Introduction: Research is the basis of nursing and should be in accordance with society’s health needs. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the master theses' subjects in nursing conform to the burden of diseases as Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs).Methods: In this comparative study, 373 researches registered in the lists of school libraries or university web sites as master degree theses in nursing during 2000-2005, were investigated. Then, their subjects were compared with the etiology of burden of diseases as Disability Adjusted Life Years in Eastern Mediterranean Region published in World Health Organization Report in 2003.Results: The proportion of theses' topics and the etiology of burden of diseases, including intentional and unintentional accidents, sensory disorders, congenital anomalies, gastrointestinal and dental diseases, respiratory diseases , nutritional deficiencies and endocrine disorders was less than optimum. In contrast, the proportion of theses' topics on cardiovascular, genitourinary, dermatology and musculoskeletal diseases, diabetes mellitus, neoplasms and maternal and antenatal problems was more than the related DALYs. In addition it was optimum for neuropsychological disorders.Conclusion: Most theses' topics were in accordance with this health index. Considering the high number of theses concerning maternal situation, specially ante-natal problems and also, urogenital tract, it is suggested to avoid this over attention and consider other topics such as accidents and their burden more, in doing research and thesis.