Background and Objectives: Professional development of faculty members is one of the aspects of improving academic quality and an effective factor in improving the quality and empowerment of faculty members in educational system. The purpose of this study was to determine the needs of the faculty members of Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences by applying agreement approach. Materials and Methods: This descriptive study was conducted among 57 faculty members of Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences in 2018, using census method, with the aim of identifying needs in five areas: research, education, personal skills and competencies, information technology and evaluation, and management and executive needs. Needs assessment was conducted using the Delphi technique in three rounds. The results were reported as mean, standard deviation, median in separate tables and priority needs were determined in each area. Results: The most important needs in the five areas included getting to know writing articles in English, searching for electronic resources and databases, introducing new teaching methods in the classroom, principles and practices of learning, language courses such as speaking, familiarization with the translation technique, analysis methods and structural equations with LISREL and AMOS, softwares for analyzing qualitative research, communication skills and classroom management. Conclusion: Accordingly, design, implementation and evaluation of educational programs is recommended by the Education Development Center and other related units of Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences.