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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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The purpose of this study was to design a strategic entrepreneurial model in the tourism industry with an exploratory mixed approach in the companies providing tourism services in the center, east and south of the country (Tehran, Mashhad and Shiraz). This research is applied-developmental in terms of nature, exploratory and mixed-heuristic in terms of data collection. In the qualitative part of the study, the research team consisted of 30 experts, including academic experts and managers of tourism service companies, selected by non-random method. The statistical population in the quantitative section consisted of 263 companies providing tourism services in the center, east and south of the country with 3, 5 and 163 sample size was estimated by stratified random sampling. In the qualitative section, the data collected was analyzed using Nvivo version 8 software and formulated in the conceptual data model of the Foundation. In the model test, the research hypotheses were first formulated and then analyzed by path analysis using SPSS software version 25 and Smart-PLS version 3. 2. The results of the quantitative phase showed that causal conditions affecting strategic entrepreneurship include social aspect, destination environment, and entrepreneurship growth and destination development. Intervening conditions include communication, predictability and new investment, and contextual conditions include resource gathering, human capital and productivity. The strategies outlined include cultural-social growth, the impact of incentives, and systemic engagement to improve performance, integration, and maximize the use of experiences as strategic entrepreneurial outcomes.

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Tourism is a great economic, social, environmental, political and ideological power. Countries in this field have succeeded that using the information and communication technology in this industry and finding new ways to effectively use the capabilities of this sector. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the e-readiness of the Directorate General of Cultural Heritage of Tourism and Handicrafts in Iran’ s East Azerbaijan Province in order to develop E-tourism. For the purpose of collecting the required data, an e-readiness Likert Spectrum questionnaire with 20 questions was distributed to 50 people and using the PLS-SEM and using the two SPSS 23 and SmartPLS 3 software, the effects of extracted variables on each other were studied. Although the results indicated low e-readiness of the Office of the Cultural Heritage of the province, the positive relationship of all three indicators of infrastructure preparedness with a coefficient of 0. 245, organizational readiness with a coefficient of 0. 377, and service and system readiness with a coefficient of 0. 257 The development of electronic tourism in the East Azerbaijan province was confirmed.

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The purpose of this study is investigating the effect of gamification on customer behavioral consequences. This paper is an applied research that in term of data collection is descriptive – survey. Target population of this study is all travel agencies customers who shop online, that using simple random sampling method, 73 members of target population were surveyed. In this research, two methods of library and field methods (a standard questionnaire consisting of 36 items) have been used for data collection. Also in order to investigate the relationship between variables and data analysis, the partial least squares method (pls) and smart-pls software have been used. The results showed that gamification has an effect on hedonic and utilitarian values and hedonic and utilitarian values have an effect on customer satisfaction. The other results indicated that customer satisfaction has an effect on brand love and brand love has an effect on customer behavioral consequences, including brand loyalty, positive word of mouth, and resistance to negative information. The travel agency managers can improve their organizational performance by utilizing the results of this research and recognizing the factors affecting on positive behavioral consequences of customers and strengthening them.

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The tourism destination image is one of the most important and debatable topics in marketing research in the tourism industry. Because, it influences both the choice of travel destination and the future behavior of tourists. Despite the importance of this concept in the development of the tourism industry, the subject of the image in studies of Iranian tourism has not received notable attention. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the tourist images from Tabriz metropolitan before and after their trip. The research was conducted by descriptive-analytical and survey methods. In this regard, a well-defined questionnaire was used to collect the data. The study analysis has been done by using descriptive statistics analysis, one-sample t-test, paired t-test and Pearson correlation coefficient method(s). The results of this study showed that visiting of Tabriz city caused a significant positive change in the tourist image. There is also a significant positive correlation between tourists' image with their willingness to re-travel to this city. Recreation, leisure activities, and visiting of tourist attractions were the most effective motivations for traveling and choosing of Tabriz as a travel destination. The important point in conjunction with the ways of getting information of the tourist’ s destination is that the significant development of social Medias operate as new forms of word of mouth advertising alongside its traditional form (friends and acquaintances) in producing the tourist's previous cognition and images prior to their trips to the our case study. The results of the present study would be beneficial for image management and tourism development activities of Tabriz metropolitan.

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Over the last decades, tourism has been proposed as a key factor to pass some of the challenges like e. g., fighting poverty, and as a tool to reach sustainability. Meanwhile, many countries seek to make a contribution in tourism revenues by representing their cities in a very competitive market. Therefore, the livability enhancement of cities, especially their main streets as the space for the occurrence of tourism activities, interactions, and communicative actions to one of the vital aspects of the cities sustainability has received lots of attention. Accordingly, the current research aims to measure the effects of Valiasr street livability on tourism sustainability using quantitative method and structural equation modeling. The statistical population consists of experts in the area of tourism and urban planning, and the statistical sample was selected using snowball sampling method. The obtained results show with 95% of confidence interval that the livability of Valiasr street has a significant positive effect on the sustainable urban tourism development. Additionally, based on beta coefficients, it was found that the environmental and physical components have the greatest influence on the sustainable urban tourism development. Such findings provide politicians and planners of the urban tourism area with new attitudes, indicating that the livability enhancement of the city's streets is the integral part of success in the sustainable tourism arena.

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GHORBANI HAMID | Roknoal Din Eftekhari Abdol Reza | Hashemi Seyed saeed | Zahedi Shamsolsadat

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Heritage tourism literature in recent times has shown the increasing interest and interest of individuals and groups in this type of tourism. In recent decades, we have seen the development of the concept of heritage tourism by international and national organizations. Tehran as the capital of Iran has significant potentials in the field of heritage tourism which due to lack of proper management has not been able to take advantage of this potential and capacity. The purpose of this paper is to present an appropriate model of strategic management of spatial tourism of Tehran urban heritage. The method of this research is descriptive-analytical and based on survey data. To achieve the purpose of the study, one sample t-test, Friedman test, confirmatory factor analysis were used. The results show that there is a significant difference between tourism spatial strategic management indicators from the perspective of tourists. The results also show that empowerment index has the highest role in strategic management of heritage tourism, after which public policy and market have the highest average rank. The lowest average is also about product and social acceptance. Among the three studied areas, 20 are more favorable for tourists and 6 and 12 are less favorable in terms of heritage sustainable development indicators, respectively. The difference between local people and tourism is also evident. As explained in the previous section, Region 20 is less favorable to locals than Districts 6 and 12, but tourists disagree.

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The service quality has an important role in attracting tourists, including medical tourists. Accordingly, the aim of this study is to identify the quality gaps in medical tourism service with fuzzy approach in Ardabil city. For this purpose, three gaps including 1-The gap between the perceptions of the managers of the treatment centers about patient expectations and patient expectations; 2. The gap between the perceptions of the managers of the treatment centers about patients' expectations and the actual characteristics of the service quality; and 3. The gap between patient expectations and patient perceptions have been examined. The population includes all Azarbaijan tourists entering the city of Ardabil and all doctors and specialists, dentists, pharmacists and medical science related specialists in the city of Ardabil. Using the Cochran formula, the sample size was 384 Azarbaijan patients and 100 employees of the treatment centers. In order to measure the research variables, the standard questionnaire of Padma et al. (2009) was used and its validity and reliability were evaluated respectively by content method and Cronbach's alpha coefficient. The quality gaps in medical tourism services were evaluated based on fuzzy method. The results showed that there is a gap between the perceptions of managers of health centers and patients' expectations. There was also a gap between the perceptions of managers of health centers about patients' expectations and the actual characteristics of the service quality. Finally, the results indicate a gap between patient expectations and patient perceptions. Therefore, all three research hypotheses were approved.

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Today, paying attention to the factors affecting tourism development in the village and benefiting from the prospect of tourist attraction is one of the main methods for the development of tourist villages. Meanwhile, the mentality of the local community and native experiences is a great help for the benefit from existing potentials. The designer's negligence from the dominant mentality leads to the designer's inadvertence of some of the factors influencing the design. This research was conducted with the aim of discovering the opinions of local people about the methods of tourism prosperity in the village of Bilehdaragh in Sarein city of Ardebil province. In order to understand the mentality of villagers, the Q research method has been used. This method has the ability to focus on the host community, especially rural small communities. The method that has been performed in five steps is a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods. The data were collected from residents of Bilehdaragh village. For this purpose, 35 propositions from the discourse space were extracted and sorted in the mandatory table. As a result, the existing mentality indicates that, there are two important factors in the way of the tourist's prosperity in the example case. The first point reflects the importance of physical factors and actions and the second mentality reflected the importance of social and cultural measures. In the following, the propositions of each of these considerations were prioritized, then consensus and distinctive propositions of subgroups were extracted.

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The aim of this study is to identify business model content in Isfahan Handicrafts (vitreous enamel). Inductive Qualitative Content Analysis Method was applied for this research. Statistical society consisted of 130 active businesses in the field vitreous enamel works in the city of Isfahan. Purposive sampling method was used and data were collected through interviewing 15 individuals and the content of 9 business model dimensions by Osterwalder was identified. Afterwards, relevant validity was verified through qualitative approach. Finally, we prioritized the items by means of Shannon Entropy. Recognized items for customers can be classified as 4 items. Recognized items concerning proposed value include 10 items. Different kinds of customers’ relationships, are 3 items. Distinguished channels include 3 items. Recognized issues for key sources consist of 3 items. The major activities were divided into 2 items. Key partners include 3 items. The most important costs consist of 5 items.

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The purpose of this study is to identify and analyze the Importance-Performance of the factors affecting maritime tourism in Khorramshahr port. This research is applied in terms of purpose and in terms of data collection, descriptive-exploratory and mix research type. After identifying factors using past research and interviewing experts (final interviewees, 5 people), two questionnaires were designed for research. For the first questionnaire (factorization questionnaire), the statistical population of the study was tourists who visited Khorramshahr in 1396-1393. The sample size was estimated using Cochran's formula of 384 people who were randomly selected. To answer the second questionnaire for Importance-Performance, 7 tourists were selected by judgment method. Data were analyzed using SPSS and Excel software. The results of the research showed that five variables of welfare-services facilities, safety and security factors, socio-cultural factors, tourism facilities and attractions, and traffic and access factors affect the improvement of maritime tourism. Also, Importance-Performance analysis showed that two factors of tourism facilities and attractions and welfare-services facilities are factors that should be focused on the port of Khoramshahr.

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Tourism development has always been a contributory factor to the improvement of economic development in most communities and destinations. Job creation, diversification of economic opportunities, income generation and national and local prosperity can be considered as positive effects of tourism development. Today, many countries are struggling to find new ways to grow their economy. Therefore, although there are different situations in different regions, tourism is always considered as a key factor in economic development. According to the Statistics, Iran does not have an acceptable rank regarding investing in tourism industry. However, according to the Iran’ s 20-year vision document, this country must attract an acceptable percentage of world tourists by the end of 2025 as well as generating more revenue from tourism. The present study aims to study the impact of government’ s investment on job creation in the tourism industry using the systems dynamics approach. In other words, it intends to forecast the volume of jobs created if the government initially invests in the tourism industry. In this study, a total of 6 scenarios were presented using Vensim PLE 7. 3. 5 software. Then, scenarios were compared and analyzed in terms of the amount of investment needed and the potential for creating employment in the tourism industry. Finally, several recommendations have been presented based on the results.

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The salt lake of Qom, with its unique attractions such as salt crystals, regular octagonals, minerals, desert species and saline species, has so far failed to improve its position among tourism destinations. Branding can create an interesting image tailored to the Salt Desert's tourist attractions in the minds of tourists. The main purpose of this study is to identify and prioritize the factors that influence the success of desert tourism branding in the salt lake of Qom. The purpose of the present study is mixed, practical, and data-gathering. The statistical population is the same in both qualitative and quantitative sectors, and the four tourism experts are familiar with desert tourism and salt lake of Qom. The sampling method in both sections is non-probability and snowball type and the sampling adequacy level follows the theoretical saturation rule. Data were collected by field method in qualitative method through interview and in quantitative method by questionnaire. The content analysis method is used in the qualitative part and the AHP technique is used in the quantitative part. According to the results, factors affecting the success of desert tourism branding in Salt Lake include tourism attractions, cultural, infrastructure, managerial, government support and customer attraction, most important through hierarchical analysis techniques, low-weight tourism attractions and 40 They identified customer attraction with a weight of 0. 056. Keywords: Tourism, Branding, Desert Tourism, Salt Lake of Qom.

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The hotel industry is a mix of tangible and intangible services; Accordingly, hotel guests usually purchase at one time a service with several sign-based rating criteria. . the purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of exploration and exploitation strategies on the reputation of brand by considering the role of loyalty and image of tourists. The purpose of this study is applied and descriptive-survey in nature. The statistical population of the present study was 4783 people residing in spring 2018, 4 and 5 star hotels in Yazd. A total of 355 available samples were collected by Cochran formula. The data collection tool was a questionnaire. The validity of the questionnaire was calculated using AVE at an acceptable level greater than 0. 5 and its reliability was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha coefficient and its value was above 0. 7 and confirmed. Amos software was used for data analysis. The results showed that ambivalent strategies include exploration and exploitation strategies that have a significant effect on tourists' mental image. The findings also showed that the mental image of tourists has a significant effect on tourist loyalty and tourism brand reputation. The results showed that loyalty of tourists also influenced brand reputation. Also, the exploration strategy with the mediating effect of brand image affects the reputation and loyalty of tourism brand. Operation strategy also influences the brand loyalty of tourism by mediating the effect of brand image; But the mental image exploitation strategy does not have a significant impact on tourism brand reputation.

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of destination brand involvement and destination brand personality on tourist’ s self-Congruity and destination brand attachment in Isfahan. This research is applied, descriptive and of a survey type. The field method was used to collect data using a questionnaire. The statistical population of this study is all Iranian tourists who selected Isfahan as tourism destinations in the summer of 1397. Sampling method is available in this research. The structural equations modeling sampling formula (5q≤ n≤ 15q) has been used to determine sample size, and finally 384 questionnaires were collected. To analyze the data and test the hypotheses, structural equation modeling using Smart PLS 2. 0 software has been used. The findings of this research show that of destination brand involvement affects destination brand personality. Destination brand personality has an effect on actual self-congruence and ideal self-congruence. Also, destination brand personality effects destination brand attachment. Ultimately, actual self-congruence and ideal self-congruence effects on destination brand attachment. It is suggested that the results of this research can be used to city branding of Isfahan and to create a common mentality among tourists taking into account the tourist attractions of this city.

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Taghizadeh Joorshari Mohamadreza | DELAFROOZ NARGES | shabgou monsef Seyed Mahmoud | BAGHERSALIMI SAEED

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There are many emotional fields between people and the destinations they visit. The personality traits of these destinations are a new dimension that can be formulated by focusing on destination branding strategies. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to identify the dimensions of tourism destinations brand personality for guilan province using the mixed research approach and in the form of two parts, qualitative and quantitative. At the implementation stage, 55 personality traits in guilan province were identified through depth interviews with 11 experts who have at least 5 years of experience, continuous work in tourism and marketing related positions and have a masters degree or higher and content analysis of text data and their coding in the qualitative research section, and then 65 personality traits were added to the research literature study. Then, by removing the duplicate traits, a list of 102 personality traits was prepared and available to 15 others academic scholars in management and psychology to select the closest personality traits to describe the province. Finally, 16 features remained in the list, and the basis was for questionnaire design and distribute among tourists. Analysis of data collected from 468 tourists using exploratory factor analysis led to the identification of three dimensions with a unique, warm and stylish titles. These dimensions and their 16 sub-character traits were once again confirmed in the confirmatory factor analysis and Lisrel software.

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Innovative marketing throughout the supply chain can act as a driving force for effective management and execution of Employees’ engagement and green supply chain for the hotel. On the other hand, the green supply chain in the hotel industry has attracted the attention of many researchers and industrialists, and can be used as a tool to integrate the nature of the industry. In this regard, the main purpose of the present study is to analyze the role of moderating marketing innovation in the relationship between hotel Employees’ Engagements with green supply chain management in the hotel industry. Population of study consists of all of Employees’ for 5 stars Tabriz hotels (Pars, Shahryar and Kaya). Due to the limited statistical population of the study, Cochran formula was used to determine sample size. Data gathering tool was a standard questionnaire, whose validity was confirmed by experts and its reliability was estimated by Cronbach' alpha coefficient. Present study is an applied research in terms of purpose and it is regarded to be a correlative descriptive research based on the way of obtaining required data. Then, the data were analyzed by using Structural Equation Modeling. The findings of this research showed that Green development and training, Green employee empowerment and Green pay and reward system have a positive and significant effect on Employees’ Engagement and Employees’ Engagement positively influence on green supply chain management. Also, marketing innovation has moderated the relationship between employee engagement and green supply chain management.

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Since one of the ways to maintain loyal customers is customer relationship management (CRM), it is essential to understand the factors that influence it. Various studies have been conducted in this area. The purpose of the present study is to investigate the impact of organizational culture (adaptation, engagement, adaptability and mission) on customer relationship management (focus on key customers, process organization, knowledge management and modern technologies) in the hotel industry. The research method is quantitative, applied and descriptive-correlation. Denison (1990) standard questionnaire and Customer relationship management questionnaire (Sinn et al. (2005)) were used to measure organizational culture. The statistical sample of the study was randomly selected from four-star hotel staff and managers in Yazd city And the conceptual model of research has been analyzed and analyzed using partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). Research findings show that organizational culture has a significant impact on customer relationship management in hotel industry.

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of innovation behavior on dimension of intellectual capital and also effect of human capital on organizational performance with clarifying role of opportunism and competitive advantage. The employee of employees of four and five – star hotels in city of Tehran were consisted the research population. Convenience sampling method and Cochran formula were used for obtaining a sample. The standard questionnaire was used as a tool for collecting required data which its validity and reliability were examined through the content validity and Cronbach's alpha, respectively. Present study is an applied descriptive survey in terms of purpose and data gathering way. PLS software and structural equation modeling was used for data analyzing. The findings show innovation behavior has positive and meaningful effects on the customer capital, human capital and organizational capital. Also, opportunism and competitive advantage has positive and meaningful effects on organizational performance. The results also show that Organizational capital and organizational customer play a moderating role in the relationship between innovation behaviors on human capital.

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