Health- therapeutic informatic is some what of a new technology and with the help of
microcomputers it has become integrated into health and medical treatment systems
rather rapidly. TGday informatic iu health, Treatment and education plays an important
role in industrialized countries. Howecer, the belief that only countries whit advanced
technology can take advantage of such a thing is a misconception. All countries- including
third world countries- can benefit from informatlc -explain health and medicinein the .
future world it is necessary first to consider technology.
la order to the complete development of all aspects of the subject from every angle. As we
move toward the future, we may anticipate many difterent development. We will see very
wide and rapid effects on medicine depend upon.
l-The relationship between patient and physiclan
ll-The relationship between societyand its health and medical providers
lll-The relationship between workers, planners, and managers
This is the latest in the road to the future evolution of health and treatment in hospitals.
At present time HIS (Health Information System). is being used for laboratory results,
doctors, order, drug orders, and several similar things in many countries. The use of
computers in the hospitals can be summarized to three areas : financial, operational and
In the 1960s,much attention was givento the digitaIcomputer storage ofpatients medical
records. As aresult, In the 1970s there wereseveralnewsystemsdevelopedto aft"ectsuch
undergoing theory. Some of the successful systemsare CONTAR,MEDICALRECORDs
SYSTEM, TMR, and ARION. With their use any patient is able to use and receive
mt:-dical and diagnostic treatment anywhere-in the world. Without a doubt, medical
professionals and patients any where in the world during the 21st century willbe able to
use their world-widemedical records to receivemedicalattention.