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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1995

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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sulfur mustard (S.M) is one of the chemical warfare’s which was used during the imposed war (1980 to 1989) by IRAQ against 1.R. IRAN.This warfare causes coetaneous lesions, and so is included in the, category of ulcerative warfare’s.Acute and chronic effects of (S.M) on the Goblet cells of Tracheal epithelium were assessed.Seventhly eight NMR13 months old Rats (weight 200 ± 40 grams) were selected and randomly divided into 13 groups, based on duration of exposure and dosage of intraperitoneal Injection (IP).Shamand control groups received thyrod’s buffer (sulfur mustard solution) or nothing respectively.Five out of 11 groups, received different doses of S.M (2.5 /5/1 0/20/40mg/kg) twice with a period of 24 hours. In the other 6 groups; for the evaluation of sub acute and chronic stages, different. doses of S.M (2.5/5/ 10mg/Kg), were Injected and after 2 weeks and 8 weeks massacred, dissected and 5 samples were taken from right tracheal epithelium All samples were fixed in Bouins solution, treated through ethanol, embedded in paraffin wax and serially sectioned in 51Ampieces by microtome (leitz 19). Then, they were stained by Hematoxylin/Eosin and PA.S.This Results showed that the effects of S.M on Goblet cells of tracheal epithelium depend on doses and remain for a long time.Alkylating agents of S.M affect on nucleophylic agents of Goblet cells and paralyzed physiological metabolism in Cell membrane and nucleolus causes death of the cells. In another mechanism, they produce Hydrocholoridric Acid by hydrolisiv mechanivm which desquamate in the epithelial cells.The rate of epithelial desquamation and Goblet cells degeneration in groups which received S.M was significantly higher than control group (P<0.01).Among experimental groups, Goblet cells degeneration was the lowest and the highest in group which received 2.5mg/kg40 mg/kg respectively.Also, depending on dose, v, Pathological changes such as edema, inflammation and Hemorrhage were observed.

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A survey conducted in rural areas of Hamadan Province before beginning mass chemotherapy. A total of 10570 stool specimens collected by systematic random sampling method and examined by formalin ether concentration technique by health center’s technicians. Prevalence and intensity of Ascaris infection determined by egg count per smear. Mean infection rate of Ascaris was 38.5% with the highest infection rate for Toysercan (75.6%) and lowest for Nahavand (3.9%). The infection rates for Bahar, Razan, Asad abad, Hamadan, Kaboodrahang and Malayer was 56.3%, 55.2%, 46.5%, 40.9%, 40.4% and 13.9% respectively. In relation to intensity 66.9%,17.9% and 15% of subjects had mild, moderate and high intensity of infection respectively.

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View 1190

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The purpose of this study was survey of primary school teacher’s health knowledge, attitude &practice about ,school health. Descriptive method. The filling arid completing of this questionnaire were by the 473 randomly selected schools teachers.The averafe age of them were found to be 38.45 which 82% of them were women.Fifty fix percent of teachers have been in this job for over 15 years. Thirty two percent have had health education course, 56.2% had been in no education and 23% have been attended in special program called health education.The results showed that the knowledge of the teachers was (80%) at a good level, their attitue wav (64%) at the middle level, and their practice was (73%) at a good level. It showed a significant correlation between knowledge & attitue, attitue & practice (P<0.05).A significant correlation were also found among the knowledge, attitue sex and literacy, teaching experience of the teachers.

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View 1948

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Plants exposed to U.V radiation differ quantitatively and qualititatively among both species and cultivars, affecting biochemistry, physiology, morphology, structure and productivity. Plants which are normally exposed to a variety of radiation conditions on a daily and seasonal basis stimulate adjustment/acclimation. The risk of increasing U.V radiation on the surface of the earth due to the decreasing trend~ in stratosphere ozone concentration has prompted much research on the effect that this enhanced U.V radiation may have on plants. The antimicrobial properties of bsil essential oils have been known for years. However using U.V radiation as a method to study this property has been the subject of the present research.Essential oils of basil (Fam. Lamiaceae) extracted by steam distillation were examined by GC and GC/MS. More than thirty one compounds were identified in the oil In vitro propagated plants of Ocimum basilicum L., were irradiated by U.V lamps at the beginning of flowering stage in the green house condition. The major components of the oils extracted from control samples were estragoI 33.2%, neral 5.7%, geraniaI9%, and beta caryophylene 8.4%. In the U.V treated plants, there were significant changes both qualititatively and quantitatively in the essential oil components. The major compounds identified were: estragoI2I.6%, neral8. 7%, geraniol 1.5%, geranial17.1 %, beta selinene 10.7%, aromadendrene 9.2%. These compositions were correlated to the antimicrobial activities of the oils towards three microbial strains Viz; Ecoli, S.aureus and C.albicans. Oils of u. V treated basil displayed higher antimicrobial activity than the control,

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View 811

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Some plants have the analgesic effect. the purpose of this study was investigating the analgesic effect of lavandula officinallis (LO) which used traditionally as sedative, analgesic and antimigrain.Extraction of this plant was done by sllxhlet and percolation methods by methanol 80%. The extract was concentrated. the weight of dlied extract was determined and dissolved in normal salin, to produce different concentration.The analgesic effect of extract was evaluated by Tail-Flick and Formalin Test in mice. Seven young male albino mice with 22-27g weight were used in each groups. In control group, normalsalin was injected IP with the dose of 10ml/kg.The suxhlet extract oflavandula was injected IP with the doses of 100, 200, 300, 500, 1000, 2000 mg/kg. The analgesic effect of extract was evaluated by Tail-Flick Test. The results showed that the dose of 1000mg/kg had the highest analgesic effect P<0.01. Then the percolation extract with the best dosage injected JP and compared with suxhlet extract.The results showed that the analgesic effect of percolation extract is higher than suxhlet extract. Then the percolation extract with dose of 1000mg/kg injected 1P and the analgesic effect of extract was evaluated by Formalin Test. The results showed that dose of 10000mg/kghad a significant analgesic effect (P<0.01). Pretreatment of animals with naloxone didnot change the analgesic effect of extract, thus the involvement of opioid receptors in the analgesic effect of the LO extract was excluded. At the end .stage of this study the animals that recieved the doses of 1000mg/kg, 2000mg/kg of extract and the control group were anatomized for histopathological stlldies. The results .showed that the liver and kidney were congested afier injection of lavander extract

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In this study the effects of daily and two time per day application of honey on open skin wound healing of rat by cell count method were compared.Forty eight male adult rats were randomly divided into control and experimental groups. Each group divided into 3 subgroups based on duration of wound healing (4,7 and 14 days). Under general anesthesia and sterilsconditions, on the skin of dorsum of neck of each rat, one full thickness circular wound were made.Immediately after wounding, the wounds of Rat number one and two of experimental group were covered with un boiled and unprocessed honey daily or 2 time per day. The day of wounding was assumed as day zero. At the end, rats were killed by ether, sample were obtained from wound bed and normal adjacent skin. Samples were prepared for routine histological study and sections were stained by hematoxyline and eosine method. Fibroblasts, macrophages, neutrophils and endothelium of vessels of wound bed were counted by special eyepiece. Depth of wound bed and depth of new epidermis were calculated by special eyepiece. Data of groups were analysed by analysis of varience method.Result showed a significant differences amoung fibroblast, macrophages, neutrophils and depth of wound. Secondary analyis of data, by least significant difference method revealed that following groups had significant differences with each other. At fourth day: 1) Between fibroblasts and macrophages of control and experimental groups 2) Between neutrophils and depth of wound of experimental groups with each other and also number 2 of experimental group with control group. At seventh day:1) Between fibrobsts of experimental groups with each other and also with control group. 2) Between macrophages of number 2 of experimental group with other groups. At fourteenth day; between fibrobalst of experimental groups with each other.Two time per day application of honey on open skin wound of rats accelerated wound healing process more significantly in comparison with daily application of honey.

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View 1026

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Tamoxifen is a nonsteroidal antiestrogen which prevents the growth of malignant breast tumors, through blocking estrogen receptors. Anti-estrogenic action of tamoxifen has well established in breast cancer. However, it has been shown that in some tissues it behaves like estrogens. The aim of this study was to investigate the estrogenic action of tamoxifen on TBG content of liver.In this investigation two sets of experiments were carried out in which intact and ovariectomized rats were used as control or experimentals groups (4 groups each of 10 rats). The latter were treated with tamoxifen (200µg/ 0.1 ml) one day interval for 2 and 4 weeks. The animals were killed by cervical dislocation, liver.fwere removed immediately and stored at-70"C.At the time of experiment, cytosols were prepared and TBG binding Capacity were assayed wing T3 uptake technique.The results demonstrated that T3up were significantly decreased in the treated groups in comparison with those of controls (P=0.000).The results suggest that TBG binding capacity of the liver is increased by tamoxifen either directly or indirectly, (Via the action on the ovaries and thereby elevation of estrogen).Since the same results were observed for the ovariectomised rats, it .seams that tamoxifen acts, as an estrogen, on the liver to increase TBG binding capacity.

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Clostridium botulinum type A produces a neurotoxin, which is Zinc protein, with endopeptidase activity. In recent years, Medical uses of type A neurotoxin has been approved by FDA (US Food and Drug Administration). It’s stability is one of the important factor in neurotoxin preparation, clinical uses, and storage. In this study, the role of Zinc concentration on production and biological activity (intera peritoneum injection in mice) of the type A botulinum neurotoxin was investigated. The Zinc concentration in the culture media with different pH value, was determined with Atomic absorption /flame measurements. The results showed that, glass container and pH value effectively alter neurotoxin activity. Based on the results, it suggests that Zinc concentrations of the culture media is important for production and toxicity of type A botulinum neurotoxin.

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Many investigations have been reported about pharmaceutical effects of garlic such as antibacterial, antihypertension, antihyperlipidemia, antithrombotic, anticarcinogenic. In this study, effect of toxic possible doses of garlic aqueous extract on rat (N.MARY)lung tissues, either male and female, weighting 90-150 gram were histopathologically investigated. The animals were divided into five groups. Control and experimental group. received normal saline or different concentration of garlic aqueous extract, ringing between 50, 100, 200 and 400 mg/kg inter peritonally for a month. The tissue sections of the lung rat were stained by H&E method and studied microscopically.The histopathological investigation demonstrated that administration of low dose of garlic (50mg/Kg) to rats had little effects on lung tissue as compared to control animals. In contrast, administration of high dose of garlic (400mg/kg) had more damaging to this tissues of rats than the other groups. Therefore, further studies on the effectiveness and safety of garlic are needed before garlic preparations can be used as medicine.

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The effect of health education on male participation in family planning was studied. A quasi experimental method named type before and after were experinced on 75 male university staff in Tehran which their spouses were in fertility years (15-49). According to practical definition for male participation, the knowledge, attitude toward family planning and the effect of male contraceptives method were studied. The rate of using male contraceptives and husbands consultation for contraception was also evaluated. This was done through passing questionnaires, and based on their needs training, and eduction program was also performed. After two months; the rate of male participation was determined. The paired-t-test showed that the men knowledge and attitude is increased by education (P<0.0001). The. men practice was also corrected and rate of using effective male contraceptives was increased from 22.6% to 37.3%. The effect of education was shown by MC nemar-test (P<0.0034).The rate of men consultation with their spouses was also increased and paired-t-test showed effectiveness of education (P<0.035). In conclusion, the results showed a significant relationship amoung the level of education, men marriage age, attitude toward family planning and the number of children.

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In order to determine the effects of Benson relaxation Method in patients" anxiety in preoperative for abdominal surgery, 30 patients in surgery ward were selected. They prepared for applying Bens on relaxation Method before surgery. Data on patients" anxiety level were obtained by questionnaire (spiel berger’s scale) before (4pm a day before surgery) and after (8Am in operative day) relaxation. All patients had to telax till 10pm. Our results showed a significant differences between the level of anxiety before and after applying Benson relaxation (P=0.000).There was also a .significant differences between the level of situational anxiety (P-0.000). No significant difference was seen between the level of trait anxiety (P=0.25) before and after relaxation. Final analysis of results showed that applying Benmn relaxation Method caused 10.04% decreased in the level of anxiety in the operative day in hospitalized patients for abdominal surgery.

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View 2018

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Schwann cells support neuronal function in the intact nerve by supplying the myelin sheath around axons. Schwann cells are likely to regulate the ionic environment of axons, provide neurotrophic support and regulate the periaxonal space. Schwann cells culture facilitates analysis of both normal schwann cell function and associated diseases, while, it is the primmy effect is on schwann cell function. Dsewes in this category include neurofibromatosis, associated with loss of schwann cell growth control, and so on. In vivo, schwann cells survive in axonal degeneration following a cut or crush injury. Schwann cells can be cultured from any peripheral nerve. Schwann cells were isolated from sciatic nerves of day 14 (E14)chick embryo and postnatal rat (1-2 days after birth) sciatic nerves and donal root ganglia (DRG) of day 8 (E8) chick embryo.This technique differs from otheres who described the use of whole ganglion or sciatic nerve rather than dissociated preparation. The sciatic nerves were chopped into pieces of 3 mm lenghth and transferred into a 35 mm Petri dish immersed in DMEM medium. The cultures were not over grown by fib rob lasts. After 48 hr incubation the primary cultures were transferred into another dish containing fresh medium After further 48 hr incubation the step was repeated again. Sciatic nerves were trans fered in to gel collagen covered plates containing DMEM and 10% FCS. After four to five weeks in cubation greatly enriched schwann cell cultures were achieved.

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