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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources



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    3 (پیاپی 59)
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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Pain is one of the various outcomes of intravenous cannulation. There are various methods of pain reduction during intravenous cannulation. Still there is not any agreement about the most effective analgesic method. For this reason, the aim of this study was to determine the most effective method of pain reduction during intravenous cannulation in childrenn.Materials and methods: All previous relevant studies in the databases were reviewed using Cochrane protocol and sensitive and standard keywords such as pain, children and intravenous cannulation, from 1995 to 2013. The extraction and evaluation of studies were performed by two individuals. CONSORT checklist was used to evaluate the quality of the studies. Samples homogeneity was assessed using the tau-square estimates. The random effects model was used to report the pooled average estimates for the most effective method on pain reduction during intravenous cannulation.Results: systematic review of 14409 studies determined that only 30 studies had the inclusion criteria. Nineteen studies were entered the meta-analysis. Meta-analysis study showed that EMLA was the most effective method in comparing control/ placebo among the other various ones. Among the treatments comparison, Iontophoresis Lidocaine was the most effective in compare with EMLA.Conclusion: EMLA cream was the most effective treatment in reducing the pain of intravenous cannulation. Although lidocaine injection methods such as Iontophoresis, as a new method, can produce more rapid, effective and satisfying pain reduction than other alternatives.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    3 (59)
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Introduction: Safety of patients during hemodialysis is providing the foundation of high quality health care. The aim of this study was to determine those factors affecting the safety of hemodialysis patients and strengthening strategies.Materials and Methods: This study was conducted by using qualitative approach and conventional content analysis methods. The data was included the semi-structured interviews took place at the hemodialysis unit of Semnan Kowsar hospital. Purposeful sampling was started and continued on the basis of codes and classes till it reached the saturation point. Interviews were conducted with 20 participants (Consisted of eight patients, seven nurses, and two doctors and three attendants). Data Analysis was done, using conventional content analysis along with Granheim and Lundman (2004) five-step data collection method. Accuracy and strength of the research was assured by using Lincoln and Guba measurement method.Results: The data analysis showed that the four main categories of "constant nursing care", "patient participation", "organizational strategies" and "intellectual management" were effective on the safety of hemodialysis’ patients.Conclusion: This study showed that nurses, patients, organization and management are the most important factors in safety of hemodialysis patients. In order to strengthen the safety of patients undergoing hemodialysis, the development of criteria, check list and indicators of organizational standards are needed in order to reduce accidents and improve the process of the hemodialysis treatment for the patients.

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    3 (59)
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Introduction: Maxillofacial disorders can lead to functional limitation and pain in head and face. Despite the high prevalence of this disorder, quite a few studies have performed in relation to that. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of He-Ne low power laser (with a wavelength of 632.8nm) in treatment of maxillofacial disorders.Materials and Methods: This study was a randomized clinical trial participating 142 patients with maxillofacial abnormalities, randomly divided to 2 groups of 71experimental and control participants. Background information about the degree of pain was obtained through a questionnaire and VAS (visual analog scale). Experimental and control groups were irradiated with He-Ne low level laser (632.8 nm wavelength, with the average intensity of 2.5 and zero joules per square centimeter) for 12 sessions (3 times a week, each time for 15min). The data related to before and after treatments and the change in percentages were analyzed.Results: before and after treatment, analysis showed significant relief in maxillofacial pain and movement limitations (P=0.013) in the experimental group. Comparisons between groups showed significant improvement in recovery of maxillofacial disorders of experimental against control (P=0.003).Comparing the difference in change percentage in the experimental and control groups was significant (P=0.001).Conclusion: He-Nelow power laser (within the wavelength of 632.8nm) can be considerably helpful to relief maxillofacial disorder’s disability and discomfort.

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    3 (59)
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Introduction: Given the importance of the development of gross and fine motor activities and coordination between in performing activities of daily life, improving the hand function in mentally disabled children is one of the priorities of occupational therapists. Perceptual motor deficit in children with intellectual disability result in hand dysfunction such as dexterity. Considering the importance of dexterity and the consequences of problems on the activities of daily living, as well as its reliance on a person's ability to perform fine motor, coordination, speed, gross motor and perceptual abilities, in this study were considered the effect of perceptual motor intervention on dexterity of children with mental retardation.Materials and Methods: Using simple non-probability method for sampling, based the pattern of monitoring and sample size, we selected 10 children for treatment and 10 children for control groups. The treatment group was trained for perceptual motor intervention for 10 weeks, 3 sessions of 60 min per week. Both groups were trained by an occupational therapiest. After 10 weeks, all subjects were re-evaluated. Purdopeg board test used to assess dexterity. Statistical analysis was performed, using SPSS software.Results: One way analysis of variance showed that the scores of Purdopeg board test between the two groups was not significant (P≥0.05), though there was a significant correlation between full scores of Bruininks – Oseretsky Test and Purdopeg board test except assembly test (P≤0.05).Conclusion: Results of present study showed that although the speed test in the left hand was affected by perceptual motor intervention more than any other tests of dexterity, the intervention did not significantly affect the dexterity of mentally retarded children.

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    3 (59)
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Introduction: Several studies have demonstrated the postural control alterations in patients with low back pain. However, the difference in center of pressure (COP) parameters in the body sway in unstable conditions is relatively unknown in these patients. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of unstable load and support surface on postural control in chronic low back pain (CLBP) patients.Materials and methods: CLBP patients (n=20) (mean age 31.30 years and mean BMI 25.20 kg/m2) and 20 healthy subjects (mean age 30.00 years and mean BMI 24.12 kg/m2) were asked to hold a load weighing 10 percent of their body weight while standing. Experimental conditions were manipulated based on stability of load (stable or unstable) and support surface (firm or foam). Using a force plate, COP sway parameters including sway amplitude (and its standard deviation) and sway velocity (and its standard deviation) in anteroposterior (AP) and mediolateral (ML) directions were measured.Results: Patients with CLBP exhibited less AP sway amplitude compared to control subjects (P=0.03). Furthermore, they had less ML sway velocity while holding the unstable load (P=0.05) and more ML sway amplitude while standing on foam (P=0.04).Conclusion: In compare to healthy subjects, patients with CLBP demonstrated a different pattern of postural control during instability of load and support surface. In these conditions, altered proprioception and stiffening strategy can increase the risk of spine injuries.

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View 1060

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    3 (59)
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Introduction: Upper limb chronic hemiparesis is one of the most important factors creating functional disability in stroke patients and therefore several alternative treatments have been proposed with the aim of early restoring upper limb function. Mirror therapy is one of these treatments and the effect of this method has not been evaluated yet in compare with the other methods. Therefore, in this study we compared this method with the effect of bilateral arm training in chronic hemiparetic patients on hand function.Materials and methods: In this randomized double blind clinical trial, 24 stroke patients were selected by systematic sampling and were placed in two groups of bilateral arm training (12 patients) and mirror therapy (12 patients). Treatment programs consisted of 15 sessions (5 days per week), including 30-minute bimanual training program with mirror for the mirror therapy group and 30 minutes bimanual exercises without mirror for the bilateral arm training group. Patients were assessed by Fuglmayer test for hand function, Box & Block test of dexterity for fine movements of upper extremity and Jamar Dynamometer for the power of the upper extremity before and after treatment and after one month follow up period after treatment.Results: Data showed that the mean scores obtained from the mirror therapy group immediately after therapy and after the follow up period for hand function and fine movements and power variables were significantly higher than those obtained from the bilateral arm training group (P>0.05).Conclusion: The findings of this study suggest that mirror therapy may be more effective method for improving hand functions in stroke patients during the chronic phase of recovery.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    3 (59)
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Introduction: Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a heterogeneous clonal disorder of blood producing cells and it’s one of the most common malignant disorders in adults. The aim of this study was to evaluate the blood parameters and the results of the liver function tests, as an effective prognosis for survival in AML patients hospitalized in Taleghani hospital, Tehran.Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional study, patients (n=170) with AML diagnosis participated to study the laboratory results influencing their survival. Patients’ personal files were used as our source of data. Kaplan-Meier method and log-Rank tests were used for data analysis. Data modeling was performed using Cox regression model.Results: The mean and median survival time of patients were 14.13±0.93 and 12.23 months respectively. Fitted model showed that factors such as age at the time of diagnosis, WBC count, smoking, family history, LDH and AST levels were associated with chance of survival in patients with AML.Conclusion: Our results showed that the age at the time of diagnosis, WBC count, smoking, family history, LDH and AST levels are effective factors on the chance of survival in AML patients. Therefore, considering these factors can increase the chance of survival in AML patients.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    3 (59)
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Introduction: Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), including ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn's disease (CD), is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the gastrointestinal tract. Genome-wide association study (GWAS) has shown that some of the genes of interleukin-23/T-helper 17 (IL-23/Th17) pathway such as Janus kinase -2 (JAK2) predispose the risk of IBD. 46/1 haplotype is common risk factors for both IBD and myeloproliferative neoplasms disease. In view of this shared genetic predisposition, we aimed to determine the frequency of the JAK2V617F mutation in Iranians with IBD for the first time.Materials and methods: In this case-control study, 100 IBD patients including 18 with CD and 82 UC were compared with 100 healthy controls during 2011-2014. The genotypes were identified by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) protocols and distribution of the JAK2 V617F mutations were compared in cases and control. To verify the method, patients with myeloproliferative neoplasms with JAK2V617F mutations were served as controls.Results: This study showed that JAK2V617F mutation was detected in neither patients nor controls. However, mutation was proved in all patients with myeloproliferative neoplasms that were used as positive control and their heterogeneities were determined.Conclusion: This study showed that other genetic mechanisms may play an important role in the pathogenesis of IBD. For further evaluation of this mutation, other studies with a larger number of patients and complications such as thromboembolic diseases, is recommended.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    3 (59)
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Introduction: Fatigue is one of the most common symptoms in people with multiple sclerosis (MS) which reduces quality of life in these people. Sleep disorders are also common in people with MS. In order to facilitate management of fatigue and sleep disorder in this group of patients, it is important to determine those factors that are affecting them. Since mood disorders (depression and anxiety) and cognitive impairment is common in patients with MS, it seems sensible to examine the possible impacts of these factors on the relationship between sleep disorder and fatigue. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of mood disorder and cognitive impairment on the relationship between sleep disorder and fatigue in MS patients.Materials and methods: There were sixty people with MS participated in this study with an average age of 35 years who were mostly women (87%). They completed Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), Modified Fatigue Impact Scale (MFIS), Mini-mental State Examination (MMSE), The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) questionnaires.Results: Depression and cognitive status were the most effective factors related to fatigue and were producing 48.8% of the variation in fatigue. Other variables such as anxiety and sleep disorders had less effect. There was a positive relationship between sleep disorders and fatigue. Mood and anxiety scores were significantly and positively correlated with sleep disorders (P<0.01).Conclusion: Anxiety, depression and sleep disorder are the most important factors that influence fatigue. It is necessary for therapist to consider treatments for depression and anxiety in order to manage sleep disorders in people with MS.

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Introduction: in regard to previous various studies, the role and importance of phonology is clear in ability to read. However, studies have shown different outcomes in understanding the relationship between memory, language and phonological awarness. Considering the different characteristics of Persian script and the lack of phonology and related cognitive processing in Farsi, the present study seemed to be necessary. Also because of the relationship between phonological memory and reading, in this study we expected to find the power of language proficiency and memory in predicting children's reading skill. The present study assessed the statistical correlation between the memory, language and phonology in Persian language preschoolers.Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study included 40 normal preschoolers from Tehran. Phonological working memory tests (Digits Recall and Non-word Repetition: NWR), phonological awareness and language development tests were used.Results: There was a strong positive correlation between phonological working memory (Digits Recall and NWR) and the phonological awareness total score. Also there was a correlation between phonological awareness and language development scores. In spite of positive correlation between language development and Digits Recall, there wasn’t any relationship between language proficiency and NWR.Conclusion: Results showed positive statistical correlation between phonological awareness, phonological working memory and language proficiency in normal Persian speaking children. And also language skills and memory can work as predictors for reading skills in children.

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Introduction: Several studies have reported the protective effects of aerobic training and milk consumption in obese people, but the exact mechanisms of its effect on the inflammatory markers is not well known. The aim of this study was to determine the interactive effect of eight weeks regular aerobic training and milk consumption on levels of endothelin-1, nitric oxide, interleukin-6, Galectin, and lipid profile in immature overweight boys.Materials and Methods: In a quasi-experimental study 28 boys (8 to 12 years old) with BMI≥25 were selected and divided into 4 groups including exercise, milk, exercise-milk and control randomly. Exercise training was done with 45 to 60% of maximum heart rate during 8 weeks (3 sessions per weeks).Supplement consumer groups received 236 ml low fat milk per day. Before and after 8 weeks, blood sample were collected during the 14 hour fasting condition to measure the inflammatory markers and lipid profiles.Results: After eight weeks of supplementation and exercise, the mean concentrations of endothelin, galectin and IL-6 decreased, and nitric oxide increased. Most of the changes occurred in exercise-supplement group. VLDL, LDL and TG concentrations were decreased, though in contrast, HDL level was increased (P<0.05).Conclusion: According to our findings, regular aerobic training and milk consumption individually could be effective in reducing the levels of desired inflammatory factors and plasma lipids. If training was combined with milk consumption, the effectiveness would be increased.

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Introduction: Medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) accounts for 5-10% of all thyroid cancers andit is inherited in autosomal dominant pattern. Association of RET proto-oncogene mutations in exons 10-16 with MTC is well recognized. Since less attention has been paid to the study of other exons within the same gene, therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the frequency of germ line mutations in exon 2 of the RET proto-oncogene in patients with MTC in Iranian population.Materials and Methods: There were 223 subjects (125 patients and 98 family members) were participated n this study. Genomic DNA was extracted using standard salting out/proteinase K method. The exon2 and exon-intron boundaries were amplified by using Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and the direct DNA sequencing method was used for genotype analysis.Results: The nucleotide changes c135G>A/A45A (rs1800858) in exon 2 and c.337+9G>A (rs2435351) and c.337+137G>T (rs2505530) were found in intronic region of RET gene. Among patients and relatives, the most and least genotype and allele frequencies were c.337+137G>T (rs2505530) and c135G>A/A45A (rs1800858), respectively. Also we did not find any significant correlation between detected nucleotide changes and disease phenotype, gender and ethnicity.Conclusion: No mutation was detected leading to change in amino acid sequences in exon 2 or in exon-intron splice sites. However, further studies are recommended to identify the probable correlation between detected variations and presence or absence of other mutations in other RET main exons, and also to find haplotype association with the disease.

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    3 (59)
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Introduction: Despite acknowledged evidence of clinical and research on the executive functional impairment of methadone and buprenorphine, still no evidence of comparative study with other drugs and therapeutic approaches is found. This study aimed to evaluate the executive function in opiate users, and those who are under methadone, buprenorphine and abstinence therapy.Materials and Methods: The study is a cross-sectional survey. Five groups of 31 patients treated with methadone, buprenorphine, abstinence, and opioid abusers and the control group of addicted patients referring to the treatment centers in Semnan and ordinary people were randomly selected. Data were collected by performing computer version of Stroop and Working Memory Tests on subjects. Multivariate analysis of variance was used to analyze the data.Results: The results indicate greater impairment of working memory and response inhibition in opiate abusers, methadone addicts, buprenorphine and abstinence compared to the control group. Deeper investigation showed that patients treated with buprenorphine had better results compared to other treatment groups in working memory and Stroop test, although this superiority was not statistically significant in some cases.Conclusion: Although both methadone and buprenorphine leads to a reduction in executive function, but better performances of buprenorphine was marked even in compare to abstinence treatment. It seems that more emphasis should be done on the use of buprenorphine.

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Introduction: Cervical cancer is one of the common cancers in women. Several factors can lead to cervical cancer; among which, infection with human papilloma virus (HPV), abnormal epigenetic changes such as methylation of gene promoter, methylene tetrahydrofolatereductase (MTHFR) polymorphisms such as MTHFR C677T polymorphism are notable. MTHFR is an enzyme that plays a role in regulating the metabolism of folate and methionine. This study was aimed to illustrate the relationship between MTHFR gene C677T polymorphism and the risk of cervical cancer.Materials and Methods: This study examined 100 cervical cancerous tissues in compare to 100 cytology samples of normal healthy women without HPV infection. The age status of both groups was between (20-45) years old. PCR-RFLP was used for MTHFR polymorphism detection.Results: The results showed a significant correlation between the CT and TT genotypes and reduced risk of cervical cancer. Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium calculation showed that there was not any significant differences between observed and predicted genotypes; hence, the population of patients and the healthy participants for both loci were in balance.Conclusion: There was an increased risk of cervical cancer in individuals with genotype CC. It is more likely that allele C to be a high-risk allele, increasing the risk of cancer. Allele T, probably acts as a protective allele, which reduces the risk of the disease (OR: 0.5, % 95 CI: 0.28 - 0.89, P = 0.028).

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: The victimization of children in schools is one of the most controversial issues in the area of education around the world. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine the psychometric properties of multidimensional peer-victimization scale in students.Materials and Methods: In this study, 607 students in Semnan were selected by using a stratified sampling method and responded to multidimensional peer-victimization scale, Illinois bullying scale and Harter’s motivation questionnaire (concurrent validity). For data analysis, we used factor analysis method, Cronbach's alpha coefficients and Pearson correlations.Results: The nucleotide changes c135G>A/A45A (rs1800858) in exon 2 and c.337+9G>A (rs2435351) and c.337+137G>T (rs2505530) were found in intronic region of RET gene. Among patients and relatives, the most and least genotype and allele frequencies were c.337+137G>T (rs2505530) and c135G>A/A45A (rs1800858), respectively. Also we did not find any significant correlation between detected nucleotide changes and disease phenotype, gender and ethnicity.Conclusion: Results indicated that multidimensional peer-victimization scale in the Persian version questionnaire has acceptable psychometric properties for school students, and it can be used as a valid instrument in psychological research.

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Introduction: Chronic morphine leads to cognitive function impairment in human and experimental animals. While physical activity helps to improve the cognitive impairment in morphine dependent male rats, these effects were not examined in females. In this study, we investigated the effects of different intensities levels of forced exercise (light, moderate, and severe) on learning and memory and prefrontal cortex (PFC) BDNF in the morphine-dependent rats.Materials and methods: Adult virgin female rats were injected with bi-daily doses (10 mg/kg, at 12 h intervals) of morphine over a period of 10 days. Following injections, rats were trained under three different loads (mild, moderate, and severe), each for 30 minutes per session, five days per week and for four weeks. After exercise training, object recognition memory and alternation behaviour in a T-maze were examined, followed by BDNF measurements in PFC.Results: Chronic morphine intake impaired the recognition memory in morphine dependent rats and this deficit was corrected by moderate and severe treadmill exercise. Chronic morphine did not impair the alternation behaviour, but moderate exercise improved this behaviour in both morphine dependent and control rats. Chronic morphine reduced BDNF levels in PFC which did not reversed by mild exercise. Moreover, both moderate and severe exercises reduced BDNF levels in PFC in both morphine and control animals.Conclusion: Our findings indicate that the effects of exercise on cognitive functions and BDNF levels in PFC depend on the type of cognitive behavior and intensity of exercise. On the other hand, the correlation between changes in brain BDNF and cognitive functions, especially in the morphine–treated animals seemed to be complex and warrant further investigation.

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Introduction: Chronic wound treatment has become a major health issue in developed countries, because of their increasing elderly populations. Although chronic wounds are common problem in all population, treatment for these disabling conditions remains limited and largely ineffective. In this study, we examined the benefits of transplantation of fibroblast cells, cultured on PLA/CS (Poly lactic acid/ Chitosan) scaffold, in wound healing.Materials and Methods: In this study, fibroblast cells were cultured on nanofibrous PLA/CS scaffold then transplanted in rat. The PLA/CS scaffold was prepared by electrospinning method. Also histological staining methods were used to evaluate cell density and amount of collagen.Results: The macroscopic observations and histological staining showed that the wound healed much quicker in PLA/CS scaffold in compare to control group. In vivo assessment showed that treatment with fibroblast cell loaded scaffolds significantly promoted cell density and amount of collagen in rat compared to control group.Conclusion: These results indicated that the capacity of nanofibrous PLA/CS scaffold cultured with fibroblast cells in vivo wound healing.

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Introduction: The main method of separating platelet microparticles (PMP) is based on the centrifugation speed and time. Due to the high cost of determining the number of PMP via micro-particles (micro bead) and also the necessity of using an expensive device such as a flow cytometer, it seems that Bradford method would be rather an inexpensive, fast and efficient way to determine the concentration of PMP. Therefore, in this study the effect of different factors, such as speed and time of centrifugation and time of freezing on the concentration of PMP in the platelet concentrates bags was studied.Materials and Methods: We studied two different speeds of centrifugation for separating PRP. In the first protocol for preparation of PRP, the platelet bags were centrifuged at 1500g for 15min and in the second protocol; they were centrifuged at 5000g for the same duration. To evaluate the effect of time, microparticles were separated in 16000g for 20 and 2 min. To determine the concentration of PMP, Bradford method was used. To evaluation the effect of freezing, the PRP was prepared at 300g for 20 min, and then it was freezed in -80oc for five days. Flow cytometery analysis was performed for microparticles identification.Results: PMP concentrates with the 1500g centrifugation speed showed higher concentration (P<0.05). There was not any significant difference in concentrations of PMPs in relation to the time of centrifugation (2 and 20 min) (P<0.05). Freezing the platelet bags led to higher PMP concentration in compare to the first day of experiment. Flow cytometry analysis showed that microparticles had platelet marker CD41, which represented their origin.Conclusion: The result of this study showed that the reduction of centrifugation speed could produce higher levels of the microparticles. In addition, the time of separation in the final stage had no significant effect on PMP isolation. Freezing could lead to higher PMP concentration.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Previously it has been shown that Curcuma longa (CL) has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiviral, antifungal, antitumor, and antiniceceptive activity in neuropathic injury, when it is administered systemically, although the mechanisms that mediate these effects are not clear. The aim of present study was to determine the peripheral and visceral antinoceceptive effects of hydroalchoholic extract of CL on peripheral and visceral neuropathic pain in mice.Materials and methods: This study was conducted using 160 young adult male albino mice (25-30 g.) in 20 groups (n=8). CL (100, 200, and 500 mg/Kg IP), vehicle (VEH), and (Saline) were injected interaperitonealy 30 min before the pain evaluation tests. Acute and chronic pains were assessed by host plate, tail flick and formaline tests models and visceral pain was assessed by writhing test.Results: Results indicated that CL has analgesic effects on neuropathic pain (p<0.05) than the control group and the higher dose of CL was more effective (p<0.001).Conclusion: The above findings showed that CL has modulatory effects on peripheral and visceral pains.

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Introduction: Metabolomics is a powerful technique for determination of biomarkers. Here, we aimed to determine discriminatory metabolomic profiles in different stages of sulfur mustard-exposed patients (SMEPs(.Materials and methods: Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy was used to analyze serum samples from 17 SMEPs (normal group patients) and 17 SMEPs (severe group patients). Multivariate statistical analysis using random forest (RF) was performed on a ‘training set’ (70% of the total sample) in order to produce a discriminatory model classifying two groups of patients, and the model tested in the remaining subjects.Results: A classification model was derived using data from the training set with an area under the receiver operating curve (AUC) of 0.87. In the test set (the remaining 30% of subjects), the AUC was 0.8, thus RF model had good predictive power. We observed significant changes in lipid, amino acids and energy metabolism between two groups of patients.Conclusion: Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of serum successfully differentiates two groups of patients exposed to sulfur mustard. This technique has the potential to provide novel diagnostics and identify novel pathophysiological mechanisms, biomarkers and therapeutic targets.

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 Introduction: Previous study indicated that the lack of thyroid hormones during brain development can be associated with structural and biochemical changes in the brain that can cause psychological disorders. Physical exercise affects brain neurochemistry and may be amilorate behavioral deficit in hypothyroidism. The aim of this study was to determine the impact of moderate forced exercise on the effects of maternal hypothyroidism on anxiety-like behaviors in adulthood rats.Materials and Methods: For the induction of hypothyroidism, 6-propyl-2-thiourycil (PTU) was added to the drinking water (50 and 200 mg/L) of mothers, from the 6th prenatal day to the 21th postnatal day. Maternal hypothyroid adult offspring were exercised on treadmill with moderat intensity for 2 weeks. For measuring the anxiety, animal were tested in an elevated plus maze (EPM) and light and dark box (L/D).Results: Induction of hypothyroidism during the rat fetal and early postnatal period increased anxiety-like behavior in both EPM and L/D box tasks. Treadmill exercise with moderate intensity, during the postnatal period did not affect the levels of anxiety significantly. Also forced exercise alone increased anxiety behavior significantly.Conclusion: These findings indicated that maternal hypothyroidism increase anxiety-like behaviors and treadmill exercise with moderate intensity did not amilroate this behavior. Moreover, physical activity in moderate intensity had anxiogenic effects.

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Introduction: The aim of this study was to examine anxiolytic effects of acute morphine and the role of BDNF receptor on that effect in adult rats.Materials and Methods: In this experiment, 48 adult male Wistar rats (200–250 g) were randomly assigned to six groups. Rats were given an acute dose of morphine (10 mg/kg, s.c.) and after 2hours, single dose of ANA12 (BDNF receptor antagonist) was injected (0.25, 0.5 mg/kg, i.p). After 4h, rats were examined in the EPM to assess the level of their anxiety. Control rats similarly received saline.Results: An increase was observed in the percentage of time spent in the open arm in the saline rats receiving ANA12 injection. However, the number of open or closed arm entries was less and more, respectively, in the morphine rats receiving ANA12 injection.Conclusion: Our findings showed a modulatory role of BDNF/TrkB receptor in the anxiolytic effects of acute morphine.

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Introduction: Emotional intelligence (EI) is one of the most important issues in many aspects, especially in educational area. Its relationship with academic achievement depends on culture and may reflect in various educational topics in different forms. This study investigates the relationship between EI and academic achievement of students of Semnan University of Medical Sciences (Iran).Materials and Methods: In this cross sectional study, 607 students of Semnan University of Medical Sciences, Iran were participated. The research instrument included two parts, demographics and 90 questions Bar-On EI questionnaire. The Grade-Point Average (GPA) of previous semester was considered as indicator of participant’s academic achievement.Results: A positive significant relationship was observed between EI and academic achievement (r=0.122, P=0.003). There was a positive significant relationship between academic achievement and all EI components, except empathy, social responsibility, interpersonal relationship (p<0.05).In other words there was not significant relationship between any of the interpersonal components and academic achievement, but all components of other aspects of EI had significant association with academic achievement. There was a significant relationship between interapersonal (r=0.125, p=0.002), adaptability (r=0.124, p=0.002), stress management (r=0.110, p=0.007), general mood(r=0.124, p=0.002) and academic achievement, but the association between interpersonal component and academic achievement was not significant.Conclusion: Generally, there was a positive significant relationship between EI and academic achievement, therefore, it seems to be necessary for the educational centers, especially universities, to conduct practical programs to upgrade students' emotional and social skills and capacities. With increasing students 'capabilities to cope with environmental pressures, a more stable base will be provided for academic achievement and emotional intelligence’s long term effects such as increased performance in occupational and social functionalities.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: The evidence indicates that physical activity increases memory and ability to learn in human and animal. That is to say, the brain remarkably responds to exercise. The purpose of this study was to compare the effect of anaerobic and aerobic exercises on memory.Materials and Methods: In this study, ninety male participant students were randomly divided into 3groups of 30. The task for the first group was 3 aerobic exercises (treadmill with intensity of %60-%70 HR max) for 60 minutes per week for 8 weeks. The second group was trained for anaerobic exercise (treadmill with intensity of %75-%85 HR max), whereas the third was the control group, who performed no exercises and no intervention/interferences. After trainings, all ninety students were participated in a memory test at the IQ TEST lab. This test was conducted both at the beginning and the end of program to evaluate their memory function in the terms of Wechsler Test/ on the basis of Wechsler Test.Results: Wechsler fragment tests/subtests before and after aerobic and anaerobic exercises showed the effects of aerobic training (15.50±5.41), anaerobic training (17.00±4.89) and the control group (2.13±1.96) on the change in memory function. The variation of memory scores between each of aerobic and anaerobic trained subjects with control group was significant (P<0.001). However, there was no significant difference in the memory scores between the aerobic and anaerobic trained subjects (P=0.381).Conclusion: In general, the findings of this research showed that the 8 weeks aerobic and anaerobic exercises had high positive impact on the memory function in the students undergoing the experiments. We conclude that aerobic and anaerobic exercise can serve as a mean to improve the memory function and is recommended for benefiting memory and learning processes.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: More than four years has been passed from the execution of efficiency improvement law in Iran. But still it is not clear how far the law had been successful in meeting nurses' job expectation. So, this study was purposed to determine nurses’ job expectation in regard of efficiency improvement law.Materials and Methods: This was a descriptive analytical study that was performed by participation of 155 employed nurses in the case of running efficacy law hospitals in Semnan city. Nurses were selected by quota sampling method. The data was collected by a questionnaire that measured the nurses’ opinions to efficacy law. Finally, the data were analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics.Results: The efficacy law could answer to half of nurses’ expectations in the area of their wages, while in the field of carrier development did not have that much success. More than 63% of nurses believed that efficacy law enhanced their communications in working environment. Also, there was no significant difference between nurses’ demographic characteristics and dimensions of job expectations (P>0.05).Conclusion: The nurses' efficiency improvement law was successful in occupational communication domain of job expectations. But in other dimensions of job expectations did not have significant success. Therefore, it is suggested that the strengths and weaknesses of this law to be re-examined and nurses' job expectation to be more attended in that area.

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Introduction: Superficial fungal infections are the most prevalent skin fungal infections. They are often so innocuous that patients are often unaware of them. Cutaneous fungal infections, caused by dermatophytes, are usually located at the derm and hair follicle. Living in populated places such as student dormitories raise incidence of the skin fungal infections among residents. The aim of this study was to evaluate the epidemiology of superficial and cutaneous fungal infections among students that are resident at dormitories.Materials and methods: In this study a total of 704 male and female students, living in the dormitories were examined for any skin fungal disorders and those suspected to fungal lesions were sampled. Samples were examined by direct microscopic examination, methylene blue stain, and culture in specific media and biochemical tests.Results: In total 95 students (8.79%) were considered positive in superficial and cutaneous fungal infection. The prevalence of superficial and cutaneous infection in female students were 74.8% (95 cases) and in male students were 26.3% (25 cases). Malassezia ovalis was the most frequently isolated species of superficial fungal infection in 89.5% (77 cases) of samples. Trichomycosis axillaris and Tinea versicolor in low percentage were reported (9.3% (8 cases) and 1.2% (one case) respectively, in the samples. The cutaneous fungal infection with Tinea pedis (ringworm) was the most prevalent 88.9% (8 cases) and candidiasis was the lowest percentage of cutaneous infections, 11.1% (one case(.Conclusion: The results of this study showed that the considerable percentage of students infected with mycoses and since these diseases are highly contagious, more attention should be made to prevent the occurrence of superficial and cutaneous fungal infections among dormitory students.

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Introduction: Wound healing is an important process that requires specific factors and conditions. Various medications have been developed to accelerate wound healing, among them; herbal medicines are the safest and more effective of them. The present study was performed to verify the effects of Ceylon cinnamon, Plantagolanceolata and Flaxseed linum on cutaneous wound healing in rats.Materials and Methods: Ninety-Six rats were divided into twelve groups of eight. Wounds were induced on the skin area around the vertebral column. Herbal pre-prepared ointments with different concentrations were administered on the wound area.Results: The results showed that cinnamon extract accelerated the wound healing process and specifically increased epithelialization. The later effect was more effective than that of Plantagolanceolata and Flaxseed linum. Also the Plantagolanceolata wound closure effect was significantly faster than the Flaxseed linum. Histopathological evaluation of the wound healing in the day fourteenth after the treatment showed that the highest rate of wound healing was observed with Ceylon cinnamon and that Plantagolanceolata and Flaxseed linum were the next in rank.Conclusion: Generally, comparative evaluation of these therapeutic plants suggests that Plantagolanceolata extract produce the best healing effect on cutaneous wound healing process than the other comparable medicinal plants.

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Introduction: In recurrent event a specific event occur repeatedly over time for a person. The frailty models take into account this correlation and provide efficient inferences. The frailties are assumed to be constant over time that it may be insufficient. Therefore time-varying frailty models are more realistic models. The aim of this study was to fit a time-dependent frailty model in the gap time between recurrent events.Materials and methods: In this study, a time-dependent frailty model was introduced in the gap time between recurrent events, that was a generalization of the Wintrebert (2004) model in cluster data (center-effect). The parameters were estimated by Gaussian quadrature method. The model was applied to epilepsy data.Results: The time-dependent frailty model fitted better in compare to shared frailty model. The observation time for IED on EEG in 56 patients (%73 male, %34 veteran status) with epilepsy was studied. Age and veteran status were the two risk factors in the gap time between IEDs. Variance of frailty was significant too.Conclusion: The result of time-dependent frailty model was reliable when there were unknown time-dependent factors in medical data and make changes on times of occurring recurrent events. The Gaussian quadrature was an applied method to fit a time-dependent frailty model. The programming for this method was comfortable; hence this method can cause time-dependent fraility models to be more practical in medical studies.

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Introduction: Recently the neuroprotective role of uric acid (UA), as a natural biochemical substance, in neurodegenerative diseases has been proposed. Due to the critical role of apoptosis in many diseases of the nervous system, the present study was designed to investigate the anti-apoptotic effect of UA on motor neurons of the ventral spinal horn in neonate rats.Materials and Methods: Two-day-old rat neonates (n=10) were subdivided into experimental and control groups. In both groups, right sciatic nerve was transected. Experimental neonates were immediately treated with 10mg/kg UA intraperitoneally, while the control’s wound was closed without treatment. Five days after axotomy, transverse sections of spinal cord at L5 level were prepared for morphometric cell count and TUNNEL assay.Results: The motor neuron loss in axotomized side compared to intact side was 30.48%, which illustrates the effectiveness of axotomy in inducing motoneuron cell death. The TUNNEL assay confirmed the apoptotic characteristics of cell death. Comparing the mean motoneurons loss in the axotomized side of the control and UA-treated neonates, revealed a significant difference between the two groups (p<0.05). Also in both control and experimental groups, the difference between the apoptotic Index of the axotomized and intact sides was statistically significant (p<0.05).Conclusion: Neuroprotective effect of UA is possibly through inhibiting the apoptotic cell death, which occurred with the axotomized motoneurons in ventral spinal horn.

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Introduction: Tetracyclines are organic compounds, which can enter to the aquatic environment and their sustainability is a key issue for the environment. Therefore, this study aimed to study the use of natural and modified zeolite with cationic surfactants for absorption of tetracycline from aqueous solutions. Materials and Methods: In this experimental study, the adsorbent was made in vitro and its characteristics were analyzed by using XRF, SEM, XRD, FTIR. Also the influence of pH, amount of adsorbent, tetracycline concentration, time and the influence of confounding factors on adsorption, dummy samples of wastewater were investigated. Our laboratory data were compared with Isotherm models and kinetic equations. Regenerative thermal and chemical adsorbent and tetracycline adsorption of real samples of water were taken. All sampling and testing water and sewage were based on standardized tests.Results: The highest adsorption of soluble synthetic tetracycline was happened with both adsorbants in 180 min, 12g/L adsorbent, pH=3 and with the tetracycline concentration of 50mg/L. In these conditions, the efficiency of adsorption of synthetic solution by natural and modified zeolite were 78.8% and 77.4%, respectively and in the actual sample were 60% and 65%, respectively. Adding confounders such as hardness, alkalinity, nitrate, chloride and sulfate to the tetracycline solution, decreased the adsorption efficiency. Using HNO3 and HCl to revive both adsorbents was followed by better result in compare to thermal revival process. Adsorption of tetracycline with both adsorbents followed the pseudo-second-order equation and the Langmuir isotherm. In concentrations greater than 50mg/L of tetracycline, the adsorption by modified zeolite was more efficient.Conclusion: Natural and modified zeolite showed high efficiency in adsorption of Tetracycline solutions and according to the availability, ease of use and ability to produce chemical and thermal reclamation, it is recommended for removal of Tetracycline from the wastewater of pharmaceutical industry.

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