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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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    2 (30)
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Mum effect is the situation when a person decides to withhold important information for certain reasons. The main identity of the Mum Effect is the greater reluctance of the individual to give bad news about his desire to give good news and thus to be silent. The main purpose of the present research is to influence Hofstede culture dimensions on the employee performance and organizational communication given the impact of Mum Effect. The statistical population of this study is employees of governmental organizations in Semnan. According to Morgan table, a sample of 285 people was selected. Data gathering tool was a standard questionnaire (Hofstede, 1994; Ramingwong & Snansieng, 2013; Yildirim, 2014 and Koopmans et al., 2012). Structural equations’ modeling was used to analyze research data with Smart-PLS software. The results showed that power distance index, individualism, masculinity, uncertainty avoidance and long-term orientation have a positive and significant effect on the Mum Effect. Other findings of the research have a negative effect on the Mum Effect on employee performance with β (-0/488) and organizational communication with β (-0/514). What distinguishes this study from the studies of the dimensions of Hofstede's culture is that the present study emphasizes the role of the variable of Mum Effect that was neglected in previous research.

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This research is conducted Aim of the factors related knowledge processing model design in Universities. The present research is a fundamental research in terms of purpose, and in terms of data collection method, a descriptive survey study. The statistical population of this research is two groups: experts familiar with the knowledge processing style, directors and staff of Tehran public Universities. A sample of 30 experts, a sample of 311 directors and staff of Tehran's public universities, were selected, and a questionnaire with validity and reliability was approved for collecting data, distribution Became The collected data were analyzed using factor analysis and variance analysis. The results show that the task, organizational culture, information technology, organizational structure organization size, learning strategy, and individual characteristics are The main determinants of the knowledge processing style in public universities of Tehran.

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    2 (30)
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The aim of this research is to determine the influential factors on e-marketing of commercial organizations in order to improve the quality of their activity in the cyberspace through presenting a scientific model which is aligned with the corporate strategies of the organizations. This research aims to answer the question of how e-marketing programs used in online business organizations can support the corporate-level strategies to lead to increased organizational success. Research methods used in this research include systematic review method to study and categorize the studies, metaanalysis for coding extracted models and parameters, evaluation of theories for determining effective parameters needed for modeling using SPSS software, and a meta-analytic method for finding the relationship between the final 11 selected parameters for modeling and theorizing using Miccomk software. The results showed that alignment between e-marketing and the organization's macro strategies was necessary, and at the end, a model was presented for this purpose.

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    2 (30)
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Human resource management quality has an extensive impact on employee attitude and their behaviors and the end in organizational performance. So, human resource management quality has an important role on employee behavior and performance. The aim of this research is to designing a tool for measuring human resource management quality in good governance base and validating it in Iran’ s public sector. To explore this state, in qualitative part, we surveyed the literature and then interviewed 28 employees of the different organization. By analyzing literature and qualitative data from interviewed, and use roadmap of Iran administration system correction and good governance in the public sector model, prepare a conceptual and operational framework. Roadmap of Iran administration system correction showed that human resource of Iran has a five sector(planning, recruitment, training, motivation, performance management, retirement). For determining content validity, it was sent to 30 management consultants and experts. Management consultants and experts confirmed the content validity of conceptual and operational framework. At the second stage, for determining construct validity of our measure, we use factor analysis. The results confirm the construct of our measure. The result of this research, is a validate tool for measuring human resource management quality in Iran’ s public sector.

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    2 (30)
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Transformational leadership is a process that seeks to improve employee behaviors and behaviors by changing the mind and heart; developing insights, awareness and understanding; clarifying goals; aligning behaviors with beliefs, ethics, or values. The purpose of this study was to investigate and analyze the current state of transformational leadership in public universities. The statistical population of this study consisted of all faculty members and staff of public universities. Due to the size of the statistical population, a sample size of 358 was selected by stratified random sampling. Transformational Leadership Status Questionnaire was developed using the standard Multivariate Transformational Leadership Questionnaire (form 5X MLQ) with the dimensions of ideal influence, subjective motivation, inspirational motivation, and individual considerations. Structural validity, confirmatory factor analysis and Cronbach's alpha coefficient were used to determine the validity and reliability. Data analysis was performed by SPSS software and univariate t-test, independent ttest and ANOVA. The results of the tests showed that there is a significant difference between the average status of transformational leadership and the expected status of transformational leadership at the error level of less than one percent and with 99% confidence. Therefore, the status of transformational leadership in public universities is significant. It is rated below average.

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    2 (30)
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Today, in the economies of all countries, both developed and underdeveloped, it is necessary to pay attention to increasing productivity, because countries can producehigh-quality goods and more competitive power by optimizing the use of resources. In this regard the purpose of this study was to identify the role of input, processing and output factors on the productivity of human resources of East Azarbaijan Municipality. This research is a descriptive survey in terms of practical purpose and in terms of data collection method. Also, the present study has been analyzed using mixed methodology (qualitative-quantitative). In the first stage, in order to identify the factors of input, processing and output, interviews were conducted with 10 professors, faculty members and experts in the field of employee behavior, and using thematic analysis method, analysis and questionnaire were designed. Little research has been done. The statistical population in the quantitative section included the staff of the municipalities of East Azerbaijan, where the required sample size with the Cochran's formula was 350, which were selected by simple random clustering method. The data collection tool was a questionnaire whose validity and reliability were investigated. The findings of the qualitative section showed that the factors affecting human resource productivity are in 3 main categories (input, processing and output factors) and 51 subcategories. The results of data analysis and analysis showed that input, processing and output factors affect the productivity of human resources on the productivity of municipal employees and the result of ranking the factors affecting productivity was as follows: 1-Output factors 2-Processing factors 3-Input factors.

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    2 (30)
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The purpose of this study was to design a comprehensive organizational silence model based on the organization's five pillars. The study method is descriptive and qualitative which has been implemented in two stages of Delphi and Library. In the first stage, using the research literature, components of organizational silence were identified. Then, based on the five organizational elements (environment, people, structure, goals, and technology), the proposed conceptual framework of organizational silence was obtained. the statistical population includes Professors of Payame Noor, Allameh Tabataba'i, Tehran, Beheshti and experimental managers in Tehran, using snowball sampling method. From all questions in all Delphi periods, the sample t-test and the mean and standard deviation were used. Kendall's correlation coefficient for all dimensions was calculated. The results showed that all the terms are meaningful and the factors related to the goals at the close to very strong level, have the highest agreement, after which the technological factors, the inner environment (Socio-cultural), individual managers, structural, external environment and individual factors of employees. At the end of the final model, organizational silence was designed based on the five organizational roles. Therefore, it can be concluded that all five aspects of the organization and its dimensions can be effective in maintaining organizational silence and it is necessary that managers pay enough attention to organizational dynamics and organizational mobility in all five dimensions of the organization.

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    2 (30)
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The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of child and adolescent health centers over 13 years old in Semnan, Golestan and North Khorasan provinces. The present study is applied in terms of purpose, and is descriptive-survey in terms of data collection. The statistical population of the study is the managers and experts of the child centers in the provinces of Semnan, Golestan and North Khorasan to prioritize the performance evaluation indicators. A sample of 20 individuals was selected. Adolescent care centers over 13 years of age were also selected as performance evaluation samples. A questionnaire was used to collect data. AHP technique was used to prioritize the performance evaluation indicators of adolescent care centers and ARAS technique was used for comparative evaluation of selected centers in this study. The results of paired comparisons showed that the index of specialist force with the weight of 234/0 was in the first rank, the empowerment and future supply of children with a weight of 221/0 in the second rank, the atmosphere and environment of the maintenance center of children with a weight of 0/188 Third place. Similarly, the weight of each of the sub-indicators was characterized by a hierarchical process analysis technique, which was ranked below the high experience of employees with a weight of 0. 071, the skill of working with adolescents weighing 0. 65 and the future insurance contracts Third is located. Based on the results of the ARAS technique, center number four has the highest performance.

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Today, the resignation of employees, especially skilled and skilled personnel, is one of the problems of organizations that has focused on a large part of the measures and attention of human resources management. The purpose of this research is to identify and rank employee resignation factors. The method of research is a combination of qualitative and quantitative factors that were identified in the qualitative section of the factors affecting resignation through interviewing ten of the bankers and academics, and in the small part of the resignation factors, the questionnaires were interviewed by the staff, then the factors were ranked by Fuzzy AHP. The statistical population consists of 6000 employees of Mehr Eghtesad bank. The sample size was determined by using two-stage sampling method and cluster sampling methods proportional to the sample size using 384 people and Krejcie and Morgan tables. In order to analyze the data, one-sample t-test, exploratory factor analysis and Fuzzy AHP were used. The results show that financial requirements, individual factors, job factors and organizational factors are the first to fourth factors of factors affecting employee resignation, respectively. It is also important from the perspective of employees that earnings from employment are more important than other indicators.

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    2 (30)
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At the present age, our universities need leaders who can balance both routine management and new activities in complex sittuations, and these emerging leaders are leadership Model of Universities Based on grounded theory (Case Study: Tehran State University) The main purpose of this research is to design an ambidextrous leadership model in public universities conducted using the Glazier grounded theory method. Data gathering tool was semi-structured interviews with 11 experts in the field of higher education who were selected by theoretical sampling. The ambidextrous leadership concepts and components (106 key concepts, 25 primary and 7 secondary) of the interviews were identified and formulated in the context of the grounded theory conceptual model. According to the research findings, the central category is ambidextrous leadership. The results showed that the components of individual abilities include (individual abilities, individual skills, attitude, behavior and motivation), strategic planning (targeting, foresight), ethics-oriented and service-oriented. (Adherence to ethical skills, service and accountability, continuous supervision); university macro management including (knowledge management, continuous development and improvement of knowledge, participatory management, utilization of human capital capabilities, financial management, professional development Faculty members; Developing scientific collaborations (connecting with industry, commercializing and internationalizing universities); Taking advantage of opportunities including (recruitment capability, management Facilities, identifying capabilities); Coordination and flexibility include (communication skills, balance management, design management). These results are presented in the form of a data base model for the use of university presidents and faculty members.

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