship and interaction of these phenomena with each other and on the development of the city. In this descriptive-analytical article, the influential factors in the emergence and development of the neighborhoods of Dogonbadan, which is a multi-faceted city, have been explained by the Demitel method. The results indicate that the factors influencing the emergence and development of Dogonbadan neighborhoods, spatial differences in economic resources and wealth in the country, have caused differences in urban landscapes and each city, like the specific economic context of Dogonbadan city and its performance Also recovered from the same conditions.

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The trade is an ancient human activity dating back to well-known human history.The present article seeks to explain how national rules and regulations for the standardization of goods and services affect the development of international trade. Therefore, the authors tried to extract and analyze the indicators of the effectiveness of national laws and regulations in the field of standards of goods and services in the development of international trade. A descriptive-analytic method was employed to analyze the indicators and answer the research questions. The data were collected through library and documentary search and validated scientific databases. Results show that national standard rules and regulations affect the development of international trade through productivity, sustainable development, barriers to import and quality assurance, Regulatory governance, trade Liberalization, Joining Global Trade, considering the regional standards of exporting countries national security, maintaining the prestige, commercial position of the country, standard classification systems and supply chain.

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The city is the most fundamental base of human society, through which human goals evolve and develop.Cities have a variety of functions, these functions are based on the history and location of the city.Urban functions are influenced by two elements of power and competition, which by nature can be expanded at the national, local, regional and supra-regional levels.The purpose of this study is to analyze and explain these functions and the degree of association of a religious city with the case of Mashhad.This research has been done with two descriptive-analytical methods. The resources used are references to the relevant library, documents, articles and websites that have been collected.Also, a questionnaire was prepared to obtain the opinions of experts to explain the geopolitical indicators of religious cities. Finally, this data was analyzed using Friedman SPSS software.The results of this study show the geopolitical indicators of religious cities, especially the holy city of Mashhad, what capacities, functions and capabilities have in order to promote the political management of the city and its relationship at the local, national, transnational and regional scales.

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The purpose of this study is to investigating the effect of reed fibers on concrete engineering characteristics made of sediments of Hormak River(North of Zahedan)and its use in Reinforcement of structures against earthquakes.In this study, in order to investigate the effect of reed fibers on the engineering properties of concrete, the ratio of water to cement in all designs is constant and equal to 195 to 410 and experiments have been performed on 5 samples containing fibers and without fibers, before determining the optimal amount of each From the mentioned fibers to strengthen the concrete, the results of the necessary tests on fresh and hardened concrete were examined. In this study, in addition to mixing straw fibers with concrete,laboratory methods such as Compressive and tensile strength were used to confirm the accuracy of the results and the importance of selecting suitable materials at low cost in a short time before the concrete mixing project. The results show that the addition of straw fibers to concrete has increased the compressive strength in concrete samplesComparing the results of this test in ordinary concrete and fiber reinforced concrete, showed that this increase in strength at the ages of 7 to 28 days has increased only in samples S2 and S3 and is Similar to the typical concrete example isS1, While in S4 and S5 samples, which were samples of three-row fibers,there is a large decrease in compressive strength.Adding straw fibers initially increases the compressive and tensile strengths, but over time reduces these resistances.

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Physical-spatial developments have been expanding in many villages over the last two decades. This trend has developed in habitats with natural attractions, such as the mountains, waterfalls and fruit gardens, and especially the shrine. Lands and gardens to residential areas have turned farmers away from continuing farming activities. One of the most important rural areas of Tehran affected by this phenomenon. Since Solghan and Bakhshand have undergone many changes, also to Investigate Land Use Transformations from Landsat 5 and 7 Satellite Images Information 1991 to 2016 is used in GIS software. The research method depends on the purpose and nature of the research and its feasibility, so according to the nature of the present study, the research method is descriptive in which we examine the status of developments and make the results practical, resulting in a day-to-day approach. In addition to rural residents changing land use and converting them into marketable pieces of land to build second homes, this process has changed the rural socio-cultural context of the area to change the rural landscape, texture, physical, structural and functional change of the villages. . Consequently, as awareness of land use patterns and changes over time is a prerequisite for optimal use of national capital, therefore, land use mapping as the most important goal in natural resource base management can be the case Notice.

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Vafaei Fard Mahdi

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The ancient Iranian-Islamic cities have formed an integrated and stable system by establishing a physical and spatial connection between the economic, social, administrative, cultural and environmental components. Among these features, division of spaces, group and social structure of neighborhoods, physical and spatial cohesion of the bazaar and the Grand Mosque with each other. Therefore, the present study aims to investigate the relationship between the elements of the Iranian-Islamic city such as human-centeredness, security, the principle of hierarchy, naturalism and boundary with the physical structure of historical contexts to study this relationship in the historical context of Birjand. The type of the present study is analytical-interpretive and the data used is the information on the characteristics of the Iranian-Islamic city extracted in historical books and writings and the current map of the historical context of Birjand, which is drawn in GIS ARC software and the results of this comparison. Has been analyzed. The results showed that based on the relationship between the historical and cultural characteristics of the texture with the neighborhood-centered element, the relationship between the geographical elements of the texture and the element of naturalism, the religious function of the texture with the human-centered element was in line with the Iranian-Islamic model. However, based on the principle of local hierarchy and continuity, due to the construction of new streets and the loss of communication between alleys, as well as changes in the type of building, the texture has changed and has moved away from the Iranian-Islamic city model.

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Evidence suggests that inequalities within regions are the result of top-down development programs and the policy-making process, with spatial consequences of increasing centralization in major and limited urban centers. Accordingly, one of the adjustment policies aimed at reducing inequality and strengthening the existence of cities is to emphasize the flow of competitiveness based on specific legal, political, ecological, social and economic characteristics between urban centers. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the factors affecting the competitiveness of urban centers in West Azerbaijan province. A qualitative-quantitative approach has been used to do this article. In the first part, drivers are identified by experts in the field (Delphi) by weighting software, extraction weights and dimensions, and then by Meta-SWOT software, 15 effective factors. The competitiveness of urban development in the time horizon of 1410 was determined and again provided to experts by Delphi method. The results show the fact that the metropolis of Urmia, with its first position of competitiveness, is still the center of space currents in the province. Meanwhile, public investment strategies, the attention of policy makers, planners and officials, the interest of the private sector in investing in the province and the lack of large-scale development infrastructure are the most important factors determining the competitiveness of urban development. In the final part, Micmac software was used by ranking and extracting the impact matrix and believable situations in the competitiveness of urban development of the province were identified with a specific futuristic approach and proposed strategies.

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The old texture of Kerman can not be considered a worn texture that can be considered in the comprehensive urban design, and also it can not be considered in accordance with the needs of the urban day, which was expected to have a proper performance. The issue of how to carefully maintain it from the current situation should be done by experts and city managers is the core of the research. Accordingly, in the present research, in the research method section, the combined method has been used and qualitative principles and quantitative information in this regard have been studied and analyzed and finally argued. In a small part of the research of scientific field operations based on the statistical population and case analyzes according to snowball sampling and other statistical and informational cases based on Spss software, field interviews and operational questionnaires have been done. Based on dealing with historical and territorial issues in the research, the historical contextualism approach has been used to create a better solution for obtaining quantitatively accurate information. Based on the research findings, the architectural components under the architectural codes in the spatial structure in the form of consistent architectural form, human scale proportions, form and functional structure of the architectural building, use of readable and durable materials and payment to a simple and textured view, can be adapted The plasticity of texture architecture was used. An issue that can preserve texture values.

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Growth and development of the city, followed by an increase in urban population over the past few decades, such as misuse of land, slum spread and urban fungus growth, dispersed zinc, inadequate urban land allocation, loss of suburban farmland, weakness Provides in-town services. These issues gave serious consideration to solving urban problems within the city rather than seeking solutions in the suburbs. The purpose of this paper is to explain the smart growth indicators in Urmia city with a foresight approach. Accordingly, two methods of library and field research have been used to collect information. For analysis, 37 indices have been evaluated in the MIMC environment and the direct, indirect and performance effects of each have been identified and finally key proponents have been extracted in this software environment and entered into the Wizard Scenario for scenario analysis and extraction.The results show that there are two types of scenarios (strong and probable) for smart growth in Urmia. There have been 12 possible scenarios. There are 8 scenarios with optimal status and 76 to 63 overall value, two static scenarios with low overall value (19 and 52) and finally two critical scenarios that have values of 17 and 80. In this case, the critical scenario is 12 more likely to be realized than the other scenarios and is ranked second to scenarios 1-8. Finally, suggestions are made to prevent the realization of scenario 12 and the tendency towards scenarios 1-8.

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Urban worn texture is known as a problematic urban area, solving this challenge requires a new model that can use all the capacities of society by emphasizing their capabilities and their direct and active role in the process of sustainable development with the cooperation of public, private and civil sectors. One of the efficient management methods in today's cities is good urban governance. Urban governance is based on the interaction between the official organizations and institutions of governing a city on the one hand and non-governmental organizations and civil society organizations on the other. In this regard, the purpose of this study is to Measurement the impact of good urban governance on the recreating of urban worn texture in urban areas Shahreza. The present research, in terms of purpose, is part of applied research and has a descriptive-analytical nature and in terms of method, is in the group of quantitative research. SPSS software (t-test and Kendall tests) were used to analyze the data. The results of t-test showed that the average of most indicators of good urban governance is lower than the average level of the Likert scale (number 3), so it can be said that Shahreza city is at an unfavorable level in terms of indicators of good urban governance. Also, the results of Kendall test showed that there is a significant relationship between the indicators of recreating of urban worn texture and good urban governance in Shahreza.

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The Middle east, due to its heterogeneous political borders, Ba'athist, nationalist attitudes, extremism and Islamic movements and human conflicts on the one hand, and the presence of trans-regional activists on the other, has been a place of maturity and organization since the beginning of the twentieth century. Has been Islamic fundamentalists. In this geopolitical and sensitive region, the influence of religion in general and religious fundamentalism in particular has become quite obvious, and the obvious examples are the events of recent years in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, and so on. According to this introduction, the main question of the dissertation is what has been Russia's foreign policy strategy in the Middle East in the light of the spread of religious extremism with emphasis on the four main actors of Iran, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Syria since the beginning of this century and especially in recent years? The method of doing the dissertation is descriptive-analytical. For the past 10 years, all terrorist attacks in Soviet territory have been carried out by Takfiri Salafis. And, as a result, provide the possibility of international intervention. In addition, it is likely that Muslim fundamentalists in Chechnya will once again demand secession from the Russian Federation. Undoubtedly, the growing influence of radical Islam among Syrian rebel forces has strengthened Russia's resolve to support the Assad regime. The North Caucasus region, which includes the republics of Dagestan, Chechnya, Ingushetia, North Ossetia, Kabardino-Balkaria, Qarachai, Circassia and Adygea, is home to dozens of ethnic groups. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Saudi Arabia sent many missionaries to attract Muslims from Russia, the Caucasus, and Central Asia. Thus, only shortly after the collapse did the Russians witness the rise of Wahhabism in Russia and the region, and now Saudi Arabia and Qatar's financial and weapons support for the Salafis is worrying for Russia. At present, Saudi Arabia has a lot of influence in the southern regions of Russia, and by spending a lot of money and educating the young people who go to this country to study, it promotes the ideas of Salafism and Wahhabism.

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Urban neighborhoods are one of the life-giving elements of any city and the culture of the inhabitants lies in the fabric of the neighborhoods. The historical context as a valuable heritage transmits the culture and identity of the city to the next generation. For this reason, once the historic neighborhoods as a symbol of security, comfort and originality of residents, due to the inefficiency of their structure, the social structure has suffered from instability and disintegration, and finally the originality of neighborhoods of historical context has been lost. Thus, identifying the components of originality in the neighborhoods of the historical context of Tehran, which originates from the philosophical and doctrinal schools of the residents of the neighborhood, has been considered as the purpose of this article. Therefore, through in-depth observational documentary study with the help of in-depth interviews, the biological experiences of ten residents of Sheikh Hadi neighborhood in District 11 of Tehran Municipality were selected by purposive sampling and evaluated and analyzed by weekly clipping method. Finally, the phenomenological reading of the originality of the neighborhoods of the historical context of Tehran has originated from the aesthetic, perceptual-behavioral and functional-activity components, so that personal beliefs and beliefs, individual perceptions, duration of residence, aesthetic elements, readability factors and Functional and activity elements are recognized as the main foundation of the originality of the neighborhoods of the historical context of Tehran in interaction with the identity of the place and increase the sense of belonging.

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Green architectural planning is one of the new trends and approaches in architecture and is considered an important issue for planning. Green architecture and the development of residential green space with the protection and expansion of natural and artificial habitats in cities to soften the environment. From this perspective, in the present study, in order to achieve a vision and provide long-term goals, strategic planning of urban green architecture has been done. In this method, measures were taken within the possibilities of internal and external constraints to improve the methods and improve the efficiency of activities. Such an approach has not been used in the field of urban architecture management so far and this study is an attempt to provide appropriate management measures for green architecture development activities in Rasht based on the relevant methodology. The present research is an applied research with a descriptive-analytical nature and in terms of implementation is a survey type; SPSS software and QSPM SWOT model were used for data analysis. According to the obtained results, the weaknesses with a weight coefficient of 1.303, the strengths with a weight coefficient of 1.885, the opportunities with a score of 145.2 and the threats 1.17 indicate the high level of strength and the existence of suitable opportunities to improve the current state of architecture. Green is the green architecture of the city, so the strategies of Rasht are close to the offensive strategy, and officials should try to use the opportunities to improve and eliminate weaknesses.

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Abbasi Zahra

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Today, tourism is one of the most important economic activities in different parts of the world and its value is increasing. Various countries have invested in this area, especially religious tourism, because of its economic dimensions; Iran has a high potential in attracting religious tourism through the presence of religious spaces. This study will examine the grave of Imam Zadeh Aqa 'Ali Abbas and Seyyed Mohammad, as one of the most important religious sites in Iran, in order to develop appropriate strategies by examining the opportunities and threats of tourism development. To achieve economic efficiencyFor this purpose, 16 questionnaires were identified by experts and experts and by using SWOT technique in the study area, we identified 16 strengths and weaknesses against 19 threats and opportunities. Then the QSPM table was prepared for 9 important strategies that were calculated by expert SWOT table coefficients in scores of 1 to 4 for each strategy. The results show that despite the cultural, religious, historical importance and high ecotourism potential of this area, unfortunately, the economic exploitation of indigenous people is very low. Surveys show that diversification of tourist services and facilities to satisfy the highest tourists and better cooperation of local authorities with the doorstep managers and investors in the region accounted for the least. Satisfying tourists, as well as diversifying into promotional activities to introduce the region's attractions and form private-sector tourism cooperatives, have the greatest impact on the livelihood of indigenous people from this religious site.

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Qualitative approach to architecture and physical spaces of the city as an interdisciplinary category is mainly the product of the combination of knowledge and awareness of other specialties and indicates that now the architecture and design of the city is the only product of creative intellectual work and knowledge of one person. Or a group with the same specialization as design. Given that contemporary architecture and urban planning proceed with disappointing and insincere results from the desensitization of human connection with reality, overemphasis on mental and conceptual dimensions leads to the destruction of the physical and sensory nature of architecture. Therefore, according to the category of quality of place, human presence in space, his sensory perceptions, his experience of space, his fantasies and imagination, his preconceptions and assumptions, and even his mental myths and legends. Since the only way of human communication with the outside world occurs through the senses, the question of the mechanisms of attention to the human senses is considered important in the perception of the constructed environment of the biological space. Phenomenological discourse arises from an architectural experience that depends on the potential of the place in simultaneously paying attention to the mind and body of the audience, which will lead to a meaningful conscious experience. Phenomenology in architecture, from the point of view of Johann Palasma, one of the most influential theorists in this field, means a deep look at place through consciousness, which experiences the centrality of the body in receiving the environment through the participation of all the senses in the process of perception. This research seeks to answer the question on what components are Plasma's ideas formed in the experience of place? And can reading these components be narrated in the experience of being in an urban square (Hassanabad)? To answer this question, the phenomenological method based on the Max Van Menen model has been used, as well as the free, axial and selective coding method, which has been done through semi-structured observation and interviews with 30 participants. Findings show that the priority of sensory perception is the core of our experience and our understanding of the world to gain deep experiences of space and time and architectural meaning to extend object-oriented architecture to architecture resulting from the experimental qualities of the body and sensory systems. Let it turn. The results of this study indicate that components such as bodily perception, space atmosphere, embodied imagination and haptic perception play a decisive role in the formation of phenomenological components of place experience in Hassanabad Square.

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Leading research examines the convergence of total factor productivity (TFP). The main focus of the study is on technology diffusion and institutional quality in the convergence process through which technology diffusion along with trade openness (TO) and foreign trade investment (FDI) variables and their intersection effects as well as the institutional quality with its weighted combination of six global governance indicators and its intersection effect have been assessed. The model is estimated using data from 117 countries in the period 1995 to 2017 and considering the United States as a reference country and with the help of panel data technique. The results reveal that a negative and statistically insignificant relative TFP coefficient; thereby the hypothesized convergence as to the sample countries is confirmed. However, neither the FDI coefficients nor the institutional quality index was statistically significant; while in return TO coefficient showed to be both positive and significant, which is an indication of the importance of this variable in increasing then growth rate of TFP. Similarly, both institutional and TO variables seem to play a role in the convergence process.

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If the activities of a country in the area of land have a logical order in the area of establishment of activity, population and compliance with the basic principles of land preparation and passive defense, it has a decisive effect on reducing casualties and damage in crisis situations, such as the imposed war in Iraq, which contains lessons learned in organizing The country's space is within the framework of defense-security considerations. The importance of this issue is greater for Kermanshah province despite its inhomogeneous population geography, because the possibility of any threat from non-state actors and their supporters inside and outside the borders of Kermanshah province is likely. A correct analysis of the province's security situation can identify ways out of it and provide a logical solution. The realization of this is not possible unless all the geostrategic facilities of Kermanshah province are well known and a proper analysis of the security environment and surrounding threats is carried out, so the implementation of any plan should be accompanied by the adaptation of the security situation and its defense-security connection. This goal was carried out with the analytical-descriptive method and the required data were collected. The results of the investigations showed that Kermanshah province, despite having a privileged geographical location, has some instabilities and instabilities caused by issues such as; Spatial imbalance in the economic, industrial, and population sectors, dense deployment of military places and facilities in the central and eastern sectors, and increasing vulnerabilities in the defense-security field.

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The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of rural tourism on economic, social, physical and infrastructural dimensions in the host community. The present study is applied in terms of purpose and in terms of nature and method of descriptive-analytical work. The statistical population of the study consists of the local population of Paran Parviz, Afrin and Valiasr villages of Poldokhtar city. The Cochran formula was used to select the sample size, with 351 people selected as the sample size. One-sample t-test and multivariate regression analysis were used to analyze the findings. The results of one-sample t-test showed that tourism has a poor economic, social, infrastructural and physical dimensions, because the mean for economic dimension is 3.157, social dimension is 3.27, and infrastructure dimension is A mean of 3.222 and a physical dimension of 3.22 were above the desired mean. Multivariate regression results showed that tourism had the most impact on economic and physical dimensions with beta value of 0.388 and 0.321 respectively and the least impact with beta coefficient of 0.133 on social and infrastructure dimensions with The beta coefficient was 0.265 in the studied villages.

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Maritime transport is one of the important pillars of countries' economies that plays an important role in the relations between different places and regions, so the nature of maritime law is geography. In the shipping industry, time is considered one of the most important pillars; therefore; ship voyage contracts explicitly or implicitly provide for the permitted duration of the ship's loading and discharging operations (lay time). The main problem with lay time is determining the point from which the process of allowed time of porting the ship begins. In order to start lay time, conditions regarding the arrival of the ship to the destination, ship readiness, tendering notice of readiness are necessary, which is related to regional planning. Factors lead to the suspension of the Lay time period in which case it will delay the end of the said period and the interruption time to restart will not be considered as Lay time. The voyage charter like other contract is subject to the principle of freedom of will of the parties, so the parties of contract may by mutual agreement and by inserting terms such as (holidays and working days), suspend the lay time and or that the lay time is suspended due to legal reasons such as the ship owner's fault. The main question that comes to mind in this regard is what are the legal conditions for determining the allowable time of loading and discharging the ship? With a descriptive- analytical approach, we will seek a convincing answer.

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Counter-terrorism is one of the few topics that has gathered most countries and nations to have consensus upon it and anything to the contrary widely seems abnormal. Hence such consensus has not stopped differences of viewpoints on the phenomenon. More than 50 years after dealing with the issue of countering terrorism and its various aspects at the international level as well as the United Nations, and the establishment of extensive mechanisms (international and regional regimes) there still exists differences of opinion. These differences include the concept of terrorism, criteria for identifying the cases, and its relations with other issues of international peace and security.. This regime, while imposing certain restrictions, also creates opportunities for countries that take active roles in the fight against terrorism to take advantages in their international environment. Taking advantage of these opportunities depends on the realization of certain conditions, the most important of which is the place of terrorism in their foreign policy agenda and in relations with other states. Materials and Methods :The present study seeks to determine the approach and view of the foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the international regimes against terrorism during the years that are the peak period of a new type of terrorism in the world, ie the period when terrorist groups have land and governance in their own way.

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Heydari Khales Abolhassan | Falah Khariki Mehdi | Hosseini Moghadam Seyyed Hasan

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Geopolitics explains how countries, big companies try to achieve their goals. About big companies, including these reactions that can provide their goals and interests, is the merger with other companies. Of course, merger is faced with a legislative vacuum in legal issues and was neglected by the legislator in the trade law and the amendment bill. This process was taken into consideration in the new trade law bill, this category is discussed in the third chapter, the first topic, the first speech. In Article 590, the merger of companies is divided into simple and complex. It refers to the absorption of one or more companies in another company, simple merger, and the formation of a new company by merging at least two companies into one another. In the simple merger of the absorbed company and in the compound merger, the parties to the merger lose their legal personality. In order to merge companies, it is necessary to obtain a license from the competition council. The point of commonality and difference of this law with the trade law of EU member states in the discussion under the headings of structural and behavioral theory.

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Evaporation is an important factor in water resource management and its accurate measurement can be used as an effective approach to reduce the adverse impacts of drought and protect water resources. Due to the lack of sufficient evaporimeter stations and statistical evaporation data, different experimental methods for evaporation estimation from the free surface of a liquid were proposed by various researchers. In addition to correcting the measured evaporation from the pan, these equations could generate more reliable estimates of evaporation from water zones in a short period. This study used the Lewis number (Le) and analyzed a ten-year dataset to propose an equation of evaporation estimate and compared it with some experimental equations, namely Asmani-Bashirnejad-Shahabi 1, Jensen-Haze, Stephens-Stewart, and Hamoon. The results indicated that the proposed equation could overcome the weaknesses of previous experimental equations and correct its major difference with them. The analysis of results was done using statistical parameters and all parameters confirmed that the proposed equation was optimal. The MAPE, MSE, MAD, RMSE, and correlation coefficient (R) of the proposed equation were, respectively, 139. 959, 107. 406, 19588. 615, 4. 615, and 0. 42, indicating higher reliability of the proposed method than other four experimental equations. A noteworthy point in the results is the use of Lewis dimensionless number, which not only is easy to use but also provides a unique prediction compared to other methods.

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In recent decades,with the emergence of problems due to the physical spatial growth of large cities such as reduced quality of life, lack of full access to services and housing, the existence of abandoned,abandoned and dilapidated urban spaces has led to attention to the development approach to revive existing capacities within cities.Urban development planning and management through endogenous development policy is more consistent with the framework and sustainability goals than other growth policies outside and around.This article has tried to study the capacities and necessities of internal development of Behshahr city by descriptive-analytical method and using documentary data.Findings consider Behshahr as a city with capacity and potential for managing urban development through endogenous development. This city with more than 339 hectares of land with the ability of internal development in 28% of the city area and with 40% allocated to improve the road network and provide services has the ability to build 37,317 residential units that 46.8% of vacant areas and spaces for development purposes And high accessibility are included in the list of preferred strategies and 53.2% of lands with the strengthening and proper use of public participation and service devices for intermediate development are included in the list of possible strategies.In terms of capacity measurement,district one of Behshahr city is in the first priority due to its barren lands,abandoned industrial lands and old and worn texture,and district six of the city is in the last priority of intermediate development programs due to various natural and human constraints.

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To become a world power, China has launched the Silk Road Rehabilitation Project as a "One Belt One Road" project. The main goal of this plan is to enhance the level of development of the countries between the eastern and western borders of Eurasia by facilitating regional cooperation and developing the infrastructure of the transit countries. The plan, which has two lanes (the Silk Road Economic Belt) and the Sea Route (21st Century Maritime Silk Road), has different geopolitical, economic, political and security dimensions. Areas of non-economic cooperation within the framework of the plan include: ensuring the security of exchange routes, strengthening counterterrorism cooperation at the regional level, designing mechanisms for resolving disputes over land and sea disputes, developing marine resources, and cooperating in the field of environmental protection along the route. The Silk Road and the increase of cultural exchanges. This descriptive-analytical scientific-research article explains the achievements, opportunities and consequences of designing a Chinese one-lane road belt in the countries of Southwest Asia (in the case of Iran). The method of collecting information is library and using articles, books, documents and Internet resources is valid

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The attitude based on ethnicities is one of the most important components in achieving progress and development in the economic and geographical arena of any society. Therefore, ethnic identities and macro-policies in this field will be considered as an indicator of the unity and elevation of a region. Today, by eliminating ethnic nationalism and institutionalization and strengthening ethnic groups, a suitable platform for institutional participation in the context of the social system can be created for the growing trend of regions with ethnic convergence. In this regard, paying attention to the geopolitics of the ethnicities in the country and due to the diversity of the ethnicities, they reflect a clear picture of their peaceful coexistence. The diversity of ethnicities in Khuzestan province, as a historical fact, has always been synonymous with the country's political geography and the basis of national development. This is revealed when developing comprehensive and advanced programs to benefit more from its capacities. The purpose of this study is to examine the policy and performance of Dr. Rouhani's government (the moderate government) and its effect on the economic and geographical development and the ethnic groups of Khuzestan province. The research method is applied and qualitative in terms of methodology, and conducting semi-structured interviews. and analysis has been done.

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What has been considered in this study is the study of governance and the way of governing according to the words and thoughts of Khajeh Nizam-ol-Molk Tusi in the famous book of Sir al-Muluk, emphasizing the ethics and responsibilities of the rulers towards the people; Consequently, how to achieve the goals and aspirations of the government and its need for a ruler with special educational, moral, scientific, ideological and political characteristics and capabilities are also examined so that a model of good governance based on the Iranian model of politics can be achieved. The effect of religious beliefs on governance and the use of human principles in government behavior is also one of the issues addressed in this study. In this article, as an interdisciplinary research, the researcher tries to prepare the subject by studying the main sources and other related sources and taking notes from texts and sources and examining scientific views, and according to the research questions, prepare the necessary materials for research. And take notes. Because this research is descriptive-analytical, it lacks quantitative variables and it is not possible to record the differences in the values ​​of the variables based on numbers or figures, and to determine the origin and end for them. Sir al-Muluk, known as Siyasnameh (Nizam al-Mulk, 1347), has been selected as the main source; Finally, after collecting data and materials, the relevant items were counted by analyzing and reviewing the materials.

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Traditional architects created architectural spaces in an effort to reflect the culture and social values of their era. In fact, architectural spaces were designed and created in such a way as to reflect culture and social values. The transformation of the social and economic conditions of the Qajar period and the emergence of merchants and rich people led to the construction of rich architectural houses that represent many secrets of the social and cultural conditions of the society. In this research, an attempt has been made to examine the architectural structure of historical houses by using the theory of space syntax, in order to get acquainted with the thoughts and opinions of the Qajar period and to be able to identify social values in the historical houses of Yazd city (Khane Rasoulian, House of Laris and House of Arabs) in the Qajar period. The findings show that in the architectural structure of historical houses, culture and social values have played a role in the creation of architectural spaces, privacy and transformation of public and private areas (harim), paying attention to the principle of equality by using symmetry in the body. And the facade of the house, the use of the element of water to represent the value of purity and sanctity, the increase of social interactions and respect for guests by allocating separate spaces, all indicate that traditional architects have tried to reflect social values in the Qajar era in the architecture of historical houses. .

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While paying attention to the surrounding of cities, he has made the policy of internal development of the city and achieving a more compact form of the city as his theoretical base. The purpose of this research is to use the smart growth approach in the development of Kermanshah city and the endogenous development model (Mian Afza) in the central context of Kermanshah city. The research method is descriptive-analytical, which uses the intermediate development of the worn-out central city of Kermanshah to address the capacity utilization and productivity of urban land in it by using the FAHP model, which data shows that in the case of guiding the future development towards the internal capacities of the city; Brown field lands (brown lands or unused city lands) including barren lands and inefficient urban tissues with an area of 285 hectares of the total area of the tissue (150 hectares 52.63%) have a very high development capacity, 64 hectares, that is 22.46% have high development capacity, 37 hectares i.e. 12.98% have medium development capacity, 26 hectares i.e. 9.12% have low development capacity and 8 hectares i.e. 2.81% have very low development capacity in order to measure intermediate development and land productivity in context. The central city of Kermanshah has existed. The results of the research have considered the approach of smart growth and intermediate development in the city of Kermanshah to be more preferable than horizontal urban development.

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Any perception of the society and region can change our regional and organizational strategic decisions as a sub-community.The concept of complexity is one of the key factors in strategic and regional planning that affects many communities and ignoring it can have bad consequences for these communities. Any system that has a large number of interacting components is a complex system.achieving regional development is not possible without considering the social, geographical and technical complexities. In this study, by reviewing the existing literature, we extract the factors affecting the concept of complexity using Explore Factor Analysis (EFA) and then these factors in the form of Macroergonomy systems, which are as Sociotechnical systems, using Confirm Factor Analysis (CFA) is examined and then using DEMATHEL technique, effective variables are extracted as variables of a complex Sociotechnical system in the organization ,including: Element-Social, Element-Work organization, Diversity-Technical, Unexpected-Social, Unexpected-Work organization, Resilience-External a result, in order for society to be more adaptable to internal and environmental factor, as well as for social and regional development, these factors must be considered so that a society can continue to survive in a suitable social geography.

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